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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By bella! [Ignore] 09,Feb,22 19:25 other posts 
Here's something rather interesting that is taken from the Detroit Free Press 2 or 3 days ago. The Coast Guard helicopter rescue from Lake Erie ice will cost the TAXPAYERS an estimated $50,000-$60,000. Taxpayers? WTF!?

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Since describing someone used to be normal when trying to explain an event, who do you think the dumb fucks are out on the ice with their pick-em-up trucks and their ATV's because I couldn't tell in the video.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Feb,22 19:42 other posts 
WHite Idiots with 4x4's are not limited to the south.
White teens and 20 somethings are bad to put a raft in the local river when it floods. Army corp of engineers had to bring in a BIG ass helicopter as in 1 of the double prop thingys,to get a couple of the fools out back a few years ago. The army billed the idiots.Rather they got paid or not I don't know.
By #553818 09,Feb,22 20:37
Regardless if the other option is: letting them die, then so be it. It's not like tax money is spent on much better anyway (the majority of it goes towards gagging orders).

By #574505 08,Feb,22 12:43
Let's go Brandon... only registered users can see external links
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 14:13 other posts 
It appeared that the passenger's face mask reflected FJB and his sweatshirt had "Let's Go...." and I will assume Brandon but it's a sad state of affairs that the passenger was required to cover or remove it.

Has our society become so soft that the initials F-J-B, shirts that say "Let's Go Brandon", MAGA hats, Trump supporters and so on can cause such an issue and disruption!?
By phart [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 14:17 other posts 
My dad always wears his Make America Great Again hat,black with gold trim.
The other day going to a restaurant a large, slow moving,black lady passed by him and muttered "redneck" , He just muttered "go to hell" back at her and kept going.
It is a sad world when a few words get people all tore up.
Walk on by the shirt,mask,statue or the hat,this is America,we have freedom of speach. Don't like it,move somewhere else.
By #610414 08,Feb,22 15:22
I’m with you. Walk on by. Your Dad has the right to his opinions. That lady was wrong because your Dad was not VOICING his opinion to the public. If he had, the lady would have had the right to express her opinion of your Dad.
Airlines have certain rules about “proper attire” in their flights. Banning Risqué clothing or political fight provoking clothing are in place for a reason. The irline companies, owners of the plane have that right and the flight attendants have to enforce these rules. It’s like the “No tie, no shoes, no service.” In some restaurants.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 16:11 other posts 
Proper attire? Since when and WHO decided that the initials FJB or Let's Go Brandon are deemed to be offensive? For all I know, FJB could mean fruity jelly beans. And "Let's Go Brandon" was nothing more than cheering on Brandon Brown after his win of the Sparks 300 at Talladega Superspeedway. BOOM!
By #610414 08,Feb,22 18:03
I for one, although I would stay quiet and many liberal that like our president. You know very well the intent, but, if that’s your story, go for it.
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Feb,22 08:34 other posts 
Not me i wear what I want and screw whoever doesn’t like it many years ago I was at ocean city Maryland I attempted to go in the purple moose saloon but they would not let me in because I had a Harley Davidson shirt on and not a sweater draped over my back with the sleeves tied around my neck so I went in a bar called the bearded clam it was a biker bar and they welcomed me with open arms so after a few shots I told the fellows that I just came from the purple moose and they were talking badly about bikers so I guess later on some of the bikers went down there and created a ruckus oops did I cause that
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 16:01 other posts 
phart, phart, phart, phart, can't be serious, the words you chose, really? Slow moving, black lady, the only thing you didn't mention was her age. Would it have made a difference if it was a white guy in his 40's, a slim Asian woman in her 30's, a teenage boy OR a 50 year old Spanish speaking woman, etc? The descriptive words were not necessary. It's a sad, sad world when people cannot OR WILL NOT look beyond another person's color, race, religion, etc.
By milesbferry [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 17:06 other posts 
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Colorblind? Some people are.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 17:20 other posts 
I can honestly say that I see people, not color. Can you say the same or are you as bigoted as you come across?
By #610414 08,Feb,22 18:09
And I can honestly believe you, not that you care. I like to think I’m that way too, but, I can’t be that way 100% of the time. There are times that I see something black as coming from the blacks and something white coming from the whites. I can’t be perfect and for those times I’m not then I say” one hundred lashes with a wet noodle
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 20:33 other posts 
I'm in no way perfect. I allow everyone an equal opportunity to show me who they really are.
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Feb,22 05:54 other posts 
I know I’m not racist for sure now. I just voted a Mexican up above an Indian
By #610414 09,Feb,22 08:15
MOUNTAIN MAN!!!!! You are lovable, incorrigible, but, lovable. One should take their friends as they are.
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Feb,22 08:17 other posts 
By milesbferry [Ignore] 09,Feb,22 16:09 other posts 
No, I'm not like that. You could ask my UK Indian, Pakistani and Nigerian workmates (all Brits) over 40 years of my working life. Oops, missed out West Indian colleagues!
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Feb,22 16:22 other posts 
Oh, could it be you are a "closet" bigot!? You are a pal and a good white guy when interacting with your UK Indian, Pakistani, Nigerian and West Indian colleagues but probably feeling that you are far superior to them, no?
By milesbferry [Ignore] 09,Feb,22 17:43 other posts 
No. You need to snap out of the white supremesist thing! My nigerian friend is far more "privileged" than me. (billions). And she doesn't care about my lowly white status.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Feb,22 18:52 other posts 
Oh my,You again!
Snap out of the fantasy world and get back to reality.
It is not as pretty as fantasy world and there are no unicorns to ride to walmart but at least it's REAL.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Feb,22 08:49 other posts 
Well,I didn't say nasty things did I?
The point of describing her was to show the type of person that was being rude. Most of the time a slender, fast paced, white woman is not going to up and call someone a redneck.
By #610414 09,Feb,22 09:01
Obviously you haven’t heard of that new phenomenon, the “Karen”
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Feb,22 11:52 other posts 
You were painting a detailed picture of that moment and I really don't feel that the details were necessary. Bottom line, it was a person who happened to be a woman who called your father a "redneck". The fact that you noted that she was large, slow moving and black really wouldn't be important details unless she physically assaulted your father and the police were writing a report or drawing a composite picture. And to generalize that a slender, fast paced, Caucasian woman/women aren't inclined to address someone in that manner is narrow minded and wrong on so many levels. Dare I say that your assertion(s) make you sound not too smart!?
By phart [Ignore] 09,Feb,22 16:22 other posts 
take it as you wish,no harm was meant. Describing someone used to be normal when trying to explain a event. .

By phart [Ignore] 09,Feb,22 16:25 other posts 
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This gave me a headache reading it!

By bella! [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 22:18 other posts 
Praise JESUS but what in the heck is wrong with the Catholic Church!?

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By Dev01 [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 22:43 other posts 
Theifs come in any ethnicity and religion. Sad but true. I don't care for Catholicism nor and religion regardless of being Christened Roman Catholic.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 22:57 other posts 
That former nun looks like someone that a child would be proud to call "grandma". To embezzle $835k during the tenure of being the school's principal is wrong and the fact that the Catholic Church doesn't want to press charges makes them complicit. Geez, the Catholic Church seems to be a safe harbor for criminals and straight up perverts!

Maybe I feel that way because I was raised as Lutheran.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 23:53 other posts 
Catholicism is the worst, well has the worst stigmata going around. I think the catholic church has the most money so really a company now.

Will be on the stock exchange soon
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Feb,22 01:16 other posts 
Your assertion about the Catholic Church being a company/corporation sounds spot on. I Google'd the net worth and this is what I found;

"How much is the Roman Catholic church worth?
Bankers' best guesses about the Vatican's wealth put it at $10 billion to $15 billion. Of this wealth, Italian stockholdings alone run to $1.6 billion, 15% of the value of listed shares on the Italian market. The Vatican has big investments in banking, insurance, chemicals, steel, construction, real estate."
By Dev01 [Ignore] 09,Feb,22 01:38 other posts 
By #275407 09,Feb,22 02:40
I've always wanted to grow a mustache just like the nuns had when I was in Catholic school, but I just didn't have enough hair on my body like the nuns
By Dev01 [Ignore] 09,Feb,22 02:49 other posts 
Greek nun's rock that the best
By #275407 09,Feb,22 02:51
By phart [Ignore] 09,Feb,22 08:53 other posts 
Maby some of that spray on stuff they show on tv??
Maybe she came to her senses, discovered that religion is a scam and wanted some appeasement for wasting her life as a nun. Why else would she steal from the church, this close to the grave? That's a sure one way ticket to hell, if you BELIEVE that.
She probably lost her faith when she started *g*a*m*b*l*i*n*g.

(*g*a*m*b*l*i*n*g is a word that needs censoring? It's legal in the US.)
By phart [Ignore] 09,Feb,22 08:57 other posts 
No maby she expected to ask for forgiveness and the whole thing be dropped .God will drop it but the law won't. And shouldn't.
We had a case locally of a woman stealing from a church when she was treasurer. Stole something like 20,000 dollars. Not a lot but back then it was enough the little churches power almost got cut off. They couldn't afford basic Maintenace and such. I went and mowed the 3 acres of grass myself for them once because it was knee high and most of the members were elderly and couldn't do it themselves.

Sad thing is the old bat didn't get much punishment at all.
By #610414 09,Feb,22 08:57
I don’t think she lost her faith. She sinned in spite of her faith and it probably caused her tremendous guilt. Mankind, as a whole, needs religion. People need to believe that there’s an omnipotent being that they can, when there’s no hope, supplicate for a miracle. The problem is that a religion needs corporation like guidance. That’s when human faults appear. I was brought up as Russian Orthodox Catholic. I stopped believing in organized religion when I realized that the fattest person in a starving village is the local priest. Having said that, I still pray to my God. I need to know that when my time comes I can ask for salvation. Doesn’t make sense, does it? But, think about this, “Oh, God.” Is the first words uttered in time of complete loss.
How could the Catholic Church not have foreseen that unmarried men would find a way to satisfy their hunger.
--------------------------------------- added after 14 minutes

Lutherans believe that humans are saved from their sins by God's grace alone (Sola Gratia), through faith alone (Sola Fide), on the basis of Scripture alone (Sola Scriptura). Orthodox Lutheran theology holds that God made the world, including humanity, perfect, holy and sinless.
That’s good but it seems to me that the human factor is taken out of the equation. Don’t Lutherans have to confess their sins to achieve salvation?

By bella! [Ignore] 06,Feb,22 07:25 other posts 
Is it my imagination or what?? It seems that there are more members flashing a premium paid member's "badge" OR "diamond". I like it, I really like it! SYD/SYC, SHOWITOFF is definitely worth supporting! Woo hoo!
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 06,Feb,22 10:32 other posts 
I agree there have been more flashy badges... but...

1. Are these members new? Or, just didn't display this before?

2. Are these newly minted badges simply other paying members sponsoring memberships?

I did ping Admin several years ago look at re-engineer the membership models. It was suggested perhaps making a third tier membership. Or, putting in some new features on the top models. Something to entice the cunts here to spend more.

On related topics: Points. Find a way to make points relevant again. Had some fun ideas about this but nothing it was only a discussion. Maybe admin already looked into and it was simply not worth it. Not my site, but would welcome some further discussion with Admin at any time to being in some cash to the site.

By admin [Ignore] 06,Feb,22 12:48 other posts 
You used to burn other people's points and negvoting, but honestly, very few people did. When I swapped billing, they told me that according to their rules points ("site tokens" as they name it) can't be burnt if they were bought. So I considered making full protection for purchased points, but then I made an analysis and saw that almost no one burn them or vote negatively. Main point spender is banners. That was always so and it is still so.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 17:56 other posts 
I think I remember that you could NOT burn anyone who paid for points for like 30 days?

And who would burn good points here? Or, vote down pics? It did make cunts go crazy!
By mr_blue [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 16:08 other posts 
Points are supposed to help things tick over and provide financial support to the site...
When you have members that just take points out of the system and don't give back, members just look at the points and think,why bother spending,when they can sit on their points and get enough from the ball game or image bid....way too many members have points they don't use but they just play the ball game to get the points.....why bother collecting points if you don't use them?
Unless you have paid for points.....admin should have points degradation.....use them or lose them....
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 16:18 other posts 
I agree with you, I ALWAYS use my points or I give them away before the end of the day. I do buy points, I do gift memberships and I do give gifts and sometimes I vote on pictures.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 17:56 other posts 
Bella is VERY generous with gifts!
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 20:29 other posts 
Thank you however the same can be said about many of the members and you are one of the "many".
By admin [Ignore] 06,Feb,22 13:06 other posts 
Not seeing any increase, honestly. A lot of people cancelled their subscription before xmas, first part of the January was dead, then it started to get better, but it is yet not came back to the "before xmas" level. And may be it will not ever already because of the changes I had to make.

However, February is "traditionally" a month when people spend a lot of their time on adult sites. I don't really know why, but it has been so for 20 years I've been in the biz. Probably it's too cold to get outside and no new movies/series come out in this period and no holidays, except Valentines, which actually rather pushes single people (or people with bad relationships) to porn, than distracts them from it. So you may really see more people with badges being online or otherwise active (posting in forum, etc).

By bella! [Ignore] 06,Feb,22 18:29 other posts 
The other day I wondered why members (premium paid) choose to hide their gifts, today I wonder why some members upload, remove, upload, remove, upload, remove (you get the idea) the same ol', same ol' pictures? Is it that they are looking for more points, better comments, whatever...?
By #610414 06,Feb,22 19:31
I don’t know the reason why other members recycle their pics. For me I get tired of seeing my page looking the same and so, every so often, I delete my pics en mass. Then I start reloading them in a different order. I accepted the fact that my pics will never reach top position on the main page. And as far as points, it doesn’t matter witch pics or in what order they are, I USUALLY make the 400 daily points allotted to premium members. My points come from the daily private interactions with other members. I recently uploaded 3 pics that I had not exhibited for a long time. I don’t usually look at the SYC main page but I was pleasantly surprised to see the 3 pics were popular. Does it do more than tickle my pride? Not that I can see, but, I’m happy it brings some joy to other members (men)
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Feb,22 07:22 other posts 
Okay, thank you.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 07,Feb,22 08:06 other posts 
All your pics look the same to everyone here Cat- Like a used tire with glued on cunt hairs!

And you are fooling no one posting pictures from 30 plus years ago! Get to the psych doctor for updated meds!

Speaking of hiding pictures- that Dutch Retard took off all his face pics... Wonder what happened!
By #610414 07,Feb,22 10:10
Skittles, you operate on a misapprehension. You voice your likes and dislikes assuming the rest of the members think like you. That spare tire with glued on cunt hairs has served me well. Many members vote for it. And those “30 yr old pics” are the same ones I uploaded when I used to say I was 40 and you used to say, then, that the site was for young women. My avatar pic was taken when I was in my mid-twenties. Alas, (how about that word) time marches on and we all loose some of our good looks. So I’m not the beauty I was when I was 25, why should that bother you or be any of your concern? I noticed that’s your style with most members. You don’t like Indians, Blacks, Latino, or other foreigners. Could it be you feel so inferior, you need to take everyone else down? What the hell. I don’t know why I bothered. It goes into your head and out your ass. Botched, botched, botched.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 10:00 other posts 
Only Indians! Disgusting grubs and use their streets as a toilet.

It is annoying because you represent the pics to be current. You are fooling only the desperate mongoloids that lurk your page for attention. Mostly shut-ins and nearly blind members.

How long did it take for you to write the aforementioned post? Cat

By #610414 08,Feb,22 10:21
I don't represent them as current although I consider any pic that's less than 3 yrs as current. For God's sake, I have many members that have been sending me the same tired pic of their dick and many are well respected members. Talk to anyone that has exchanged pics with me or anyone that likes them and they'll tell you my pics are a collection from the time I was in my twenties. However, if those "mongoloids" want to "lurk my page", isn't that their business and has nothing to do with me?
The aforementioned post took a few seconds. Some of us are faster in the draw.
As far as Indians, large US cities have large homeless populations and guess where they urinate and defecate? In the streets and private yards. BTW, the Supreme Court said they can.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 12:44 other posts 
Yes,... they are all run by democrats! Nearly every blue city has out of control crime, mental illness, and rampant homeless problems. It is NOT a random coincidence. All because of defund police. November is going to be epic...

BTW- love how you try to take the good, tolerant citizen role here. Since you endlessly sprew homophobic and Jewish slurs. You are mentally ill at best. Or, maybe you have multiple personalities?

Report to the site medical officer for additional meds!

By #610414 08,Feb,22 10:29
This is what you wrote on my page.
Sir-Skittles wrote (10min ago):
Every picture on this page should be replaced with a clogged toilet pic

And now we have your page: /member.php?w=548890. You are nothing but a botched...I can't say it. Members get upset if I do, but, I think they know just looking at your page.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 12:45 other posts 
All your scummy rat offspring have coat hanger scars!!
By mr_blue [Ignore] 07,Feb,22 05:10 other posts 
Some members like to hide themselves, simply because of the members here,if you are a real female member,you get attention,then you get stalkers,then those stalkers want to see who gifts you,who you comment on,what pics you like etc.....

As for the re-uploading of pictures, it's about getting attention when they want they flood the uploads while they are onsite then delete the pics when they log off.... probably gets some points too....
By #610414 07,Feb,22 08:27
I don’t have to tell you that posting nude pics on site is ALL about getting attention but the new rules makes it hard to delete and repost. The only points available is when someone votes for your pics. In my case, I never, ever, pass up a pic without voting hot for it. It evens out.
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Feb,22 11:25 other posts 
Thank you mr_blue, for your insightful response. The hiding of gifts is not limited to SYC members, SYD members hide gifts, too. The uploading, removing, uploading, removing of the same pictures seems to be primarily happening with SYC members though and I think you are spot on about getting attention when wanted. Thanks again!
By mr_blue [Ignore] 07,Feb,22 11:30 other posts 
And maybe some members upload a lot of pictures, because they don't know if some will be approved or not for upload...
By #553818 08,Feb,22 08:14
With galleries now being a thing I'll delete and re-upload as it makes sorting easier. If re-uploading a pic that is already up moved it to the top (as in it acted like a "new" pic) on your own page it would make things a lot easier.
By #553818 08,Feb,22 08:17
With the pending upload thing, I like to be online when my pics go "live" as I enjoy showing them off/engaging people with then. So if some photos take too long and such thing isn't possible I'll sometimes wipe them and re-upload.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 10:01 other posts 
Keep posting your great pics filthyMilfyKelly
By #553818 08,Feb,22 18:51
Of course I will be x
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Feb,22 13:58 other posts 
Thank you for your response because as a SYC member you have validated mr_blue's thoughts. I hadn't considered the delay in time involved in uploading pictures nor had I considered some member's desire to interact with members at that moment and time of the upload.

Nice to see you in the forum!
By #553818 08,Feb,22 18:52
I'm guessing a lot of it is due to me being in the UK and thus the timezone difference meaning things take longer to process than at other times (I'm assuming it's certain members or something that look at pics for approval?)

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