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Good luck finding a workable solution!!
As I understand, I have 20/70 vision and I see a'ight!
Two masks? One atop of the other? Strange!
Wash the glasses with regular soap this will not allow fog to build up.
Try wearing your glasses on top of your mask,this will help keep the mask close to you skin and not allow air into your glasses. If all this fails simply Google (foggy glasses while wearing a mask) There is an abundance of remedies available.
It will be a hit or miss type of solution.
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In the United States, doctors don't begin routine screening for rectal colon cancer until you reach the age of 50 years old. What is the age in the UK where doctors are concerned about colon cancer?
BUT 1 thing I learned.Back when mine was done,there was all this talk of colon cleansing on tv and the innernet.
Well,my colon was as clean as it could get,and I didn't feel a bit better!
So those colon cleansing ad's must be BULL>
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Sorry, phart, I couldn't help myself!
"Don't die of embarrassment."
To your knowledge, what is the age in Canada that doctors want their patients screened for colon cancer?
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes
I remember my doctor asking "How old is my friend Kebmo?" during a physical and within two minutes his finger was up my butt! No drink, no small talk, nothing!
I recall many years ago, a young man, a young comedian, a young Canadian, Tom Green, announced he had and was treated for testicular cancer. Although not a Canadian, Lance Armstrong also had testicular cancer.
"Men. As you're always rummaging around down there anyway, this is what you should be checking for .."
I'm sure kebmo's wit can improve on that! Challenge made
Have the balls to see your doctor.
For the sake of clarity: that's for colon cancer!!
Kebmo: On my way to Tim Horton's (Canadian donut chain) now.
Kebmo 15 minutes later: I have to go back for another dozen!
I amuse me.
Turns out hurricanes have been around a LONG time.
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In other News: The Pope's a Catholic and bears shit in the woods.
I was in the park the other day wondering why frisbees seem to be getting bigger and bigger .. and then it hit me!
Over the years I have noticed Federal tax money being spent renovating houses over and over again in the same spot as other storms have hit for decades and all I did was mention that hurricanes have been around LONG before any dingbat built a wall trying to hold back the ocean so they could build a city.
Looks like by now someone would figure out maby we need to move to higher ground this is bankrupting US?
I HOPE that folks don't live down there because they get fresh paint and a new tv every 2 or 3 years. The loss of even part of your home and belongings is a stressful sad thing to go thru.Looks like folks would want to make changes so they would not have to endure it over and over.
qouted from online
The definition of insanity, is, doing the exact same thing over and over again, expecting shit to change. "
What word do we think dgraff is trying for when he types "dose"?
Let's hope stupidity can't be transmitted by reading semi-literate bollocks!
What a dumbass!
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