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YOu will have to type in the word z00 to get the link to work.
Read that,and think about it a minute.A person carried the virus, fully vaccinated,wearing all the stuff we are told to,and STILL made the gorillas sick! A gorillas immune system is probably a bit stronger than ours wouldn't you think?
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Here's his take on fried cabbage. What made me smile is when he said that he fried up six rushers of bacon and it yielded 1/2 to 3/4 of a cup of bacon grease, the grease you need to fry the cabbage in. Dude, that wasn't 1/2 cup of bacon grease and what you did have looked like too much. I wonder if the guy is prone to a heart attack after eating something like that?
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.I would have to put a dab of onion in that cabbage!
As for bacon grease,UM, I fry some bacon before I fry my spam to make it taste better!
And kudos to Magnus_Phallus for your report on an almost 10 year member, and to kebmo , nakedme , Gayleks , UnderCoverAngel and eduard99 for voting to delete.
What's interesting is that nakedme also has posted a picture that can be found on the internet, yet was verified as being legit.
Just a ramble...
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And another thing is previously BAND members certainly should not be allowed to vote on the abuse panel because they can’t vote with a bias conscience because they are bitter towards the system for being deleted themselves
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• In your opinion, how many pictures should a 10 year member have posted? And to your knowledge, is there any rule or guidelines established to support your thoughts?
• What is your thought regarding members that post scenes, memes and everything in between, they do not own that "content"? So if I posted a picture taken from Saks Fifth Avenue, I should be subject to deletion? There are certainly a number of SYC members that have chosen to post non nudes, that is their choice. Are you suggesting that they should be subject to deletion for posting subject matter that does not pertain to the site? Since admin does not mind if member's post an internet pic as long as they do not claim them to be of them, why should angelahh, an almost 10 year member be in jeopardy of being deleted for a benign picture that she did not claim to be of her?
• Yes, voting is open to ELIGIBLE members, but I question whether the members are qualified to make rational decisions.
• And about angelahh being reported a second time, I also keep track of members that have not been deleted or saved by the Panel. I have no notes of yesterday's referral being angelahh's 2nd, 3rd or 4th referral, I respect Jamie's post but I did not have any notes on this.
Summing this up, shame on me for not freezing the vote and reaching out to the member, shame on the members that voted to delete.
This member does not exist
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(this member nick was SlutWife4_U, the account was recently deleted by the user)
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Kentucky lawmakers scrap school mask mandate: What it means for districts
No need for an explanation. Countless children will die in Kentucky or at least get very sick. All so Kentuckians can show the world that they are MAGA supporters like the good Lord meant it to be. Ignorance is the way to go.
Tomorrow, September 11, 2021 will mark the 20th anniversary of what’s simply called 9/11. This tragedy will be remembered for the rest of our days. It was heartbreaking for so many people, directly. This country rallied after, as we Americans do when we need to be. It’s also sad that this tragedy was the last time the whole country was united. No Republicans, no Democrats, just us praying for the survivors, crying for those that lost their lives, wanting justice for the whole country. Tomorrow, as you talk about Covid or abortion or national hatred, take a minute to remember 9/11 and how it changed us
Why is it so "OK" to charge tax and charge so much for service and NOT provide What is supposed to be done?
And the old freezer will hardly bring enough to pay for the gas to haul it down to the junk yard.
Now the really urking part,I decided since I was in the "big town" I would get some early supper.I like Cook Out,I park,walk up to the door,locked,"due to covid staff shortage" at 4 pm!
I got back in the truck,went to Arbys, Door locked. "staffing issues" the door said.
I wound up at the big fish camp and the sign said, "Due to short staff,fried only!" I went in and got shrimp and chicken tenders.
The state stopped giving the extra unemployment a couple months ago.These places had plenty of staff before the plandemic.So how are all those people supporting themselves? makes NO sense.
Florida Statute 403.718 imposes a $1 waste disposal fee on each tire that is sold at retail within the state. That fee is listed separately on your bill, and the money is sent to the state.
However, that’s only if you take your old tires. If you leave them with the tire shop then you get charged an additional $1 per tire for the shop
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White goods (appliances) their removal is different in every Florida county but, in general, pay $15 to $35 to a private hauler or if lucky, to the delivery company. White goods are NOT allowed in landfills in Florida but there are recycling drop off points.
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"President Vladimir Putin discussed the topic with his U.S. President Joe Biden at a summit in June, but Whelan and Trevor Reed, another former U.S. Marine, remain behind bars in Russia"
so apparently biden belongs to Putin??
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They will steal a tent at Walmart and go live between the exit ramp and nearby interstate.
Besides ,Mcdonalds is giving bonuses.
Under employment is a growing problem. BECAUSE people making a good living ,jumped to deep in debt, bought more house than they could pay tax on and so forth.
Instead of NOT working at all, perhaps underemployment insurance would be a better investment of tax dollars.Provide just enough aid to make up the food bills and lights. That would prevent homelessness,but would provide incentive to CONTINUE to look for work for a better wage.
Mcdonalds expects to train people all the time, they are a entry level job provider,with the exception of management perhaps and delivery drivers in their trucks hauling supplys.
Did you ever take any pride in working for a living? Supporting yourself? OR as a woman did you feel like it was a chore and a tragedy that you couldn't have a man support you so you didn't have to work? I doubt that applies to you but just trying to get you to THINK about what you are saying,
you are going back to being the "pet" someone else spoke of elsewhere on here.
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Work was never a chore
Now if you educate yourself and don't be satisfied with low education work, those jobs will challenge you to really develop yourself. Most employers will also expect people to do training, but those are much more generally applicable for other jobs. It will advance your employability to a level where your employer has incentives to keep you at their company. They will not just expect you to be loyal to them (like a pet), but they will even need to show loyalty to you. Because you have worth to the company, they pay enough to not just support your life, but improve your life.
You wont spend your time just working, but also enjoying life. It will give you the power to negotiate for career and development opportunities and more interesting and rewarding responsibilities. It will even give you the freedom to choose another employer, that has a positive impact on humanity, instead of giving people obesity and diabetes. A job like that doesn't make you a pet, it makes you a master over your own life. At least a lot more then when you work at McDonald's, Walmart, Amazon, Uber or all those other useless, shit job providers.
Alot of people don't own a car and depend on that useless shit job that someone fills to get them to work or where ever.
Alot of people depend on that useless shit job at micky D's for their breakfast on the way to work.
Not everyone can be a ceo.Nor does every one have the mental capacity to be a ceo.
And service jobs do not include enough responsibility or dedication or education to justify a high pay.
You have to understand, everyone can not be at the top.
2 warm,I can't believe you feel "above" doing "menial" jobs. You must not want equality in the world because being equal means no one better than the other.
We need people to fill shelves, serve people food, pick up waste, unclog drains, and other "menial" jobs. It the shit employers who turn those jobs into shit jobs,
by underpaying and abusing their employees.
Any job that serves a purpose should compensate the person doing it enough,
to independently maintain a fulfilling life.
Jobs that do not add enough value to anyone might then disappear, but that will be compensated by all useful jobs paying enough to add strength to the economy and creating new useful jobs. Maybe that will make the food at Micky D's a bit more expensive or maybe people don't want to pay more for that crap and the executives and shareholders of Micky D's would need to be satisfied with a lower profit. It would however change them from a completely useless, harmful company into one with some benefit to society; providing people with enough income to independently maintain a fulfilling life.
It's saying something that you mention CEO's as the people we should respect
or aspire to be the most. They sure get paid the most, but they are also mostly to blame for the existence of shit jobs. So I actually respect most of them the least. It's very hard to find a CEO who actually cares about their employees and chooses them over profit and shareholders. The only thing I can say in their defense, is that they wouldn't have been made CEO, if they did really care. Companies will only serve humanity, if humanity forces them to do so.
And folks like yourself tend to forget, there are millions of people who's income is "fixed" as in no option for raises or whatever Ever been on the shit they call social security? It is a socialism program that we are required to put part of our paychecks into each month with the idea being we would then get it back in our old age and it was SUPPOSED to earn interest. Well it is part of the general fund our government works off of and seriously ,I doubt it will be there when I get old enough. But how it relates to this discussion, a cost of living raise is like 2% maybe. or 1.5%. Compared to a 10% raise you might get at work for meeting a requirement. The idea of raising the minimum wage reducing poverty is simply going to change who is in poverty, or increase those numbers.
Phart, if you don’t get beat up, I would be much surprised.
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Also, this year’s COLA adjustment is predicted to be about 6.5%
You also forgot to say that Social Security provides for Medicare, Medicaid, Disability pay, Survivors pay. They also work with large insurance companies to bring the Plan C health plan that acts like health insurance at a very affordable price.
So, go ahead, Phart tell everyone what a shit program Social Security is. And all this for less than 7% of your pre-retirement pay. That’s 7 cents on the dollar.
That has been proven to be not true. Whenever a state or country significantly raised the minimum wage, it almost always improved the economy, by boosting consumer demand.
There are many theoretical articles about the dangers of raising the minimum wage, but when they actually do it, the reality is different.
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These jobs are good for students and as a second job, but many people stay in these positions all their lives. I don’t blame a person with a college degree or a trade school certificate not wanting to work such menial job. They (or me) are not to blame for other people’s laziness or bad luck to just have a minimal education. These jobs exist along with other menial jobs. Did you ever pick tomatoes or potatoes or other produce? The work is so bad and the pay is so low, only imported Mexican labor will do it. How about toilet attendant? How about toilet cleaners in an airport?
There’s hundreds if not thousands of jobs that have to be done and they are messy, filthy and undignified. I choose not to do that type of work. I worked hard to PAY for a higher education and trained myself for a better position in life.
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What’s more, I don’t owe society a turn at these jobs. If the employers of these type of work would at least treat their employees better they might, might, find it easier to find workers. Their reputations precede them.
I don't have much sympathy for any one that drops out of high school this day and age. Maby 50 years ago,but not now.I don't even understand how it is legal.
So if they want to choose a life of being a dumbass, they shouldn't get a decent job, or decent pay. Perhaps enough suffering they might be motivated to do better latter in life.
I knew a fellow,he is still around,but when he quit high school,he was asked why. He said," I can drive a tractor,so I don't need a education". Well,guess what,at 57 years old,that is the only work he can get ,operating a skid steer loader cleaning out chicken houses. Do I feel any thing for him? Hell no. DUMB ASS WHITE BOY is all I can think of when i think of his name.
Still, even cleaning out chicken houses is a job that should pay enough to live on.
Peter Ricci, head of Florida Atlantic University's hospitality and tourism management program, previously told Insider that blaming the tight labor market on supplemental unemployment benefits was a short-term view.
He said that it actually stemmed from issues "that have been laying low for years." Workers say that low pay, bad benefits, and a lack of flexible hours are causing them to quit their jobs in droves. One former bartender told Insider he pivoted to a career in tech so he could work more sociable hours and spend more time with his wife.
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In other words, losers can turn their life around.
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