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I didn't realize the custom of a president returning the salute to military personnel is a relatively new practice which began with President Ronald Reagan. I guess that I don't understand the negative buzz around Kam not saluting. I mean, she is not YET Commander and Chief of the armed forces. Wouldn't an acknowledging nod, on her part, suffice?
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Ok,so you fill out a form that ask if you have used drugs.You say no.
BUT you are a fucking crack head that got his ass kicked out of the military because of it..
BUT you also just so happen to be a former DEMOCRAT vice presidents son.So it doesn't matter,it's all ok,nothing to see here,just move along.
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Hunter Biden was discharged from the Navy Reserve five years earlier after testing positive for cocaine. He and family members have spoken about his history of drug use.
Lying on the form is a felony, but such offenses aren't typically prosecuted
You were blacklisted by Colins
Go and look at what this cunt posts in forum threads. A real bottom feeder and supported by Leo and Tecsan. Disgusting all around.
(this member nick was Jerry27, the account was recently deleted by the user)
The word muťah is Arabic meaning for pleasure. This is a copy and paste that explains a muťah marriage.
Partners who engage in muťah must do so freely and must predetermine the compensation and duration of the contract. The woman, therefore, has no claim for maintenance, and the two do not inherit from one another unless there is a previous agreement on these matters. Any children from a muťah union go with the father. No extension of the muťah is permitted, but cohabitation may be resumed if a new agreement is reached with new compensation for the woman. All Muslim legal schools agree that muťah was recognized and practiced in the Prophet Muhammad’s time. Most Sunni Muslims, however, think the practice to have been abrogated by Muhammad. In consequence, Sunni leaders have denounced muťah as simple prostitution. In contrast, the Twelver Shīites, holding that muťah was forbidden not by Muhammad but by Umar I, the second caliph, consider muťah to be still valid and defend it as a guard against prostitution or license in circumstances in which regular marriage is impossible.
Not the nut case that should have been in a safe place secure and not medicated and out on the streets like some kind of wild animal.
He's a muzzie, so why is anyone surprised. A nightmare coming to the US. We in uk are already doomed. The end of western civilisation.
That’s ok I have a surprise for his ass it’s not over till I say it’s over
Hmmm.... the profile is very sketchy, for sure! He's just established the profile today, no points and has blacklisted two members already?
--------------------------------------- added after 61 seconds
Hahaha he looks a lot like lix
You were blacklisted by Jerry27
(this member nick was Jerry27, the account was recently deleted by the user)
Why would it or should it matter who votes for which member? Why should it be any different should you decide to vote for yourself OR IF a premium paid member comes along and uses their points to parlay their favorite member into the #1 spot? OR the premium paid member that uses their point advantage to keep someone from attaining the top member position?
Now what kinda member would use their points to keep some one from reaching the top
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