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liberalizm at it's "best".
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Weak DA.
The next guy that kills someone for simply speaking a word, will expect the same or lesser punishment.
That's killing someone over their first amendment rights, for real.
It's not 'a' word, the n-word is illegal, because discrimination is illegal.
Calling someone a racial slur is assault.
There is no visable harm,no verifiable harm from a word.
It is all hypothetical.
YOu can't prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that a word hurt you.
No of course not, but remember he just hit him. Intent matters.
By the way, you are a hypocrite, because any reason or not a reason at all,
is good enough for you to justify cops SHOOTING people, sometimes seven times
in the back. That is the INTENT of killing that person.
The word is intended to hurt, so it hurts.
The word is attacking the persons inescapable identity,
not the persons actions.
OK, tiny correction; four times in the back and three in the side.
I'm not going to put up all the video's now. You probably already saw all of them. Sometimes 'suspects' get shot because of holding up a phone, some kids get shot holding a toy gun or BB gun, a 13-year-old boy with autism got shot 11 times for not listening, a couple got shot while laying om the floor, a suspect got shot through his car windows seconds after the cops exited their car, a guy got shot through his garage door, a guy got shot on his porch holding a sandwich and some guy just got neck-crushed the life out from him. And you are still asking for evidence? What evidence will ever be enough?
It's not 'some psychopaths' and it's also not the majority of the police. But it's way too many of them. It's due to a lack of accountability and a toxic culture, which IS the majority of the police or at least to an extend all of the police.
What was the ruling then? Self defense against discriminating verbal aggression?
He would go to prison in Europe, but the US favors self defense more.
If it's self defense to shoot someone with an assault rifle when you're kicked,
it's self defense to hit someone, when you're verbally abused.
So actually pretty consistent with other cases in the US, where people don't get charged for causing the death of others.
This is exactly what I am talking about. I am NOT saying people should get accidentally killed for saying the n-word (discrimination is illegal), BUT YOU ARE saying looking through a window (not illegal) is a justification to intentionally kill someone over.
Both their 'devious behavior' was walking around while being black.
It's not a reason to not care about innocent people getting killed by police.
BLM is a group founded to profit from the suffering of black people and use that money to further their radical agenda.Buying mansions that were former communist owned and so on.NOT 1 family of a black person shot by a white cop has gotten any money from BLM.
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Black on black crime makes up nearly ALL of the killings in the black community. Especially in liberal controlled cities. In fact, the lib defund the police is hurting black communities the most. Many of these areas are demanding MORE police!
Even big Joey says defund the police is DEAD. He said this during the State of the Union. He only said this because crime is SKYROCKETING in blue cities/states. Midterm elections- it is going to be a slaughter for the democrats.
For many ghetto blacks, crime is generational. Anyone who dares to try to leave that lifestyle are often killed...
Where is legitimate black leadership in the US? Elite liberal colleges. Chardonnay white liberals.
BLM- Nothing but law breaking rats funded by Soros.
ps- progressive wet dream bail reform here in NYC-- losing altitude faster than MH370.
Black on Black crime?! to qoute gretta here,"OH DARE YOU", remind people of the facts. How can the democrats continue to use the black people for votes if they learn the truth????They are their own worst enemy.Until black people learn to value themselves, no one else can be expected to value them.
Trump, who ran as a republican, had the unemployment rate the lowest in history for black people . You see how much it was appreciated.
I also don't recall any police being harmed.
Trudeau and his cronies are communist dictator wanta be's.
Damn shame to. Canada is a beautiful country with endless resources and hard working people. How Castro's illegitimate son got to run the place is beyond me.
a shot and wearing a mask, to protect the lives of their family, friends and country.
Your country asked it's citizens to do their duty and all the right-wingers chose to be
a bunch of cowards.
I don't wanna, vaccines are icky!
I don't wanna, it's new technology!
I don't wanna, it's not tested enough!
I don't wanna, it's not approved yet!
It's approved for emergency use! No, not good enough! I want dewormer medicine!
I don't wanna, Bill Gates but microchips in it!
I don't wanna, because it's socialism!
Bullshit, it's FEAR!
Blm'ers cost America millions in property loss's because of a couple thugs that were killed.
The truckers that sit alone in the cab of their trucks for hours every day,were simply fighting for the choice of what is put into their body.Plain and simple.
IF you notice,there was trucker protest in other countrys to.And there is 1 going here in the US.
So canadians wanting freedom of choice are not alone in their quest.
Sometimes choices have CONSEQUENCES.
Right-wingers always point to other people needing to take responsibility,
but the world be damned, if they need to. PATRIOTS? MY ASS!
Are you incapable of looking at the causes for things that happen?
When people protest a legitimate problem, than government can choose to act on that problem. If the government reforms the police, BLM goes home. Problems solved.
When people protest vaccine and mask mandates and the government says "OK, you don't have to", then more people will get Covid, more people will die and the fucking disease will keep on infecting, mutating and killing. Worse problem!
You cannot deny a pandemic. It will do the destruction it is allowed to do. It will affect the economy either way, because it disables, kills and creates medical costs. The only way out is preventing infection and protecting the people with vaccines. If we finally beat this thing, it will be pure luck, because people did their best to help the virus.
The government asked nicely and politely first. No control then, but right-wingers
still became fucking crazy. The problem could not be solved by asking politely.
Why should the rest SUFFER, for your idea of freedom?
"If the government reforms the police, BLM goes home. Problems s"
If you believe that,I have really nice bridge I would like to sell you in San fransico.
It's everyone's responsibility to take that risk, to prevent worse.
It's not about feeling safe, it's actual improvement of safety.
Unvaccinated people are filling up the hospitals, that's a fact.
Hospitals are overburdened, that's a fact.
People with a medical emergency have died because of that.
That's just one reason the unvaccinated effect other people.
Viruses mutate, that's a fact. Every single infected person creates another risk of
an even worse mutation. Vaccines still prevent infections up to 50%. Every infection prevented, reduces the risk of an even worse mutation.
Why San Fransisco? Did they reform the police and BLM didn't go home?
Must be impressive. Did the cops read a Powerpoint on how not to kill people?
It has been "sold" a million times.
Why is it if the side effects are so tiny I can count several people suffering life changing side effects, 1 being my father? Don't be so naive in thinking you are being given all the facts just because you are pro vax ok? To many people with degrees in science are coming out explaining stuff for it all to be rosy as the government is telling us.
this fake news about side effects is the media suppressing alternate news to the crap the government wants people to be fed.
Here is abc news actually providing this. Just a example of some of the bullshit being proven wrong or at least enough evidence presented to warrent a second look.
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this site and several from politicians and alternative media. I gave your link
'a second look': I searched on the claim and found an article criticizing that claim, within 1 minute. The claim is false and misleading on many levels.
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The claims are not supported by REALITY. Lockdowns worked well in my country, every time, even when those were too late and compromises of half measures. China has eliminated Covid with lockdowns almost completely. They had nothing else. Some western countries did very well too, with less draconian measures. Even if your lockdowns were that ineffective, are you surprised?
The US hardly did any lockdowns. Many red states did nothing or almost nothing.
That's why Covid searched in those red states.
I am very open to 'alternate news', but I found the sources, claiming the things you are referring to, to be even more unreliable than your corporate media.
Some 'alternate news' is suppressed by Google, I know. I can still find it with other search engines. I have seen those sites and was astounded by the amount of ridiculous anti-science, pro-pseudo-science bullshit propaganda on there. Anyone who is able to believe that, has a screw loose.
Your media is corrupt, they do what their corporate owners want them to do. There still exists independent media, but you just need to know how to find it and how to investigate their funding sources. If the site carries banners of herbal extracts or essential oils against Covid, you immediately know they are actual 'fake news'. Other sources take some more research.
(Research means 'systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions')
I have investigated many truly independent sources. They were accurate with
the concerns about the vaccines and they are now accurate in the risk/benefit assessment. There are risks with taking the vaccines, but they are tiny, even though often (a little) uncomfortable. In any case, the risks of Covid are much higher. I know this is true, because I can corroborate the news with REALITY. Everything I see and hear around me, from sane people, supports the data.
Every time I investigate claims, from for instance my bone head brother-in-law, who doesn't believe viruses exist, it fails under even the slightest scrutiny.
You're the one believing easily refutable lies.
A patriot is a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors. I would add; against all odds.
Covid was the enemy. Your country asked you to do your duty; stay at home,
take hygiene precautions, wear a mask and vaccinate.
Right-wingers failed to protect the country and a million citizens died.
The cost of some minor risks and inconveniences was too high.
Because you think the country asking you to do your duty is control.
Now you have qualified yourself to be able to sort out and determine the sane people and those that are not. It must be good to be you.
It only takes one verifiable falsity, for any claim, to prove it incorrect.
People who hang on to an incorrect claim are either dishonest or irrational.
People who hang on to many incorrect claims and reject verifiable facts
are in my opinion not (completely) 'sane'.
I regard all people to be 'sane', until they have given ample signs they are not.
My brother in law is a good example. He hangs around with and believes a lot of the claims of people who believe the government is trying to enslave, hurt and kill as many people as they can, because of overpopulation, by using the vaccines as timed 'suicide pills' and that the Clintons tried to worsen the floods in the south of our country, by keeping a hydroelectric power station closed and later opening it to achieve maximum damage. He sends us videos where Bill Gates supposedly admits the vaccines are intended to do genocide in Africa. He thinks there is some sort of disease, but he thinks 5G is connected with it. He believes Covid is just a coverup for the people being killed by the state.
He attended protests, but found the protesters to be untrustworthy, crazy fanatics, but that hasn't helped him to understand that the ideas are crazy.
If you think his ideas are 'sane', then sorry, you are not 'sane'.
My mother in law was scheduled for a knee operation this week. My brother in law visited last week, while he had a cough and runny nose for weeks. She didn't like that much, but didn't confront him about it. Not a week later she started to feel pretty awful. She knew she would not be accepted in the hospital with signs of Covid, so she did a home test, which was positive. Now her operation has been reschedules to May. She was very nervous about the operation and now sees it postponed. My girlfriend had to reschedule her care leave. Her superiors were not amused with it in the first place and were annoyed they again need to reschedule the team. But, to not anger my brother in law everyone accepts it and doesn't even ask him to do a test. He is a plumber and probably goes from customer to customer infecting everyone.
I hope all the old, frail ones are vaccinated. He might be the carrier of death
for some of them. Unfortunately, he gets crazy when we talk about anything connected to Covid, so we don't anymore. Otherwise he's a good lad.
The government does coverups, that is true. But everyone knows several people who died of Covid and personal stories about very impactful health issues that are clearly caused by the vaccines are rare and often unreliable. If there is a tendency to distort the facts, I have seen it to a much greater extend from the right-wing media than from the government.
That is a gripe the provac folks tend to ignore,the burger flipper turned "nurse" giving the shots. DOCTORS and NURSES should be giving the shots.NOT burger flippers.
Nurses were a 'bit busy' at that time, trying to keep the tsunami of
Covid patients from dying.
Actually, I'm not that pro-vaccine. I've never gotten a flu shot.
I'm just pro-health. I consider the risks and rewards and decide.
In a deadly global pandemic, I tend to be less picky.
Did you know it was the worst pandemic in US history, already in September 2021? It surpassed the death toll from the 1918 Spanish flu (675,000 people).
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Good questions< I would like to hear the answers.
'white history month' sounds like thanksgiving. In the time that was introduced,
black people certainly had no reason to say thanks for what was given to them.
'straight pride'? Do we need a day to fight for equal rights for straight people and
against the shame and social stigma that straight people face each day?
But, if you want to have a 'white history month' or 'straight pride' display in your store,
I guess that is your free speech right and I won't even come in to complain about it.
There should NEVER have been a month set aside for any particular race of people.it is discrimination. Plain and simple.
Straight people are hated, let a straight business owner decide not to serve a same sex couple and see what happens. Instead of simply calling the next number in the fucking phone book the couple sues.
It is hatred plain and simple.
Celebrating something does not impact anyone else, not serving people impacts those people.
Since we don't have it, I can't comment much on it, but it sounds like a good idea to widen the scope of black history month a bit, to include other previously subjugated minorities. The natives sure deserve something like it, they were almost completely genocided. The Chinese were obviously treated poorly, but they at least made their own choice to come to the US. So, sure, lets give them a day, not more. If there were any other immigrants treated just as poorly, lets give them a day as well. There were obviously also white people suffering in the new found lands, but they suffered by the hands of other white people. Can't have day for that. That would fill up the year too fast. The Incas cut out each others hearts. A little much to give them a day for that.
But the descendants of the Spanish who invaded South America should have at least
a day to commemorate all the indigenous people they wiped out.
I'm would support Keti Koti to be more broadly recognized and implemented.
That doesn't mean you are forced to participate in any of it.
You're not forcing Christmas on anyone, right?
I politely ask the boss if I could come to work that day anyway right in front of my coworkers.I felt Memorial Day was more important. They all laughed and the boss said no,he couldn't authorize overtime for that. I honestly considered going to my work place and stand at the gate holding a sign," I want to work today".
So Christmas is a federal holiday,mlk day is also, so both are forced on us as you put it.
Why is it discrimination to not serve 1 person over another?
When there is more than 1 place a service can be had? If there was only 1 cake maker in the US, sure it might be a issue. But to sue over something like that when there is dozens of other sources for the same service is simply making a mountain out of a mole hill. Just post on face book to all the friend that this place wouldn't serve us and let it be.
It's discrimination when people are denied service, because of their identity group.
And ones religion is not an exemption to allow the discrimination of others.
Google 'definition of discrimination'
It's under the Equal Protection Clause, which is part of the first section of the Fourteenth Amendment. Denying someone service because of their race, sex, national origin or religion is discrimination by law.
Political views are not a protected class, so if people deny you service for being
a right-winger, that is not discrimination by law. Because you have a choice.
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