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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By #565792 12,Oct,18 17:19
There is little difference with the air that you breathe
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Oct,18 21:45 other posts 
How so?

By bella! [Ignore] 12,Oct,18 00:24 other posts 
This might make you think twice when you eat out. Several weeks ago, a Comerica Park food handler was videotaped spitting on a pizza that he was preparing for Little Caesar Pizza. Apparently, he was upset that his supervisor was on his case for taking too long in the washroom SO, in retaliation, he spat on at least one pizza that was being sold.

The person who taped this gross act allegedly notified HR and nothing was done so he decided to post his video on FB and Instagram to make people aware of possible conditions.
Yeah, the video went viral, the pizza spitter was fired and oddly, the guy that videotaped and posted the video was suspended for his actions.

The spitter is being charged with a felony.

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By #569265 12,Oct,18 00:40
Damn this case got me thinking of a restaurant i used to go to and the table right next us was complaining because they found a chewed up gum in there food and since then i been a little concerned for eating out and now this happens.
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Oct,18 00:50 other posts 
People are just so fcked up in the head. My guess is that STUFF happens everywhere, everyday but we are just not aware that whatever happens, happened. If we allowed ourselves to really think about all the possibilities of what COULD happen, we would scare the crap out of ourselves and we would just stay home.
By #569265 12,Oct,18 01:11
Thats true everyday is a different day and we dont know what could happen tomorrow. I've read and heard stories of normal people just going to work and got ran over or some sort of incident. If we think about all these possibilities of something going wrong im sure i wouldn't move from my house but we still got to life has to go on and we got stuff to do. Life is a bitch you dont know when it will surge a problem or bring you down but thats life.
By kebmo [Ignore] 12,Oct,18 01:16 other posts 
Well if it makes you feel any better, in my 30 years in the restaurant industry I have NEVER seen anyone purposely vandalize food. Never once. I've seen a lot of shit but not that.
If you have a LEGITIMATE issue with your food don't worry about sending it back.
As an aside, you can tell a lot about a person by how they treat a server in a restaurant.
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Oct,18 01:35 other posts 
What happened, in my estimation, was far beyond anything that could be considered vandalism. The fella was charged with a felony of some sort and may serve some prison time for his deliberate and gross actions. He was required to undergo various tests to determine whether he had any disease that could have passed through his spittle and I'm sure the folks that ate the pizza feel a bit of relief knowing that he was without any health issues.
By kebmo [Ignore] 12,Oct,18 02:02 other posts 
If you cough of food or cough into your hand and touch the food you'll cross contaminate it with spittle too. There are so many ways for germs to get from me to you in a restaurant. My family thinks I have a cleanliness OCD but after so many years in a restaurant it's just second nature to do things the right way.
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Oct,18 02:08 other posts 
And that's really what I'm thinking about, people that innocently cough or sneeze. Yes, there is a possibility that there is cross contamination. Same thing with food storage. Do I think that someone should be held criminally responsible in those situations. No. Again, what this fella was videoed doing was DELIBERATE and he is a freakin' sick-o.
By kebmo [Ignore] 12,Oct,18 02:17 other posts 
I'm not disputing that it's different than coughing on food. I also agree that he should be charged with whatever he can be charged with. I just know that anyone that had pizza from there in the last few months is wondering what happened to it before they ate it. Ewwwww!!!!
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Oct,18 02:26 other posts 
I know, especially if they saw that video. I mean, the guy didn't just spit, it looks like he conjured up everything between his toes and his nose, then deposited it on the dough. And even if it was the only pizza that he spit on that day, he dropped a ladle or two of sauce on the pizza and used that same ladle to smoozle the sauce around. My guess is the same ladle was used again and again....
By #562152 12,Oct,18 11:48
Kebmo, I met Charlie while working at restaurants in Miami International Airport. While you are right no one tried to purposely tried to vandalize the food, there were many times food fell to the floor or something fell on the food and it was cleaned or put back on the food line. I was young too and was on a work program in high school. I was afraid to complain in case i got fired and get an incomplete in my business classes
By #562152 12,Oct,18 06:27
Reminds me of a counter helper in Miami. He got caught adding urine to the big coffee containers in a hotel's meeting rooms.

Charlie, my ex, worked as a tech fixing employee payroll clocks and he had to go into restaurant kitchens. He once told me of this Chinese food place where they would store big tubs of uncooked chicken under the sink and uncovered. He saw so many yucky stuff we seldom went out to restaurants except for a few that he said were very clean.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Oct,18 10:04 other posts 
Reminds me of a freinds wife finding a dry wall screw in her french frys 1 night!
1 place localy got caught butchering a goat,and cooking it in the resturant barbecue pit.I am talking,walked the goat in,the whole nine yards. you can't do that legaly!
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 12,Oct,18 16:44 other posts 
A friend of mine once found a bloodied Band-Aid in their entrée!! They didn't notice it until they ate about half of their meal!!

While the manager was very apologetic and explained one of the cook staff had cut his finger, what I wondered was why did the manager even allowed this person back on the line handling food items knowing they had cut themselves? And didn't the employee notice when they lost the Band-Aid?
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 12,Oct,18 10:54 other posts 
This reminds me of when I was a teenager and working as a bus boy at a very prestigious golf club restaurant. While it was the law that I could not handle or touch the alcohol glasses or bottles I still had to clean off the tables when the patrons left. But the manager really didn't care much for the law or rules so he said I had to bus the booze also. No problem with me.

I recall one night during and after a huge banquet that celebrated the end of a golf tournament for the member, I was busing the tables. There was a lot of booze left in some of the glasses and a lot of opened bottles on the tables that the members had left.

As I was clearing the tables that night the manager told me to separate the glasses of booze onto a separate cart. He didn't want me to take the booze to the back sink where I was suppose to dispose of the booze left in the glasses. Instead he told me to just take them to his office, which I did.

As I was bring carts of the partially drunk glasses of booze and other bottles into his office I saw him pouring the contents of the glasses back into the bottles of booze. I didn't say anything, I was just a dumb teenager. All he said was something like it's just alcohol and it will sanitary anyway. And besides he said the restaurant only makes money on booze.

And for those who are wondering this as in the early 60s and the kitchen area of the restaurant was filthy.

If most people really saw what goes on in some of the kitchens of the restaurants they frequent they probably would not eat there!!!
By #562152 12,Oct,18 11:43
I think the worst are those food court restaurants at the malls,,
By kebmo [Ignore] 12,Oct,18 14:38 other posts 
I have been in hundreds of kitchens and let me just say that I NEVER go to Chinese restaurants, especially buffets. As a matter of fact, there was a Chinese buffet in my city recently closed for two weeks by the health inspector. It was disgustingly filthy and they had outrageous food handling practices. In the province of Alberta every restaurant's health inspection can be seen on line. That's a great thing.
--------------------------------------- added after 29 minutes

Fact: If you go into a restaurant, check the cleanliness of the washroom. The cleanliness of the washroom is directly related to the cleanliness of the kitchen. Clean washroom, clean kitchen. Filthy washroom, filthy kitchen.
By #562152 12,Oct,18 16:06
That is great advice. It makes sense.
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 12,Oct,18 16:28 other posts 
You are sooo right!!!
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 12,Oct,18 16:39 other posts 
Oh yes indeed! And I avoid buffets! So many times I have seen not only the staff but the patrons contaminate the food. Not intentionally but by the way they handle it. I've seen patrons especially, drop things in the items in the buffet and pick them out with their fingers. I've seen people who have colds, and sniffling and sneezing while they are getting their items. I doubt if any of these people even wash their hands before eating.

As for the staff putting food items in the buffet line, they use the same dirty rag to wipe up any spills! UGH!!!
By kebmo [Ignore] 12,Oct,18 16:52 other posts 
When you touch a ladle, spoon or tongs on a buffet line you are touching the same utensils that many other people have touched with their dirty hands. If I have to eat at a buffet (wedding salad bar etc.) I always wash my hands after I put my dinner on my table. Yeah, a bit OCD but I KNOW the utensils are laden with the germs of everyone in the room.
By #565792 12,Oct,18 17:21
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Oct,18 21:44 other posts 
And was there anything else you wanted to add?

By bella! [Ignore] 11,Oct,18 11:31 other posts 
So yesterday, my evening plans were sidetracked after an appointment with the dentist. My dentist is a rockstar wannabe, a drummer at heart and at night, but a dentist by day. His office plays all genres of music and it's not unusual to see him or hear him using pens tapping out beats to whatever might be on. Yesterday was one of those days that we spoke about music. We laughed about the fact that he really wants to play music but it's his dental "gig" that pays the bills. He suggested that I watch HIRED GUNS on Netflix and get an idea of what goes on behind the scene and in the studio for many big name artists.

So last night I was home, I couldn't remember the name of the movie mentioned hours ago except it had "guns" in the title. I found it necessary to surf the musical offerings and I came upon, Glen Campbell...I'll Be Me. Hmmmmm..... I watched that instead. What a great documentary of Glen's Goodbye Tour and his journey through Alzheimer's disease for the time period of early 2011 through November, 2012.

If you have the opportunity to watch Glen Campbell...I'll Be Me, I recommend it.

I'm not a big country fan, but the last song he recorded, the words of I'm Not Going to Miss You are so sad. only registered users can see external links
By phart [Ignore] 11,Oct,18 14:14 other posts 
I will take time to watch that.
Alzheimer's disease is a horrible disease I would not wish on my worst enemy.
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 12,Oct,18 16:32 other posts 
Yes, Alzheimers is a horrible disease on those who love the person who gets it! Not so much on the person who gets it. They pretty much don't know what is going on in the end. While no one in my family seems to have come down with it, I've known friends with family members who have.

They say it is like a very long good-bye. The difficult part they say is in the end when their loved one is completely gone and have no idea what is going on and they no longer recognize anyone.

So sad...

By kebmo [Ignore] 11,Oct,18 15:43 other posts 
I have seen that great, honest documentary. How generous of him to give an insight into the end of his life.
April 22, 1936 - August 8, 2017
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Oct,18 00:14 other posts 
For sure, how generous for Glen Campbell AND his family to share such a sad and joyful personal journey.

By #545732 11,Oct,18 17:10
I was just chatting with a friend about how the "traditional" colour for b0ys is now blue and for g1rls it's pink. Apparently, it was originally the opposite way around because pink was seen as a more bold, stronger colour and thus used for b0ys. I don't see pink as a stronger colour at all and I'm just curious about what other people think.
I read that this changed during the 1940s when marketing and retail boomed, and choosing blue for b0ys and pink for g1rls is simply down to what fashion retailers pushed back then, but I wrongly thought it would have been something more intersting than that!
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Oct,18 00:11 other posts 
I'm sorry, my friend, this is the first I've heard anything contrary to boys/blue, girls/pink. Should ch.ildren OR adults be defined by colors they wear or are dressed in? Blue (and green) is my favorite-ist color(s)!

By phart [Ignore] 11,Oct,18 13:51 other posts 
You know,the day you stop learning is the day you will probably find yourself tits up in a box.
I had never heard of this fellow or his neat car design until this morning. What a good a idea.Shame it didn't grow.
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By bella! [Ignore] 11,Oct,18 01:56 other posts 
I'm really finding the black & white uploads really quite appealing. How about YOU?

By #460385 10,Oct,18 16:48
The eye of Hurricane Michael is passing 20 miles East of our family in Chipley, FL. Been able so far to stay in constant contact by way of text with my mom. Lots of damage but they all are good. Our wishes go out to those in Mexico Beach. It is gone. Looks like bombs we're dropped on them. It is amazing what some wind and water can do. Hope all survive.
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By bella! [Ignore] 10,Oct,18 17:02 other posts 
Are the pictures you posted of Mexico Beach? It does look like a war zone. Is this beach near you or your mom or other family members?
By #460385 10,Oct,18 17:06
This was Mexico beach. The first hit by the eye with 150 mph winds. Family is in Chipley, 30 Miles North. The good side of the eye wall passed about 20 miles east going over Marianna, Fl. Weather Channel saying winds were sustained in Chipley around 115 mph.
By #562152 10,Oct,18 17:38
This storm is a monster. Maxico Beach is gone. Hope your family stays ok. We are with you.
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Oct,18 17:54 other posts 
By the looks of that, 30 miles doesn't seem far enough away. I hope you and yours are kept safe.

I'm not sure if this is the right time to ask, have you and/or your family ever considered living anywhere else? Your area was struck by a hurricane last year and this year it's your mom's town. The worst we deal with in Michigan is our roads and the potholes.
By #562152 10,Oct,18 18:16
Bella, while not takin anything away from Wisconsin, paradise has a cost. Cc's area and the Florida panhandle are beautiful. They are as alike as night and day but worth facing hurricanes.
By #460385 10,Oct,18 21:10
Hurricanes are part of the territory for Florida. I guess it's worth living in Paradise. California has earthquakes. The Midwest has tornadoes. And the north has blizzards. This one was really out of the norm. It was a strange place to make landfall for this time of year.
By #562152 10,Oct,18 22:00
Hope family is ok
By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 10,Oct,18 18:32 other posts 
Sad, wow, so terrible.
Thanks for the pictures and information.

By bella! [Ignore] 10,Oct,18 12:57 other posts 
Is the length of your duck a valid reason to be deleted from the site?
By JustWill [Ignore] 10,Oct,18 13:06 other posts 
As I pointed out in my panel vote: No, it is not.
Ducks come in all shapes and sizes. It is unfair to delete a member just because he owns a long duck.
I believe the referring member is suffering from Pekin envy...
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Oct,18 13:33 other posts 
Did you see the one member's comment directed at US, the people who voted NO ABUSE.

"Fake pic! The ambition of certain members to protect fakers is very striking - another time."

Gee, the referring member did not provide proof and I could not find anything on TinEye. It must be Pekin envy!
By JustWill [Ignore] 10,Oct,18 13:56 other posts 
I would like to go on record saying that I have no "ambition" to protect fakers. I just can't vote "delete" on a stoopid referral.
The accused member has ONE pic on his/her/its profile. (Btw, I looked really hard for the alleged long "duck", but could not find it anywhere!) If that's all there is, it isn't hurting anyone leaving it alone until you can provide actual PROOF that it is a stolen picture.
If the member posts more pics (possibly with long cows, pigs and BUNNIES!!!!!), provide proof and I will vote his critter-photoshopping ass out of here...
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

Another member voted to delete with this reason given: "If some people say it's fake I believe them, nothing to do about it, sorry".
What the hell kinda "valid" reason is that for deletion?!
"Some people" said there was a fucking DUCK in the picture, and that was a big-ass lie. How do you know the accusation of fakery isn't also a lie?
And, while we are on the subject, just who, exactly, are these "some people", and why should I take their word on shit like this?
If anyone should be deleted, it is the guy who promised us that we would see a fucking DUCK that wasn't there at all!
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Oct,18 14:38 other posts 
I know you are all worked up, believing that you were going to vote on a fake duck, but it's time to take a DEEP BREATH...... WOOSAH......
By kebmo [Ignore] 10,Oct,18 14:40 other posts 
I saw that photo yesterday. I'm always suspicious of single photos of extremely long cocks. There's another such member who has about ten photos of him in his underwear and one only of a very long dick. I wouldn't delete such a member based on my suspicions though.
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Oct,18 14:52 other posts 
It is okay to be suspicious but if someone wants to refer a member for deletion, all joking aside, it better be for a solid reason and you really need to back up your accusation with proof. Yes, the guy's "duck" looked too long, it may have been Photoshop'd. There are no rules on Photoshop. If any guy's duck hangs below the knee or over his thigh and touches his butt, it's probably not real.

But in most instances, using Internet pictures and claiming they are you, your girlfriend, etc., is against the site rules and folks will be deleted.
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Oct,18 14:42 other posts 
Getting back to the member who voted to delete with the reason being; "If some people say it's fake I believe them, nothing to do about it, sorry". 

Just my opinion, they have no business voting!
By kebmo [Ignore] 10,Oct,18 14:49 other posts 
Problem solved, member not deleted.
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Oct,18 14:57 other posts 
Although the member was not deleted, the problem really is not solved. IN MY OPINION, the problem is the thought process some members use to arrive at their conclusion. That it is the intent of some people to protect fakers or just because someone made the claim that another member is fake is SAD!
By JustWill [Ignore] 10,Oct,18 15:10 other posts 
I am willing to bet that if that single pic had been of a guy with an average-sized or smaller dick, no referral would have been made.
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Oct,18 15:11 other posts 
I would be willing to bet on that, too!
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Oct,18 15:21 other posts 
If you noticed, BOTH the referred and the referring member are on the Popular page. The referring member has 2 or 3 on that page and he's getting all testicle thinking that the duck is going to overtake him.

I'm all for ducks, penguins, unicorns and kitties, too!
By JustWill [Ignore] 10,Oct,18 15:08 other posts 
Now I can keep hunting for that damn duck!
By #562152 10,Oct,18 18:49
I assume "duck" is penis? I read this whole thread and I still believe that the way delition/protection of members is handled is very flawed. The results are more about personalities, jealousy, bad b.lood, or personal opinion. If this way, where a member gets voted out is to continue, then admin should appoint a committee of volunteers that serve for a finite time. They would investigate and they would vote yes or no and provide an explanation for their action.

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