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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51

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By phart [Ignore] 30,May,22 18:32 other posts 
Even the puppy knows there is "someone" in there.
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By phart [Ignore] 30,May,22 14:59 other posts 
Cat,in your quest to make me look like the bad guy by supporting gun rights,you ask what we might could do to help prevent shootings.
Here is a little known issue that needs to be addressed.
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If you are smart,they don't want you for a police job.
Gee I wonder why? Is it that they may question orders?
Could it be they get bored?
Could it also be they get bored and frustrated with the liberal judges?
By #610414 30,May,22 16:50
Phart, 1st, I suggest you read the article before you make your theories. 2nd, I’m not in a quest to make you out as the bad guy. You do that all on your own. You are not willing to compromise so you look for excuses. You say people have a right to protect themselves and I agree with you. I just don’t understand how they can do it with an AR15. Do they carry them by their strap into Kroger or Walmart? Do you deny that many people that carry have short fuses? Are you going to insist that if everyone carries, no one would pull a gun in simple arguments?

By #574505 28,May,22 19:14
only registered users can see external links. Fuck up cops
By phart [Ignore] 28,May,22 21:14 other posts 
The more I learn about this, the madder I get.A simple locked door,a couple cops going in, lives coulda been saved.
Poor kids. I wonder how long the shooter had been in the closet?
I read 1 story ,I can't find it now, that the shooter had threatened some girls and mentioned shooting up a school months ago. Gee, starting to sound alot like the florida school shooting. Allowed to happen by ineptness, apathy and to much sympathy for wacko's.

By #610414 27,May,22 10:06

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The second amendment starts with, “A WELL REGULATED MILITIA “. That says it all. Every thing that comes after that can and should be REGULATED. For you out there, it doesn’t mean NO GUNS. It means that laws can be enacted for the safety of the public. That’s it.
By phart [Ignore] 27,May,22 13:29 other posts 
Nice,you found the 2'd online and posted it.
NOW tell me where in that sentence that it tells me I can't have but 3 bullets?
Tell me where it says I can't have but 1 flint lock?
It does not ban any weapon.It does not dictate how many bullets.
IT does not even define the type of regulation it refers to.
Is it saying that all 18 years old serve in the army to be trained with arms? could that be the regulation? TRAINING?
YOu don't know,I don't know,but we both can sit there and read SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

It was written at the time when people knew America would advance in all areas of technology.
By #610414 27,May,22 15:55
You really missed the point. 3 bullets or 100, it can be regulated. See? You can’t even talk about it.
By phart [Ignore] 27,May,22 22:42 other posts 
why can't I? Sure anything can be regulated?
Your hair length could regulated.
I didn't miss any point,I tried to make 1 and you missed it.
Regulations are not a fix all for problems.
There is a root to these problems,find that root and cut it. Stop the growth.
By #610414 28,May,22 06:59
Yes, find the root cause but, at the same time, regulate so less nuts will get a gun. Sounds to me that is what we both want
By phart [Ignore] 28,May,22 08:50 other posts 
yea,I don't want nuts getting guns.
of course not.
Even Trump agrees with us both on that.
By phart [Ignore] 28,May,22 19:05 other posts 
There is a coma in there between free state and the. That would indicate 2 separate things, a militia and the people.

By phart [Ignore] 27,May,22 22:43 other posts 
Here is another case of a good gun stopping a bad 1. A woman with a pistol takes out a guy with a ar
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By #610414 28,May,22 14:52
I think the lady did the right thing. HOWEVER, 1: There’s an AR15 in the picture. 2: the lady had a concealed weapon (in this case, yes) 3: only the lady stood up to the shooter, why?
By phart [Ignore] 28,May,22 15:46 other posts 
Not sure why only a lady stood up.
Could it be that men are getting wimpyer?

By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,May,22 11:44 other posts 
What's REALLY funny, or bizarre, is that:

● Minimum age for alcohol purchase in Texas: 21

● Minimum age for gun purchase in Texas: 18

● Minimum age for gun possession and handling in Texas: none

By #610414 27,May,22 11:59
I’m sorry, what is ABC?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,May,22 12:12 other posts 
A typo. Corrected it.
By phart [Ignore] 27,May,22 13:25 other posts 
Whats really funny is the more news that comes to light about these shootings ,the gun is less and less at fault where as the failure of government and police enforcing current laws is the real reason the shootings are happening. You ignored the post I made explaining about the retired federal agent actually chatting with the new york shooter and looking over his plans 30 minutes or so before the event. you fail to acknowledge the fact police in texas hid in the hall way as dying kids dialed 9-11 to get help.
Doors unlocked on the school. EVEN the shooter had enough sense to lock the doors AFTER he got in.
Stop pointing your fingers at the gun and point at the real problems
By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,May,22 13:55 other posts 
Dude, I'm not interested in the specifics of this killing. I'm only saying I'm so happy I don't have to live in your dangerous society. You're fucked up.
By phart [Ignore] 27,May,22 15:37 other posts 
Dude, If you are not part of a workable solution,and don't want to be a part of the problem,look for something else to piss and moan about! We just disagree on this whole issue,nothing personal and I am glad to be able to read your ideas and cats to because knowing how the other side thinks is good for creating a defense against socialism in general.

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With this mindset,how do the crippled people in your country protect themselves??
By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,May,22 18:36 other posts 
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By #610414 25,May,22 13:50

Yes to bad they shot him .should have suffer


Well I agree to a point.he could have been thrown into a pond full of sharks .
But with our excuse of a justice system they would drag the damn trial out for 15 years and the family's that lost loved 1's would have relive that tragedy over and over again .With the son of a bitch dead, they can mourn and recover.
Although the question of why will probably never be answered.

By phart [Ignore] 25,May,22 14:01 other posts 
Well it should be common sense that we are saddened by it.We are just trying to see the only positive thing to happen,and that is the fact the sumbitch won't hurt anyone else.
What makes me sick is the media and their history lessons.I think even leo posted a long list of shootings. We already know what happened in the past,we don't need to hear it over and over again.
What we need is when people act suspicous, someone needs to do something.
There is a procedure that was put in place for the secret service that could be implemented nation wide to help prevent these situations. But instead of solutions, just cry and hollar gun control .way to go

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To develop a national strategy to prevent targeted violence through behavioral threat assessment and management, and for other purposes.
By #610414 25,May,22 16:47
If you know the history, why are you making excuses instead of doing something about it?
By phart [Ignore] 25,May,22 20:36 other posts 
What can i do? I vote for people to go into office to fix things and hope for the best. I am not a person of authority that can do anything.Are YOU?
By #610414 26,May,22 15:54
You have more power than you think. You know the old saying, “All it takes for evil to succeed is to stay quiet. “. Write your congressmen, your governor, your state representatives. Go to government open houses. Tell them what you want or need. If enough people do this, politicians will listen.
By phart [Ignore] 26,May,22 11:09 other posts 
Hows this for bullshit?
40 minutes before the police went in to deal with the school shooter!
Texas Department of Public Safety Director Steve McCraw said Wednesday that 40 minutes to an hour elapsed from when Ramos opened fire on the school security officer to when the tactical team shot him.
Hell,the shooter had time to order pizza or something.
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By #610414 26,May,22 15:48
He was barricaded but, response time can be long. Relying on the POLICE ALONE is not enough.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 25,May,22 20:56 other posts 
Gun reform does not mean ban all guns, Just a means to "at least" implement something so idiots can't just go buy one.

And as for assault weapons, there is no fuckin need for anyone to have them. These things are made for war and should be left there.

Stop going on about oh me oh my they trying to take my guns away. As above it's a reform not ban. Fuckin glad I live on this beautiful big ass island.

This topic is old now I guess until the next tragedy, Guessing maybe next week.
By phart [Ignore] 25,May,22 21:24 other posts 
I don't mind stopping the idiots from getting a gun of any sort. Mental health exams, back ground checks,things of that sort could be implemented and not violate anyone's rights.
BUT this will only help in the legal gun purchases.
Once the legal methods are removed, then people just go to the back street corner at midnight and get what they want.

Deal with this desire to kill, find why it exist, that will help alot.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 25,May,22 21:49 other posts 
That's true but takes time. My eldest daughter is a forensic psychologist, Has her own business in Sydney and contracts to the Corrective Services. She deals with many unsavoury people and her role is to ascertain if they will re offend so basically Parole or no parole. With that being said, some don't have any incling of mental illness so even tho is is a contributor, so is the media Hence why someone has a bad day... Fuck I wanna die and comes to the decision imma gonna kill fuckers today and be famous.

Genetics shows some bad people are just bad people.

I was fucked in the ass at an early age, by someone my mother trusted. I am so over that and has not turned me into a p3do because of it. We can make all excuses for behaviour but... the best prediction of future behaviour is past.

You have to apply for a gun licence here, at the police station and a simple psych test. And a reason to own a firearm of anysort.

Sure can buy one here no problems off the street. And there is tit for tat going on here ATM of killings but that just two IMPORT drug families and I hope the kill each other so they gone. But no mass shootings because of simple regulations which don't envovle locking of doors nor bullet proof glass at schools as an answer
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BTW this is not an attack on your opinion, just a side from someone who is more qualified to speak than you or me. Regardless of it being my daughter. My wife and I played for her degree
By phart [Ignore] 25,May,22 22:27 other posts 
By #610414 26,May,22 15:57
I like the way you think DEV, but, we must not forget. All it takes is little steps but soon……well, maybe one day we’ll be like your lovely island.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 26,May,22 17:22 other posts 
I hope that is the case. I understand it won't happen overnight but my hope is it will

By phart [Ignore] 18,May,22 21:20 other posts 
Here you go Ananas2xLekker and Cat,
Read this.
Perhaps this will shed some light on the value of a gun.
NO shots fired, no one hurt. IT did it's job as a DETERENT to further escalation of the situation.
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Little knifey boy could very well has his brains blown out.BUT he didn't. BECAUSE the gun owner acted in a responsible way .He felt threatened ,but did NOT KILL ANY ONE.
What a fucking concept!
By #610414 19,May,22 06:14
Gun violence does not always end in deaths. However, the outcome is usually some form of an injury or another. Whether they be the perpetrators or the victims, the majority of people involved in gun violence do not leave the scene unscathed. There are about 100,120 people injured by gun violence in America every year. And these values only account for situations where violence was an intention in the minds of those who committed firearm-related violence.
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Look at that video. When the biker pulled a gun, the other guy rushed back to his vehicle and CALLED THE COPS. The biker was wearing steel knuckles. Please advise why someone would carry a gun and steel knuckles? Why didn’t the biker retreat and call the cops when the other driver showed a knife? BOTH of these people are assholes. They have an aggressive attitude that begs for violence. THIS time the gun was not used, but, the owner of that gun expects to use it at some time. NO GUNS, LESS VIOLENCE.
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,May,22 06:23 other posts 
You democrats seem to want it both ways but I’m telling you you can’t take away the legal people guns and defund the police at the same time it has to be one or the other we can’t all just sit on our hands and say guns kill we don’t want them and cops kill we don’t want them can’t you see at this point no one cares what you people want
Power to the people ✊🏿And death 💀 to the democrat party
By #610414 19,May,22 06:52
Defunding the police is a Republican boogie man idea. I don’t know a single Democrat or anyone else either, that wants to cripple any police department. This conspiracy by the right wingers was primarily a racist way to scare people into hating Black Lives Matter and other Black movements.
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,May,22 08:28 other posts 
Horse shit it came right from Biden mouth I can look it up but I don’t know how to post a link
Help me out here phart
Tell her not to twist things around
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We already hate the BLM movement in Pennsylvania they are not allowed in Pennsylvania we have the national guard and the kkk working together to drive them out that’s why you haven’t heard any thing about protesting here
By #610414 19,May,22 10:03
I thought it was because of you.
By phart [Ignore] 19,May,22 10:40 other posts 
I will work on it some more BUT it appears that YES biden did want to defund police but apparently his handlers were seeing problems and he changed his standning on the issue more than 1 time.
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In some pages he talks about funding according to meeting certain standards and what not.
The simple fact is,under his watch crime is up,our stock market is crashing and HE OWNS IT BABY, a year and a half into his term,plenty of time to have put the brakes on issues at hand but does NOTHING.
By #610414 19,May,22 10:44
I’ll give you that one. Democrats have one big fail. Every time they get control, they seem to sit on their thumbs.
By phart [Ignore] 19,May,22 11:38 other posts 
While sitting on their thumbs they refuse to open their eyes and notice the damage they are doing .Nor do they accept responsibility for it. They are still trying to blame putin for gas going up. The charts, every record known to man, that tracks oil and gas prices clearly shows the rise began LONG before putin took action in ukraine.
I just hope we don't find out later that perhaps putin had a good reason and we have been lied to.
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,May,22 12:35 other posts 
Putin reason is because he knows he can under the weak administration the United States 🇺🇸 have in place the same shit happened when Obama was in office I’m ashamed of my country in the current state
By #275407 19,May,22 13:36
Putin already had plans to invade Ukraine when trump was in office
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,May,22 14:11 other posts 
Maybe I’m just trying to wind candy up
By #275407 19,May,22 14:22
I have a question: why can't we elect a younger president that doesn't look like he's about to die. Isn't there anyone out there that is younger and qualified.
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And don't say gov. Desantis, it's easy to like the guy if you don't live in the state of Florida. I'm for someone that is for what I want, dem or rep.
By phart [Ignore] 19,May,22 16:07 other posts 
Yea,I would say there is probably 25 or 30 states full of people that wish they had Desantis.
You are welcome to send him up here to NC anytime. We will cheerfully give you this dipstick we have. Even will throw in a couple new suits!@
By #275407 19,May,22 17:45
I would rather not have a governor at all, let the people vote.
By #610414 20,May,22 07:47
You can have him
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,May,22 20:27 other posts 
My pick would be wrestler stone cold Steve Austin he’s strong he’s tough and would have us over stomping a mud hole in Putins ass and walking it dry
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Or maybe bill Goldberg he would be yelling who’s next
By phart [Ignore] 19,May,22 20:40 other posts 
By Dev01 [Ignore] 19,May,22 21:06 other posts 
Ukraine situation would not have happened on Trumps watch. Like DG said, Sleepy is fuckin weak and I'm the thinker on.. Take no prisoners and take NO shit. I've always been on America's side as for who i/we want for a superpower. Biden looks feeble and China are watching and waiting believe me.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Anyway can we go back to something simple, like licking ass and stinky wristwatch bands
By phart [Ignore] 19,May,22 21:57 other posts 
And biden is draining our oil reserves, sending a large amount of our weapons stock pile to are right,china is watching all of this. There will be a tipping point and china will hit taiwan and the US will be rendered to the level of a 3 year old in the grocery buggy at Food lion whining because he can't have any gummy bears. We won't be able to do a damn thing but TALK.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 20,May,22 08:34 other posts 
Part in reality it's people like opec and others that decide. MADMAX wS not just a movie... about to be real here just missing that nuclear thing . The fuel thing is just money making money. Over Here we winged about the 44cent exise on every litre of fuel. And we paying 2.19 for e10... the cheap one unless you have to pay 2,000 plus to fix that shit. So fuel went down to 1.96 for e10. With the government reducing excise by 22 cent per litre. 3 weeks later 2.49 for e10 a litre. Cat I ain't winging about it. Fuck if can afford 3 cars and a bike I'm Good. We are very happy off. But the price sucks and sick of government being to blame ... over here it is OPEC. Need more money reduce production, will send the WORLD economy into safe mode.
By #610414 20,May,22 15:50
Ok, OPEC. The whole world kisses their ass in different amounts. Are you third stacking or are you offering a solution?
By #610414 24,May,22 10:25
And yet, Old Joe just affirmed we would protect Taiwan in any way necessary
By phart [Ignore] 24,May,22 19:45 other posts 
And that will accomplish what exactly?
Did you not read about RUSSIA AND CHINA flying planes around japan while your Saint biden was still there?
IF we get involved with taiwan,we will be going to war with china and russia. China OWNS to much of the US already,such as Smithfield farms and so forth. How do you win a war with someone who OWNS YOU??????
By #610414 26,May,22 06:38
You nationalize their holdings. It’s funny how you right wingers complain Old Joe is weak and complain when he shows a set.
By #610414 20,May,22 15:53
Great choice Mountain Man, Steve Austin. Let’s pick a slab of beef with muscle for a brain.
By dgraff [Ignore] 20,May,22 18:52 other posts 
Ahhhahaha who cares about their brains I just want to kick some ass
By Dev01 [Ignore] 19,May,22 20:32 other posts 
Right on DG
By phart [Ignore] 19,May,22 20:54 other posts 
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Yes,he said it in so many words, send counselors and etc.
In other words send more soft targets into harms way.
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When pressed, he did say he "absolutely" agrees that some funding can be redirected to social services, mental health counseling and affordable housing, but he immediately transitioned to his previous proposal to deny federal funding to specific police departments that do not meet certain standards

It will be difficult to prove he said it in a way that meant to just flat out defund the police because the web has been bleached of his first comments on the matter. I distinctly remember him saying something in regards to cutting funds.and when the shit hit the fan and splattered on the democrat party,his handlers changed his narrative to fit better with the liberal agenda. I see nothing wrong with expensive surplus military equipment being given or sold cheaply to police departments. No need to destroy perfectly good equipment when the world stage is changing so fast to violence and mayhem /I would much rather pull up to a scene of a crime in a Hummer than on a friggen bicycle. for 1,you appear with more authority and professionalism than you would riding up on a damn bicycle. Alot more of a deterrent to continuing a crime spree/The Hummer could just flat out run the crooks ass down,where as he could shoot the cop and steal the bicycle and ride away.
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,May,22 22:08 other posts 
Them crooks better stay off my mountain because I’m not afraid to put a cap in their ass
By Dev01 [Ignore] 19,May,22 22:12 other posts 
Just on that first link. Australia has on had two mass shootings of innocent people. Unfortunately the first was very hard to get to like in Tasmania and the lower East Coast. Second was in Sydney at the Lindt yes chocolate, coffee cafe. There was a special agent cop that had him in his gun sight, But was not given the ok to shoot before this random fucker killed innocents.

The great thing about gun laws in this big ass island is if you have had a speeding fine.. No gun. You need to prove here why you can have one as opposed to the USA why you can't. I'm so sick of gun crime and such.

We are a lucky country but on saying that we still have issues like the world of certain situations. Domestic violence is another and should NOT be tolerated.--------------------------------------- added after 16 minutesAt one time humans had 44 chromosomes, those were the aboriginal people of the world and some can be found today in secluded or undiscovered aboriginal tribes. These people can be described as those whose conscious don’t see anything outside of themselves. With our modern evolution right now, we have 46 chromosomes, and we have evolved from the ideals of our former and our conscious certainly perceive things outside of ourselves. The next step of evolution would likely bring about a cosmic conscious where the chromosome count would be 48, or 46 & 2. That changes everything
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Basically, it's believed that there are three levels of human evolution and each has it's form of conciousness. There's the 1st level with 44 chromosones. These are primitve people's like the aboriginies in Australia who do not percieve anything outside of themselves. They only see one large conciousness with no distinguishment between organisms. Then there's the second level with 46 chromosones. That is us. We are a chaotic disharmonic conciousness that is basically used as a stepping stone between the first and third levels. The third level is 48 chromosones. (Or 46 & 2, with 2 being the sex chromosones x & y). This is the higher level of conciousness. Our destination.
--------------------------------------- added after 32 minutes

Anyway now some interlude music from a forgotten talent. only registered users can see external links

Sounds like Jimmy is there
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Music is the only thing that's gonna save us
Nice to hear this story. I'm happy a cool head prevailed.
If every confrontation ended like this, you would hear no critique from me.
If you ever get into a situation like that, I hope you act with similar restraint.
You often say you won't, but I'll hope you'll surprise yourself.

A thing to think about: It was a white guy with the looks of a right-wing brother-in-arms.
I consider it very likely that he would have killed a black guy in the same situation.

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