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New Comment Rating: -4 Similar topics: 1.American men? 2.nude 3.Donald Trump 45th President of United States 4.🎆 🇺🇸 HaPpY BiRtHdAy America!! 🇺🇸 🎆 5.The Nobel Peace Prize 🏅 Comments: |
If Elon can get to Mars, maby all the liberal's will jump on his space ship and RIDE up there.
As for the 10 sentenced to be in my home, the fuckers better know how to sweep, clean and do yard work if they are going to bum off me.
Your comment "full of the richest crooks and thieves in America," shows how biased you are against anyone that has more money than you.
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes
And, again. These people ARE NOT ILLEGALS. Heck, DeSantis found them at a MickeyD's. They can legally look for work, get a driver's license, and move anywhere they want to go. DeSantis deceptively lured them TO BOSTON and dropped them off at Martha's Vineyard.
Obama has a place there,again,a crook.
Not biased against money,biased against rich assholes that think we the normal people and the poor people of America should have to foot the cost of illegals being here.
Talk show host-turned-media mogul Oprah Winfrey has amassed a net worth of $2.6 billion, according to Forbes. In addition to her talk show earnings, Winfrey has added to her wealth through her cable network OWN, her stake with Weight Watchers, and a multi-year deal with Apple TV+.May 16, 2022
Dr Phil and Dr Oz were good candidates for her talk show.
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Now, enlighten those of us that are dumb, what did we miss about the Obamas that makes President Obama a crook.
Baker, a moderate, leans right on immigration. He’s opposed making Massachusetts a sanctuary state and joined 25 GOP governors last year in requesting a sitdown with Biden “to bring an end to the national security crisis created by eight months of unenforced borders.”
May I remind you that a sanctuary city's ONLY promise to illegals is that if an illegal is found during a local law enforcement action, IMMIGRATION (the Feds) would not be contacted nor would they be arrested for being illegals unless they are perpetrators of other crimes. THAT'S IT. Nothing else is promised. Illegals still have to find their own way to survive.
Martha's Vineyard, to my knowledge, is not one of Massachusetts 8 sanctuary cities.
1500 illegals come thru El paso every day!
And the liberal strong holds like chicago and martha's grape vine hill ,can't handle a bus load or 2 without calling in the national guard??
What hypocrits.Think about that, 1500 a day, the burden that puts on 1 town., now spread that to every border town in texas and arizona.
Ray Charles could see the problem.
Yes, those vicious little green men have no property
because twice a year they redistribute equally everything they have obtained in six months.
They're fucked up. They all have the same value,
nobody is rich and nobody is poor.
And if someone tries to colonize them they kill them.
Also, with national debts as high as the US, inflation is not as bad as you think.
If people's wages keep up, and they are going up, and the GDP keeps increasing,
which it does, that means the debt percentage of GDP will go down and make the debt more affordable. And like every Democrat, in contrast with Republicans, Biden is bringing the deficit down from Trump's level.
And still he finds the money to help people with their student debt.
I was never a fan of Biden, but he's bringing me around.
He has ended a war, he has not started any new ones, is not escalating with Russia.
He's doing some things on climate change. Not enough, but much more than Trump.
He's doing better than just the 'lesser evil' I expected him to be.
The CIA armed and financed the Jihadi warriors, mujahideen, in Afghanistan
from 1979 to 1989. They had the exact same ideas as the taliban.
Also, the US keeps arming Saudi Arabia with weapons worth hundreds of billions of dollars. Trump and Saudi Arabia's Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud signed a series of letters of intent to purchase arms from the United States totaling US$110 billion immediately, and $350 billion over 10 years.
Saudi Arabia is said to be the world's largest source of funds and promoter of Salafist jihadism, which forms the ideological basis of terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda, Taliban, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and others.
Do I need to remind you, that 15 of the 19, September 11 hijackers came from
Saudi Arabia? Remember Osama bin Laden, ...from Saudi Arabia?
So, you might be worried about some leftovers, which they say are disabled,
but Trump sold 66 times more, shiny, new, working weapons to the biggest
terrorism enabler in the world. Way to go Donald!
We are looking for comments from Americans not socialist country’s
We want to be free
Not told what and how to do everything
If this was intended to be a right-wing snowflake 'safe space',
tecsan should have said so in the topic description.
But, if you want to talk among each other, I will let you, if tecsan says so.
But why don't you go to Truth Social then?
There, socialists like me are instantly banned, to assure 'free speech'.
If I could log on with my desktop, I would love to be able to read what is posted.
Finally get the facts about shit instead of watered down, censored ,biased shit from the media.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 hours
How do I get into Truth Social?
How To Sign Up For & Use Truth Social. If someone's interested in joining Truth Social, they can head to the App Store on their iPhone, search for 'Truth Social,' and download the Truth Social app from developer 'T Media Tech LLC.'Aug 31, 2022
Why is it so difficult?
Why can't it be designed to be accessible by all?
It certainly does not make governing any easier.
The democrats would have MUCH more creditability today had they let court cases be heard or tried than fighting it tooth and nail.
I go to the voting booth and then insert my ballot into a machine that the number on the display goes up 1 digit to show me that at least my vote counted.
A mail in ballot may never get there if you have a Trump flag in your yard and a liberal mailman.
didn't want to do that, because he was only interested in voter restriction.
There were 60 court cases and lot's of investigations and the only voter fraud they found was done by Republican voters and the only inaccuracies they found showed Biden to win by even larger margins.
Meanwhile Republicans had planned the biggest collusion against a fair election in US history. So yes, the last election was a mess, caused by Trump and his co-conspirators.
They are closing in on them and I hope they all get punished in accordance with the law.
--------------------------------------- added after 13439 hours
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