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Started by #502711 [Ignore] 16,Jun,18 21:29
It's about stuff...

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By dgraff [Ignore] 01,Jul,20 06:01 other posts 
Just popped in to say hello Lix you’re looking radiant one might say you’re glowing your not pregnant are you? Hello Leo you old cock sucker were is that blow job you promised me a year ago oh and Aussie man if you are going to have a pet angel 1227 you might want to keep it on a shorter leash so it can’t wonder in to the neighbors yard that old dog can’t behave no matter were she goes
By #610414 01,Jul,20 10:06
Oh, man. You need tall boots to walk around here.
Aussie, this is addressed to you. Answer if you like and don't worry about hurting my feelings.
By #502711 02,Jul,20 03:29
Oh, dgraff, good to see you here. My, you're looking absolutely like a raisin, wrinkled & shriveled. Have you been to the bottlo today?
By dgraff [Ignore] 02,Jul,20 05:30 other posts 
Hahaha good to hear from ya Aussie man been a long time just try to keep your old dog out of your neighbors yard before she chews up some ones rug and does she have her current shots that’s important
By #502711 02,Jul,20 08:01
What, do you think I send people out to troll you or something? I have a whole network of trolls on a payroll just to annoy you, mate. Watch out
By #610414 02,Jul,20 13:23
By #502711 02,Jul,20 16:48

By #485312 12,Jun,20 18:32
l cant believe theyre pulling movies and programs because of the BLM movement, cant people decide on their own whether to watch or turn it off if they don't like it?? isn't that why we have more than one channel to watch???. l find all this PC shit a bit too much, the facebook generation is taking away things that make us laugh, mostly comedies are pulled because of people 'playing a character'. when l speak to people about it, l,m finding its not doing the movement any good, and if anything is setting back relations between races more, l don't care anymore about criminals. no matter what race they are. but all this backlash that comes from this thin skinned society of do gooders, is getting ridiculous .... lm sure lm not the only person that has been turning off the news and news breaks because lm sick of seeing this bullshit *lix*
By #502711 12,Jun,20 19:05
This is 21st century 'book burning' as far as i'm concerned! I fear we're entering a new world where White people will become a minority & may even become targeted in racial attacks. This is the start of reverse racism. They shall fight racism, by oppressing Whitey, erasing his history. You will be made to feel guilty for the actions of those of the past & they shall use that to dictate our place in the world. They fight racism with racism...
By sherryann [Ignore] 12,Jun,20 20:38 other posts 
White people are already targeted in racial attacks. Very sad and bad times we're living in. It's going to get much worse. And depending on where you are, Whites are already the minority.
By #502711 13,Jun,20 04:10
Yes, well it's getting to look that way.
By #610414 14,Jun,20 13:42
It’s horrible that whites are being targeted in SA, but memories are long. Less than 30 yrs since apartheid ended. What the whites did to Afrikaans previously was horrible too. I suspect whites are still not well liked.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Jun,20 20:42 other posts 
It is just more control.They used the virus to gain control of where we can go and how many and etc,and now they are using the blm movement to get more control of what we see and are entertained by.Schools were first,that helped soften up the younger 1's,it caused them to grow up feeling entitled and it will go further down hill.
Sherry Ann you are correct,for sure in South Africa. The whites are terrorized alot,especialy the wealthy 1's
By sherryann [Ignore] 12,Jun,20 22:00 other posts 
Yes! Most people have no idea what Whites in SA go through! They're being brutally murdered in their homes. And it's not just happening in SA.
By #502711 13,Jun,20 04:14
Yes I was going to mention the South African farmers that have been slaughtered & run off their land & were trying to seek asylum in other countries & as far as I know Australia didn't take any. No one cares about White refugees. & you're right about the systematic brainwashing of our children.

By #502711 14,Jun,20 04:11
This guy knows what's up:
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By #551147 07,Jun,20 11:22
The video that American liberals, leftist, Democrats, progressives, and any other race baiters don't want YOU to see. 18 minutes but I promise it's worth watching. only registered users can see external links
By #610414 07,Jun,20 11:29
WOW, I don't ever want to see that again.
By #502711 07,Jun,20 20:31
Good video, she speaks the truth! I think the media is responsible for this riot. I don't know what the news is saying in the US, but here in Aus, they title these riots "Race Riots". Now calling it that, is completely WRONG & encourages more racism. If anyone has noticed, White people are also taking part in these protests. I'd like to remind everyone about the Australian White woman that was shot & killed by police a couple of years ago, for no reason. So it's not just White on Black. Yes, this girl is right. Everytime a violent criminal is killed while doing something wrong, the family gets on TV & says "He dindu nuthin', he a good boy!". Obviously the White cop's handling of the arrest was excessive, but these cops have to deal with idiots everyday & I can understand their frustration... The media should be held responsible for all of the disruption & the damage for inciting this... Maybe Nancy Pelosi has something to do with it.
By #574505 08,Jun,20 17:34
I agree good video
By #551147 09,Jun,20 03:30
Well, the bulk of the media over here are like this, picture it... Guy standing there, mic in hand, burning buildings and cars can be seen behind him, people being beat down, "these mostly peaceful protesters are OUTRAGED by the death of an unarmed black man". What fuckin clowns, they absolutely REFUSE to call them criminals and or thugs. Then now, they are actually promoting the "defund the police" bullshit. Today, Nancy Pelosi literally just bowed down in compliance to the losers. You suppose that's a winning strategy? I agree with you, they should not being calling it race riots that's really incendiary language.
By #502711 09,Jun,20 04:23
I don't know what defunding the police is going to do, that sounds stupid to me. Maybe crack down on this excessive behavior by the police, train them differently or something. They all have body cams now it's not like they don't know what they're doing these days. It's a touchy situation, too many people with facebook organizing this bullshit, spreading disinformation & compelling people join in. Now they're tearing down statues, around the fucking world. They're threatening to tear down our Captain Cook statues here. This is all going from bad to worse. First a virus, then a riot, that turns into a world wide riot & protest & who knows what from there. I have an idea but I don't wanna say...
By #610414 09,Jun,20 07:32
By #610414 09,Jun,20 07:37
By #502711 10,Jun,20 04:04
Listening to the radio at work today & they're calling this scum bag a "gentle giant". Here's a little knowledge about this cock sucker everyone should know, so anyone that reads this will know he didn't deserve a platinum coffin & all of this publicity.
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By phart [Ignore] 10,Jun,20 17:43 other posts 
Thanks for posting the facts for those around the world that may not get to see them because of media bias.

By #610414 03,Jun,20 07:18
Please allow me to apologize for the rough treatment the Washington DC police gave the Australian news team during a peaceful demonstration. I was and still am full of shame. Please know that our people consider your people brothers. This country has changed so much.
By #502711 03,Jun,20 16:36
No need to apologise. They were in the middle of the mob & didn't disperse, they police did what was needed. Should've tasered them too
By #610414 03,Jun,20 16:41
You are so mean.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Jun,20 17:58 other posts 
Well, they chose to be in the middle of all that,so if you are in Rome,you get what the Romans get.
By #610414 03,Jun,20 17:59
By #502711 04,Jun,20 04:18
That's it
By #502711 04,Jun,20 04:19
Nah they weren't wearing anything to identify that they were Media. & they get right in the middle of the action & then don't expect to get hurt. Try that in the Middle East & see if you don't get shot.
By #610414 04,Jun,20 06:51
If I do that in the middle east, id end up in the local harem as wife number 7 with wipped ass for being sassy.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Jun,20 10:30 other posts 
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Australian version of "GET OFF MY LAWN"
It seems the Australians tend to get themselves in more than 1 fix.
By #502711 04,Jun,20 17:08
Oh yeah, our leadership is fucked. We haven't had a good PM for a while. I can't even think of one good one in my lifetime.

By #502711 01,Jun,20 04:15
How's things in the USA, my American mates? Looks like fucking chaos over there. Are there hooligans running around your neighbourhood all around the country, or is it peaceful in other parts?
By #610414 01,Jun,20 06:35
Almost all areas are quiet. The demonstrations tend to be downtown or a key place like a sheriff's office. I've gone shopping (I sit in car) My house is in the city but we are 25 miles from downtown and even further from Liberty City (black town)
By #502711 01,Jun,20 06:38
Well keep safe, it looks like a war zone. It a tense situation
By #610414 01,Jun,20 06:47
I will but I'm almost bed bound for the next three months or so.
By #502711 02,Jun,20 05:05
I hope that's sex talk for you've got a bunch of guys keeping you tied & filling you up everyday? Hope you're doing ok
By #610414 02,Jun,20 19:10

--------------------------------------- added after 20 seconds

Wish you were here
By #502711 03,Jun,20 04:38
Take care, sweet heart

By #551147 03,Jun,20 02:11
The "Black Lives Matter" (because theirs are the ONLY lives that matter, ESPECIALLY in the womb) movement or whatever the fuck they are, is calling for the defunding of police departments. Just STOP and imagine a world, YOUR city, neighborhood with NO police able to be summoned when needed. How many of you believe that's a solid answer to this situation? OR simply believe or think that is a great idea?
--------------------------------------- added after 3 hours

Here's some REAL statistics to chew on instead of some made up bullshit by a liberal nutjob!

From the F.B.I. uniform crime report...

10 million arrests were made in the U.S. last year.

Police officers were involved in 1004 FATAL shootings.

41 of those were unarmed people. 19 were white (anyone able to name just ONE of those people?), 9 were black, 13 were other races (anyone able to name just ONE of these people?).

89 police officers killed in the line of duty. No outrage for them racist bastards, right?! They got what they had coming to them, right?

There's a fine line between a civil society and an uncivilized one. That line is the police! Most of the time a thankless low paying job for all the bullshit that they put up with. Our leaders all have sworn an oath to protect us from violence foreign AND domestic. The ones allowing these things to continue in all these city's are complete failures and should be held accountable. No law AND order, there's no society.

Now, I ask again, do you believe as the B.L.M. people do, that The Police should in fact be "De-Funded"?

By #592419 02,Jun,20 18:15
Donald J. Trump
2 hrs ·
Sleepy Joe has been in politics for 40 years, and did nothing. Now he pretends to have the answers. He doesn’t even know the questions. Weakness will never beat anarchists, looters or thugs, and Joe has been politically weak all of his life. LAW & ORDER!Sleepy Joe has been in politics for 40 years, and did nothing. Now he pretends to have the answers. He doesn’t even know the questions. Weakness will never beat anarchists, looters or thugs, and Joe has been politically weak all of his life. LAW & ORDER!

By #485312 28,May,20 16:48
gee not only are they rioting in the streets again in ermerryka, but the brawling troll and her punching bag are also rolling it all around forum and bring 'us aussies' into IT's shit fight, who cares anymore what happens over there, go get your guns and sort it the fuck out once and for all... who really cares who mentions what here , only a hagged old troll with piles lm guessing... if IT wants to spends IT's time trying to out wit and up talk Itself, be the weather broadcaster, the news presenter, the comedic relief, we should all chip in and buy IT a bus ticket to minniapolis and see if its big mouth gets it attention there.. lm sure that city needs enlightening with its allknowing powers of deduction *lix*
By #610414 29,May,20 12:49
"her punching bag are also rolling it all around forum". Who is her punching bag?
By #485312 31,May,20 16:51
yes you are !!! lm sure you know that the only reason IT lets you there, is because its the sites mud pit and without you, there is no main attraction only general dribble about ITS lack lustre life. when youre there, IT explodes with ITS trademark 'passive aggressive' shit, IT does it to everyone, hoping for a bite, because people like IT love drama and bullshit... that's what all the gutter trolls feed off. l happen to open the IT thread after my computer rebooted and again, no surprise, that my name, after about 5 years of blocking IT from my page, IT still brings up my name in the mere hope that l will acknowledge IT... well after all that time. you know l still haven't opened ITS cess ridden page, and l NEVER will... IT and ITS fakes have been to mine many times. IT knows everything l do, everything l say. and you'll never be able to come here and have a civil conversation with IT, because that's not in ITS makeup. hasn't changed one iota in the whole time lve been here and even tried to set me up with ITS fake pics to repost.. and it still hasn't double talked it way out of how it knew l had those pics. and how it knew that the person asked me to repost them... did you notice that was onky time IT shut the fuck up???? these forums aren't rocket science. no one really cares what IT thinks, they only care that it brings in the scapegoats for them all to pile there crap on... *Lix*
By #610414 31,May,20 20:06
I've know for a long time that when I show up the whole thread starts to move. And, baby, I like to shake things up
By #485312 31,May,20 20:13
yeah, l know you do, and my name is still there???? why??? why is my name mentioned in almost every of ITS thread??? cunts are still trying and you know an idiot when see it, they do they same thing over and over and expect a different result. *Lix*
By #610414 01,Jun,20 06:45
They can't help themselves. YOU WOULD THINK THEY'D FIND A NEW MEMBER TO BITCH ABOUT. Someone said in a blog you are responsible for making the site great or something. They took that really hard. It was like they got bitch slapped. And their denials when you suggest envy. It's funny. Ms Bella (I'm not supposed to mention her) is this close to banning me.I use this emoji when I msg or post to her. I'm showing disrespect. Ain't it a hoot?

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