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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
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By kebmo [Ignore] 08,Aug,22 20:04 other posts 
FBI execute search warrant on Donald Trump‘s Mar-A-Lago

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By phart [Ignore] 08,Aug,22 20:58 other posts 
Our country has sunk to the level of 3rd world.
As several have said on Newsmax, a raid is the last resort. There are other steps they could and should have taken before a raid.
IT is theater, the dems are scared shitless of TRump and folks like cat hate him,so folks like her probably don't care if the man is given justice or not.
The government will have to show at some point in a court of law why this raid was needed.

Edit, this mans dream before the election of 2020 is scary.
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By kebmo [Ignore] 08,Aug,22 21:10 other posts 
Didn’t they already have to show in court that a search was needed (or justified) in order to get a search warrant? Yes, they did and a judge signed the search warrant.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 07:17 other posts 
DOJ corrupt at best- used as political weapon yet again. Many legal scholars already saying this warrant was less than sound. But I will let the site lawyers from other countries weigh in on these actions
By PITBULL [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 11:07 other posts 
An indictment is on the horizon
By #610414 09,Aug,22 07:27
Actually, they say that it had to have been very, very, very appearant that a crime was committed. One report said that the judge who signed the search warrants is a Trump appointed judge
We are finally going back to being a top nation where justice is served.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 09:23 other posts 
Be honest, just how will you react if it is determined there little or no illegal activity?
You know you are talking about a fellow that went thru 2 impeachments unscathed.
I think the dems are going to learn how true the old saying is, " He who throws dirt ,Loose's ground"

And before you ask, if there was something done illegally, I will look at why he may have done,as in intent, before I judge. Sometimes you have to break the rules to prove a point,or sacrifice yourself for the greater good.Trying to save our country from the liberal democrat socialist idiots is Trumps goal.and I support that goal.
If he is hung by a tree on the white house lawn,I will still vote for his supporters as he put AMERICA first,where it damn well should be.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 09:38 other posts 
I can’t help but be reminded of the claims that Trump made against Hilary Clinton during the 2016 campaign calling on the DOJ to investigate her. How is that any different to this ? There was a politician calling for an investigation by the FBI for purely political reasons.
Or the whole Hunter Biden story which is nothing to do with Hunter and all to do with damaging Joe.

We know Trump removed White House Presidential papers when he left because boxes of them were previously retrieved from Mar a Lago.
There are laws relating to presidential and government papers and it appears that Trump thinks those laws didn’t apply to him.
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 11:28 other posts 
"We know Trump removed....", uh, you seem to think you know what's going on on this side of the pond, as if there is no "shit" going on in the UK. Just sayin'.....
By #610414 09,Aug,22 12:27
Andthisisme may or may not know about what's happening on this side of the pond, but, I sure do. I can't answer about any "shit" going on in THAT side of the pond ( other than knowing they drive on the wrong side of the road 🤣 I'm sure the toilet paper spins out fast over there too. Trump is either going down, and not in a good way, or there's no justice.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 16:32 other posts 
Oh we have our own shit believe me, plenty of it. I am not happy about that either. We have, for just a little longer, Boris who sees himself as 'Trump Lite'.
Our newspaper and media do report on what is happening in the U.S and what the U.S does matters for the rest of the world, whether we like it or not. So I like to think that I take an informed interest.
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 17:31 other posts 
I've got this thing that developed early on when I was growing up. I might be angry and upset with my family/family members and I said unkind things. But dammit, when someone else said something about my family/family members, they better get ready for a battle with me. That's how I feel about my country. Our shit stinks and so does yours.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 18:03 other posts 
We as Americans have got to block out the noise from over there.
Africa is where the muslim extremism is growing in leaps and bounds and yet, instead of trying to stop it or anything, we are supposed to be riveted to the tv set watching something about the queen of england that has no real political power.
By #610414 09,Aug,22 23:07
Phart, do you have any idea how much noise we export to the rest of the world? Like you've said many TY imes before, change that TV channel. Muslims always existed in huge numbers. Perhaps if we didn't bring war to their lands they wouldn't be angry at us
By phart [Ignore] 10,Aug,22 14:16 other posts 
I don't mind a bit not taking war to them. Leave Israel alone, and we will leave them alone. Don't fly planes into our towers,don't attack our ships, don't recruit people to shoot up work place parties like happened in california a few years ago.
If they want to earn a good living, sell us oil cheaper than we can drill for our own.
By #610414 09,Aug,22 23:03
Bella, that's a little close minded. Your family/family member, I can understand. After all, you are intimately knowledgeable about him/them, but, the USA is an open book to everyone. They can, and often do, have opinions about us.
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 23:13 other posts 
Sorry, I don't agree with you.
By #610414 09,Aug,22 23:37
That other nationalities have opinions about us or that other nationalities should not have opinions about us?
By #610414 10,Aug,22 11:15
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Viewed from the other side of the Atlantic, the British mayhem was simultaneously satisfying and unsettling. Americans, whose democracy barely survived four years of Trump, reflexively drew a comparison between the transgressions that led to Britain's Conservative Party and much of the UK turning its back on Johnson and the far more damning and dangerous actions of the former US president, who remains to this day the most powerful figure in the Republican Party and looks all but certain to seek the presidency again.
Both Johnson and Trump assumed power with lengthy records of rule-breaking, dishonesty and deceit. Their supporters knew who they were choosing. Their lifelong patterns continued in office.
By #610414 09,Aug,22 09:49
Trump's goal is " how do I become richer". He doesn't care about you, me, or anyone else.
The impeachments were a joke. McConnell bragging that no matter what, the Clown would walk.
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I would love to see justice done. America first? Bullshit. It was Trump First.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 12:02 other posts 
Remember,if America fails, Trump fails, so why the fuck would he want America to fail??
Hillary used insecure email servers, he simply wanted that investigated. Hunter biden worked for countrys that are conspiring against us. the BIG GUY, in reference to joe biden, is clearly indicated as having 10% of something reserved for him. it is probably money. Which is bribery.
Now if Trump did remove some papers, has anything happened? no. Has anything related to china or russia happened in the past 2 years? Yes.Who got money from Russia, the bidens.
By #610414 09,Aug,22 12:20
If America fails, Trump would still go on. His wealth is private. Most likely in foreign soils too. His investigation of Hilary was for personal profit and what went on with Biden's son is for the son to answer to. Probably doesn't count and Trump had plenty of time to get them indicted. Nothing happened. Why?
Removal of papers from an administration IS AGAINST THE LAW OF THE LAND even if it was a grocery list. Your last sentence is an accusation that merits a "put up or shut up". Go ahead, present the proof.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 12:28 other posts 
It's in a laptop in the possession of the fbi. For whatever reason they won't disclose it or do anything with it.
I can't get to it and you can't either.Sad, because we both deserve answers. Regardless of our side of things.
By #610414 09,Aug,22 12:37
If you, in the middle of a cow pasture, know this, don't you think your fellow Repuckers would have gotten it out to the public? No, baby, that's one more conspiracy theory in the hill of Trumpian fake theories.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 13:18 other posts 
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As for that cow pasture remark,I can't help the neighbors have 50 head of Black Angus right on the other side of the property line.He inherited the farm from his father.
By #610414 09,Aug,22 17:21
Ok, maybe he is a crook. He certainly paid a huge bill owed to the IRS. So what?
By phart [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 15:45 other posts 
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Even democrats are asking questions. uh, think about that.and how hard would it be to blackmail a former lawyer of jeffrey epstiens folks to get a paper signed?

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as for the horse and pony show from the jan 6 cronies, not having much effect.
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By #610414 09,Aug,22 17:25
Disgraceful Cuomo made a quasi true statement? A judge knew Epstein? So did the Clown. Jan 6 not having a big affect? What do you watch on TV?
By phart [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 17:49 other posts 
oh and btw ,I don't like cuomo either,I think he is a jurk.
the judge was a lawyer for several people in Jeffreys circle before he became judge. That means he probably knows things or did things that would make him easy to black mail. very important when you are trying to fuck up a whole country to have people in your pocket in powerful places.

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I know you won't read it but I will copy and paste the last line.

"I will continue to fight for the Great American People!"

That is why I support Trump,and not the economic terrorist sociopath's in office right now.
By #610414 09,Aug,22 19:18
Phart, if you were me, knowing all the lies and self-serving actions Trump is guilty off, would you trust him? You see, there's a disconnect between what you know and believe and what a great majority of the people of this country know about Trump. Have you thought about trying to support the present set of leaders in order to get an inproved USA?
By phart [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 20:18 other posts 
Present set of leaders are taking America on the wrong path. The hwy to hell.
By #610414 09,Aug,22 21:31
So you say. Only time will tell.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 22:03 other posts 
1.8 years,has told us alot already. look at the cost of a trip to the grocery store now as compared to 2 years ago for example.
By #610414 09,Aug,22 22:43
Two years ago I couldn't go to the store thanks to Trump
By phart [Ignore] 10,Aug,22 10:33 other posts 
Why? gas was to cheap? you had to wear a mask?
UH,the cdc and other groups were pushing that,not Trump.
By #610414 10,Aug,22 12:16
Of course, not Trump. He denied Covid for most of the time. He's responsible for thousands od deaths in this country. Lets elect him again.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Aug,22 14:17 other posts 
more have died under biden than under trump
By #610414 11,Aug,22 08:59
That's because, thanks to the Clown, it took a lot of effort to control the epidemic. All the while more people got it and died. Who in their right mind shuts down a department that prepares for fighting epidemics?
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Aug,22 04:16 other posts 
The weakest link
By JustWill [Ignore] 10,Aug,22 12:05 other posts 
You are correct kebmo, but there is no court involved when a request is made for a search warrant. The petition for the warrant, along with all evidence to show "probable cause" that the petition is justified, is presented to a judge who reviews it and then grants or denies the warrant.
If the judge granted the warrant--specifically in such a high-profile case--the DOJ certainly showed "probable cause".
Also, Trump HAS a copy of the warrant (because the law requires that a copy be served to the party it was issued against), which would clearly state why it was issued. There is no law saying that he can't share his copy with the world if he really feels that it was unfair.
But he won't.
He'll just tell lies (as he always does), because he knows that his supporters will believe whatever he says...

By kebmo [Ignore] 10,Aug,22 12:48 other posts 
Thanks for the clarification Will but I’m still donating to his cause.
He NEEDS my help!
As an aside, I thought the Republican Party was the “Law and Order Party”. Is that only when it doesn’t involve Republicans?
There sure are a lot of them shitting all over the law now!
By JustWill [Ignore] 10,Aug,22 13:49 other posts 
That pretty much sums it up, kebmo.
By #610414 11,Aug,22 11:10
Kebmo please excuse riding your post.😘
Thank you, JustWill, as always you bring an explanation and good wishes.

By JustWill [Ignore] 10,Aug,22 12:19 other posts 
"So there are five people taking the Fifth Amendment, like you see on the mob, right? You see the mob takes the Fifth. If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?"-- D. J. Trump, September 2016

"I plead the 5th." -- D. J. Trump, August 2022

By kebmo [Ignore] 10,Aug,22 15:10 other posts 
The irony being that DJT doesn’t want to talk about himself.
By TxMeat [Ignore] 10,Aug,22 15:26 other posts 
I really hope they get him.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 10,Aug,22 16:32 other posts 
Trumps taking of the 5th was totally 100% predictable.

It used to be the case in the UK that if a defendant didn't wish to give evidence the jury were instructed not to draw any negative inference from that denial.
I believe that is no longer the case and if a defendant doesn't choose to give evidence or does our equivalent of 'taking the 5th' during interviews then the jury can draw their own inferences from that.

There is no need for anyone to take the 5th unless they have something to hide, and I mean anywhere at all not just in the US in this case.

Yes it is a constitutional right and some people may well take that stance purely on principle. However, the vast majority of people taking the 5th have something to hide.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Aug,22 19:09 other posts 
well, forgive me for asking, but why on earth is the democratic party so afraid of 1 man,1 human being, that they are willing to continue to constantly, every since the man started to run for President ,try to bring him down?

If I were being persecuted at every turn like he has been the past few years ,I would not even confirm My identity for the bastards. If they think he is so fucking guilty, let the sorry bastards work for it.
By JustWill [Ignore] 10,Aug,22 19:58 other posts 
You are forgiven.

He isn't being "persecuted". The guy is, and always has been, a criminal. Trying to see a...what's that word you use all the time?...oh, right..."crook" pay consequences for his many crimes isn't "persecution", it's seeking justice.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 11,Aug,22 09:56 other posts 
The answer to that is simple, during his term of office he was able to be constrained in his behaviour mostly, by those few 'sane' people around him.
As a second term president with nothing to lose who knows what whackadoodle things he will get up to. His behaviour on January 6th may end up looking like a Sunday school picnic compared to what he may do if re elected.
He totally over estimates his ability and competence and champions some of the most divisive policies, pitting American against American.
By JustWill [Ignore] 10,Aug,22 19:52 other posts 
Because Trump can't speak ten words without telling a lie, taking the 5th is the only way he can avoid perjury while under oath.

Here in the US, judges instruct the jury in a CRIMINAL trial that they are not to view a witness taking the 5th as proof of guilt. In a CIVIL trial, judges are not required to give the same instruction.

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