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Yeah, you're correct, there were 10 [NOT] votes made. Since admin ditched the [NOT] votes on pictures, what purpose does the [NOT] vote really serve for Pic of the Month? My skin isn't that tough, I entered the contest twice, that was enough for me. 👍
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Although Kyle is legally a minor, I believe that he had to know that wielding a gun around in a crowd of protesters was not going to yield good results. I hope his parents are held accountable and brought up on whatever charges are possible.
If that mean dog goes around biting people, he's going to be put down.
That "mean dog" is a lifeguard.
That "mean dog" is on video helping random people, remove graffiti from their buildings, that were vandalized by street angels.
That "mean dog" brought a first aid kit to help any of the angelic protesters that may have been injured by each other or the Police.
That "mean dog" put out a fire, with a fire extinguisher, that street angels had started. As a matter a fact, THAT'S what incensed them and led into the shootings.
Right or wrong, the "mean dog" was there to defend a business from being destroyed by street angels.
As easily as you can say HE shouldn't have been there, neither should the antagonists.
Had the Mayor accepted the help offered from the President the day before, this would have never happened. He had declined. Once this incident happened, he accepted the help.
This isn't the Wild, Wild West, the BOY should have been home, the gun should have been locked up and this tragedy would not have happened.
It's not you, it's me! I'm dumb as a door knob for thinking anyone would understand it. Guess I should have just referred to the boy, person, as a "dog". My bad! I fixed it!
Oh, and I stated below my opinion where the boy should have been. By using my own experience with my children.
There are SO MANY shoulda, woulda, coulda's that may have prevented this tragedy altogether, no?
Like, let's go waaaaay back to Mr. Blake. If only he WOULDA co-operated with the officer, neither tragedy WOULDA taken place, no?
How about the novel idea of "peacefully protesting", no?
I mean, I could go on and on and on...
And when he says he "could go on and on and on...", he's not really surprising those of us who have the misfortune to read his ramblings! He may find the link below useful, for future contributions:
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Do you happen to know the particulars surrounding the protest in Kenosha, surrounding the shooting of Jacob Blake? I noticed it was dark, were there imposed curfews? Why did a 17 year old boy think it was his responsibility to defend a business? Was it a family business? Was he there under the supervision of his parents? As far this ignorant ass (me) is concerned, this NEVER SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED.
A local Kenosha businessman called someone (that part is still unclear), to come protect his last remaining property from being destroyed. He had lost two other properties the night before. Whomever he spoke to, I'm assuming, asked Kyle if he would assist with the task. Whether it was one of his parents, another family member, or a friend, is still unclear. They also didn't clarify if anyone knew he was un.dera.g.e.
I agree wholeheartedly, it should have never happened in many ways. Sadly, it did though.
Like I said,he really had no bussiness there in the first place.Neither did the protesters.
Shoulda never had to happen.
The part I'm not 100% agreeing with is, "the young man was in the wrong place to be carting around any weapon". He's 17, he's a minor, other than supervised hunting, is there a "right place" to be carting around a weapon?
Nevertheless, this is going to be an interesting case, to say the least. I believe the preponderance of the evidence will be in his favor, other than the un.de.ra.ge charge, which I can't see anyway around, he will be exonerated of the severe charges. It's your right to defend your life from another at any age. Since he is in fact a minor, I doubt much will then become of the u.n.d.e.r.a.g.e. charge. Just saying.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes
I remember my Dad giving my brothers a 22 rifle for Christmas on their 7th birthday and the speech. I remember Tommy walking like 10 feet tall. All my 3 brothers own many guns. We have a "discussion" every year.
--------------------------------------- added after 47 seconds
Try to keep up hunny
I sincerely hate to do this to you, but I must... 😔
"Assault weapon" is defined as an "automatic weapon" those have been virtually banned since the 30's. He had a semi-automatic rifle. Which he apparently used responsibly as he did not harm anyone that didn't physically hurt or threaten him. The one that lived, had a pistol and pointed it at him. Which can be clearly seen in the video.
"Open carry laws" vary by state. Short answer is, Wisconsin IS an open carry state. Some restrictions such as age and supervision are applied.
Yes, he killed two and shot another all in self defense. The incidents were all captured from several video sources including an aerial view, incredibly.
Splitting hairs over whether his weapon was an assault weapon or a semi-automatic rifle, stating that Wisconsin is an open carry State, and deciding for himself that the kid acted "responsibly as he did not harm anyone that didn't physically hurt or threaten him" (before any judicial process has taken place) all distract us from the sad, verifiable, fact that a 17 year old thought it was a good idea to indulge in vigilantism.
Sarcastically calling people "street angels" is pretty facile too.
Hey, I admit that I have NO KNOWLEDGE of weapons. In world, any device that can discharge a bullet, or two, is a gun. Thank you for schooling me on the art of guns.
It's just, sometimes semantics annoy the hell out of me. Even in regards to a right and freedom that I have.
I figured you didn't have any real knowledge of firearms. It's all good.
They can be fun.
Just like trying "Lebanon Bologna" for the first time and discovering that you like it. Or really anything else in life.
I'd might suggest, not knocking it, until you actually try it. 😉 😉
No need to fear a firearm any more than you might a pair of scissors. They are just another inanimate object. Like snakes, severely misunderstood for the mostpart.
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A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. (In the spirit of Huxley999 this is from THE US CONSTITUTION FOUND IN THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES)
Just an f.y.i., there's really no need to bold my name. I'm automatically notified that you responded to my post and/or posted in "my" thread.
The more appropriate way to use the feature is when you make these types of posts in various threads, example;
That bitch bella! is on her broom and flying through the forum, spewing her venom. (Or something similar)
Not only will I be notified that you are posting about me, my name is bolded and in blue and that is certain to draw the eyes of members to your childish outbursts.
It was not nice.
Mr. Tatum discusses family, values, race, being saved, policing and BLEXIT. It's nothing that you need to sit in front of and watch, you can listen to it when you're cooking, cleaning, in your workshop or while in the car. This interview was posted 10 months ago.
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As of today, yes, when you bold a member's name, they receive notification. I doubt it happens when you chose to bold the name in a direct response to that member's post. But say, for instance, that I want to post something like, "say sorry to bella! " OR bella! said, bella!'s going to be notified that I mentioned her in my post. Kinda nice, no?
"Pardon me, I just did a phart!"
Who are you to judge me for that reason?
to SrCums in another thread, "and you must be Twowarmtts, TWOWARMTTS2, bonbon52, WetNoodle, lanser1026, currently known as WOODY1227 and/or ANGEL1227. Only that member uses multiple commas"
Hey, I wouldn't be caught dead being a dirty little Jew...................and I guess you are not so observant.........I've been using perids.
I saw your post in Word of the day in a song.
For different reasons but with the same result, I, too am retired. Me? Probably permanent due to health issues. I really miss getting dolled up for the day. I miss making action plans on my way to work. And the interaction with colleagues, how do I replace that.
My hope is that I can become more involved. I would like to volunteer time and resources at a no kill anim@l shelter. Currently, I am the president of The Friends of the Library, in my town. Libraries, if we are not careful, will cease to exist.
I've spent many years working, it's odd not to have be accountable to anyone other than myself.
As I mentioned below, crime pays! One of those people had 42,000+ donations, thus far. If that doesn't tell you something, I don't know what will.
The politicians serving those cities take the same oath as the Police do. Yet, they continue to allow the violence to carry on, going so far as to drop all charges against the law breakers.
I could tell a cop I had a suit case nuke in the truck and pretend to reach for it, that would not mean there was actually 1 in there. there was 3 kids in the car,risking gun fire around those kids was POOR judgement. Alot happened in a hurry,I know those police had hard choices to make.But shooting someone in the back is just beyond reason to me.Even in the Old west,if you shot someone in the back you were considered a coward.
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Just curious as to why, YOU felt it necessary to identify the man being given a field sobriety test, down ⬇️ there, as a "black man"?
You also seemed to be perturbed that they were blocking a portion of the highway. Would it have been any more safe or better if it were the idiots from B.L.M. or Antifa, blocking the entire highway?
You said there were no cones or anyone directing traffic, are you telling me they didn't have their emergency lights a flashing? Doesn't that normally mean, GET OVER!?
🇺🇸 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇲
--------------------------------------- added after 2 hours
One other thing, MAYBE the guy's car STALLED in that spot, maybe the guy had fallen asleep at the wheel at that spot, maybe, just maybe that's where the guy decided to stop when the Policeman lit him up, like so many do.
Like I said,you can tell the cops anything,"I have 1 of those lost suit case nukes from the Old Soviet Union" or I have a gernade" but you may not have anything but a pack of gum.
It seems a complete video is hard to find.
I can't figure out something else about this.I read somewhere the cop was holding his Shirt WHILE shooting him in the back. 7 Shots,and you are HOLDING HIM? Who taught the guy to shoot and what was he shooting a 22 pistol with short rodent rounds or something?
I went to town this evening,a cop had a black man,in the MIDDLE of a 6 lane hwy,2 lanes blocked each way,doing a sobrity test on him. No traffic cones,no one directing traffic,I about got creamed just trying to get by because of the lane squeezing. Endangering lives with the vehicals blocking the road just to see if the driver was drunk.they could pulled him over in a parking lot,literally 100 feet away and not blocked anything.
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