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New Comment Rating: 11 Similar topics: 1.Food stuff 2.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF 3.A Forum Topic 4.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF II 5.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF III Comments: |
just to be clear long distant relationship i have my own place and he does too,
One good thing is i did not give up my life to go live with him, we have been together for 17yrs.
But it could be she thought you were thinking about something else you thought you were thinking you said?
There fore perhaps we are all thinking to much about what we think we should be thinking about when we should be thinking about other things to think about instead of thinking about things we already thought we were thinking about.
Gee,I think the 2 seconds I heard kamala harris speak I have been infected with the word salad virus.
Mine went as well as it could. Ate a good meal with the remaining members of my family.
Deviled eggs,turkey,stuffing,and GRAVY.That gravy was good this time. All the drippings out of the turkey,and other ingrediants ,all I can remember is the full stick of butter.REAL butter,none of that shit that Fabio says he can't believe is not butter.
Deviled eggs,oh,I already said that.BUT they were good!
Back in the day, my mother set out real butter only on holidays and real butter, not magarine, was used in Christmas cookies. I only use butter now in my house.
Don't know how it is made,my cousin makes the gravy,and the whole family is itching to get ahold of the gravy boat first!
I googled “drugs that interact with grapefruit.”
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To be clear, this does not include other citrus fruits, just grapefruit.
-PBS News
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Old doc graff says swallow 2 hot cum load’s and call me in the morning
Those lax regulations hurt people, by letting the corporations poison them with lead, mercury, PFAS, pesticides, etc. and letting them cut costs on safety. When people need medicines to save their lives, because they have been fed factory garbage instead of food, pharma companies, hospitals and health insurances make big bugs by price gauging and scamming them. When a crisis is on the doorstep, all politicians and their friends know first and they use the stock-market to make money by ‘betting’ against people’s retirements funds. Meanwhile big banks get a free pass to scam people. When people sue the banks over the collective millions that were stolen from them, corrupt judges and lawyers help the banks to get off, with just a slap on the hands. However, when the banks make mistakes that can bankrupt them, the government helps them stay afloat, with trillions of tax dollars, without even demanding that the CEO’s don’t get their big bonusses for once. To recoup all those lost tax dollars, the government loves to cut food programs for children, who get hurt, because their parents were laid-off in the financial crisis. But when people are hurting, Biden gave them €1400, one time. The corporate cucks in his party made sure he didn’t give more. Now that the economy is starting up again those billionaires are at fault that inflation is out of control, because they are ramping up the prices of all the products people need much more than the costs have risen. They are making even bigger profits now than ever, over your back. And they can do that without anyone noticing, because they either OWN the media or pay the media to shut-up about it and fill your head with lies, like that unemployment is an all-time high. Why don’t you CHECK that? (3.6% is the lowest since 2001, dummy) I’m surprised you didn’t say next that there is a labor shortage, because I’ve seen right-wingers say two completely opposite things in one comment before, as long as they can blame Biden for both.
The rich are stacking everything in their odds to stay wealthy and leave their children wealthy, while having no need to ever work, while normal people have to pull up their bootstraps, fight against all odds and get crushed beneath the booth of their employees, giving them starvation wages and working them 12/7 for months on end, because hiring more staff is too expensive and crushing all attempt to unionize, for better wages and working benefits.
That is all ‘business as usual’ to me. I’m lucky to live and work in a country that hates normal working people just a bit less. I’m doing well, I pay my taxes with pleasure and I vote to change the system to something fairer for working people.
What I take offense with, is someone who is not in the club of rich fucks, being so well indoctrinated to think all those rich fucks earned their wealth by being smarter and working harder, than the gullible victims defending those rich fucks.
You are protecting the most fortunate and selfish people in history.
They neither deserve or need your protection! You are cucked!
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Now be truthful you had Mac and cheese didn’t you
My pops used to buy it to use in "special recipes" that apparently were not that special. I do not remember any particular recipe other than stuffed mushroom caps.... Yep, he would finely chop prosciutto, mushroom stems then combine it with cheese, bread crumbs and probably seasonings, then add it all back into the mushroom cap to be baked. My memories of those heavenly and tasty buggers was just yumm! What's not to like about mushrooms, cheese and all the other goodness loaded inside!?
Hating the rich is counter productive.
Would we have affordable televisions if the employees that made them got the wages that liberals expect them to get for sitting in a chair and soldering in a diode and the board slide down to the next person to solder in a ic chip?
Most jobs are so simplified they are not worth a high wage and can done by less educated people.
Want more out of life? Put more into it,and quit expecting it to come from those that have put more into it than you.
You probably haven't heard either about how delivery drivers are all self-employed now. That sounds good, until you understand how. The drivers get a 'choice' to sign a contract to lease a van from the company of the employers choice or from the company itself, at huge markups. Then they are only allowed to work for that employer, getting a route and time limits from that employer and a very low piece rate. Only the lucky ones can make a somewhat fair wage that way. Most have a horrible income, which I call a 'starvation wage'. Some make no money or even lose money on the lease contract. They are stuck in the contract and can only get out on a big loss. But those losses are calculated in by the employer, making money when the driver goes bankrupt.
I'm sure you blame the drivers for that or say that they shouldn't be drivers then. But, didn't you hear about that shortage on delivery drivers? It's one of the many causes of inflation right now. These contracts are causing part of it.
Yesterday, I ate Chinese food, from the take-away 300 yards down the street.
I'm paying off $10,000/year from my mortgage and have enough saved and invested in stocks, to live off for a year. I don't have to eat Mac&Cheese.
It's funny, but this restaurant is really good. It was there a long time before we moved here and it has lots of customers. Dutch people take very good care of their cats, so maybe their meat is not stringy, like American cats.
And when you are a independent contractor,you get to WRITE OFF EXSPENSES like truck lease,fuel and so forth.So they are not loosing as much as they would like you to beleive.
Research it.
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You are paying more taxes, because Walmart and McDonald’s don't want to pay their employees enough, to buy food (that doesn't kill them).
If you didn't have those food stamp programs, the workers would die of malnutrition. That's not the same as dying from hunger, it takes a little bit longer and those people don't look like they're dying of a food problem. They are just dying of heart disease, diabetes and damaged organs in their 30's, 40's or 50's.
A lot of people already die that way. Sure, they make wrong choices, but they have to make those wrong choices, because they are poor.
But then there is also real hunger in the US
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People that don't invest in themselves are not worth as much to a employer as those that do.
And the wages are indicators of that.
And a degree in social studies is of little value to a construction company.
It has only one effect: Walmart and McDonald’s would have a bit lower profits.
If only Walmart and McDonald’s would raise their wages, your economy would hardly feel the difference, but all those employees would and the food stamp program would be cheaper.
Walmart and McDonald’s would have an easier time finding good staff and you might benefit as customer. Many employers raised that wages by choice, because it improves the motivation of the staff and makes it easier to find good people.
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Food and sex is the only thing that a sixty year old man can enjoy anymore
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It’s still snowing me my old avatar on my page
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