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POLITICS...Pertaining to the United States of America.

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Started by tecsan [Ignore] 13,Sep,22 03:10  other posts
Your views, thoughts or simply opinions. The Economy is not well (understatement). I know there are some here that will try to link the country they are residing in as problems of the USA. Sorry the USA cannot be responsible for 100% of the problems in the world nor should they be expected to help repair all problems.

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By CAT52! [Ignore] 03,Nov,24 13:42 other posts 
Trump’s late-night panic tweet about a “1929-style depression” seems particularly out of touch when considering that his signature economic policies had mixed results under his own presidency. His tariffs were found to have either neutral or negative effects on the economy, potentially costing hundreds of thousands of jobs. At the same time, his 2017 tax cuts fell short of Republican promises.
By tecsan [Ignore] 04,Nov,24 04:09 other posts 
But did they involve bide-flation. Were you better off under Trump or now.

TRUMP 2024
By dgraff [Ignore] 04,Nov,24 05:19 other posts 
I will speak for her
Life was definitely better under the trump administration
Prices were low
People were working
People were happy
Now I’m sure she will come up with some cockamamie excuses for her party’s failure it will be some stupid google search from the bottom of her Jack danials bottle
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 04,Nov,24 09:33 other posts 
Sure, because Obama fixed your economy, after Bush fucked it up.
Everything was doing great. Trump could just coast along on Obama's legacy.
But, instead, even before Covid, Trump was already doing damage to your economy.

Then Covid came and your country was completely unprepared,
because Trump fired the entire pandemic response team in 2018.
If you think Covid was a Chinese terrorist attack, was Trump IN ON IT?
How could he have done more damage to your country, if it was his goal?
By dgraff [Ignore] 04,Nov,24 16:49 other posts 
What a crock of shit Obama was just as bad as Biden prices were through the roof he bailed out two car companies that he should have left to go belly up he bailed out banks that were going under with the tax payers money screw his black gay ass
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 04,Nov,24 16:55 other posts 
Sure, let the car companies go bankrupt, but cry about China winning.
What do you think happens if you let banks topple? That the people's money too. Ever heard of bank guarantee? It pays back people who lost their money with.....
TAX PAYER'S MONEY. He probably saved the tax-payer lots of money.

Bush cause the biggest financial crisis in many decades, by letting the banks gamble and scam people. That bubble burst. Obama picked up the pieces. He made the US recover faster than most other countries.

You keep talking about prices and people not being able to afford them.
Unfortunately, that is not the economy. The economy is measured by GDP, unemployment and the stock market, not by people doing well.
That's the reason for why I dislike capitalism and prefer socialism.
For someone who loves capitalism, you really don't know anything about it.

I dislike capitalism, but that doesn't inhibit me making money from it,
just like you hate socialism, but you know how to take money from it.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Nov,24 18:12 other posts 
a quick google search gave me a AI response that sums it up,
No, GDP is not the only factor in the economy:

GDP is an imperfect measure
GDP is a popular indicator of economic output, but it doesn't account for many factors that contribute to a country's well-being. For example, GDP doesn't consider the health of the population, environmental quality, or leisure time. It also doesn't measure non-market activities, like volunteer work, or the value of caring for children.

Other economic factors
Other important economic factors include inflation, interest rates, government spending, tax rates, and the unemployment rate.
Alternative measures
Some alternative measures of economic health include the Human Development Index, Better Life Index, and Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI). The GPI considers a wide range of factors, including the cost of commuting, crime, and noise pollution.
Social and economic factors
Social and economic factors include income, education, employment, community safety, and social support. These factors affect how well and how long people live.
Economic growth
I need to research that better life index, I can't see it being good right now.

What gets my goat is when Trump says he wants to put tarrifs on stuff it is just so terriable according to democrats, but their current idiot in office put a 100% tarrif on chinese electric cars. Gee, some states are mandated electric cars, and then he puts a tarrif on them so poor people can't buy a affordable electric car. that is so fucking crazy, A US made electric car is expensive because of the high labor cost.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Nov,24 16:37 other posts 

Tariffs on China's electric cars is just YOU BEING A BITCH.
They invested heavily in their innovation and YOU DIDN'T.
Now you're being little crybabies, because they're beating poor Elon.

It also shows that you are WRONG, that only billionaires can invest.
The Chinese government is BEATING the wealthiest billionaire in the world.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Nov,24 16:41 other posts 
why is it ok for biden to put a 100% tariff on electric cars but if Trump says the word "tariff" he is demonized?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Nov,24 16:47 other posts 
It's what you gotto do now, to not lose the electric car game.
But, it wasn't Biden who was not willing to invest in them.
That was the Republicans!
You yourself didn't want any infrastructure money going to chargers.

Meanwhile, the Chinese government invested hundreds of billions in the electric car future.

German car manufacturers are now also crying about losing the EV business. They started investing much too late and were still scamming with diesel engines, instead of investing in the future.

I don't want to buy a Chinese car, but I hate Elon Musk even more now
and Germans have been uncharacteristically lazy. I hope Japan is doing better, or my next car will be a Xiaomi.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Nov,24 20:42 other posts 
Well, did the government help pay for all the QT service stations and all the BP stations and all the Exxon stations where i fill up with gas? Did the government run the power lines that power my home?
NO, private enterprise did it. Was any government money involved at some point? Yes, but not for actually putting equipment out to service the tax paying public.
You let car companies build a quality car ,gas or electric,and let the public decide what they want, when the demand is great enough,private enterprise will fill in the need for chargers.
There was no incentives given in the 70's to buy a gas miser car,people had to do it on their own. why the sudden "need" to push people into electric cars with tax money??
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 10,Nov,24 05:21 other posts 
Why do you need to invest in gas stations? Don't have enough of them?
That's 100 years old technology. Investments should go to NEW technology.
Power lines were part of the Infrastructure Bill. Unfortunately, Republicans reduced the investments by a lot, so they aren't upgraded to the same level as they would have been under the original plans.

Of course private enterprise did it. Democrats are capitalists too. Their investments go to private enterprise, increasing the economy and profits for private enterprise. All the infrastructure projects going on, bridges being repaired, are because of Biden's money. Republicans are taking credit of a bill they voted against.

Your car companies were failing, because they didn't make the cars that people want. In the US you will keep driving the gas guzzling truck, but Americans cannot afford them anymore either, because wages are too low. You think wages are too high. Who is going to buy those trucks then?

Why do you need incentives to buy a car that saves you money on fuel?
In Europe we had incentives like that. Our fuel is at least twice the price.
A fuel economical car is taxed less than a gas guzzler in Europe. Those were incentives for European car manufacturers and Japanese car manufacturers to make their cars fuel economical. Yanks just refused to do that, so you lost the car competition. Conservatism doesn't help you win global competition.

You know the sudden "need" to push people into electric cars, you just don't accept climate change is real. The rest of the world does accept it. Electric cars will not "save the world", but they will save the car. Accepting reality made Elon Musk the richest man in the world, while all the other American car manufacturers keep failing. You think that makes him a genius, but I think
he's just a lot smarter than the average American, which isn't that impressive.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Nov,24 08:15 other posts 
the building and recycling of electric cars produces as much or more pollution as a well built gas car.
Why not invest in new gas stations? New tanks that won't rust or leak, new pumps that use less energy to operate, solar panels over the pumps to help support the operation of the pumps so they can be off grid and etc, look out side your tiny box.
car companys are building little nit shit cars that people don't want even after the bail out.
That's why Trucks sell so well now. In the 60's thru the early 90's you could buy any average car,and tow a average camper or utility trailer with it safely. Now cars don't even have chassis'. Trucks do, people want safety and versatility. Insurance and property taxs are to exspensive for alot of people to pay for 2 vehicles in the yard,if 1 truck will do all the jobs for less money over time.
Elon musk is doing well because his employees work hard, make good money,and are not feeding the union monsters with dues.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 11,Nov,24 06:35 other posts 
It's partially true that the production of electric cars is related to a risk of pollution and requires mining of rare earth minerals, but innovations in battery technology and recycling are reducing that already and will reduce that more in the coming years. However, over the lifetime of a car, electric cars create much less pollution than fossil fuel cars.

The oil industry is a mature, highly profitable business that can support itself. They don't need subsidies for old tech. If they are willing to innovate, they can get subsidies for that, but they have a duty to innovate with their own money too. It's time they take responsibility for their actions and stop blocking progress.

With "people want", you're only extending your opinions to everyone else. It's your culture that puts the car on a pedestal. A car just means easy mobility and because of your culture, you cannot think outside of your tiny box. Americans who come to my country learn to like biking and public transport. Everything is close by in my country and many daily needs are a short bike ride away. It saves time and money, while doing exercise. While the lower income working class in the US is forced to invest heavily in a car, because they need it there, in my country they can save thousands of euros, because a car is not an absolute necessity here.

The employees of all American companies are working hard and many of them are not supported by a union. Elon Musk is doing well, because he was born rich and invested in innovations that no one was investing in yet.

Moved to the Netherlands and these are the things we love!
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4 Dutch Habits I've Picked Up as an American in the Netherlands
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REVERSE CULTURE SHOCK returning to the USA from the Netherlands
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Freedoms I Have In The Netherlands That I DON"T Have In America
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How did the Dutch get their cycle paths?
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By phart [Ignore] 12,Nov,24 10:54 other posts 
I googled Xiaomi. and that is as decent looking of a car as anything being sold here, 30,000 grand is in the average buyers price range to.
By tecsan [Ignore] 23,Nov,24 03:54 other posts 
What happened to you Mr know it all?
By tecsan [Ignore] 05,Nov,24 03:00 other posts 
That is a load of bullshit ananas2xlekker.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 06,Nov,24 04:10 other posts 
Are the 1.2 million Americans who died of Covid also bullshit?

Most of them were anti-vaxxers, who voted MAGA by a big majority.
It's very possible that it helps Harris win in close races.
By tecsan [Ignore] 07,Nov,24 03:53 other posts 
PROVE most were anti-vaccine. You are talking out of your ass as usual.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 08,Nov,24 09:33 other posts 
Why bother, you would call every data that I show you fake anyway.

But here:
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Fig. 3. COVID-19 Deaths by Political Affiliation for 2020 and 2021

It should be the exact opposite, because Democrats mostly live in cities,
where people are crammed in each others personal space constantly,
for instance while riding subways, while Republicans live more in rural areas, where you drive your truck to work.
By tecsan [Ignore] 09,Nov,24 05:52 other posts 
It seems you are getting the idea of things now.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Nov,24 11:10 other posts 
That you call everything fake anyway?
That's you admitting to being dishonest.
By #715906 10,Nov,24 16:52
I can sense the feeling of trust and freedom here. Great to see this
By CAT52! [Ignore] 04,Nov,24 17:56 other posts 
By tecsan [Ignore] 05,Nov,24 03:00 other posts 
You are too.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Nov,24 07:49 other posts 
Go back to your whiskey bottle my dear you’re not quite mean enough yet
By CAT52! [Ignore] 05,Nov,24 07:52 other posts 
Hey, I lived through Covid. That’s the Clown’s debacle as a leader.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Nov,24 07:56 other posts 
Covid was fake it was blown out of proportion by our government i live through it too
By phart [Ignore] 05,Nov,24 19:58 other posts 
Covid is real, it is just another sickness like flu or pneumonia or anything else,but it was created in a lab in china and released into the world for population control and terrorism. What group was most affected? The old, the lesser tax payers that need help from the system the most.think about that,

And to there was just so much bull being flung, don't wear a mask ,wear a mask, wear 2 mask.6 feet, 15 days to stop the spread,30 days to stop the spread, none of it worked.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Nov,24 21:32 other posts 
I do understand it was a sickness but it didn’t kill near the amount of people they claim it did most of the people it killed had one foot in the grave anyway
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 06,Nov,24 04:13 other posts 
Officially more than 1.2 million Americans died of Covid.
I think that's too LOW, because many anti-vaxxers didn't want Covid
on their death certificate, even though they died as middle aged men,
during induced coma on a respirator.

People who die of the flu, almost always have one foot in the grave too.
There are not many 50 year olds who die of the flu.
And there isn't such a thing as being crippled by the flu for the rest of your life.
Nearly 7% of Americans struggle with Long COVID.
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Nov,24 05:12 other posts 
I don’t know anyone who died from it
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 06,Nov,24 06:05 other posts 
I don't believe you. I know several. Not directly, fortunately, but 2nd level;
friends of family or family of friends. Mostly older people.
But, my neighbor lost 2 cousins, both younger than 40.
And I know a few colleagues with long Covid personally.
And one direct family member who barely survived in the hospital,
after a week in coma, but has actually recovered to almost 100%.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Nov,24 17:09 other posts 
I know 3 that died due to the vaccine. will they ever be justice for those that had heart issues from it? will there ever be justice for those that cancer took hold of within weeks of the shot? will there be justice for people that partial use of their arm due to a fucking exburger flipper giving shots at a drive thru clinic? No.
NO 1 has ever explained in detail why I couldn't go to my doctor and get the vaccine. NO one. if it was real,if it was worth a fuck, my dr could have given it to me like a tetanus shot or others.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 08,Nov,24 09:44 other posts 
No you don't, there were 3 deaths that you attribute to the vaccine.
I talked to people who said they know people who died from the vaccine.
When you ask them for details, their stories unravel.

Of course there were some real instances of people suffering from side affects, but those were instant, because of an allergic reaction. That's why the vaccination locations asked people to sit down for 10 minutes, to account for those allergic reactions. Some were severe too, people almost died. But the numbers were 1 in 10,000, a much lower chance than dying from Covid.

There is no number of illnesses that have been going up in numbers
after the biggest and fastest vaccination campaign in the world ever.
But there is long Covid in big numbers, mostly unvaccinated people.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Nov,24 14:39 other posts 
My freind that passed in June, had a direct reaction to the shot and was in the hospital 4 hours after and about died that night. I know it for fact. The neighbor lady, was in the hospital less than 2 days later with heart valve issues, never got better ,suffered for months from issues and died. A couple months prior,she had got a good report from the dr and had no issues.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Nov,24 12:29 other posts 
Maybe there's something to your friend's case. I hope it was reported.

But, you cannot blame any random health issue on a vaccine,
just because they are related in time to each other.
There is no possibility of cause and effect there.

The vaccines are not some random witchcraft curse like "you will suffer".
It contains RNA, which results in a very specific reaction in the body.
The RNA is coding for the very specific spike protein of the virus.
That creates an immune response in the body; creating antibodies against the spike protein. The production of the spike protein stops. The RNA can only survive for at maximum a few days in the body. The spike proteins are destroyed by the immune system. What remains are the T-cells that can produce the specific anti-body to attack the spike protein. Most of those
T-cells only survive for about 15 months. There also is a specific memory
T-cell that has a typical half-life of 8–15 years. It's how some immunity can last a lifetime. A few remaining memory T-cells are then enough to quickly rebuild the army to destroy the invader.

Within our body, there are septillions of antibodies and 1.8 trillion immune cells, specific to billions of different antigens. Every little cold, flu, cut in your finger, breath of air, snack eaten with unwashed hands, piece of fruit, BBQ salad in the sun, dairy product and fermented product, activates our immune system. A grown woman makes about 2.5 grams of just sIgA per day.
[The molecular weight of serum IgA is about 160 kDa][1 Da(lton) is about 1.660 x 10^−27 kg] That's 1.51 x 10^24 molecules of sIgA PER DAY, partly specific to previously encountered antigens, party random.

When the process of immunity goes haywire, you either get allergies
or an auto-immune disease. It doesn't create random illnesses.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Nov,24 18:51 other posts 
There was 1 case 2 countys north of me where a young fellow, about 20, over dosed and was carryed to the hospital and died after they did all they could do,it was about june of 2020. The family just told the dr. straight up they were poor and had no insurance to cover the bills for ambulance and health care provided. The dr. said, "no problem" and wrote covid as cause of death and the hospital received the government check for that situation and the family was debtless.
fraud? Yes, logical thing to do for a poor family with so much fraud being commited everywhere else? your guess good as mine.
BUT the annoying part was the fellow who actually died of a heart attack but his death certificate said covid. The family was present at the time of death and SAW what happened. took a lawyer to fix it.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Nov,24 12:42 other posts 
There is about 330 million Americans and you are telling a few anecdotes as evidence. You don't provide evidence for the anecdotes. Even if you had evidence for this one case, that's nothing compared to 1.2 million deaths.

There are also many anecdotes about stubborn right-wingers, who didn't want their death certificate saying Covid, so the doctors described it as multi-organ failure. There are still a hell of a lot more stubborn right-wingers, than doctors who are willing to help a poor family avoid medical bills, at the risk of getting fired for fraud.
By tecsan [Ignore] 06,Nov,24 03:56 other posts 
Face it you lost, whatever name you go by now days.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 06,Nov,24 04:03 other posts 
Don't cheer so soon. In most states they count the votes from election day first and only later start with the mail in votes. You are also seeing the exit polls now, which is also from the in person votes on election day.

Mail in votes are dominated by Democrats, while Republican voters, especially MAGA voters, prefer in person voting. Once the mail in votes are getting counted, there will be a big shift in the direction of Harris. It's the red mirage all over again.
By dgraff [Ignore] 06,Nov,24 06:17 other posts 
Give it up it’s over now
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 06,Nov,24 11:59 other posts 
Of course not, it's all fake, so we now have 60 court cases,
a fake elector conspiracy and an insurrection.
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,Nov,24 15:59 other posts 
So what is going on in your perfect country anal licker a gang attacked a group of soccer players don’t sound like a perfect country to me
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Nov,24 12:49 other posts 
What the hell does that have to do with election fraud or treason.

They didn't attack soccer players, but soccer fans.
I don't support violence, but I want my country to ban all travel of Israeli nationals to our country, while Israel is doing a genocide. I want Israel to be ostracized.

I forcefully reject violence or hate of any kind against Dutch Jews.
They should be safe and feel safe everywhere, at all time.
People who do not understand the difference are fucking idiots.
I am ashamed that there are idiots like that in my country.
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Nov,24 13:53 other posts 
When you say election fraud and treason you were talking about Joe Biden and the Democrats right
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Nov,24 15:51 other posts 
How stupid can you be? If they were the ones doing election fraud and treason,
why would they accept defeat so gracefully?
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Nov,24 16:10 other posts 
Because they are weak and afraid of confrontation
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Nov,24 16:15 other posts 
But bold enough to do election fraud and treason and get away with it,
and even win in court 60 times and convince everyone in the world,
Trump is a traitor, except you geniuses.
WOW, Diabolical! But, sure, NOW they are afraid of confrontation.
Your brain is hacked!!!
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Nov,24 16:48 other posts 
We were smart enough to come together to win the election
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Nov,24 17:09 other posts 
If all your arguments to vote for Trump end up being lies,
then you were NOT smart to come together to win the election.
Then you were suckered into doing the bidding of a con artist.

Burning it all down, is only a reasonable strategy,
when there is a possibility of rebuilding after.
I don't think humanity still has that time.
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Nov,24 18:57 other posts 
I see better times ahead
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 10,Nov,24 05:33 other posts 
Most of Trump's voters just wanted to burn everything down.
That's what ahead.

The better times will only come if Democrats will really start working
for the working class and when the voters finally realize that Republicans never did.
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Nov,24 07:24 other posts 
That’s what is wrong with the Democratic Party they lie and cheat their way into office then they do nothing i said 4 years ago that the Democrats have to do something big to hold their power and Biden did nothing except use his power to go after trump the people are not blind we see these things going on and in the end they lost
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

Now the republicans have to do something big and i think if they put an end to the wars and bring prices back down and keep his promises to stay out of the abortion thing and actually let it up to each state and sealed up the border i think they will do just fine
By phart [Ignore] 10,Nov,24 08:09 other posts 
I think Sir-skittles posted a long list of shit that is already going on since Trump won and he is not even in office yet. EVEN PUTIN is talking about ending the war HE started, I mean damn, how much more respect or Fear of God or what ever does 77 million people have to instill into the world to get them to understand, shit is going to change! Period.
Just getting out of that paris agreement is going to save jobs and millions of dollars right off the bat.And Nato better get its act together or the bull of the group is leaving!
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Nov,24 08:28 other posts 
I agree trump is getting the ball rolling
What did Biden do at first he pulled out of Afghanistan and what a blunder that was then he wasted his time going after trump
That’s about all he’s remembered for
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 11,Nov,24 08:58 other posts 
Let's see what a blunder it's going to be, when he pulls out of helping Ukraine. I'm sure he will give Putin whatever he wants.
Just stop with the fucking gaslighting. Just that you think this is acceptable for defending your side shows you are the on the wrong side of history.

When investigators were assigned to "go after" Trump, they had a just cause for it. In the case of Jan 6th, there was a crowd that attacked the capital, did great damage, 138 officers were injured, of whom 15 were hospitalized, and a few died. Trump told them to fight like hell or you don't have a country anymore. Do you think that any Republican president would have just forgotten that happened?
It was after Trump had 60 lost court cases to show any cheating. There is piles of evidence of his fake electors, that Trump knew about them. His VP Mike Pence didn't want to steal the election for him.
Trump also lied about having classified documents, after refusing to give them back, trying to move them away, destroying evidence of that and then was caught red handed with many boxes full. Then he admitted to having them, but came up with bullshit stories about declassifying them.
You know all that, Trump is not even denying it anymore, but you just agree that he is allowed to do those crimes, while you would have executed any Democrat for a tenth of it.

Democrats did a lot to recover your country after the Covid crisis.
You cannot even point to anything you would have wanted them to do, you just blame them for not doing enough. When you talk about Democrats, you want people to be able to afford groceries, which more people can since 2020, because unemployment is at record lows, but if you talk about Trump, you cannot give a fuck about people being able to afford groceries, because he wants to tariff the shit out of them.

Ending the wars? Biden ended one you were doing for decades.
If Trump makes a deal with Russia that they like, which id giving a big part of Ukraine to Putin, then they will just take it and start again in a few years, exactly like they did when they stole Crimea.
Trump could end the war between Israel and Palestine in weeks, if he just allows Netanyahu to kill them all. If he does that, the term Nazi is exactly right for him.

But thanks for acknowledging that he promised to stay out of the abortion thing. He didn't before, because he assigned three lying fucks to the supreme court, but at least we are clear that he would have lied, when he doesn't leave it alone.
Trump also said he had nothing to do with Project 2025. So, that means he won't fire thousands of federal employees and replace them with his own loyalists, or he will be proven a liar.

Trump talked about election fraud for 4 years. As soon as he won he forgot all about it. What a pathetic excuse you are giving; Democrats stole the election, when the White House was under control of the Republicans, but while Democrats control the White House, now they didn't dear to. It's all GASLIGHTING. You don't believe this for a second, you just think lying serves a purpose.

That lying only serves a purpose for Trump. He needs to be president again, to get away with his crimes. He is not even interested in anything else. But, his base wants him to do a lot of horrible things to innocent people, so he will probably do that. He will hurt you and he will hurt America, and no matter how horrible it turns out, you will never admit it. It's a cult and cult-members are always prepared to suffer and die for the cult-leader.
By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Nov,24 12:35 other posts 
Lalalalalalala trump 2024 like it or not learn to love it because it’s the best thing going today
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 11,Nov,24 12:42 other posts 
See, it's just gaslighting.
The supporters of Democrats don't do that, just your side.
By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Nov,24 12:45 other posts 
I’m just telling you what you want to hear
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 11,Nov,24 13:28 other posts 
No, I was here for a honest discussion.
If you are not mature enough for that, I'm wasting my time.
By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Nov,24 15:39 other posts 
The decision is over the war is over the democrats are gone and the socialists should worry about their own country
By CAT52! [Ignore] 06,Nov,24 07:34 other posts 
We did lose. Now we can b..ch about your clown.
And, BTW, what's with you and my name changes?
By phart [Ignore] 06,Nov,24 17:11 other posts 
If you don't mind me chiming in, do you have a name dysphoria complex or what? select a name that you like and stick with it.
By tecsan [Ignore] 07,Nov,24 03:38 other posts 
Yes, you lost cat52! and 'bigly'.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 07,Nov,24 16:09 other posts 

Yes, we lost.
By tecsan [Ignore] 07,Nov,24 03:36 other posts 
Why do you keep it up with the name changes cat52!?
By CAT52! [Ignore] 07,Nov,24 11:22 other posts 
I’m like that. Why do you keep your misspelled name?
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 07,Nov,24 17:10 other posts 
She has to- keep on the run. Like a fugitive. She is embarrassed her husband is sexual predator.

Close to confirming the sheriff is looking into him again for having a profile here.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 08,Nov,24 07:23 other posts 
You sure talk a lot of shit.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Nov,24 08:10 other posts 
Well, you don't exactly quote the Bible yourself.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 10,Nov,24 08:15 other posts 
It's not a non-inclusive club
By #715906 10,Nov,24 16:55
Still crying over stupidy?..dope total dope
By tecsan [Ignore] 12,Nov,24 04:28 other posts 
What do you mean, the libtard club?
By CAT52! [Ignore] 12,Nov,24 11:03 other posts 
Okay, explain. What do you call stupidity?
By #715906 13,Nov,24 16:32
By CAT52! [Ignore] 15,Nov,24 11:02 other posts 
This from an actual fake with no pics to show the members? Ha, ha, ha.
By #715906 13,Nov,24 16:34
Cat52 is that slimy no good twat BJUKUntARD. uses same keywords. Hot pussy died gonnorhea years ago
By leopoldij [Ignore] 13,Nov,24 19:43 other posts 
What's the correct spelling?
By tecsan [Ignore] 14,Nov,24 03:52 other posts 
Wow, it is not misspelled (my preference to spell it is that way). I wonder do you attack a girl for spelling her name sherri instead of sherry. The one I want has a copyright and TM. So I changed one letter. Besides it is how I spell it and have never changed it unlike some here.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Nov,24 08:16 other posts 
I have been harassed for not spelling Fart correctly so don't feel like the lone ranger.
I spelled it Phart because it prompts laughter
By tecsan [Ignore] 15,Nov,24 02:13 other posts 
I told you that a while back, when you wanted to change your name.

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