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The time is near, for robots!
I can just visualize B9 rolling out of control down a hill in san fran flailing it's arms hollering "Danger ,Danger".
You would think a new car would not be suffering a wiring issue.
This is a incredible amount of work just because what was probably grounding issues that could have been resolved with a few new grounds wired in.
"The problem that allegedly required this near-entire deconstruction? “Poor connectivity,” which required a replacement of the floor harness and dash harness, Andrew says."
sounds like a scam either by the mechanic or the Tic Toc poster. Where's the original complaint? What WAS NOT WORKING that brought the vehicle to the shop?
I have worked on all kinds of machines and vehicles and I know a section of a harness can be replaced with out tearing the entire car apart.
Just where is a man going to put a tampon?
I know it would fit in the ass but unless you have the scours why would you need it?
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Liberal members, what if you worked in this store and lost your job due to the crime? How would you feel? Would it affect your liberal views of being soft on crime?
15 break in's. Insurance not seen since the 3rd. Who is supposed to absorb those loss's?
Woke is causing people to go broke.
it is taking a little while but the woke is starting to rear it's ugly head and show it's ability to destroy the country,1 small business at a time.
And all goes along with the libs wanting people dependent on the government, not being able to work and provide for themselves.
Others across the country want the same.
If crime was a true concern of the democrat,the democrat would vote in a way that keeps the criminal AWAY from potential victims and locked away.Not pampered and put back out on the street.
Did you miss the part about 15 break in's and only 3 dealings with insurance, the other 12 breakins cost the owner out of pocket.
Why would democrats like fetterman that are in that state,keep wanting to turn criminals back out on the street if they really cared about crime??
Also,you didn't answer my questions. I am trying to understand how democrats minds work.
What gave you that idea? Are you talking about the whole Congress? Because, they are ALL going into office.
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How do you feel about law enforcement officers killing each other? Cuz that's on the rise!! Who are you going to blame that on?
Of course people are killed by knives but no where near as quickly or as easily. In any event if what you say is true that is not a reason not to do anything about these mass shootings.
Alas, these events are doomed to to repeat and repeat because as the NRA and others tell us guns are not he problem. Even though the easily acquired guns are doing the killing.
I take that with a cup of wice
Why it bothers no one is beyond me.
They h@te themselves so much they kill each other.But let a white cop kill 1 and they all stick together like glue.
News is what a TV producer decides to be the news!!!
Every news channel has an agenda now!! It used to just be the the news without bias!!!!
It is a terrible thing that happened but there is so much wrong now a days and NOTHING being done to fix it.
No one wants to work.
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Maybe try reducing the number of guns!!!
Being an asshole is not justification for being shot!!
I imagine you would not want to be shot while waiting for your coffee by the barista who thinks you're an asshole cuz you lost your shit after they told you the options for milk!!!
Being a asshole could very well be the motivation that some shooters have to want to kill you.
Why is it no one is looking for the reason,instead just nickpics examples or makes a mockery.THINK outside the GUN holster for a change for a solution to these problems.
In other words go to work or school and treat people as you want to be treated. OR didn't your mothers teach you that ?
The reason people shoot other people is guns!!!!!
Reduce the the amount of guns,and you reduce the chances of people getting shot!
Shooting at someone means you are trying to kill another human!!!!!! Do you realise how fucked up that is?
And if you apply the 'treat others how you expect to be treated attitude' you would get shot by someone who is an asshole!!!
My parents taught me to think for myself and not be a sheep!!!
Don't fret precious, I'm here
Step away from the window, go back to sleep
Safe from pain and truth and choice and other poison devils
See, they don't give a fuck about you like I do
Count lies like sheep, like sheep, like sheep, like sheep, like sheep, like sheep
Count lies like sheeps, like sheeps, like sheeps, like sheeps, like sheeps, like sheeps
Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow
Count bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums
Count bodies like sheep, like sheep, like sheep, like sheep, like sheep, like sheep
Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow
Go back to sleep
Go back to sleep
Count bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums (Go back to sleep)
Go back to sleep
Count bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums (Go back to sleep)
Go back to sleep
Count bodies like sheep
Go back to
Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep,
Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep,
Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep,
Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep,
Go back to sleep
Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow
Go back to sleep
Go back to sleep
Count bodies like sheep, like sheep, like sheep, like sheep, like sheep, like sheep (Go back to sleep)
Go back to sleep
Count bodies like sheep, like sheep, like sheep, like sheep, like sheep, like sheep (Go back to sleep)
Go back to sleep
Count bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums (Go back to sleep)
Go back to sleep
Count bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums (Go back to sleep)
Go back to sleep
Count bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums (Go back to sleep)
Go back to sleep
I'll be the one to protect you from your enemies and all your demons
I'll be the one to protect you from a will to survive and a voice of reason
I'll be the one to protect you from your enemies and your choices, son
They're one in the same
I must isolate you
Isolate and save you from yourself
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Sorry Bro couldn't help myself
The shooter actually told someone they would do it if they got fired.The person was known to be "off" and taped over cameras and such. A loony tick in other words. But no,it's the guns fault,it possessed the man to pick it up right?
--------------------------------------- added after 24 minutes
Nice edit
Why didn't Walmart arm all its workers with guns then ?cuz that's the solution,more guns,cuz guns don't kill people, people kill people!!!
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social media in general has alot of influence on peoples thinking ,even subconsciously.
What people read here in abundance could very well affect their thinking if they are sheep unable to really think things thru themselves.
This is social media. Not as common as twatter or butt book, I mean twitter and facebook but still, it is social media
So you actually think I have influence on you!
Nonsense, there's not a thing here that I have posted that you agree with!!!!
My feelings and talking points are influenced by what i see and witness in daily living. Not what some talking head on tv says. I seldom watch tv news. You probably think I have fox news piped into headphones. I actually HATE CNN and FOX, for the same reasons, they get 4 people on there and all 4 try to talk at the same time and you can't make heads or tails of what the fuck they are jabbering about.
Hannity rocks
Of course a gun cannot jump by itself and shoot someone (unless you're Alec Baldwin) so a person is needed to actually pull the trigger!!!!
More guns is not the answer either but you guys just keep going with that one!!!
And how do you deal with the real issue of mental health when you guys fuck each other for insurance and assistance for your needy?
I mean you don't want to a be socialist and actually help others do you?
I think you're more socialist than you realise!!!
If you are unionised that's pretty much as socialist as you can get!!! Looking out for someone other than your family isn't a bad thing!!!! Being able to move forward as a collective to get a good deal for you and union members means you all get good standards of living pay and insurance coverage!
--------------------------------------- added after 103 seconds
Never get caught in a situation always be prepared for anything
Guns that had never been a threat in the first place.Just using the system to clean out the closet and make some gas money.
BUT I am sure there are a few that brought good guns, and you are very naive if you think the folks buying them are not laying those back and putting some cheap worn out shit they bought at the pawn shop in their place.
You think if some little old lady brought in a Henry that the law would melt it,Hell no,there would be a savage arms knockoff in place of it going into the smelter.
Oh,that is racist and inequitable and blah blah blah.you would be violating the childs civil rights telling them it is wrong to kill and not letting them experiment on animals and such with fire and sticks.
It would even affect their egos! Oh my,can't have a childs ego damaged, they might scream and cry.
--------------------------------------- added after 31 seconds
And I turned out just fine
Don't get mad. Just observations, but, do you see yourself as being the product of a good upbringing?
I graduated high school and got a associate's degree.
Both have helped me in my life up to this hour even,as I use the knowledge gained from both school and college both in my hobby's and to earn side money to help support myself.
I can't consider myself a "pillar" of my community but far as I know I don't have any real enemy's and my reputation is enough that I am trusted. I have the house keys to 3 different homes so I can help with pets and what not while they are away.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
Just a example of how things work nowadays
There are times when I wonder "what if". Then I read about all the things kids are doing nowadays, 13 year olds killing their parents and stealing and so forth, how good parents are able to keep up the good fight and raise solid wholesome kids in todays society is beyond me.
I will admit ,I was abused as a child. Did it ruin me? No, it made me stronger . I learned how NOT to raise a kid. Discipline with a spanking or remove fun things is fine, but breaking 2 Buggie whips over a 12 year olds back is not the way. These sorry ,lazy brats that can't decide what color they want their hair much less what gender they are during lunch break that hollar abuse, probably were simply ask to take out the fucking garbage or something.Parents are to lazy to spank their kids,much less beat them
What I see in the black population is racism on steroids. When you shoot your own and no one stands up and says enough, there is something wrong.
Bing claimed he was "harassed by idiots with low intelligence and a lack of wisdom" and said he was pushed to the edge by a belief that his phone had been hacked. He wrote, "My only wish would have been to start over from scratch and that my parents would have paid closer attention to my social deficits."
""What I do know is that he made sure who he wanted dead, was dead," she added."
Well, ok, to help prevent this from happening else where, Don't harass your co workers or friends, you never know what might push them over the edge.
Ok, a waiting period to buy a gun, not a problem, and could have prevented this or at least gave people a chance to see the signs.
Bullet proof vest for the walmart workers? Why not? The store already provides them, just make them out of something besides melted plastic bags.
But had this person wanted to kill these people, a pipe bomb could be assembled, that would have been LESS controllable, and hurt innocents that had not harmed him.
A knife would have worked but the people would need to be in a confined space to facilitate more than 1 or 2 victims.
This person was driven to this, by stress, harassment.
Mental health.
This is typed while trying to look thru the same liberal glasses that someone like Annas's would look thru. Thinking the shooter deserves defense and should be free and so forth. While the victims get no choices,no second chances and so on.That mindset is what helps to keep this trend going.
I have always remembered what a elderly family member told me, "never shatter a mans hope,it may be all he has left".
WHAT A CONCEPT! Punish the person MISS USING the GUN, NOT the Gun.
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