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Started by #502711 [Ignore] 16,Jun,18 21:29
It's about stuff...

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By #502711 04,May,20 03:31
Murder Hornets infiltrated the US
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By #485312 03,May,20 07:58
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By #610414 03,May,20 10:55

By leopoldij [Ignore] 11,Apr,20 12:32 other posts 
Do you think this account is fake?
By #502711 11,Apr,20 18:27
Looks legit to me
By #485312 17,Apr,20 18:32
he made it to a year here, l wonder who he belongs too??? lm sure he's here for a 'legit' reason other than boosting his 'real' profiles stats in some way *Lix*

By #485312 27,Jan,20 05:52
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By phart [Ignore] 27,Jan,20 10:06 other posts 
Hehehe, that is Greta in a few more years for sure.
By #485312 27,Jan,20 14:52
yeah, lm still trying to find her credentials as a climate expert and her meteorology expertise *Lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,Jan,20 17:49 other posts 
Her credentials? Just her beauty. She's beautiful, she has an angelic face, she's the epitome of young female beauty, she's the inspiration of many artists, she's calm and eloquent, she's, she's... the best. There.
By #485312 27,Jan,20 20:47
lol, best at what Leo?? I get sick of these hypocrites telling everyone else who to save the planet, when they don't put any verbs in their sentences. when I see her picking up rubbish, cleaning the ocean and saving some endangered species, I might take notice of her *lix*
By phart [Ignore] 27,Jan,20 21:18 other posts 
From what I understand she has some mental health issues.Easly used by the liberal machine to push their agenda. Way I see it, How dare HER tell me to give up a standard of living made possiable by generations of hard work and fossil fuels. Sure,nothing wrong with looking into alternatives.But Rome was not built in a day. The changes these people preach would take a long time to make work without hurting alot of people.
By #485312 28,Jan,20 02:23
yeah, the machine has given us this standard of living and now one generation thinks they can topple capitalism in one foul swoop, by trying to humiliate the other Harvey Weinsteins of the world into giving up THEIR standards of living. tell it to Trump and see if he's going to stop this pyramid of destruction. while ever the world turns on a money driven economy. nothing will ever change. she hasn't guilted me into changing how l live *lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 28,Jan,20 01:02 other posts 
Her face looks like a monkey's arse when it's about to release a stinky fart. That's how beautiful she is.
By #485312 29,Jan,20 05:58
lol, l wonder what it would look like if someone really did stick it in her poo pipe lol, *Lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,Feb,20 01:56 other posts 
She's so fucking ugly...
By #502711 01,Feb,20 02:07
This looks like a South Park sketch
By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Feb,20 20:58 other posts 
You're jealous of her because she's beautiful.
By #502711 07,Feb,20 23:57
By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Feb,20 04:01 other posts 
Jeez... you scared me...
By #502711 08,Feb,20 06:01
By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Feb,20 07:42 other posts 
Well, yeah, every time I see her I pee in my pants because she's the avatar of only registered users can see external links
By #502711 08,Feb,20 17:16
Splitting image, Leo! She wants the precious oxygen because the carbon dioxide is upsetting her precious little lungs
By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Feb,20 19:17 other posts 
I think they look very very similar. Maybe she's the gollum in an alternative form. Everything is possible.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Feb,20 19:27 other posts 
Let's compare side by side....

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What do you think?
By phart [Ignore] 08,Feb,20 19:43 other posts 
Both from the same womb I think.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Feb,20 19:54 other posts 
They're the same person.
By #502711 09,Feb,20 17:44
Looks like what she is going to look like in 40 years, when she is sitting alone in a cave, when everyone else is dead from climate change
By leopoldij [Ignore] 09,Feb,20 17:46 other posts 
You're WRONG mate.
--------------------------------------- added after 19 seconds

Look again
--------------------------------------- added after 30 seconds

She already looks like this.
--------------------------------------- added after 40 seconds

By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 05,Apr,20 03:12 other posts 
Yes right on AussieMan I love your side splitting humor , you rock.
By #502711 11,Apr,20 18:30
I'm a barrel of laughs, hey

By #502711 01,Feb,20 06:01
Watch this hot girl stick many things up her pooper:
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By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 05,Apr,20 04:14 other posts 
Holly shit AussieMan that give a hole new meaning to the word cram-it. I yi yi. Hang on I got to rewind that one and watch it again .
By #502711 05,Apr,20 17:19

By #610414 25,Feb,20 10:28
The Dow tumbled more than 1,000 points and marked its third-worst point drop in history

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By #502711 25,Feb,20 17:55
This is a result of the corona virus outbreak. Don't know why it's supposedly costing the world so much money. On the news this morning they said that the corona virus has cost Australia more money than our last bushfire disaster. That sounds like a load of bullshit to me, but the news is always truthful, isn't it?
By #610414 25,Feb,20 18:20
Obama would have found a way to fix this. Even Hilary would have done better. Trump is sightseeing India with his whore. Some president.
By #502711 25,Feb,20 20:33
Obama would've gone on some TV late night show, that would be shown on every news station too, & talk about something irrelevant & dance a little to Jay Z, to distract everyone from the virus. Obama was good at distractions. Hillary would've had the country locked down, sure. But she'd also have anyone suspected of having the virus rounded up, then incinerated... Now Trump has been busy as fuck & if anyone deserves a holiday, it's him. Because he's gonna have more work to be done for the next four years & he's gotta be all Zen by the time he rolls his sleeves up to get stuck back into it
By #610414 25,Feb,20 22:14
We want him to have a vacation. A permanent one.
By #502711 26,Feb,20 01:15
Oohhh, that's extreme! Trump is doing all the things that the people that really pull the strings would have done anyway. This is probably why Trump is president, because these ghouls need someone that they can use, that is expendable, to implement their new world order. It's all a big show to make you all think that your country is a democracy. If Trump was so "unpopular", then how did he become president? Either the majority of American people love him, or the ghouls got him into power.
By #610414 26,Feb,20 08:53
The USA has a quirky way it elects it's presidents. Contrary to belief, the public DOES NOT elect the president. That is reserved for the Electoral College. This body of delegates gets elected by the popular vote on election day in November. They actually elect the president in the following December. Due to how delegate votes are counted, the candidate with the highest popular vote can loose. That's what happened in the last election.
Hilary Clinton outpaced President-elect Donald Trump by almost 2.9 million votes, with 65,844,954 (48.2%) to his 62,979,879 (46.1%)
So, as you can see, the majority of the voting electorate wanted Hilary to win. As they say in the movies, "We got robbed!" There are three things that could turn the politics of the USA upside down. The first is getting rid of the Electoral College. The second is changing election day to a Sunday. The third is mandatory voting or computer voting. Any one of these would turn the dynamics completely around. In the 2016 election, only 55.7% of the eligible voters bothered to vote. The others deserve whatever they are getting.
By #502711 26,Feb,20 16:01
Hillary is a psychopath. If you don't like Trump, Hillary is no better. She cares only for herself & does not work in the interests of the American people. Australia has had more of a benefit working with Donald Trump. Hillary wouldn't have even take notice of Australia unless it was to do her bidding. Trump is checking the rise of China, which is something the world should be concerned about. Hillary would bend over her arse for them & sellout America, much like our politicians do here. Hillary is all about (money/ power/ virgin blood).
By #610414 26,Feb,20 16:10
So what's your point? She still beat Trumpo and if she's a typical politician, well, at the time there was the choice between a ME,ME,ME politician and a bozo. The public spoke. We Got Robbed
By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Feb,20 07:14 other posts 
I just noticed even on this thread you come to argue just because you have an opinion doesn’t make you right all the time opinions are like ass holes every one has one and 90 percent of them stink
By #610414 27,Feb,20 07:59
An opinion does not make me right all the time. It doesn't make me wrong all the time, either. At least I'm not dead from the neck up. I care about the truth and about people. I try to back up what I post. Most of my posts are based on fact. The few posts that are opinions start out as "I believe" like, l believe that Aussie posts to get other members to comment. If not, why do it? I realize that you are very busy making an asshole smell survey, but, I never see you make a serious contribution. All I see is you putting people down for something. I believe you've got your head up HER ass so far, the smell you smell is her onion breath.
By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Feb,20 09:17 other posts 
Her who ???? You and Bella can be as miserable to each other as you want but you can leave me out of it I’m done I just simply commented on your political views and remember not every one in the world wants the same thing I wanna live on my mountain acreage and be left alone with out having a bunch of rules and regulations crammed down my throat can your Democratic Party do that the republicans can’t either
By #610414 27,Feb,20 09:52
Even though you come through as bias in the Forum Wars I'll take your comment at face value. However, when you have something to say, you say it with a chip on your shoulder. "I just noticed even on this thread you come to argue" is not the way to start a conversation. I said it before, maybe to you even, you have every right to your views or your opinions about anything you want to vent at, but, when you make it personal, you don't without getting your scalp handed to you on a platter. If you want to be left alone by everyone, be a hermit, I can support that. Telling me I come to argue, telling me I don't respect an opposing point of view? That, baby, won't fly. I will say this, and this is MY OPINION, a personal view that may not be shared by others. Certainly not by you. You use up oxygen that could, one day, keep me alive. The least you can do for that privilege is to follow some rules of civility as you live in a community called the USA. Many fellow citizens in my lifetime gave up their lives to insure you are free to live your life your way. Honor them by being just a little more concerned about the country they gave their lives for.
Lastly, Bella may be miserable. I am not. I really enjoy twisting her tail till she howls.
By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Feb,20 12:07 other posts 
I guess maybe I do have a bit of a chip on my shoulders that started when I was in 7th grade In high school and I realized I was 2 foot taller then the other kids with a 6 foot wing span then riding with biker clubs all my life didn’t help the chip thing
By #610414 27,Feb,20 12:45
In spite of that and don't ask me why, I like you very much and consider you a rough friend.
Please excuse MY rough edges.
By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 05,Apr,20 03:34 other posts 
Ha Ha first time I heard that one. I will pull that one out of my hat for the next ass hole that comes along
By #502711 28,Feb,20 02:29
When isn't an election between a bunch of ME, ME, ME politicians & bozo's?
By #610414 28,Feb,20 07:24
You've got a point there, lollipop.
By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 04,Apr,20 01:41 other posts 
I don't think billion ares should be allowed to run.I know drug dealers that are better business men then some of these billion ares.
By #485312 25,Feb,20 21:03
its called the 'blame game', and if we didn't do our jobs. lets blame it on china, corona, trump, bushfires, insurance companies or just the stock market wiping out a whole lot of bullshit money, that didn't exist in the first place, and blaming something unrelated to make you all think its a bad thing. well the stock markets are all bullshit and no substance, its a rich mans casino. and they use your money, your super and savings, to play their games. there is so much bullshit in these forums. not one person in history has or will ever have the answer or the solutions to solve ALL the worlds problems. and if the time wasted arguing was put to working, the problems probably would solve them selves in a minute ... *lix*
By #610414 25,Feb,20 22:19
Lix, you want humanity not to be human. It'll never happen. Over 5000 years of Judeo-Christian teachings will not disappear. We are stuck and one day it will destroy humanity. Let's try to contain it a little longer.
By #502711 26,Feb,20 01:17
Religion is humanity's biggest hurdle.
By #485312 26,Feb,20 16:38
brainwashing is all it is *lix*
By #485312 26,Feb,20 16:38
??? where did religion come into it??? that's a whole different load of bullshit. l say good on corona, the world needs less humans, theres a solution that nature has taken to wipe out a few. with less people the stockmarket doesn't need as much money. *Lix*
By phart [Ignore] 26,Feb,20 18:55 other posts 
The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJI) tumbled 0.8% or 227.51 points to close at 28,992.40.

Dow 26,957.59 -123.77 -0.46%
Nasdaq 8,980.78 +15.16 +0.17%
S&P 500 3,116.39 -11.82 -0.38%

10 Year Yield 1.31% -0.02 --

Oil $48.69 -0.04 -0.08%
Gold $1,643.10 0.00 0.00%

All Market Activity FEB 26 6:31pm ET

the few shares I have are higher now than they were last week.Hard to understand but not going to complain.
By #485312 28,Feb,20 14:39
time to buy pharmaceutical shares Phart, not only do they make a fortune selling illegal drugs packaged as legal drugs, they also have millions of dollars thrown at them in donations every year for research !!! .. they sell most their products at extremely over inflated prices and just about everyone in the country takes something in a tablet ... *lix*
By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 04,Apr,20 01:48 other posts 
my drug store is at the corner of / happy & Days /
By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 04,Apr,20 01:44 other posts 
hell gas is under 2 bucks a gal. I can afford to drive my catty again.
By #580336 04,Apr,20 03:53
Oh how we wish it were that cheap in the UK, working it out , we are paying about $1.25 a LITER
By #485312 04,Apr,20 04:01
the country town we're in is still at a 1.4 a litre, l did get it for 95 cents a couple of weeks ago down the coast, but that was out of the ordinary. they said it will rise again now that the arabs have lowered production *Lix*
By #610414 04,Apr,20 17:04
1RonG That's about $5 US a gallon.Wow
By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 05,Apr,20 02:25 other posts 
All Mr Trump has to do is cut a fart and the stock market will take a dive. Sounds like Stock Market manipulation to me. The last I heard that was against the law. Just ask Martha Stewart. Just saying .

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