Well they are just going to go monkey around with the samples in their own lab!Probably have human test subjects in cages with recliners and tv's blaring reruns of Marlin Perkins and the WiLd Kingdom!
I believe those amendments were made to ensure the liberties of the American people. Your right to bear arms was to give the people the power to fight for their liberty, in case of tyranical leaders that would like to take away your liberties. The liberals want to push the anti-gun agenda to further tighten the screws on the people, so that they would be easier to control. If you don't want your kids shooting up the place, then keep your shit locked up & don't tell them the combination to the safe. Maybe if more Americans open carried, then these shooters would be less likely to do what they do...
Aussie, you sure have a mistaken view of America and our rights. During the War for Independence, gun control went into affect so insurrection would be difficult so, the 2nd amendment. It was to have a ready made militia. We don’t have tyrannical governments (not even Trump). We have the best military that swore to defend and protect the Constitution and the country. You are saying keep your guns locked up. What good is that? If guns are so good then the law should read; all citizens will carry a gun and use it when trouble arises. No one will be prosecuted for maiming or killing
We don't have a tyrannical government? WoW, that is news!
It is a slippery slope when 1 right is removed,another will soon follow until there are none. I am sure Angel there are some of the rights that you actually do appreciate and use.
How would you feel if your right to assemble was threatened? Or your freedom of speach was threatened? You would feel the same as we do about our right to bear arms being threatened.Why is that so hard to understand? Because you don't like guns we should all just happy go luck start carrying 4 foot sticks?
Or put tape over our mouths because someone does not want us to speak? Or lock up all places people can gather?
It is a balance.
Fix the root problems.The people that kill have issues, and they don't just pop up 1 day and become killers.
Most are on medicine,most have family that begged for help,as did the school shooter in florida where the croaching cops waited until he stopped shooting to go in and ask him to come with them to the jail.
Congress must call a convention for proposing amendments upon application of the legislatures of two-thirds of the states (i.e., 34 of 50 states). Amendments proposed by Congress or convention become valid only when ratified by the legislatures of, or conventions in, three-fourths of the states (i.e., 38 of 50 states).
The first 10 amendments are called the Bill of Rights. And we don't have a tyrannical government. The last I checked, you can travel to other states without permission. You can worship in the Church of the Devil. You can stand in a corner downtown and tell everyone that passes by that the current ELECTED government is corrupt. You can vote in elections. These and hundreds of other possible actions are for you to enjoy in a free society. Are there things you might not like? THEN HELP CHANGE THEM. EVERYONE LIKE YOU BITCHES ABOUT "THE TYRANNICAL" GOVERNMENT BUT ALL YOU DO IS SIT IN YOUR ASS COMPLAINING. Do like my friend, a rabid Trump supporter says, "Get off your ass and get involved."
Everyone says, "how would you feel if they took away other rights?
First, the right to have a tool that is used to kill or maim is not the same as freedom of speech, a recognized form of fighting oppression. But, the mechanics of changing or repealing an amendment can only be done through another amendment. It's not a simple majority in Congress. After, you need three fourths of the state's legislatures to bring it up on the floor to vote on it, and vote for it. Some state legislatures are liberal, some conservative. And don't forget the voters putting pressure on their state representatives. If after all that, it passes, then, in a just society like ours, it has to be accepted
Western governments rule by slavery through illusion of freedom. They create this world for the eyes to see, but bit by bit take away pieces of your freedom, so subtle you don't oppose it. With each bit of freedom taken away you get excuses like "terrorism" & "propagating hate speech" so the people don't question this. They distract us with football, track us with facebook, they brainwash us with TV & music. We are being conditioned to be obedient servants of the elite. These are the people that want to take away your guns. Slowly the police are being militarized in preparation of the coming police state. It's happening all before our eyes & we're all too distracted to see it.
There are 19 cities in Miami-Dade county where I live. Each has an independent police department. The county also has it's own department. Most of the USA is like that. They have a better chance of having gay orgies in the street than getting organized
Fix the root problems.The people that kill have issues, and they don't just pop up 1 day and become killers.
Nope,why did John get fired? Lo production because of a drug problem? Drinking problem and hangovers? Fucking his coworkers and prompting a domestic dispute?
No you are missing the point.
There is underlieing issues with ALOT of people out there.Marital problems,drug problems,depression.People are to proud to get help,to embarussed to get help,whatever.
ANd finally,as the old saying goes,there is a straw that broke the camels back.Some people snap and kill themselves,some kill others.Some burn buildings, some just go nuts.
I know there is plenty of publicity about depression and drugs,but it still does not make most people feel good about going to get help.
Some people just take all they can take,and SNAP.
NO killing is not the answer,it is the end result of lack of others caring,others helping the person in need.
Let's take for example the young fellow in Florida that shot those kids in a school a while back. His mother had ask for help,the FBI was aware of him and his issues. NOTHING WAS DONE! Well, he snapped,and killed.
VERY PREVENTABLE without violateing other peoples rights to bear arms. Coulda been prevented by the very things even the KING OBAMA put into Obama care ,free counseling and drug assitance.
Naw.All would never be found.Trust me.
I knew a man that died recently.The fellow that bought his land,bought a back hoe to try and find all that mans guns,found some in cosmoline buried in containers.
People can make guns with basic hand tools.
Just because one asshole is irresponsible and the gun was probably not legal anyway it doesn't mean good people can't protect themselves from assholes like that..
You'll be happy you all have those guns when the Chinese invade. I know you've got some problems, but you can't change the amendments. Those are your rights as an independent nation & whether or not you pass the gun laws, people will still go on shooting sprees. Gun control only takes away the ordinary citizens right to self defence, while criminals will always be able to get their hands on guns...
Do they walk on water? Because the Pacific is pretty big. --------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes
Google who uses a gun the most to maim or kill in the US. You'll find that private citizens with no other walk on the wrong side of the law commit the majority of gun violence. They would be law abiding enough to surrender their weapons. The real criminals may or may not, but they are a small number and eventually they would be eliminated
Did you know that if you fart it can turn to explosive???
Yes !! A fart can catch fire!! Thus, the combustible parts of fart are largely methane and hydrogen. Both these gases are very much flammable, so it's little surprise that your farts actually has the potential to ignite!! :p.
Time To Calm Down
You learn calmness from the lake; you learn power from the ocean waves; you learn goodness from the trees. Look around you: you are surrounded by the most excellent teachers of nature. If you can be an excellent student, then you will rise to be an excellent teacher!
“Tibetan Buddhism can be seductive to people who like to collect information. It is a fantastically rich Tradition – and it is impossible to study more than a fraction of it. Within each school the particular commentaries are vast – and for anyone who wants to devote their lives to study and assimilation of information, the scope is endless. What is important however… is kindness. Kindness has to be ‘what you are’ and ‘how you are’ – not – ‘what you’ve read’ and ‘what you can discuss eloquently’. I am not saying that intellectual study is useless. Neither am I saying that the intellect is of little value. I am simply saying that whatever it is we do in terms of dharma – must be reflected on our lives.”
I respect the Buddhists. Moderation is the key to a happy life. I agree with all of that you quoted. I try to live a spiritual life amongst nature. We should all meditate in the forest, by a waterfall & we should all be constantly learning & helping one another... By the same token, we should also be firm & steadfast to protect our people against evil, even if that means committing acts of evil for the greater good.
"If you want peace, then prepare for war".
Here's another quote i'd like to share:
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well this is laughable .. some people just like pasting words ... that have very little practical meaning and that they have never practiced in their lifetime.
Time To Calm Down
You learn calmness from the lake; you learn power from the ocean waves; you learn goodness from the trees. Look around you: you are surrounded by the most excellent teachers of nature. If you can be an excellent student, then you will rise to be an excellent teacher!
heres one for the teachers out there. PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH... or at least read and try to understand what the meaning is to your copy and paste efforts *lix*
A man is lying on the beach, wearing nothing but a cap over his crotch. A woman passing by remarks:
"If you were any sort of a gentleman, you would lift your hat to a lady."
He replies:
"If you were any sort of a sexy lady, the hat would lift by itself."
Freedom of speech is not your right anymore. The electronic 'book-burning' of the 21st century has been going on for years, but now i'm sick of the biased left-wing liberal propaganda:
only registered users can see external links --------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes
Fuck youtube. Try this: only registered users can see external links
DTube created a new model for social video sharing by offering a direct, unbiased and transparent voting mechanism for users to determine content popularity, moderation and revenue distribution. - New technologies to create trust Our decentralized peer-to-peer video infrastructure protects freedom of speech and prevents censorship Our social blockchain creates a transparent financial mechanism to reward creators and viewers We do not collect any personal data. At all - Community takes control and earn rewards Users upvote and downvote videos to allocate creator revenues and operate moderation Users earn rewards for socially interacting on the platform by voting, tagging and commenting videos - A fair source of revenues for creators 90% of platform revenues goes to users Reliable alternative model with positive values and direct engagement with fans.
Thanks for the info Aussieman! I may never have come across this without it. The libs are rising in our society and I fear one day those of us more conservative leaning will be the minority. It's coming, I have no doubt about that. Keep promising free shit until you manage to flip the masses. And with a bulk of the media being complicit in those endeavors, we are in trouble.
Scorps, Keep promising free shit until you manage to flip the masses? Maybe we should not have issued stimulus checks. WE should not pay unemployment insurance. We sould not help big business to stay afloat. We should not provide ventilators, proper covers, masks, or coffins.
No worries, Scorps! I think the Right is rising with the Trump-train. I think if he manages a second term, that will set in motion the chopping block for the liberals. Pelosi & the rest of the left needs to be thrown to the sharks! The people are not getting the full spectrum of political information, but the one sided perspective that is used to brainwash us into compliant sheep. TRUMP 2020! If Trump get in again, I can see him hook punching China is the fucking jaw, which I support, because China is a virus that has infected this planet way before this corona virus came along...
Aussie the biased left-wing liberal propaganda exists to counter the biased right-wing conservative propaganda. Limbaugh and Shapiro are direct causes for left wing propaganda. Their dribble starts to flow and the other side counters. I think you believe youtube is a public company that has to allow all programming. They are not. Dtube is not either. I bet they wouldn't carry an Obama podcast. The internet is wide open. Someone has something to say then they should build a site for it. They usually don't because an audience is expensive to accrue. They rather go to an established site where they can bleed an audience. In other words, put down the establishment but use their resources.
You may be right about youtube. I don't know anything about right-wing media in the US, because in Australia, we only have soft liberal media. Occasionally they get some right-wingers on TV, but only to argue over the top of them & character assassinate them in front of everyone, then quickly fuck them off the air before they say anything too deep to wake the population up... The barbarians are at the gates, no wait, they've Trojan horsed their way in already & everyone is trying to make out like the invaders are our friends! I can see what's going on...
I used to do this kind of thing in nude beaches
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And I would still do it, if I could travel to my favourite beach.
I've done that a few times. That is, cum hands free. First time it happened was in a classroom. I came hands free in my trousers. Another time was on a bus. Again, I was dressed. No nudity. But I've also done it in nudist beaches, like the guy in the clip. To do that, I must make sure to be very very horny before hand and then concentrate a lot. I've also done that in front of female friends, as a challenge. It's an amazing feeling.
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It is a slippery slope when 1 right is removed,another will soon follow until there are none. I am sure Angel there are some of the rights that you actually do appreciate and use.
How would you feel if your right to assemble was threatened? Or your freedom of speach was threatened? You would feel the same as we do about our right to bear arms being threatened.Why is that so hard to understand? Because you don't like guns we should all just happy go luck start carrying 4 foot sticks?
Or put tape over our mouths because someone does not want us to speak? Or lock up all places people can gather?
It is a balance.
Fix the root problems.The people that kill have issues, and they don't just pop up 1 day and become killers.
Most are on medicine,most have family that begged for help,as did the school shooter in florida where the croaching cops waited until he stopped shooting to go in and ask him to come with them to the jail.
Congress must call a convention for proposing amendments upon application of the legislatures of two-thirds of the states (i.e., 34 of 50 states). Amendments proposed by Congress or convention become valid only when ratified by the legislatures of, or conventions in, three-fourths of the states (i.e., 38 of 50 states).
The first 10 amendments are called the Bill of Rights. And we don't have a tyrannical government. The last I checked, you can travel to other states without permission. You can worship in the Church of the Devil. You can stand in a corner downtown and tell everyone that passes by that the current ELECTED government is corrupt. You can vote in elections. These and hundreds of other possible actions are for you to enjoy in a free society. Are there things you might not like? THEN HELP CHANGE THEM. EVERYONE LIKE YOU BITCHES ABOUT "THE TYRANNICAL" GOVERNMENT BUT ALL YOU DO IS SIT IN YOUR ASS COMPLAINING. Do like my friend, a rabid Trump supporter says, "Get off your ass and get involved."
Everyone says, "how would you feel if they took away other rights?
First, the right to have a tool that is used to kill or maim is not the same as freedom of speech, a recognized form of fighting oppression. But, the mechanics of changing or repealing an amendment can only be done through another amendment. It's not a simple majority in Congress. After, you need three fourths of the state's legislatures to bring it up on the floor to vote on it, and vote for it. Some state legislatures are liberal, some conservative. And don't forget the voters putting pressure on their state representatives. If after all that, it passes, then, in a just society like ours, it has to be accepted
There is underlieing issues with ALOT of people out there.Marital problems,drug problems,depression.People are to proud to get help,to embarussed to get help,whatever.
ANd finally,as the old saying goes,there is a straw that broke the camels back.Some people snap and kill themselves,some kill others.Some burn buildings, some just go nuts.
I know there is plenty of publicity about depression and drugs,but it still does not make most people feel good about going to get help.
Some people just take all they can take,and SNAP.
NO killing is not the answer,it is the end result of lack of others caring,others helping the person in need.
Let's take for example the young fellow in Florida that shot those kids in a school a while back. His mother had ask for help,the FBI was aware of him and his issues. NOTHING WAS DONE! Well, he snapped,and killed.
VERY PREVENTABLE without violateing other peoples rights to bear arms. Coulda been prevented by the very things even the KING OBAMA put into Obama care ,free counseling and drug assitance.
I knew a man that died recently.The fellow that bought his land,bought a back hoe to try and find all that mans guns,found some in cosmoline buried in containers.
People can make guns with basic hand tools.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes
Google who uses a gun the most to maim or kill in the US. You'll find that private citizens with no other walk on the wrong side of the law commit the majority of gun violence. They would be law abiding enough to surrender their weapons. The real criminals may or may not, but they are a small number and eventually they would be eliminated
Yes !! A fart can catch fire!! Thus, the combustible parts of fart are largely methane and hydrogen. Both these gases are very much flammable, so it's little surprise that your farts actually has the potential to ignite!! :p.
You learn calmness from the lake; you learn power from the ocean waves; you learn goodness from the trees. Look around you: you are surrounded by the most excellent teachers of nature. If you can be an excellent student, then you will rise to be an excellent teacher!
[deleted image]
"If you want peace, then prepare for war".
Here's another quote i'd like to share:
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Time To Calm Down
You learn calmness from the lake; you learn power from the ocean waves; you learn goodness from the trees. Look around you: you are surrounded by the most excellent teachers of nature. If you can be an excellent student, then you will rise to be an excellent teacher!
heres one for the teachers out there. PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH... or at least read and try to understand what the meaning is to your copy and paste efforts *lix*
"If you were any sort of a gentleman, you would lift your hat to a lady."
He replies:
"If you were any sort of a sexy lady, the hat would lift by itself."
only registered users can see external links
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes
Fuck youtube. Try this: only registered users can see external links
DTube created a new model for social video sharing by offering a direct, unbiased and transparent voting mechanism for users to determine content popularity, moderation and revenue distribution. - New technologies to create trust Our decentralized peer-to-peer video infrastructure protects freedom of speech and prevents censorship Our social blockchain creates a transparent financial mechanism to reward creators and viewers We do not collect any personal data. At all - Community takes control and earn rewards Users upvote and downvote videos to allocate creator revenues and operate moderation Users earn rewards for socially interacting on the platform by voting, tagging and commenting videos - A fair source of revenues for creators 90% of platform revenues goes to users Reliable alternative model with positive values and direct engagement with fans.
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And I would still do it, if I could travel to my favourite beach.
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Google accused of ‘left-wing bias’:
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