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I hope the college learns from this costly event.
Just because someone chases a thief that happens to be black does not make the business racist.
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The perpetrators were guilty. It’s what happened after that caused this case to be brought forward. Now, for those questions.
1) Why was the college sued? Did they have deeper pockets than the perpetrators?
2) Were the “damages” so high that they went for such a huge amount?
3) Why was evidence that the owner was racist and posted that in Facebook for 5 yrs not allowed as evidence?
In September 2021, the judge unsealed remarks Allyn D. Gibson made on his Facebook account from 2012 to 2017 in which he expressed resentment of being accused of racism and made disparaging remarks about a large portion of the local black community.
Again, the perpetrators were guilty and they confessed. They were arrested immediately after the shoplifting. It seems all this was more for greed than any defamation.
Maybe it’s fun for the kids.
Those fucking liberal children having fun! Woke woke woke woke… how disgusting. End sarcasm.
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Do you really think they’re really going to the bathroom in them? I seriously doubt it.
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… Or maybe they’re just conducting a sociology test!
? there has to be a red line.
Liter boxes in bathrooms for HUMANS to shit and pee in?
If this actually happening,there are some sick puppies out there allowing it. I can't blame the kids, I blame the adults that are pushing this sort of thing and promoting it.
There are plenty of toilet trained cats out there,don't beleive me,check youtube.
So a kid that thinks it's a cat, can learn to shit in a toilet same as a cat or human.
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If there is one thing I know how to do it’s raise hell
If you are going to make a stink,make it a good 1.
Take a look at the videos of the muslims in michigan raising hell about the books in the schools on youtube. I will say this,they don't cut any slack.
The "litterboxes in schools for furry students" thing is a hoax.
It never happenned, and was debunked long ago.
Still, whack-a-dos on the Right keep trotting it out (as they frequently do with unhinged crap like this) as if it was a fact.
Just imagine the poor guy that has to paint them!
--------------------------------------- added after 14 minutes
And don’t forget the chrome chain steering wheel
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Along with the white foam dice hanging from the rear view mirror.
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They must be from a woken family maybe they need hit in the head with a hammer to bring them back
And in the Land of Leo, we have to paint the walls to help prevent people from peeing in public.
Nasty,I thought the UK was more civilized than this.
I mean peeing in the streets for residents to have to walk in is something you would expect from a 3rd world country,not the UK?
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