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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51
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People do that, when they don't have counter arguments.
Why is Rachel Maddow wrong?
--------------------------------------- added after 17 hours
Leo calling me a nazi, and folks arguing about taking away guns, ok,so I aint missing anything but a rehash
1 thing all those folks out there need to remember.it is not the noisy ,braggy 1's you need to worry about.They are out there where you can see them, hear them, and protect yourself from them.
It is those older folks, that have had enough, keep to themselves and when the shit hits the fan, you become the shit. think back to Heemeyer.
Poor fellow had a statement to make, to bad he took his own life. I would like to have seen him testify and explain his actions, I am willing to bet he would have gotten off with a light sentence and could lived out his life. He was driven to that condition.
Staff at schools not taking bullying seriously ,or the warnings they get from friends of troubled kids.
Marvin Heemeyer? I must have missed that story.
I wasn't following America that much back then.
What he did was way better than shooting up a school.
I wouldn't like to assume what was bugging him.
Maybe he was getting crazy, maybe people made him crazy.
When people do something like this, it's because they
come to believe that the whole world has become crazy and bad.
That's not true. Not yet! There's still time to fix it.
In any case, an act like that is not making it better.
Just shows how big a pussy he is, can't handle disagreement.
Here it shows I blacklisted him,
" Gntlmn"
Reason: just returning the favor"
Any time I notice I am blacklisted,I return the favor
Oh leo, "Bella, phart, are nazis? I hadn't realised that. 😳"
I am not a nazi.
I bet the Chinazi flag fly's in leo's yard high on a pole for all to see though.
What are you gonna do
Me I’m gonna shoot first and ask questions later
Selling more guns is the only thing they care about.
Doesn't matter to whom they sell; convict, wife beater, schizo,
their money is all the same color, just like the blood they spill.
is letting the consequences of it get out of hand.
If people are afraid to let their kids go to school,
because they have a high chance of getting killed,
people will support getting rid of ALL the guns eventually.
That's why YOU should support common sense gun reform.
There is no support for taking away your 2nd amendment rights NOW,
but if you support the NRA and the Republicans taking their money,
to just drop all restrictions on whatever weapons of war that exist,
being freely available to convicts, wife beaters and schizo's,
at some point in future, there will be support to take away your guns.
--------------------------------------- added after 11 hours
OMG i forgot that crazy bitch Hillary Clinton add her to my list
but it's a lie. The Democratic party has never suggested anything besides more strict background checks, a ban on large magazines, a ban on assault rifles or restrictions against carrying on school grounds.
Sure, there might be one or two on the far left, who want to ban all guns.
That's the people they show you, but the rest of them don't support that.
Not even during their largest majority in The House, did they ever even write
a bill, with anything even close to what you're saying, let alone get it to pass
in The House. That side of the debate is considered 'extreme'.
Meanwhile, the other side (your side) is talking about dropping all restrictions on guns, so everyone can just buy whatever weapon, everywhere. If some psycho wants to have an RPG; "No problem!".
That other side is also backed by a tiny minority of the people and even a minority of NRA members, but it is strongly propagated by the wealthy owners of the military industrial complex, with billions of dollars. Those billions of dollars go to the management of the NRA, so they support the extreme position, instead of their members and to Republicans and a few Democrats. Also the media, who is paid to lie to you, so you think you're the majority and that (a tiny minority of) Democrats even have the tiniest chance to take away your guns.
That's why the law has supported looser and looser gun restrictions and they are well on the way to implement the extreme position, that only a tiny minority of Americans actually support.
I am a socialist, but foremost, I am a democrat (small d). For me, democracy far outweighs my personal opinions. I would love to convince most of my countrymen to introduce socialism or more socialist policies. However, if most of the people don't want it, then I will just keep working on convincing them, and live under the system that the majority supports. I won't just force my hand or support people who want to force their hand.
Your side is doing the opposite; wealthy people have the power to force the system into an extreme position, that is supported by only a tiny minority of the people. That is undemocratic.
If a large majority of Americans win against the wealth and power of the military industrial complex and the management of the NRA, and choose to ban guns, you should obey their wishes and turn in your guns. For a generous compensation, of course. That's supporting Democracy and that's supporting The Constitution, even despite the 2nd amendment. You would of course be allowed to join a 'well regulated Militia'.
According to the Stockholm-based International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, the US is a 'backsliding democracy'. Part of it is caused by Republicans, completely selling out to corporate donors and special interest groups, and stacking the supreme court with corrupt ideologues, who only serve themselves and don't give a fuck about The Constitution.
But the Democrats are also to blame. At least Republicans are holding
primary elections this year, Democrats just anointed Biden.
It doesn't matter which party wins, the will of the wealthy is served and the will of the large majority of the people is denied.
At least you get to vote. Use it wisely, so you can still enjoy it for a while.
You and people like you are the reason why people like me are afraid of people like you. If the people with guns wouldn't commit so much murd.r and mayhem using your modified dildos, there wouldn't be any reason to control the ownership of guns. You brought it on yourself. Sooner or later we will control it.
How many children die to abortion every year
That’s why people like me want to kick the living shit out of liberals like you
ZERO! Zygotes and fetuses aren't children!
Pretending you're pro-life is pretending you have some legitimacy,
but you're not pro-life, you're just pro-birth.
If you were pro-life, you would care about the tens of thousands of people
who die because of your hobby, every year.
It's recognizable as a human being, but it cannot survive on its own.
I think 24 weeks is a reasonable limit for abortion, but not a preferable situation. These late term abortions are exceptions, that are often health related, family crisis related or related to the shortcomings of healthcare.
If there are health issues which would make the survival of the child after it's born highly doubtful or it would have to live in a vegetative state, then the limit can be extended. Women shouldn't be forced to carry a baby to term that has no chance at a decent life.
You should be afraid you’re an out spoken loud mouth liberal and if my president tells me to grab my weapon and rise to war against the liberals then I’m ready to do just that a new civil war is coming only it’s not north against south it will be in every state
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes
That’s the red wave president trump was talking about the red is the flow of blood from the liberals
It was intended to remove an authoritarian government, not install one.
Maybe democracy was wasted on you. You deserve a dictator.
The first thing a dictator will do is take your guns,
before you realize what a big mistake you made.
That is, if I didn't have the means to leave America.
Even the UK, as bad as it is, is better than the US.
The number of Americans coming to my country has actually
been steadily increasing. It was 49,246 in 2022,
while in 1996 it was only 22,730. Some have YouTube channels
advertising how much they love it here, so I expect more to come.
However, I would buy one of the AR15's and a good sniper rifle.
And of course, lots of ammo and the practice to use them.
It would be my responsibility to defend my liberal enclave.
When the proud boys come, to kill 'the commies', in their trucks,
they should all get killed within seconds, from the windows of
every house. That's actually what the 2nd amendment tells you.
When fascists want to install a totalitarian government,
it's the responsibility of the citizens to protect democracy.
And don’t bring a knife to a gun fight
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
Oh and don’t forget at least half of Joe Biden’s military are republican so don’t count on the military to much
--------------------------------------- added after 26 minutes
The military swears to protect THE CONSTITUTION, not the President. I believe our military is a group of honorable men and women. You don’t? Are you anti-military too?
It was 6,774 in 2017, which was 5% of the total who emigrated.
The US was the fifth popular country to emigrate to, for Dutch people.
That year, more people moved to Germany, Poland, Belgium and the UK.
That's an outlier, because on average #1 was Canada for decades.
It's not bragging, you just cannot handle the idea that the US is not the best country in the world. You think it's #1 at everything, but you're only #1 in military strength, economic productivity and the most billionaires. On everything that matters to the lives of normal people, the US does worse than most European countries.
What you call 'over here', is not America. There are lots of areas where people
are liberal or at least left leaning. Where you live, people might not like 'know it all’s', because you hate all knowledge period and value ignorance. Luckily, that's less than half the people in your country. Most of Americans actually support very liberal and left leaning ideas, maybe even by larger majorities than in my country.
The difference is your ridiculously corrupt politics, that doesn't listen to people,
but to their donors. Those donors want right-wing politics, that favor them.
There are millions of people who share my opinions, in your country too.
When people can't handle your opinions, your side calls them snowflakes.
Meanwhile, you are arguing that people, who cannot handle our opinions,
would be ready, able and willing of killing us?
You call your side worse than snowflakes, do you realize that?
I come here for an argument, just like you. So, I provide that argument.
As a member of the Socialist Party, I join campaigning activities often.
I hand out flyers, I talk to people and I ring doorbells. I'm sure I have talked to hard core right-wingers too, who hate everything my party stands for. However, when someone who represents that party, greets you kindly and politely and asks for your opinion, or ask you if you are interested in reading a flyer, you would be actually crazy to get violent at that moment. The worst that I ever got was a "Not interested!". I just said: "Sorry to bother you, have a nice day!" and I got an appreciative nod.
It was probably the first time ever that a representative of a political party rang his doorbell, to talk to people and listens to people's problems. Just the fact that it was my party and not his, might have made him think, for just a second.
Are you telling me that I would get killed, if I rang the doorbell of a home
with a big Trump flag in the yard? If so, would a Trump supporter get killed,
if they rang the doorbell of a home with a big Biden or Bernie flag in the yard?
You know there's a difference there, don't you?
15 truths why Trump should not be President again.
Financial failure
Poor loser
You're so wrong.
His supporters vote for him PRECISELY because he's all of the above.
Coward? HOW? Did north korea shoot at south korea while he was president? did putin attack ukraine while he was in office.NO, they knew Trump would stand up to them
Uneducated ? Whoever thinks Trump is uneducated is the 1 with lack of knowledge.
"Trump received a Bachelor of Science in economics from the University of Pennsylvania in 1968,
Not even Leo can prove that wrong.he is educated.
as for the rest of those things,
hell, people like cat and leo call anyone they don't like any and all of those words. Just Meant to be demeaning insults to distract peoples attention from the good.
You're not saying; 'Putting AmericaNS first'.
What is good for the world is good for AmericaNS.
The world buys your products. The world uses your dollar.
You breath the same air, you need the same rain on your fields.
Trump is putting himself first. He doesn't care about anyone else.
He only pretends to care about what you care about. It's a scam.
How would Trump 'stand up' to Putin, when he would have attacked Ukraine?
Would he have sent in American troops to defend them?
Trump doesn't even want to send any weapons to Ukraine.
Putin didn't attack Ukraine, while Trump was president,
because he thought he could get Ukraine from Trump easier.
Trump already didn't like Ukraine much, so it had a bargain price.
Putin wasn't going to risk war over it, if he could just get it easy.
Your idea of isolationism isn't even good for AmericA.
Turning your back to the world, will make the world do that to you.
America is very much dependent of the world's good graces.
America is the most militarily powerful nation in the world,
but you cannot control the world with just fear.
America is stronger than the next 10 countries combined,
but not stronger than all of them combined.
If your allies do not benefit from allying with you,
they will all just make new allies.
If Trump makes you step out of NATO, you're handing over what's left to China and even Russia on a platter. Why would China still want to violently conquer Taiwan or why would Russia still want to violently conquer Ukraine, if we're all one big happy family? NATO was only founded to cement the alliance with the US as its big protector, against the other superpowers. If that falls away, either Europe becomes its own superpower,
to hold its own or Europe finds a new buddy.
You tell me how that Makes America Great Again.
Trump prompted them to put their fair share of money in the pot.
as for ukraine,it was part of russia a long time ago,has been at war for centurys for 1 thing or another, for 4 years, there wasn't a war there,Trump years. we were sending them money but when it came time for them to help expose biden,they didn't help us. I don't like what putin has done but at the same time,ukraine is no saint in the world stage.
When I say put AMERICA first, I mean that as in It' citizens,it's economy,it's infastructure, America as a whole.
I seriously doubt we are the strongest country now military wise. I would say China. I mean,after joe pulled out of afganistan they went much higher on the list of military powers just based on what joe left behind.
because the US was only doing wars that favored the US.
The rest of the world is not paying for your pet projects.
Yes, Ukraine was part of Russia once. Israel was Palestine once.
Do you have similar positions related to that argument?
You're sending mostly weapons to Ukraine, 'Made in America'.
The money is coming for a big part from Europe. We are PAYING,
you are making money SELLING! Well, your wealthy arms dealers are.
First of all, there is nothing to expose Biden for, second of all,
those funds are AMERICAN funds, not REPUBLICAN funds.
You expecting Ukraine to help Republicans, for that money, is corrupt.
It's you admitting there was "Quid pro quo".
If you care about America's economy and infrastructure,
Trump was horrible and Biden is doing much better.
Republicans are bragging with Biden's infrastructure funds.
How about your health and well-being? Trump promised to give you
great healthcare but only made it worse. He will let Republicans cut or gut
social security and make people work until the die. The only thing he did is give
tax-cuts to wealthy people and none of it will ever go to working class Americans.
It will NOT help America's citizens,it's economy,it's infrastructure, America as a whole.
You say China, because you are told a lie. Your defense budget is 5 to 6 times higher. The military industrial complex pays your media to fearmonger about China, so you will support the ever increasing defense budgets. What you pay for arming Ukraine is a fraction of your bloated defense budget. You pay $ 800 Billion per year to show strength towards Russia and China. How much strength will you show, if you just let Ukraine fall? It would show China that they could easily take Taiwan.
China owning Taiwan will lose you the technology war.
That's a big part of your economy!
Biden's 'Chip Act' is at least keeping you competitive in the technology war.
The Taliban, in Afghanistan, gets their money from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, all Trump's best friends. Trump sold $8 billion-worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates without getting congressional approval. How many of those weapons will get into the hands of the Taliban?
And even if not, what is the difference between the Taliban and Saudi Arabia's prince Mohammed bin Salman? Nothing! He has women enslaved just as much, kills his own people just as much, keeps his people in poverty just as much, rages terror on his enemies just as much and is an extremist Islamism propagator just as much.
You are worried about Islamic State? Its leader is Trump's best friend and donor.
"A bushel of wheat for a barrel of oil".
Other than that, I have no fucking idea why we involve ourselves with those primitive ,hate filled people.
If we can't get our oil cheaper thru the middle east, we need to close the doors on relations, period.
as for Israel and Palestine, Israel was given to the Jewish people in 1948, Palestine needs to get the fuck over it.
Both wars we recently fought in iraq were playing the part of police dog for kuwait and saudi arabia. When we went in the second time,our flag should be flying over that sand.
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