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New Comment Rating: 11 Similar topics: 1.Food stuff 2.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF 3.A Forum Topic 4.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF II 5.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF III Comments: |
Stupid cunt Saggy Granny unbanning me to read my posts.. and then cowardly retreats back into banning me..
That two inch limp knob Hux will likely follow.
Didn't have to sign into anything to hear this version.
I did hear the other 1 you posted on youtube but in 3 parts.
🤔 Did you make a wrong turn at Albuquerque?
What did everyone have for breakfast this morning
I had a banana and two slices of pepperoni pizza cold leftover from last night
I'd run out of leftover pizza!
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And nutritional
"What Is Marmite?
But what is this strange and smelly brown spread that inspires such strong feelings? Well, it’s yeasty because it’s made from yeast extract, along with a top-secret combination of other vegetable and spice extracts.
It’s British, although it was invented by a German: Chemist Baron Justus von Liebig discovered that the yeast leftover from brewing beer could be converted into a gooey high-protein byproduct. It was first sold by the Marmite Extract Company in England in 1902."
Marmite is fucking delicious! It's advertising hook is "you either love it, or hate it" and it is something that divides people!
I believe the bulk of it is a by-product of the brewing industry (but that may be a bit out-of-date).
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Just opening that link has made me salivate!
1 day after I got off work,i was hot,sweaty and thirsty.I went into the store,and grabbed what I THOUGHT was my normal gatoraid. A light green color.
Well I hit the road and after I got the truck shifted into high gear I went and took the lid off that cold gatoraid and turned it UP> BAD MOVE. It was CUCUMBER flavor. I about wrecked!> My GOD who came up with Cucumber flavored gatoraid? YUKS!
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I like a porter house steak with 4 under cooked dippy eggs on top of it the eggs a little on the snotty side
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I got to use some potatoes. I might do a potato and sausage omelet with lots of cheese
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Franks red hot sauce
I put that shit on everything
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I just finished homemade spaghetti sauce. I got it slow cooking until tomorrow. I use a cut up chicken and chicken broth plus all the regular stuff. Crushed tomato , onions etc
Very sad situation. Blocking ambulances,trying to break in a hospital,far from practicing free speach. More like being barbarians and thugs.
You can thank that little group that Obama started for organizing all this shit.
Organizing for Action (OFA) is a nonprofit 501(c)4 organization and community organizing project that advocates for the agenda of former U.S. President Barack Obama. The organization is officially non-partisan, but its agenda and policies are strongly allied with the Democratic Party.
Legal structure: Nonprofit organization
Founders: Michelle Obama
Organizing for Action - Wikipedia
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And the agenda , take down Trump.
it would behoove Trump or whoever to label this a terrorist group like they tried to do to the Hells Angels.
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But then were does it all end you bring in the cat’s to get rid of the mice and then the dog’s to chase off the cat’s and so on
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The thrust of your message, however, is troubling. Too far gone to be fixed by politicians, the police, or social workers? Your answer: it appears to be more vigilantism and more violence.
Let's hope all parties can find a way to row back from their current positions, and find a way to heal the wounds in your social fabric.
PS. Conflating Democratic with communist is risible.
At what point do you finally look at what is going on and realize that perhaps the only way to fight fire is with fire?
Sad that it would have to come to that.
No, that guy doesn't give me the impression that he gives a damn. I'd, however, go back a step and ask you why you think a fellow American has got to that point?
People aren't born terrorists. Their views develop over time. Twisted thinking? Yes.
Like you say: "sad". But I would also argue that fighting fire with fire just gives you a much bigger, fucking fire. As dgraff said above: cats to get the mice, than dogs to get the cats and so on, ad infinitum. The last thing your country needs right now is a few BLM "martyrs". I hope sensible heads prevail, but it's difficult to see where that help will come from. Stay safe.
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The other problem I have is that you seem to blame the media for pounding stuff into people's heads and you claim that they have indulged in brainwashing.
Do you know who owns most of the media we consume? Why would they want this level of instability? Why would the media " manipulate uneducated fuckers" to gain this shitstorm? I can't see your logic.
You've got BIG problems, but I think that the media are reporting that fact, rather than causing it. Your current POTUS is a bad role model when it comes to a free, and unfettered, press by the way. You want clips?
My question was: do you really think the billionaire-owned media companies in the US are feeding you bullshit because chaos suits their means?
What is "their agenda"? Seriously, who are they and what is their agenda?
It's your country but you seem to think there's a big "them" that want to destroy everything you hold dear. Are you fucking serious? Who are "they"?
Hux,even you said something to the effect that good news does not sell.
Why is there no thread about the historical treaty that was signed today? A MAJOR event. My dad said it never even came accross his tv while it was going on. It does not fit the agenda the media outlets profit from.
They're promoting race wars and killings because it's good for ratings? Seriously!?
There's no New World Order, phart. Stop electing people who prey on your fears.
If you want to start a thread about the treaty signed today, go for it! You always fucking moan and DO nothing!
Personally, I'll think you'll find Trump's Middle East treaties will come to be known as the anti-Shiite alliance. Not that picking a side is necessarily bad, but I see trouble ahead.
Your most interesting point is that you have "put our faith in leadership". Yes, you have been let down. Your political system may well be the thing that's really broken. Social media is, I fear, the main culprit. It's the new world where you are valuable only as a user of technology and social media. 2 markets where people are described as "users": drugs and social media.
If algorithms only feed you "news" and "facts" that are designed to keep your attention, rather than provide you with some sort of balanced truth, we will all end up consuming media that reinforces what we already believe. That will polarise views and drive people further apart from each other. Have you seen the increase in the rates of suicide, particularly for young women, since social media became a "thing"?
I believe your Nation, like most developed countries, wants competent, reasonable people in charge who care about the greater good and are not in it for personal gain. Why don't we get, in the majority of cases, people like that in power?
Our systems encourage people with character flaws to enter politics. You need to be a back-stabbing, narcissistic individual to climb that greasy pole. That sort of person is biddable, so Politics is riven with corruption (or looking after vested interests if you want to be less controversial), nepotism and cronyism.
Fixing THAT is the long term problem.
so does this at least show where Soros leans towards?
News and media coverage in the UK has the same problems. Particularly, in my opinion, when it comes to coverage of Russia and Russians. They are the instant "bogeyman" in every story they feature in. SOCIAL media also has the same deleterious effects here as elsewhere in the world.
I would also point out (to reinforce my previous points) that you appear to have totally "bought" phart's post about Soros. Now, go to the home page of "usagag" and see the partisan nature of their main stories: "Biden has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy question", "Obama is the beating heart of BLM", "Homelessness in LA is a consequence of immigration and sanctuary cities", "Obama-Biden knew Burisma was corrupt while it employed Hunter Biden".
I'm not saying that, necessarily, negates what phart has posted. It's just that I would suspect what comes up in his News feed, given how the Internet tracks our browsing history and is designed to keep us clicking, is designed for phart. The more time he spends online the more ads he is exposed to, which is how all the "free" stuff on the Internet is paid for. Remember: if you can't readily identify what the "product" is, it's likely that it's YOU. So phart's attention is being "sold" to advertisers. If phart is likely to keep clicking if it feeds him stories, of dubious truth, that reinforce his conservative (or anti-Liberal) views that's what he will get. He won't get feeds from Liberal sites because he won't click on them, or read them.
So, people of ALL political views get their opinions validated and reinforced - NOT challenged (that would be bad for business). It also results in any common ground disappearing, as people and their views get more and more polarised.
My advice: read stuff from sources you would, instinctively, DISAGREE with. See if your world view stands up to proper scrutiny. Apply some Socratic scrutiny to WHY you believe what you do. Play devil's advocate.
For all the people that "bleat" about how good Trump is on here, I reckon I could come up with a thousand words that are more persuasive (and pro-Trump) than anything I've read on here. It would be an act of intellectual sophistry, of course! I do, however, see what his attraction is and how he appeals to some.
All of that, and the influence of super-wealthy donors, is fucking TERRIBLE for Democracy.
The other extreme is just as unhealthy: have you noticed how many people, on here, will simply refuse to read an article because of the source?
Ahhh, it's CNN - must be Democrat bullshit.
Ahhh, it's Fox News - must be Republican bullshit.
The big problem is that if Joe Public behaves like an infant he/she will be treated like one. The world is complicated and those that reduce it to simple right and wrong can be very dangerous. Look at Syria over the last 10 years - what a fucking shitstorm. If you picked a side, next week that side would do something horrendous. Al Assad was fighting freedom fighters AND terrorists/ISIS, with Russian support. Who do you back then? Or does it just get too complicated and you withdraw - and throw the fucking Kurds under the bus? Just one example of many.
Don't get me started on the despots the US has supported because the alternative was a left-wing (damn Commies!!) popular government.
USA GAG is a multi-platform news and information media company. USA GAG was founded with mission to serve as a forum for better understanding and unity to help make the USA truly one nation.
"We are blatantly partisan and favour the left/right (delete as applicable) agenda in all our reporting. We don't say it outright but we are pro life/choice (delete as applicable) and our articles reflect that. We try not to lie TOO outrageously, but we will twist the facts to suit our agenda."
However, guess what, some of them are that bad. On left AND right.
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London protests: Demonstrators clash with police
That's because I have NEVER made a post to that effect, you silly fucking hag.
Anything else to offer?
By the way - I fucking LOVE being put on the spot. If someone can challenge me, on an intellectual basis, or brings new stuff to my experience I am delighted. So, do your fucking utmost.
I suspect, however, that you are unable to rise to that challenge. Puerile insults is more your level. Go on - fucking surprise me. Any original thoughts of your own that you feel might pique my interest?
Observations on UK Politics (as you seem to have discovered we exist - in a 3 month old article, by the way)?
Where do you think the US is on The Laffer curve, with respect to taxing companies?
How do you think we can best assert our personal agency in the age of the Internet?
Or, would you rather focus on sexual bragging and being a fucking pain in the ass?
A bit like watching a cat look behind a mirror to see where that other cat is coming from.
Lone passenger? Don't you think Charlie, Jerome and her other alter egos will climb on board the 3.15 to Derangedville?
Tempting though, if it makes her even more unhinged!!
The trolling, of me, is water off a duck's back.
Hey, just an f.y.i., it's Gerome, with a G. I think that I mentioned that we, Americans, have a unique way of spelling things!
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Oh. BTW, a supposed relationship between economic activity and the rate of taxation that suggests the existence of an optimum tax rate that maximizes tax revenue does not work
There are treatments for the virus,even measures that can be taken to prevent it.But no one listens.
Trying to reply to 2 warm but it came up wrong.
Good luck as pot is legal and fresh air is scarce.
PS. London is about 240 miles away and my air is also pretty fresh (barring the day after curry night!)
No BLM!!!!! How about a Fascist Republican group like the KKK?
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You say you'll defend the innocent. Isn't that if they are white? How many times would you send your cop son into the middle of a black crowd to protect some other black?
And when did the BLM become
Give me a break. It's ok to bitch from your condo balcony.
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