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Started by #502711 [Ignore] 16,Jun,18 21:29
It's about stuff...

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By #610414 26,Aug,20 18:29
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Messi left Barcelona
By #502711 27,Aug,20 05:21
Probably faked an injury so often that he actually injured himself.
By #610414 27,Aug,20 07:15
Don't talk about my beautiful Messi like that...
By #502711 31,Aug,20 03:42

By #502711 25,Aug,20 04:14
This is the world we live in as of 2020
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By #502711 24,Aug,20 17:48
4 more years!
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By phart [Ignore] 24,Aug,20 21:32 other posts 
By #502711 24,Aug,20 22:54
He's a shoe in! Joe (Stay At Home) Biden has no chance

By #502711 23,Aug,20 20:53
Trump has a lot of support, despite what the media wants you to think.
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By #610414 24,Aug,20 10:06
Sure he does. _o body denies it. But his support has a very distorted view of what the desired values are for this cou_try. Most of us _ever liste_ed to that right wi_g bu_ch of hypocrites. These are the religious right preachi_g Godli_ess while fucki_g the parisho_ers wife.
By phart [Ignore] 24,Aug,20 10:47 other posts 
YOur N button is broke.
By #610414 24,Aug,20 11:55
I k_ow. _ew keyboard arriving 9/1

By #610414 24,Aug,20 11:45
You can't trust big business like the ones Trump wants to protect.

London(CNN Business) Rio Tinto will cut the bonuses of three senior executives by a combined £3.8 million ($5 million) after the company blew up a 46,000-year old sacred indigenous site in Australia to expand an iron ore mine.

In a report published Monday into the destruction of the Juukan Gorge caves in Western Australia in May, the company said that it failed to meet some of its own standards "in relation to the responsible management and protection of cultural heritage."

But Rio Tinto stopped short of firing any executives, drawing criticism from investor groups who accused the company of failing to take full responsibility for the demolition of the caves, which had significant archeological value and deep cultural meaning for aboriginal people.

By #502711 23,Aug,20 07:28
Welcome to the 21st century
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By #610414 22,Aug,20 13:33
The Criminalization of Immigration in the United States
For more than a century, innumerable studies have confirmed two simple yet powerful truths about the relationship between immigration and crime: immigrants are less likely to commit serious crimes or be behind bars than the native-born, and high rates of immigration are associated with lower rates of violent crime and property crime.

By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 20,Aug,20 11:25 other posts 
[deleted image]
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By #502711 20,Aug,20 16:46
I like the Trump Teddy... Here's a fun fact, did you know Teddy Bears are named after Teddy Roosevelt? So it should be called a Trumpy, rather than a Teddy
By #485312 20,Aug,20 19:29
you cant call it a 'Trumpy', that's short for a 'Triumph', you'll have to call it a 'Donny', since Teddy was his first name. *lix*
By #502711 20,Aug,20 23:25
How about just "The Don" or "The Donald"?

By #502711 31,Jul,20 06:02
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THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING | "2025 is when the whole procedure finishes"
By #551147 19,Aug,20 07:13
DOH! 😖

Funny... "This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines."

That is VERY interesting! 🤔

Anyway, I managed to view it right after you posted it, some time ago, thanks btw. 👍 I love a good conspiracy video. SO many times, there are a LOT of undeniable facts presented within them, and people just scoff and ignore it.

I know you are more of a heavier metal type of guy, but, there's NO denying, that back in the 80's, a not so well known band called, The Police, warned us with their number one hit, "Every Breath You Take".

At the time, the naysayers said "Oh No, nothing like that will ever happen"... Oh yeah! Now look! Camera's everywhere, your phone, tv, computer, and so many other things are watching and listening to us constantly. Just about every move you make, they are watching you.

Now, we're running out of coins, retailers like Starbucks only accepting card payment in some places, other's considering ditching cash altogether. As if money wasn't phoney enough, as it is, enter cryptocurrency. Virtual fucking money! They create virtual money out of thin air, take your semi-real money in exchange. WTF!

Will ANYONE take a moment to REALLY consider a "cashless world", and the very real drawbacks to such a notion?

Anyway, in many senses we are surely living in dangerous times, in my opinion. Sadly, the same way we've arrived here, is because of the mass amounts of sheeple in our society. Sheeple that blindly ALLOW so many of these things to happen. Sheeple that throw their hands up, saying "I don't give a fuck", or "I'm not interested in this or that". Or "that's not real". I mean, I could go on and on.

Thanks again for posting the video, I hope more than just you and I saw it before it was removed.
By #502711 20,Aug,20 03:47
I think most people just can't comprehend that there are people that are really trying to make this "new world order" happen. Most people don't know anything about history & they don't care because they are not educated on these things. It's not like they teach kids about the underlying conspiracies that take place behind the scenes of government. & I truly believe there is a conspiracy to brainwash people to think a certain way, using TV & reality TV shows & music, to set a kind of 'standard' for how you should be living. Make money, spend it on stuff, dress good so people will fuck you. When I was a kid I was optimistic for the future of Man, oh how naive I was. Hey, guess what the zombie apocalypse is already here, people enslaved to their phones... The 21st century sucks.
By #623135 19,Aug,20 09:06
The video was removed by YouTube
By #502711 20,Aug,20 03:48
This is the censorship of any views that the police state does not agree with.

By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 09,Aug,20 22:40 other posts 
BATMAN and ROBIN. What kind of Band dont play music? A Band of Criminal's . ??? The Ridler ???
By #502711 11,Aug,20 05:40
Holy guacamole!
By #485312 16,Aug,20 23:22
I was thinking a RUBBER BAND *lix*

By #502711 01,Aug,20 06:02
Angela Merkel bitch
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By #623135 11,Aug,20 15:27
Sie ist eine Schlampe bitch bitch
By #502711 11,Aug,20 17:28
Sie hat das große Land Deutschland kastriert. Es macht mich sehr traurig
By #623135 11,Aug,20 18:20
Ja, das hat sie. Bitch
By #551147 11,Aug,20 20:00
I can only assume you know what dumbass your speaking to...

🇺🇸 M.A.G.A 2020 🇺🇲
By #610414 11,Aug,20 20:12
He peake wit Choconut.
By #502711 13,Aug,20 04:08
Trump 2020! Fuck yeah, Biden from what i've seen, is a little slow. His saving grace is that he hasn't had to stand face to face with Trump in a debate, where he would've been eaten alive.

By #551147 07,Aug,20 05:07
Did you get a chance to see the "leaked" video of the George Floyd incident?

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🇺🇲 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
By #502711 11,Aug,20 05:39
Just get in the fucking car!
By #551147 12,Aug,20 14:11
Seems SO simple, doesn't it...

🇺🇲 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸

By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 09,Aug,20 22:48 other posts 
RedHotChillyPepers " Suck My Kiss "

By #502711 31,Jul,20 06:59
Joe Biden for president? Watch this & tell me how you think he'll run things
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By #485312 25,Jul,20 17:23
I thought this was an adult site to share ADULT MATERIAL, with a reference to a '3 year old' on a video shared in forum, you'd think the idiot that posted it would know how the site works, and should know better. I feel it should be removed as Im sure their mother doesn't want their childs video here on a site called SHOWYOURDICK/SHOWYOURCUNT. would any of you want your 3 year old daughters or granddaughters video here for people who are here to see DICKS???? *Lix*
By #610414 26,Jul,20 09:27
Some people are sick or dumb or both. Did you flag it?
By #485312 26,Jul,20 17:10
no, but funny how the right fighters are commenting on it, when Ive seen them delete others in the abuse panel for having any kind of **** material on their page. yet they think the forum is a place to bring someones childs video ... if l get the link for it, l'll advise them on youtube that its on a sex site... lm sure their mother will be happy about it being shared here *Lix*
By #610414 26,Jul,20 18:00
By #610414 27,Jul,20 08:44
Apparently the bitch got the message.

If you are blacklisted by *lix*, perhaps you did. She referred to me as an "idiot", that I should know how the site works. Why? Because I posted a video in the forum of a child Celtic dancing. She even went as far as to say that if she is able to identify the video I posted, she will notify the owner that it's posted on this website. Golly! Maybe I should notify the cemetery that she desecrated when she needed to get her fuck on.

By #485312 28,Jul,20 06:26
I didn't see any desecrating of any cemetery in any of my pics... desecrating would mean it destroyed them or damaged them in some way... if she didn't like it, why did she look at the pics, ?? its like censoring tv, if you don't like something, turn it off. tell the cunt it was the Wongawilli cemetery, lm sure she'll see this post, and whats the cunt going to do about it???? I'll tell you... FUCKING NOTHING!!! because its all mouth and no action. we also fucked in the church that week, gee what will she do about that ??? FUCKING NOTHING!!! lol, cunt doesn't have a life, so it has to make up bullshit for its kicks... I hope her niece is the next vid that posted here... see how she'd like that.. *lix*

By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 23,Jul,20 11:01 other posts 
check out this vid called ( Its just a mask ). only registered users can see external links
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I will rip a video to for the smart people that don't trust facebook. I don't know how many maga bits it will be, if its under 55megs than I will post here. if not I can Skype it to you . Or email it to you .
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well the link is now junk so I better get to ripping.
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fuck Facebook does not make it easy to rip videos . what a pain in the ass. may be some capture soft ware. I did find it and tagged it, so may be my Facebook link will work. does anyone have some info or some secret software they might want to turn me on too. Time to start using LENX SOFTWARE
By #551147 23,Jul,20 15:17
By phart [Ignore] 23,Jul,20 21:48 other posts 
IT was on youtube I think when I watched it,not for the liberal minded as it explains in almost understandable english what could be and is probably really going on.
You should see,if you find the video,The Joker,making the speach with modfied facial software? may not be explaining it right but anyhow.
On aire at 9.50 pm
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It goes against the grain so all the sites keep deletin it.
By #502711 26,Jul,20 20:06
Yes, I watched it. I think the virus is a tool for for government control. They take away our freedoms "for our own good", but you would be a fool to think that the freedom we had before this virus, will return when & if this virus goes away. You thought we lost some of our freedoms after 9/11? They've just tightened the screws on us this year. Your mind belongs to the state now! Keep watching TV, nothing to see here. We're working on a vaccine, keep consuming. Consume consume consume consume consume consume consume consume consume consume consume...
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By #551147 27,Jul,20 00:27
LMAO I thought I was the only fan of that movie with ole Rowdy Roddy Piper.
By #502711 28,Jul,20 03:52
It's a classic. Still watchable today & relevant.
By #502711 26,Jul,20 20:12
The internet is actively censoring virus conspiracies.
By #485312 26,Jul,20 17:15
facebook is a paradise for idiots .. I don't even trust my 14 year old phone. but I wont be buying of those new ones when it dies, l'll go back to landline. most of the trouble on earth is caused by the new wave of PC people off facebook and the like ... all trying to out nice each other and live in a perfect world.. the day I seen my nieces and nephews complain all day about taking their nan on dolphin watching cruise. to then post 'fake' pics on facebook saying what a great day they had???? that was the day I left it. I only had it keep up with them and that's how they used it. *Lix*

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