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From 2:31: only registered users can see external links
Corruption to the core.
In your city or country, do you have ample plug in stations for electric cars?
Not sure I understand your last sentence.
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But I will admit ,IF and WHEN they can make a electric car safe, and perhaps people start separating the garage from the house again like in the old days when the carriage house became the garage, then it would be more feasible.
The biggest issue is the lack of training and knowledge for firefighting and rescue operations in regards to electric cars after wrecks..
The insurance company totaled it and it was bought for a song at auction. Only to be fixed by replacing a sensor in the drivers side power window motor.
Why should a power window prevent a truck from running and working correctly?Why would they design such nonsense?
--------------------------------------- added after 4 hours
They can’t make us drive this garbage but we as a human race are to stooped say we don’t want and will not drive this crap there are a lot of people on this site that consider them selves super smart and i bet they are all driving new plastic junk I’m not singling any one out but in my opinion they are not so smart my daily driver is 35 years old and it’s as good today as the day it rolled off the assembly line now that’s smart
Sadly men these days are so NOT mechanically inclined. I had a fellow bring a push mower to me to repair.
I fixed it,it ran great last week,the first time it was used, BUT his wife ran it.She leaves for a week and he trys to run it..IT doesn't run for him. Turns out the idiot was holding the stop pull handle back, pulling the rope ,it would start, and he would let go of the stop handle to put it in self propel! DUH< you have to hold BOTH handles!
They sure don't know how to do anything functional.
A couple more generations and folks will be living in the stone age again because they will be to dumb to do anything but lay around and fuck and eat..
I’m about tired of it now
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So this means,you could have ARMED men and women walking around or driving around HIGH AS HELL endangering not only themselves but the criminals they should be catching.
How does workers comp insurance address this issue?
If they get hurt on the job high as a kite,that is preventable,just like not using a unsafe ladder or driving a car without brakes.
I just can't see how this will work in the real world.
Which is fading fast.
And in your opinion, how would a Christian observe Good Friday?
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--------------------------------------- added after 30 minutes
All kidding aside, I’m a Russian Orthodox Catholic. My Easter falls in Sunday, April 24 this year. And Good Friday is April 22.
I guess I should go back to church for a refresher course
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Remember when Trump made fun of a handicapped person? he caught hell for it and still does.
Can't say he was right myself in that case.
There are just some things you don't do.
Making fun of someones wife with a medical condition on live tv is 1 of them.
Perhaps he could have refrained from using the fuck in his langauge,but as for the slap, to light.
Shoulda used his fist.
You don't talk shit about a mans wife.
If you are a woman and your man doesn't have the balls to do the same thing Will smith did,, you aint got much of a man.
Chris Rock is a comedian punching in his same weight class,aka another celebrity,he wasn't punching down like trump was doing..
And you must remember some of things I have said to members here, especially JohnS.....with his faux outrage..
So do you think I'm polite? I'm a free speech advocate, always have been, always will be,so no subject is off limits for humour...
Go to a hospice sometime,and see how people who a facing death in the face are,they ain't sitting there, worrying about what they can and cannot say...
I believe your countrymen know the accepted limits of proper behavior.
Will Smith Expressed his feelings about chris rocks sick idea of a joke.
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"However, in a legal sense, the freedom of expression includes any activity of seeking, receiving, and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used. "
Smith used his hand as a medium.
Will Smith expressed himself like a high sch00l kid who couldn't handle some trash talk...
Two jokes at his wife's expense,and Will Smith loses his cool.
Like I said, it's a celebrity having a go at another celebrity,you don't like liberals do why do you give a shit now?
Oh yeah,fake outrage.....
Are women now allowed to kick a comedian in the groin for making fun of their man?
Will Smith could have just said "Hey Chris, it's a medical condition, it's not cool making fun of that!". That would have been much more of a win for Will Smith, than resorting to violence. Maybe Chris Rock didn't know, maybe he did. But he would have surely offered his apologies then.
You groin will be safe, unless people set a precedent that it is OK to do violence
over speech.
--------------------------------------- added after 10 minutes
You put yours hands on anyone for being called any name, you will go to jail.
"I understand smith slapping him"
"And with the evaluation panel, i don't condone any talk on anything **** even in private"
Not knowing what the **** stood for, was Chris talking ****?
But, you also said:
"It was wrong, and I think I lost a little respect for will."
"but smith was wrong in the way he handled the situation."
We probably mostly agree on the whole situation.
In my opinion there is no reason to do violence for any speech. But you are mixing in violence for violence, that's something else. There are valid reasons for a woman to kick a man in the groin, like if he, without invitation, squeezes her boobs or her ass or touches her under her skirt. Then his nuts are fair game, but with some restraint to prevent permanent damage.
Words for words, violence for violence (proportionally).
If we have a society where violence for speech is not tolerated, your chances of getting kicked in the groin is minimal. There are too many people who defend Will Smith on this issue. Maybe people think "I understand that he wanted to hit Chris Rock". Everyone can understand getting offended by a joke, even getting angry about it and maybe even that Will could have bad temper problems and act out on it, but all of that is no reason to justify violence for speech.
If there are limits on free speech, should someone's personal feelings be the
first thing that crosses the limits? In my opinion it should be the last.
I think lying to a whole group of people, to make them do violence, is considered to be crossing the limits of free speech. A single person should only be able to set limits on free speech, if someone is intentionally spreading untruth, to hurt the person in their livelihood (not their feelings). And in all those cases violence should be excluded. That's what the law is intended for.
When he made his crocodile tear filled speech he didn’t once apologize to Rock personally.
I think it was an asshole move on Smith’s part. Absolutely the joke was tacky but Chris Rock has been around long enough for everybody to understand what he does for a living and Will Smith has been around long enough to understand that he should have his big boy pants on.
--------------------------------------- added after 77 hours
Ricky even said he would have made fun of her boyfriend(s).
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Hey, in another vein, what are your thoughts about the EVALUATION Panel referral? Now members need to be mindful of how they chat PRIVATELY!
As far as private conversations, there are times where reporting a member is called for. Child molestation, r@pe of women or really serious harm to an individual is grounds for being reported. No one is forcing anyone to report such members but, I will
Do as I say, not as I do.
by their gender pronouns. Teachers sent a letter to the parents that all school toilets are now unisex, everyone will be called by them and they and all books referring to 'mother' and 'father' and gender pronouns like 'he' and 'she' will be banned.
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It says, schools cannot decide to Trans your children and not tell the parents, especially 5- through 7-year olds
CS/CS/HB 1557: Parental Rights in Education
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Requires district school boards to adopt procedures that comport with certain provisions of law for notifying student's parent of specified information
Requires such procedures to reinforce fundamental right of parents to make decisions regarding upbringing & control of their children
Prohibits school district from adopting procedures or student support forms that prohibit school district personnel from notifying parent about specified information or that encourage student to withhold from parent such information
Prohibits school district personnel from discouraging or prohibiting parental notification & involvement in critical decisions affecting student's mental, emotional, or physical well-being
Prohibits classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in certain grade levels
Requires school districts to notify parents of healthcare services
Authorizes parent to bring action against school district to obtain declaratory judgment
Provides for additional award of injunctive relief, damages, & reasonable attorney fees & court costs to certain parents
Sounds good to me, and the word 'gay' isn't mentioned anywhere. Cody clearly swallows all "News"
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It refers to 'sexual orientation' and 'gender identity' each twice. It has been written in a vague way on purpose, so it doesn't get slammed down immediately, for being unconstitutional, by the supreme court.
It can be interpreted and misused by lawmakers how they want.
That means teachers can also interpret it like they see fit and use it to protest the lawmakers.
You note yourself: "Prohibits classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in certain grade levels".
Using 'gender identities' in the classroom can lead to discussions, that are prohibited. Therefore teachers play it safe and ban all 'gender identities'.
Teacher not 'playing it safe' here:
Watch: Teacher Tells Kindergartners ‘When Babies Are Born,’ Doctors ‘Guess Whether the Baby Is a Boy or a Girl’
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Here's a simplified version of Bill 1557
and then you refer to BREITBART?
I'm not even going to bother reading that.
Breitbart is the bottom of the barrel when it comes to "news".
I don't need a simplified version, I can read bills how they are.
Don't bother reading it. You dumb fuck
from important issues, with stupid culture war bullshit.
It's nothing but ignorant, hateful, repugnant indoctrination and you're
a dumb fuck for absorbing that simplistic nonsense.
--------------------------------------- added after 56 hours
Remember, don't say gay, your not allowed, so what about words like fagget, queer, well you get the point.
And their is not much of a limit on their jokes, because basically all types
of personal attacks have been made acceptable previously.
The point is: at the Oscars there are NO jokes that would allow for violence. The most that a joke, any joke, could be allowed to result in is cancellation from the 'club'. That's what you sign up for, if you want to join their elitist, liberal, free-speech, Hollywood subculture. But, it looks like both Chris Rock and Will Smith are allowed to stay in the club.
Smith made it known clearly in front of God and everybody that he was not going to stand by while his wife was being mocked.
Good for him .The only fault I have with Smith is the fowl language.
All the women out here that think bad of Smith, you must not think to much of yourself nor are you accustomed to a man actually caring about you and standing up for your honor.
It was a joke for goodness sake, Chris rock wasn't harassing Will Smith....so Will Smith's reaction is over the top...
Doesn't matter that it's his wife..
What planet are you on bud? Part of marriage is supporting the 1 you married. and to let them be ridiculed repeatedly because of a illness would be ignoring 1's duty.
were peoples dicks hanging out at the award show?
I am a adult and handled the language and it was not out of line for the application ,but it was out of line for the location.
would you say Fuck while at a funeral for example?
As for Smith apologizing to chris rock, yea right. I bet chris never says I am sorry for making fun of smiths wife.
--------------------------------------- added after 9 hours
Well Will wimped out and apologized.
That is the real problem with this world that no one is noticing. To much apologizing for speaking your mind in a free country.
If what you say or what you do comes from the heart ,don't apologize for it.You are you and you have reasons for being who you are.you should never say "I am sorry", for standing up for your wife, or calling a spade a spade. sad sad world we live in.
Smith used his hand as a medium to express his feelings of anger against rock.
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Will had just had enough of the shit and dealt with it.
Making a joke and harassment are different things...
And you suddenly care about women's rights now...
It is not as much a womans right to be stood up for by her man as much as it is a mans responsibility to stand up for his woman.
Some people have morals, rather you do or not. some people feel there is a place for foul language and places it don't belong.
I guess you are "that person" at the mall shouting cuss words with your dick hanging out wondering why everyone is running from you and calling the cops on you.
Still living in a patriarchal mindset....
Foul language is about oversensitive people who complain just for the sake of complaining....
Why would I hang my dick out in a mall and shout cuss words?
I'm not mentally unstable!!!
And I know when to curse and when to hold back...
Fact still remains,you are faking outrage just because you can....
You don't care about a woman's rights,you only care when it's convenient for you....
Your previous posts show all this...
It's like you take the talking points from newsmax and fox then come here and shout them off....
I am not faking outrage,not faking a god damn thing.
I am not living in the 50's. I also don't "live" in this "modern age" of men being panzys. To much of that going on.Men need to fucking stand up and do what is right for the people they care about. That is not "50's" that is simply the right thing to do.
Apparently I am not the only 1 that feels that way.In this piece, that is apparent.
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That does not make me less of a man,if I am afforded options to make up the difference ,like a gun.
I mean really. go to lowes home improvement store. The first damn thing I see near the cash registers is this new line of soap and such for men.Almost like a boutique that women would pick stuff from.
you go to a hardware store you expect to see big tool displays,not soap and smelly shit you splash on ye self after shaveing.
THat is a husbands job .Matter of fact,I said it long before i read it in the above link.
I guess some folks interpret marriage as just a way to split rent and not have to go to town for pussy?
I am not politically correct and don't feel a apology is needed .
Two other things, there seemed to be a delay of his reaction to the joke. I mean he was laughing at it too at first. Maybe it took 10 -15 seconds for the little man to travel from ear to brain. And then at the after party he seemed to be having a great time. I'm not convinced his earlier tears were real nor care. What a great PR stunt regardless. Chris dealt with it exceptionally well.
Sure... When my wife gets attacked on here I wanna do more than a bitch slap, but I ain't up running for an Oscar on the world stage.
Just saying. And besides the best prediction of future behaviour is past
BTW Phart Mr Blue is one of the most intelligent and best blokes you will meet on here. He just don't gaslight nor sugarcoat anything. And he never has not even when we chat in the real world
Here's the thing,Will Smith only reacted when his wife wasn't laughing,she also had an affair....so how come Will Smith hasn't beaten up that dude for fucking his wife...
So you can fuck Will's wife,and he will not do a thing,make a joke about her and he will slap you for it..
So as I said,the response from Will Smith wasn't appropriate...
Wait till he goes home and knock down his door?
There is not "good" time to deal with something like this. The time is NOW in some cases
after Ricky Gervais had a few goes at 'hosting'?
Ricky Gervais @ Golden Globes - No One Punched Him!
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Here is a black woman that defended Smith and I guess got scared of being canceled?
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I'm going to paint another scenario, what IF Chris Rock dissed a Caucasian actor/artist's wife and he in turn walked on stage and slapped the crap out of Chris Rock then returned to his seat and shouted obscenities? My guess is that security would have removed him from the venue, yaddah, yaddah, yaddah....
Even rock didn't file charges. Perhaps even he realizes that he may have went a bit over the top?
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--------------------------------------- added after 28 minutes
But seriously has anyone ever seen two guys fight like that before that’s not how Evander Holyfield and mike Tyson would have settled things
If it was a staged assault, Will Smith would have been S-T-O-O-P-I-D to agree to be a part of it!
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Come to think of it joe Pesci was in that movie also
He had simply had enough of the shit.
I guess every one here has a very high tolerance level for bullshit.
Even that low life howard stern chimed in saying Will has a mental issue. fuck him and the tramp that shot him out of her ass.
It is similar to spanking a chi1d, it is meant to be a message to NOT do something.
The 1 time in my life I pulled a stunt a little similar to Smiths,I had been harassed and picked on by 1 particular punk that went as far as putting me in the hospital with a brain concussion. The day this happened h e had just been allowed to be with us normal students after spending 2 grades riding the short bus to a special school. He went back to picking on me and talking shit. I picked up a 16oz Estwing claw hammer and he tilted his head just in time for the hammer to go into the cement block wall. I fully intended to kill that sumbitch.
The teacher saw it and next day there was a poster hanging over the hole in the wall. I never had any more isues with that sumbitch,matter of fact,he has roofed the house twice. So I can get mad at you and forgive you to!
It is disgusting that finally a man,a black man ,stood up for his wifes honor and is made out to be the villain.
This world is so fucked up.
I guess the next Bat man movie the villain will be the hero?
Let's put up a statue for chris rock for mocking women with health issues.
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Although both men and women often equate their hair with their appeatance/good looks and desirability, having alopecia is not like being given a "death sentence", it's not the end of the world.
There is always waxxing?
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