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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
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By bella! [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 17:15 other posts 
Wow! It is really sad to hear that Britain's oldest pub, Ye Olde Fighting Cocks might have to close. This pub has survived civil and world wars, famine and the spread of the bubonic plague yet COVID might cause the demise. So sad!

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By kebmo [Ignore] 04,Feb,22 02:06 other posts 
Jeff Bezo’s yacht.
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 04,Feb,22 04:34 other posts 
Paid for by workers who have to pee in a bottle, because they are not allowed a pee brake. Not a problem in the summer, because their warehouses get so hot, they are probably too dehydrated to pee.

At least some Dutch company got to build that ship.
Thanks Jeff, now I forgive you and buy all my shit at Amazon. (NOT!)

It's so big, it didn't fit under the bridge. At least Bezos paid for the dismantling himself.
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By kebmo [Ignore] 04,Feb,22 05:40 other posts 
I don’t think the decision whether or not to dismantle the bridge has been made yet.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 04,Feb,22 06:43 other posts 
Maybe they have not 'agreed' yet, but I read everywhere it will happen. What is not yet known is how and when it will be dismantled. The municipality has the ambition to remove the middle section in one day, sometime in the summer.

It's not that big of a problem to remove a bridge in one day. It was done before.
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We just don't like to do it for one rich asshole. So the legislators will make a performance like they are deliberating the issue.

I'm sure they will not let the docks take bad advertising. Everything will give way to mister Bezos.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Feb,22 11:32 other posts 
"At least some Dutch company got to build that ship."
Mighty ungrateful of you to not be happy your fellow countrymen had a chance at a job, especially during the virus lockdowns.
All these jealous people griping about bezo's, I bet they would gripe if suddenly they couldn't get their latest junk by greyish blue truck next day.
Why don't some of these jealous liberals start company's and work profit free and show us how's it done. Take all the risk, make all the investments, fight government regulations, and bring nothing home but ramen noodles for supper??
Don't take this the wrong way,I think bezo's is just another rich asshole.But without rich assholes,the world wouldn't work as well.

Any worker afraid to pee in a bottle to pass a drug test, should be fired and not allowed a dime in their pocket until they clean up their act.Drug influence on the job leads to accidents and death.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 04,Feb,22 12:45 other posts 
Bezos is doing his best to make other people poorer. He is using his position to crush other companies, he doesn't pay his employees enough and he is fighting with other rich fucks to keep the horrible system going, that made him that rich.

I don't give a rats ass about one rich fuck spending money in our country. If Amazon payed their workers better, maybe Bezos couldn't buy a ship that big, but all his workers would have more money to spend. In the end that would improve the economy of my country as well, because big yachts are not our only export product.

The spending of that one rich fuck, cannot compensate for the lack of spending he creates, by exploiting his workers and crushing his competition.

It's not jealousy it's economics and fairness.

They are not peeing in bottles to pass a drug test, they are peeing in bottles, because they are not allowed to take a pee break.
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By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 04,Feb,22 13:08 other posts 
What a bitter bitter cunt- I suppose next up is your endless whinge about unfair taxes... Post where you got your MBA before proceeding. Muppet
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Feb,22 09:12 other posts 
He pays nothing. How about you? Is that fair? Idiot!
By phart [Ignore] 05,Feb,22 09:50 other posts 
Without his company,his employee's would EARN NOTHING or be at a lesser paying job.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Feb,22 10:23 other posts 
Do you ever have any other argument for why you should let rich people do whatever they want?

Why do you think that? You think doing that will make YOUR life better, true?

So, why is your life not better then?
And not just you, but why is the majority of your fellow citizens worse off?

And try to think about it for once.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 05,Feb,22 10:27 other posts 
The Dutch Pan handle- always looking for the state to pay for his miserable life!

Welfare rat

Endlessly scope locked on anyone that actually gets after it. Sad cunt really.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Feb,22 10:30 other posts 
Your brain can't even handle thinking about something else than your indoctrination. Pathetic!
Phart at least gives it a try. You can only be a miserable cunt all the time.

If you can't argue your point, you're wrong.
By #610414 05,Feb,22 12:14
Come on Phart, working for Amazon is no different than working for another company. I doubt his employees re going around thanking their lucky stars that Bezos started his company.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 05,Feb,22 10:25 other posts 
You don't understand finance, or money. Go read a book.

He did not pay income taxes because he invested in the business, or took loses doing so. As far as his wealth goes, the majority of that is in stock. So until he sells that, it is not taxed.

Now, go back to your government flat and cry some more about others doing well. While you sit back on the dole.

And Amazon as corporations, pays hundreds of millions in taxes a year.

Another whiny liberal crying about how much their own life sucks.,
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Feb,22 10:56 other posts 
You argument shows you are completely ignorant about basically everything. You have been fed the bullshit that buying stocks is investing and that is somehow good for jobs. It doesn't, they only constantly increase their ownership, so they can siphon off more profits.

They don't pay capital gains tax, because they buy more and more stocks, with the dividend. Then they borrow money at 0% or negative interest. It's a trick, so they don't have to pay taxes over their 'income'. And while you are paying income tax, you are tricked into believing they shouldn't.

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It's not about my life, I'm doing well. I just like to live in a world where everyone is doing well. That would be possible, if there weren't so many people screwing up their own chances for a good life, like you.

But maybe you think you will ever amount to something by working very hard, all the time. It happens to some people, so why not you, right? Well, because you're not smart enough. Because the people who do get rich, don't believe the shit that you believe, they just force feed that shit to dumb fucks like you.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Feb,22 12:16 other posts 
I'm not so sure that I agree with your ideology about "living in a world where everyone is doing well" and I'm not exactly certain why I feel that way.

A Stepford Wives world where everyone is okie-dokey and has 2.5 children, a fluffy dog and wrought-iron fence around their 750k mini mansion. Maybe we should take it a step further and make sure everyone has blue eyes and blonde hair, too? Life would be so boring if we were all similar, no? I am thankful every single day for my health and that I am able to live the life that I live. Financially, I'm doing well because I wanted more and WORKED HARD TO GET THERE. I'm not suggesting that people that are in need shouldn't receive help because they should, but government assistance should be just that, assistance and not a way of life.

Hey, I've suggested it tongue-in-cheek, maybe be need to sell our homes, pack our bags and take our happy asses straight to the airport for a non-stop flight to The Netherlands so that your government can take care of us.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 05,Feb,22 12:32 other posts 
Looks like Dutch Cunt is getting revved up! A feeble mind so jealous of everyone else. Sad as fuck.

Like I said before, an intellectual hack at best. So desperate to show everyone how "smart" he is on a cunt site! Perhaps you can publish some of your own work for us to review? Oh wait...

And honestly, his posts sound exactly like that skinny rat JiminKS.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 05,Feb,22 16:56 other posts 
I thought Bitcoin was shit and bought 3 @ a dollar each many moons ago. Well got to say two things 1. Am happy 2. Wish I had bought more. I have some money in BHP shares, 1. Happy 2. Should have bought more.

These were investments, Looking after the workers never crossed my mind.... I'm looking after wife and kids
By phart [Ignore] 05,Feb,22 17:22 other posts 
You have your priority's in order! I am a bit ignorant on bitcoin stuff. Must be something to it as people are becoming wealthy without having to hurt themselves.
I am not saying investing is bad. I have a pretty nice stock portfolio and some cryptos myself. In my opinion stocks are even compatible with socialism.

I don’t have a problem on principle with all of these structures:
• Employers / business owners
• Managers
• Profits
• Tax agreements
• Capital investors
• Landlords
• Stocks
• Investment funds
• Cryptocurrencies

When I have issues with these structures, is when they conflict with my principles on 'HOW' and 'HOW MUCH'. Unfortunately, the right-wingers (here) don’t seem to understand NUANCE.

Maybe I can create some comprehension with a few simple examples:

• What is the difference between landlords and slumlords?
• What is it, that gives second hand car dealers such a bad reputation?
Is selling second hand cars immoral?

• If your $800 iPhone breaks, 1 week after purchase and you claim warranty, maybe you would accept it if you have to pay the shipping costs.
But would you accept a $150 handling fee?
• Why is it unacceptable when all gas stations in a 500-mile radius agree
with each other to raise their prices by an extra $20 per gallon?

Sir-Skittles is either incapable or unwilling (because of partisan insincerity)
to grasp such conceptual thinking.
I have a higher opinion of your intelligence and honesty.
Am I mistaken or are you able to follow and acknowledge my logic here?
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Feb,22 11:49 other posts 
Sir-Skittles, although you have repeatedly called Ananas2xLekker a "Dutch cunt", are you going to allow him the pleasure of calling you ignorant?
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 05,Feb,22 12:24 other posts 
If that Dutch cunt wants to compare CV's, let's go.

Because he is nothing ore than an intellectual hack. A cut and paste muppet who always obeys the state. I guess he has to since he depends on that check each month.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Feb,22 13:32 other posts 
jealous Is the only word I can find that even comes close to the way Ananas thinks.
Ok so bezo's buys stocks in his company. His dividends buy more stock. Instead of selling his stock, he borrows money at a lower interest rate than the stocks earn in dividends.
There is not a damn thing wrong with doing that. That is how people work hard and improve their lives and have a good retirement.
IF that is the way he and other got to where they are,I am happy for them. Fuck the jealous people that think they should hand over what they worked and took risk for.
that stock can go down in value just as easy as it went up. That is the risk you take putting your money into it.
Sheesh.Some people have no friggen idea. Poor people are poor in part because they can't invest much if any.
That should MOTIVATE them to get a better job,get a education so they get a better job and so on. Whineing about it is NOT the solution.Hating someone for their success and intelligence in money handling is not a solution.
bezo's didn't STEAL the money.

Until you actually work for something you don't appreciate it.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Feb,22 16:40 other posts 
"There is not a damn thing wrong with doing that. That is how people work hard and improve their lives and have a good retirement."

So he's working 2.6 MILLION times harder than his employees?

The median Amazon worker made $29,007 in 2020.
Bezos's net worth grew by $75 billion in 2020.

It's not stealing, because it's legal. But that's the problem.
If they legalize whipping employees, would you be OK with that?

Do you think the slaves were also just JEALOUS of their owners?
Slavery is where you are heading, when you allow employers all the power and all the freedom and you allow the employees no rights and no power to organize.
If you think that is exaggerated, than explain where you think is the limit of what 'employers' are allowed to do. Have you ever even thought about that?
By phart [Ignore] 05,Feb,22 17:28 other posts 

You just don't get it do you?
IF you don't think running a business and being the guy at the receiving end of "the buck stops here" is difficult ,why are you just comfortable? Why aren't YOU wealthy???
Why am I not wealthy? Because right about the time I started earning enough to be able to invest sizable amounts, I was hurt on the job and now live on a fixed income. BUT the few investments I did make, in stock, pays a dividend that helps make life easier.
Employers should have enough "power" to start,own and operate a business in a profitable manner and hire workers do perform necessary labor. Pay employee's a wage suitable for the labor and responsibility they bear. A burger flipper or box handler does NOT deserve the same pay as a pilot or a gas pipeline welder.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Feb,22 19:05 other posts 
What Bezos is doing takes about 3x the talent, 200x the ambition and about the same intelligence, required for my job. Still, he makes about a million times more money than me.
I'm not saying I'm worth his money, but he is definitely also not worth his money. HE is not making that money, his underemployed overworked employees are.

I'm not impressed with Bezos' intelligence. I've listened to him. Elon Musk is a lot smarter, but I wouldn't call him a genius. I think lots of the people who work for him are smarter.

I would say the qualities needed to get wealthy, are narcissism, ruthlessness and fucking shitloads of luck.
--------------------------------------- added after 41 hours

I meant 'underpaid' off course.

So you understand the difference in value of jobs. The problem lies in the factor. Bezos is not 2.6 MILLION times more valuable than any of his employees. He once had a good idea and had the LUCK that it worked. Do you really think that selling books on the internet is that incredibly brilliant? He was just the first and got some good deals in early.

He also had some help. His parents gave him $250,000 to start Amazon. He was at least smart enough to not squander it, like many do, but many people don't get that chance. Also his father could afford to send him to Princeton university. Just showing that diploma opens many doors.

At least Bezos started that company. Many owners of large companies just inherited their wealth. They could be absolute idiots and still be wealthy for ever. That's what CEOs are for.
OK, my CV, generalized for some anonymity.

3 years of secondary school
4 years of secondary vocational education + internship, result: diploma
4 years of higher professional education + internship, resulting in a bachelors degree in Biotechnology

3 years of laboratory analyst work
9 years working as an operator in a biotechnology production laboratory
10 years working as a process engineer

My own yearly income is around 1.4x the median gross income. My girlfriend also has a job, making about half the median gross income, working 25 hours/week. Together we earn around 2.2x the median household income.
We have no children, so we're living comfortably, are paying off our mortgage in an increasing rate and have enough saved for a rainy day (or year).
I'm planning to be completely debt free at retirement and I can rely on a nice pension.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 05,Feb,22 16:58 other posts 
Skitz is just a cunt lol. From one cunt to another 🤣
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 07:27 other posts 
I love the name Dutch cunt it has a nice ring to it and it don’t sound as vulgar as anal licker
That's you just thinking "hundreds of millions in taxes a year is a lot".
Their profits are in the tens of billions. They avoided $2.3 billion in taxes.
That's $9,70 dollars for every man, woman and child, that you now have to pay the government, to compensate for just Amazon.
Walmart, Google, Microsoft, Apple and all those other corporations do the same. That means YOU are paying more or just getting a hell of a lot less back.

How you must love those rich people, that you are paying their bills.

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By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 07,Feb,22 08:08 other posts 
Those that can do... those that can't preach and complain!

Sad cunt.

The fake as fuck intellectual! Probably sits around in misery everyday. Too fat to swallow his own load (by his own admission)
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 07,Feb,22 15:17 other posts 
Shooting in my mouth and swallowing still works fine. I'm just not able to suck my own cock anymore. That's due to my weight, sure, but I'm also 48.
Not as flexible as I used to be.

So you want everyone to do what they can get away with?
That would sure be a big mess. Oh, I see, just them off course.
By #610414 08,Feb,22 14:59
What does a New York Rat From the Bronx actually know? NOTHING except where the dumpster is at.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Feb,22 16:41 other posts 
Damn bud,shows how out of touch you are with trucking in America.

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Jugs and bottles of piss have littered our hwys for decades,before bezo's was born.So amazon drivers are doing what alot of other drivers have been doing for decades,nothing to do with piss breaks.

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What is a trucker bomb?
A bottle filled with urine and thrown from a motor vehicle , to save the occupant from having to use a rest stop toilet etc.
Why does a pee bottle collapse in on itself?
The bottles are predominantly plastic beverage containers from convenience stores -- milk, juice, etc. Capped and thrown from a moving vehicle, some retain their seal. In the summer heat, urine bottles build up pressure and when nudged by a clean-up crew may explode, or be spun into the air by lawnmower blades.
By #610414 05,Feb,22 12:04
Ananas, your URL doesn't show anything new about Amazon drivers or any other over-the-road trucker. Spending 8+ hours driving a vehicle without a bathroom requires thinking out of the box. Personally, while I don't get offended seeing a man whip it out and pee on the side of the road, it's more esthetically pleasing for him to use a bottle.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Feb,22 16:29 other posts 
8+? How about 14? Without any breaks.

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By #610414 05,Feb,22 17:00
Even more of a reason
By phart [Ignore] 05,Feb,22 17:32 other posts 
With the supply chain problems we have,caused alot by driver shortages and rules saying nothing over 8 hours and blah blah blah, people still don't appreciate the few men and women hauling their shit for them.
Honestly,I hope the trucker movement going on in canada right now,takes hold here in the US and I hope every fucking truck in the country goes to washington. I hate strikes when it is people whineing about a employers rules or something.But those truckers don't need a friggen shot in the arm to ride around by themselves in the cab of a truck.
So they piss in a fucking bottle and toss it. Tossing it may be a issue,but quit taking away the rest stops, make more business's trucker friendly so they have a place to go and that issue may subside a bit.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Feb,22 18:30 other posts 
Yes, you're not in favor of employees striking for some safer working conditions or better pay, which gives them the FREEDOM to not die on the job and have some time with their families.

But you are in favor of strikes for the freedom to refuse vaccination, without consequences. Because when it comes to a shot, THEN your body is sacred. But you think the body of any worker is completely expendable, when it comes to work accidents, or working till they drop from exhaustion, dehydration, stress or ergonomic overexertion. And people dying of poverty induced diseases are also just disposable items to you. (Too bad that you are suffering the consequences yourself, because your under-medication is poverty related)

At least I am consistent. I agree with their right to strike for anything applicable to the rights, conditions and compensations associated with their job or jobs in general.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Feb,22 22:14 other posts 
You are missing something.
There is risk in everything you do. Going to work can get you killed. Going to the beach can get you killed. Are you going to strike for higher retirement benefit's?
Workers know there are risk involved in doing the job. BUT they continue to go to work. IF the risk is to great ,don't go back.Be a bum, that can get you killed to as someone can run over you with a car.
40 hour work week with some over time when needed was decided on a long time ago.By striking and shit.So they got what they wanted. Done deal.This shot thing is just over the fucking top.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 06,Feb,22 12:37 other posts 
Read my post on nuance.

Like with everything, your job cannot be 100% safe. But should your employer do something to preserve your health and prevent you death on the job?

It doesn't even just protect the employees, but also the employers and the whole economy. Sick employees cost money, even if all the risk is for the employees. That should be an argument for you.

Covid vaccines are not just protecting the ones who gets them, they are also protecting for example people who need healthcare. Or should hospitals deny unvaccinated people treatment for Covid?
By phart [Ignore] 06,Feb,22 13:27 other posts 
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 07,Feb,22 05:24 other posts 
You might be surprised to hear that I agree with him on a lot of what he said about freedom. I don't want my EMPLOYER to know about my medical status and I don't want my EMPLOYER to enforce vaccine mandates.
By the way, that does not happen in The Netherlands. Employers are not even allowed to ask, because of privacy laws.

But he is wrong about the constitution. Those rules in the constitution are describing what the government can do to it's citizens. He is not a citizen, he is a government employee, so those rules don't apply to him, on the job.
Military personnel always had vaccine mandates.
There are only religious exemptions for that. There is no religion that specifically prohibits Covid vaccines. If his religion prohibited vaccines in general, than why did it come up just now and not before?
His reasons are political. Political orientation is not a protected class.

When employers enforces their vaccine mandates, that's also NOT against the constitution. Just like that the first amendment is not breached, when YouTube or Facebook bans people for speech.
It's mostly the Republican party that fought for giving employers more rights to infringe upon the rights of their employees, than the government has,
over it's CITIZENS.

From 5:09 he goes into several disinformation memes:
"Intimidation of our physicians and scientific community"
"Knowingly withholding lifesaving treatment"
He's now talking about physicians not prescribing Ivermectin and other rumored 'cures', that have either been shown to be ineffective or are still being tested. It is the job of physicians to give patients the best treatment, not give people a drug, with potential dangerous side effects, just because people believe disinformation.

It is not his job to 'research' a medical issue through internet misinformation rabbit holes and then think he knows better than the medical community.
He resigned (or was fired) over his personal unwillingness to vaccinate.
He can give a nice spin on it, by saying 'CONSTITUTION', but he is refusing to do his duty of protecting the public, of which vaccination is a part.
His employer (the government) can fire him over not doing his duty, even when his duty goes against his rights as a citizen.
That's how the law works!
By phart [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 14:22 other posts 
"Just like that the first amendment is not breached, when YouTube or Facebook bans people for speech."
How is that? Youtube says what it wants to, who can ban them? who can stop them? So they are violating freedom of speech when no one but them can change their own behavior but can change ours with a mouse clic.

The law is the law even if breaking it is your duty.
Since when did employment change your citizenship?????? Explain that please?
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Feb,22 06:46 other posts 
That’s not possible now days we have log books and we have odometer on each wheel that will shut the truck down if driven more then 8 hrs at a time
By #610414 04,Feb,22 20:38
Phart, you must have forgotten how Bezos started his company. He started selling books (new and used) on the internet. I remember articles describing him as nuts for trying to compete with those brick and mortar super book stores. I’m sure there were many noodle nights.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Feb,22 21:07 other posts 
in other words you are saying he started the company from the ground up with 300,000 dollars invested by his parents?
Did he not basically live the American dream? Once you start putting the brakes on success, it won't end until we are really like china.
Why are people like Ananas so jealous??
About what he pays his employees, hell if they don't like the wages,they can fucking leave you know?
1000's of lazy ass people have left their jobs the past couple years. How they eat,damned if I know.

I still would like to see how long a liberal like Ananas, can start and run a profit free business .What would be the use?
By #610414 05,Feb,22 12:40
I object you describing employees leaving their jobs as "lazy ass people". You don't know these people or their motives, and you certainly don't know their financial status.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Feb,22 13:29 other posts 
Don't need to know their status,I do know that companys are short staffed and can't operate as they once did.
I also know that people are complaining alot more and doing alot less.
By #610414 05,Feb,22 13:35
Are you blaming the staff shortage on the employees? I would think that if a company is truly caring about a company's greatest asset they would not be so bad off. It's been surveyed that the more an employee is upset, the less his output.
So now employees are not even allowed to quit their jobs for a better one?

You would really like to return to the middle ages.
Your dream world is a lord in a castle and serfs living in shacks,
working the land for their lord.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Feb,22 21:28 other posts 
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Feb,22 18:46 other posts 
At least you see the humor in a parody about Amazon screwing people.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Feb,22 08:24 other posts 
Nono, he just found out there is NO FREE RIDEs!
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 03:56 other posts 
Unless your last name is Trump. Then you can be the dumbest coke head alive and still tens of millions of people would vote for you to be president.

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