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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By bella! [Ignore] 19,Jul,20 12:41 other posts 
I wish someone would help me and tell me how I should vote and if I should have and/or add a reason for why I voted as I did.

Within the last 24 hours, or so, there have been 3 or 4 Evaluation Panel referrals. Yes, I expect the referring member to provide SOLID PROOF for their reason why the member should be deleted so that they, the referring member, can collect the 50 point bounty. I suspect that admin would have the same expectation, too.

The most current referral is made by a SYD member of a SYC member. Can you believe that he found a match on a Russian amateur site. Am I missing something, it is an AMATEUR site! Oh, yeah, the SYC member's profile says she's from Spain. Yep, I wanted to post in my bio that I was 28 years old because I to bet none of our members have been dishonest or misrepresented themselves.

Another SYD member, within 60 minutes of creating his profile and uploading his first picture, reported a SYC member for posting a Photoshop'd picture. Really, GrowingStrong , a female member has Photoshop'd and know nothing about the fellas who Photoshop? Then there is the verified verified and voting member who continually refers to "z00 images". Can someone kindly break it down for me and tell me what a z00 image is? If it is a legitimate term for something other than a picture of a person and a living creature doing something unnatural, I owe a member an apology.
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,Jul,20 13:10 other posts 
All I can say is there have been some really weak and lame referrals lately
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Jul,20 18:11 other posts 
Well looky, looky......

DELETE THIS MEMBER 19,Jul 17:33 By licksipsuckit
yeah, I did my own searches and the pics are stolen, and are on many sites

So, I guess we don't need to look any further, the boss has spoken.
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,Jul,20 19:15 other posts 
She’s no boss of mine that back woods baboon couldn’t search for Aussie mans head if it was up her ass

By dgraff [Ignore] 18,Jul,20 21:45 other posts 
Weee doggies a hung jury this one may go the limit
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Jul,20 21:59 other posts 
Evaluation Panel?
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,Jul,20 07:01 other posts 

By phart [Ignore] 18,Jul,20 18:41 other posts 
Breaking news!
Pay Day Candy bars will be getting a new name soon because the words Pay day offends those that do not want to work.
By #551147 18,Jul,20 18:47
Imagine all the racists that possess a MASTERcard...
--------------------------------------- added after 119 seconds

BTW Phart,

I posted a video for Bella, really all to see down below. Check it out!
By phart [Ignore] 18,Jul,20 22:32 other posts 
Maby they need to cut that Master card in 2 with sissors and get a VISA card and use it to LEAVE!
By #551147 18,Jul,20 22:35
Too cute, and gj buddy!

By bella! [Ignore] 15,Jul,20 14:08 other posts 
Is it possible to have a sincere a respectful discussion regarding racism?

The defacing national monuments and statues, I'm sickened that that happens. I'm not sure sure I understand the racism and sensitivity behind renaming a football team called the Washington Redskins. To be honest, I can't understand the logic behind the majority of the pro teams choices in names. Detroit was considered the Motor City so the Detroit Pistons makes sense our basketball team. But Lions and Tigers? I'm not sure how the name Red Wings came to be. Was it because we had players from Russia?

I listened to the YouTube vlog by the Hodge Twins and their idea on how the name Redskin came to be was because Native Americans were warriors. Makes sense to me. And if that were the case, why didn't they just name the team Washington Warriors from the jump?
By #551147 15,Jul,20 15:31
Sadly, no!

Not as long as FACTS are deemed irrelevant OR subjective.

Nor as long as only a very few people are even willing to participate in such a conversation.

I sincerely and respectfully mean that too.

Nevertheless, let's keep it positive!
Good luck with this and I guess we shall see...
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Jul,20 18:21 other posts 
Bella I’m going to try in a few sentences to simplify this situation
No I don’t think there will ever be civilized discussions over this issue
Because you have three groups the race lovers the race haters and the people that just don’t care
--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes

I bet you can guess what group I lead ✊
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Jul,20 19:47 other posts 
Hey, I would like to think that you are wrong about there being three groups. And I would like you to clarify what a race lover and a race hater is.

I am a conservative person. I like people for who they are, not what color they are, what religion they are, what side of the political fence they are on or dangle over. I like people for what is inside of them. I'm not going to hate on somebody because I don't agree with them, or they with me, because if I did, that's stupid.

Shame on us that we can't live and let live. I was talking with someone about another someone I know. This "another someone", I'm going to call him Chris, is a man about 42 to 45 years old and I bump into him, his boys and wife quite often, when in town (prior to the pandemic). He is Canadian and is a member of the Ojibwa tribe, in Canada. Just an f.y.i., the Canadian government refers to these people as First Nation. Chris was talking to me and asking me how to fill out paperwork for reparations that the Canadian government will pay First Nation people for atrocities that happened. I thought Chris told me that this lawsuit goes back to 1940 and the abuses relating to First Nation children that attended Residential Schools. Heck, I never heard that term before and shame on me, I didn't ask him for more detail. The Residential School is equivalent to a boarding school and the First Nation children were sent there to learn by the "white man". This shit wasn't something that happened one hundred years ago, it happened in the 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's upwards. Chris talked about his parents and grandparents and he, himself, that attended the Residential Schools being abused physically, mentally and sexually.

I've been long winded about this and although I don't live in Canada and I am not a Canadian citizen, some of this has happened in my lifetime and it is upsetting and it makes me angry. I wasn't born in the dark ages, this shit shouldn't be happening. These are things that need to be talked about, you can't pretend it didn't happen but you damn well better make sure it doesn't happen again.
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Jul,20 20:49 other posts 
Well Bella the race lovers are the white group that feels guilty for what there ancestors did to the black people and are willing to give in to every whim or demand they have and the race haters are the groups like the Nero Nazis the skin heads the KKK all white supremacy groups that influenced the white power movement ✊then you have the group that doesn’t care it is what it is
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Jul,20 21:38 other posts 
So, if you feel there's only 3 kinds of people, the lovers, the haters and the I done care, where do you fall?
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Jul,20 21:53 other posts 
Well I certainly don’t feel guilty for something that happened way before I was born that’s silly and I don’t hate someone because of the color of their skin in fact I don’t hate at all but I do dislike people for there behavior so in my eyes it looks bad for the group acting like ass holes in the streets of the big city’s
By JustWill [Ignore] 16,Jul,20 15:12 other posts 
Well, stop deeming the FACTS irrelevant OR subjective.
Systemic racism is a FACT in this country.
The SYSTEM is RIGGED against nonwhites.
The only people who see that as SUBJECTIVE are racist white people or people in denial.

And I sincerely and respectfully mean that, too.

When did the average American lose the ability to feel EMPATHY for others?
By #551147 16,Jul,20 17:40
Oh yeah, PROVE IT!

Prove "Systemic racism" is still a "FACT" in this country in 2020.

Prove "the SYSTEM is RIGGED against nonwhites" using current data.

I for one, am certainly glad that you chose to speak up, in response to Bella's post. It takes courage to do so. 👍

That being said, many of us will patiently be waiting to have our eyes opened to these issues that YOU are asserting to be factual.

You have the floor...

--------------------------------------- added after 13 minutes

"When did the average American lose the ability to feel EMPATHY for others?"

Just curious... The "others" part of your question, are you defining others as black folks, nonwhites, OR everyone including whites? 🤔

I don't agree whatsoever that the average American has lost their sense of EMPATHY for their fellow human.

What gives you that notion?
By JustWill [Ignore] 16,Jul,20 18:24 other posts 
"There are none so blind as those who will not see."

Alas, scorps, no proof I can give you will open your eyes to the truth. The evidence of systemic racism is all around you; you LIVE the proof. Yet you choose to deny it. I can not wave a magic wand and make you not be a racist. That change has to come from within yourself, and you obviously have no desire to do so.

We freed the slaves and said "You are now equals, except you are not as equal as we are".

You can have land if you can afford it, but you can't have one of the better paying jobs because you have no skills or education. Besides, we are saving the good jobs for our own people.

You can't go to our schools, so make your own. But the majority of the tax money that pays for the schools is reserved for us.

You can't live in our neighborhoods, because...well...property values and stuff. Plus, your low paying job doesn't provide the funds to buy a house around here.

We will not patronize your businesses, and we certainly don't want you coming into ours (unless you use the back door). I mean, how would that look? No, it is best that you keep to your own kind.

Also, don't sit at our lunch counter, drink from our fountains, or pee in our toilets. That's just disgusting. And, for the love of all that's holy, don't even think about swimming in our pools!

Under the law, you will be prejudged before evidence is presented because everyone knows that you are probably up to no good. I mean. you're not white, so what else are we supposed to think?

Plus, we will put up all of these statues, just so that you remember that we used to own you. That will help to remind you to keep your place.

Actually, as long as you keep to your own and don't think above your station, we can be as equal as you like. Just...you know...not TOTALLY equal.

And THAT, scorps, is how SYSTEMIC RACISM was born.
The fact that it is so baked into our culture--for DECADES--is why it still exists.

As for the bit about EMPATHY (and I am presuming that you know what the word means), have you actually met an average American lately. Empathy is in short supply, I am afraid. Or, as viewed by people like you, it is a leftist FLAW.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

Regarding the "others" part of your question:

If we are all as "equal" as you claim we are, why should it matter?
By phart [Ignore] 16,Jul,20 19:59 other posts 
Some of this shit is out dated bull shit.
The blacks and whites are equal in their stupidity because they are wanting give up what makes them unique,and try to be the same.All races are different,why not be proud of being who you were born,and work to be the best at whatever you do?
By JustWill [Ignore] 16,Jul,20 20:44 other posts 
It's not "out dated bull shit".
It's history.
America's history.
Which helped to create America's present.
A present which has a problem with systemic racism.
Because racism was built into the system (which is what systemic racism is), and has never been totally eliminated.
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Jul,20 21:04 other posts 
By #551147 16,Jul,20 21:30
@ Will

I simply love that quote and it's certainly worth repeating.

"There are none so blind as those who will not see."

I'll be gotdamned! You just called me a racist...

SO much for a "respectful conversation" as requested. WOW!

This was supposed to be an open conversation so constantly referring to me was TOTALLY unnecessary, despite me being the one who asked the sincere questions.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

I'm going to just savor this moment and allow for others to comment. I doubt they will, seeing as how you would most certainly label them the same.
By JustWill [Ignore] 16,Jul,20 22:34 other posts 
I disagree.
You said you wanted FACTS, so I gave you one.
Naming a thing what it is is not disrespectful.
It is being factual.
You asked a question, so I addressed my reply to you.
That's how a "conversation" works.
I could have referred to your imaginary friend, but I don't know its name.
Also, I didn't "just" call you a racist.
I've been calling you a racist for weeks now.
It isn't a new thing.
You've been saying racist things in the Forum for quite some time. (Stupid things, too, but since this is a "respectful conversation" I won't bring that up.)
I have just been pointing it out.
By dgraff [Ignore] 17,Jul,20 05:56 other posts 
Hahaha fact I live on top of a mountain in Pennsylvania
Fact none of the bull shit happening in this crazy world is any were near me
Fact no pandemic
Fact no black lives matter groups
Fact if it wasn’t for my tv radio and this forum thread I wouldn’t even know it’s happening it’s me my dog the trees and rocks fresh air and a few neighbors below me and I never see them life is good
By JustWill [Ignore] 17,Jul,20 06:16 other posts 
Well, okey-dokey then...
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Jul,20 17:08 other posts 
Is that the correct spelling of okie dokie?
By JustWill [Ignore] 17,Jul,20 17:45 other posts 
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Jul,20 21:22 other posts 
Oh, forget you! I say okie dokie is spelled, O-K-I-E D-O-K-I-E, okie doke?
By dgraff [Ignore] 17,Jul,20 22:21 other posts 
You spell it the way you want to sweetheart I’m a county boy i can read between the lines so can the smart people they just choose not to
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Jul,20 22:29 other posts 
I was just tease JustWill! Besides, my device recognizes my spelling and it would probably question me if I spelled it any other way.
By dgraff [Ignore] 17,Jul,20 22:57 other posts 
I like to say yogi dokie
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Jul,20 23:30 other posts 
Okay, Boo Boo!
By #551147 18,Jul,20 14:53

In regards to the portion of your post about the football team, I stumbled across this video, only registered users can see external links and thought you may find it informative.

The owner of the franchise ONLY buckled because of the almighty dollar. With threats from the disgrace known as Nike, and some other highly wealthy corporations. The same one's giving millions of dollars to known terrorists organizations. Make sense to you?

Couple years ago, the owner made a real and sincere effort to settle the matter by conducting a poll amongst native American's. Collectively speaking, they had no issue with it.

In my opinion, Redskins was nothing more than a descriptive term, attempting to embody all American Indian's. With NO apparent negative connotations. Despite some of the horrendous acts carried out by our American Indian friends, in the past. We learned from history that they were a proud people, with fierce warrior's. That being said, why not try to honor one of their known strengths, with a football team called the Redskins along with the image that they used?

I mean, are YOU offended if you are described as a "white skinned" person? Should black people be offended when they are merely described as "black or brown skinned people"?

As far as some of the other team names, the mob just may come for them too...
--------------------------------------- added after 103 minutes

How about Team names denoting things like "privilege" i.e. The Saints, The Royals, or "colors" i.e. The Browns, The White Sox, or "fossil fuels" i.e. The Oilers, Steelers or let's not forget about all the animal names currently in use. It's denigrating to animals just ask P.E.T.A. How about The Cowboys, The Rangers there HAS to be some negative connotation behind them names as well.
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Jul,20 20:06 other posts 
Interesting views shared on the video. Thanks for sharing.

By dgraff [Ignore] 17,Jul,20 23:28 other posts 
I’m thinking of making a capsule to flote over Niagara’s fall I’m a professional welder and class act fabrication expert so who is adventurous and would like to make a journey with me
I will make you famous
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Jul,20 23:32 other posts 
No way! Dying, at this time, is not part of my longterm plan.
By kebmo [Ignore] 18,Jul,20 01:15 other posts 
I'll make a shit load of macaroni to fill the barrel with to protect you!
By dgraff [Ignore] 18,Jul,20 05:32 other posts 
Hahaha nice many have done it and survived I give it a 90 percent chance of survival
--------------------------------------- added after 4 hours

Hahaha it sounds like you are giving me some words of encouragement kebmo
By phart [Ignore] 18,Jul,20 10:34 other posts 
only registered users can see external links
Well,I hope you have better luck than this Rocket Scientist.
By dgraff [Ignore] 18,Jul,20 14:29 other posts 
Hahaha I take it his brakes don’t work
By kebmo [Ignore] 18,Jul,20 11:48 other posts 
I was born near Niagara Falls and I remember the people trying it or talking about trying it. Since 1901 16 people have tried it and 11 have succeeded.
Just to be clear, I'm not encouraging this idea but macaroni would be better than no macaroni!!

only registered users can see external links
By dgraff [Ignore] 18,Jul,20 14:34 other posts 
I was just kidding but I know many have done it including a teacher back in the early 1900s

By bella! [Ignore] 09,Jul,20 18:36 other posts 
Cheeseburgers taste good! 😁
By #574505 09,Jul,20 19:08
I likem with out nothing on them I eat the lettuce and tomatoes in a plate at home
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Jul,20 20:31 other posts 
Yes, they taste good without being loaded with condiments.
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Jul,20 20:42 other posts 
Chicken, barbequed on the grill, the "old fashioned" kind, a a real grill where you use charcoal.......

Heck, anything cooked on the grill is delicious!
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Jul,20 21:33 other posts 
Hahaha now we are talking my language FOOD
By #574505 09,Jul,20 21:35
That how I like my chicken so yammy
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Jul,20 21:40 other posts 
I'm with you, Jamie! Three words, it's DEE-LISH-US!
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Jul,20 22:02 other posts 
I just got a great idea for Sunday breakfast smoked pork chops and 4 dippy eggs
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Jul,20 22:08 other posts 
Smoked pork chops and FOUR eggs for breakfast? Gosh, you won't have to eat for the rest of the day!
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Jul,20 06:18 other posts 
Yes I will a light lunch then a big dinner
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Jul,20 21:40 other posts 
It's summertime and barbecuing is at its best for us Northerners! Hotdogs, hamburger, chicken, pork chops, ribs, steaks, sausage, fish, did I forget anything, ALL TASTE BETTER WHEN COOKED ON THE GRILL!
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Jul,20 22:04 other posts 
Absolutely I just did 2 full racks of ribs last weekend
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

The new shaqalicious pepperoni pizza looks delicious to
Get it at popa Johns
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Jul,20 22:10 other posts 
The two racks of ribs were so that you would have "leftovers" for lunch or dinner for the next couple days, right?

Do you prefer the baby back ribs or St. Louis style ribs?
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Jul,20 22:12 other posts 
The baby backs are my favorite
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Yes I make a lot of food at a time so I don’t have to cook for a couple days
By #574505 11,Jul,20 00:35
[deleted image]
So yammy
By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Jul,20 07:45 other posts 
Looks delicious I will be right over
By phart [Ignore] 17,Jul,20 20:11 other posts 
You mean the tater is just sitting on the charcoal with no foil or anything on it?? How does it keep from getting a burnt taste?

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