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It sounds like 50 freighters are anchored right outside of my house and they're all tooting their horns at one another. It is 01:52 and dammit.....I WANT TO SLEEP!
Now all of that is the typical blah, blah, blah that is posted. Now you ask what was so interesting? The writer went on to describe himself as having long hair which is "saloned 4 times weekly". Seriously? Who in the heck has the time or money to be a salon four times weekly? I must not be living right....
BALLZDIXNCLITZ to DirtyDee at 15:17
DirtyDee to Rose at 15:19
Rose to coos at 15:20
coos to *expertease* at 15:26
*expertease* to Sammie1967 at 15:35
Sammie1967 to Leonboy at 15:36
Leonboy to manteiga at 15:42
And my guess, the play will stop at manteiga
And the play went down like this;
dgraff to eichel at 17:46
eichel to BiCurious069 at 17:49
BiCurious069 to bigbullcock at 17:59
bigbullcock to in-the-butt at 18:06
in-the-butt to Dicksuckr at 18:11
And the play stopped with Dicksuckr
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I never wear tshirts,only button up shirts.But if I did,I would buy a dozen of these. I love this statement from Senator Kennedy.
Boo hoo,I was near a school shooting,Ban all guns.
Don't ban idiots being loose on the streets.
Dope em up and let them roam and then when they crack,they grab a gun or a knife or a brick and start hurting others.
We stand in solidarity with Asian and Pacific Islander communities.
I mean, yeah what Bella posted!
A senior fellow at the Atlantic Council called for a substantial, international investigation into the origins of the coronavirus and said the World Health Organization’s inquiry has been dreadfully inadequate.
Jamie Metzl, who served in the National Security Council during the Clinton administration, told CBS’ "60 Minutes" that the WHO’s investigation in Wuhan should actually be referred to as a "highly chaperoned, highly curated study tour."
"Everybody around the world is imagining this is some kind of full investigation," he said. "It’s not. This group of experts only saw what the Chinese government wanted them to see."
We would have to ask the question, "Well, why in Wuhan?" To quote Humphrey Bogart, "Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, why Wuhan?" What Wuhan does have is China's level four virology institute, with probably the world's largest collection of bat viruses, including bat coronaviruses," he said.
He described the WHO investigation as China essentially collecting its own data and then handing it over to the team. He compared it to tapping the Soviet Union to "do a co-investigation of Chernobyl."
China cannot be trusted....
If they did, they sure are good in covering their tracks. Every time the US tries to do something like that, they fuck it up and look like idiots.
China is completely predictable and very specific with their misconduct.
The US is chaotic and destructive, just a bull in a china shop, breaking shit
all over the world and fucking thing up for themselves as well.
I would trust China over the US any day.
And being a citizen of China? If you speak out against the state you are disappeared, or imprisoned. This is also a country that steals IP and just about everything else from businesses and other countries.
Lastly, since you are such a woke muppet, China treats pollution like a national pastime. So, go ahead and keep thinking China is so amazing.
Wow. Unfuckingbelievable.
Exactly. He is a fucking idiot.
Do you mean I need to talk about the internment camps of over a million Uighurs, the brutalization of the Tibetan people for decades, the disappearance of the Panchen Lama in 1995, the disappearance of everyone who questioned their government in 2020 about COVID (including billionaire Jack Ma), the extreme brutality of the Cultural Revolution, their re-education camps for decades, the 30 million people who died during the Great Leap Forward, or the social credit scores everyone is subject to today?
Yeah. Clearly the evil, evil US is worse than China in every way!!!
Trump tried to defund the Who because they lied and helped china cover things up. then ol sleepy joe got right back in the bed with them and brought the wine and crackers to. Dumbass.
that means I trust the US EVEN LESS.
With China you always know where you stand and where they stand.
They are very predictable and careful. The US is chaotic and reckless.
Trust is something else than belief. Everyone knows they lie consistently.
No one trust their word on anything. The US lies a lot too. Maybe a little less,
but it's close.
Lying is not the basis of my claim about trusting the US even less than China.
It is also not about which country does worse things. I think you beat them on death and destruction. How they treat their own citizens has nothing to do with trust. The US is better on freedom of speech, for sure. However, don't talk about imprisonment, when you have over 2 million people incarcerated, about the same as China, but you have 4.3 times less people.
I don't believe China created this virus on purpose, because they are actually smart in weighing the damages against the benefits of their actions, unlike the US. Creating a virus is a risk on the whole world, including China. It creates a risk for the global economy, on which China is very much dependent. This virus originated in China, that's clear, but I see no reason for why they would do that INTENTIONALLY.
The US is completely untrustworthy in keeping their end of deals. When one president makes a deal, the next one breaks it, without a care in the world.
China keeps their deals much more reliably, because they understand that
if you break a deal, people will not trust you anymore.
"China treats pollution like a national pastime." That's complete projection.
Look at your own country first.
The US is stealing, killing, extorting, cheating, bribing, intruding and repressing
all over the world, like no other country in recent history.
That's why the US can be trusted even less than China.
If I'm such an idiot, why don't you show that and show how smart YOU are
by giving great arguments on why the US is more trustworthy than China.
The US claims China's total energy-related emissions are twice those of the US and nearly one-third of all emissions globally. China's annual emissions today are about double those of the US, according to UN data. And last year, China accounted for about one-third of global CO2 emissions while the US produced 13%.Nov 13, 2020
That's from liberal UN data. Hardly a group that is pro US...
Regarding WHO and the Wuan Virus.. here's a link from liberal BBC
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Just a few examples..
ps- Why don't you look at China's incisions into Africa's domestic policy?
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"Last week, the WHO team concluded it was "extremely unlikely" that the coronavirus leaked from a lab in the city of Wuhan, dismissing a controversial theory that emerged last year."
You still didn't give any argument for WHY China would have wanted to spread the virus. Or do you acknowledge that it was an accident?
I know all about the action of China in Africa. They use different methods than the US, but the end goal is the same, building financial and economic power over African countries, so they cab take their natural resources. I understand the US doesn't want another empire in the world and therefore they are condemning the actions of China on your media on a daily basis, but they forget to mention that the US has the exact same goals, but mostly uses worse methods to achieve those goals.
Kill them all and let God sort them out
Semper fi
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