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POLITICS...Pertaining to the United States of America.

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Started by tecsan [Ignore] 13,Sep,22 03:10  other posts
Your views, thoughts or simply opinions. The Economy is not well (understatement). I know there are some here that will try to link the country they are residing in as problems of the USA. Sorry the USA cannot be responsible for 100% of the problems in the world nor should they be expected to help repair all problems.

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By tecsan [Ignore] 19,Oct,22 00:39 other posts 
November is approaching soon for the loons.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 22,Oct,22 00:11 other posts 
The fact that yer average progressive has ZERO understanding of crime is appallng
By #610414 22,Oct,22 10:51
Are you suggesting more liberals should read Dostoevsky?
By #610414 22,Oct,22 10:58
The rates of violent crime are higher in Oklahoma than in New York and California. That’s a fact.”
Think tank The Third Way found that “8 of the 10 states with the highest murder rates in 2020 voted for the Republican presidential nominee in every election this century.”
The Third Way reported that “some ‘blue cities, like Chicago, Baltimore, and Philadelphia, have seen real and persistent increases in homicides.” But looking at states, The Third Way reported that “murder rates are far higher in Trump-voting red states than Biden-voting blue states.”

By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Sep,22 07:01 other posts 
Why won’t John fetterman disclose his medical records what is he hiding perhaps drug use or stab wounds or a doctor not clearing him to go back to work after his stroke if he doesn’t disclose his medical records it’s going to hurt his campaign all the people of Pennsylvania want is to make sure he’s physically capable of doing the job
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What no takers on this subject
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No comment from anal licker don’t you want to defend your boy
By bella! [Ignore] 27,Sep,22 21:59 other posts 
Are your feathers ruffled? I basically posted the same question almost 2 weeks ago and the only member commenting was phart. You can find my post buried on page #5 on the STUFF thread, you ought to visit sometime.

By bella! 15,Sep,22 14:37 [Delete Comment] other posts

Here's a question for ALL, do voters DESERVE to know a candidate's health information and/or in the event that they are already an elected official, are we entitled to know the status of their health?
By phart [Ignore] 27,Sep,22 22:32 other posts 
Yea, it is just another case of facts being presented and no response from the liberal minded.
I know some folks get their drawers in a wad because of politicians not showing their tax returns, hell, I want to know the man is going to fall out in 3 months or what?
By dgraff [Ignore] 28,Sep,22 05:49 other posts 
Thank you Bella I must have missed that post this one hit’s my nerve because it is in my home state
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Sep,22 14:15 other posts 
No apology necessary, my guess is that you like and prefer the interactions sparked in different threads!
By dgraff [Ignore] 28,Sep,22 21:32 other posts 
Correct and I’m trying to keep politics out of your thread out of respect for you
By phart [Ignore] 28,Sep,22 21:38 other posts 
Yea I am guilty of inserting it to much on her thread but sometimes, it is difficult to keep it out totally from a discussion because it is tied into every thread of our lives.
By dgraff [Ignore] 28,Sep,22 21:57 other posts 
I know it happens I’m guilty of it my self
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Sep,22 22:13 other posts 
Really? Politics have been discussed in the STUFF thread before. Is it possible that you and phart have decided not to post there because your friend isn't able to follow you there? That's my take on it anyways. Oh, well.....
By phart [Ignore] 28,Sep,22 22:53 other posts 
-No I just feel like sometimes I might over do it on your thread. mine doesn't seem to get much traffic but this 1,it is like I40
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Sep,22 23:55 other posts 
Sorry, phart, I call BULLSHIT!
By phart [Ignore] 29,Sep,22 13:58 other posts 
Gee,can't even tell the truth around here
Would I have been better off lieing?
By dgraff [Ignore] 29,Sep,22 05:43 other posts 
That’s a little harsh but I have to admit she is the only democrat on this site with big enough balls to stand behind her political party the rest all hid there head in shame i guess and rightfully so
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If I voted for joe Biden and told other members I did I would probably shoot my self for the shape I put this country in
By bella! [Ignore] 29,Sep,22 08:10 other posts 
I don't feel that my assertion was "harsh", I believe that it was spot on. Yes, she is the most vocal Democrat, but then again, she is VOCAL and rude on so much more.
By dgraff [Ignore] 29,Sep,22 08:36 other posts 
True but you have friends that I don’t like and I don’t hold it against you nor do I keep bringing it up time after time I say nothing and let it slide
By bella! [Ignore] 29,Sep,22 16:29 other posts 
Read what I wrote, not what you think I wrote. I have said nothing about your friend(s), heck, the lesson learned here on this site is "every man for themselves". Read below;

"Politics have been discussed in the STUFF thread before. Is it possible that you and phart have decided not to post there because your friend isn't able to follow you there? That's my take on it anyways. Oh, well....."

I have not made any inappropriate comments about her but when I do, 95% of the time I am able to say things without referring to her in an abrasive manner. I'm certain she will be happy to see that you, phart and Jamie are fond of her and consider her to be fair dinkum.
By phart [Ignore] 29,Sep,22 23:01 other posts 
I aint "fond" of her, although I agree with Dgraff, not many lieral minding people will step up to the plate and and admit it nowadays they voted that does take a few guts.I wouldn't admit I voted for him if I had that's for sure.
Cat is able to log out and read what she wants to.
so there is no hiding anything .
By bella! [Ignore] 30,Sep,22 06:11 other posts 
BINGO! dgraff's assertion, in part, was "I’m trying to keep politics out of your thread out of respect for you" is totally erroneous. It has nothing to do with "respect", it has to do with her inability to participate in the STUFF thread because of her lack of respect toward me.
By #610414 01,Oct,22 10:25
Guys, in this I agree with Bella. I don’t get to participate in her thread because she and I are like fire and gasoline. Please don’t use me as an excuse not to post in her thread.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 22,Oct,22 08:58 other posts 

You are correct... and the quack doctor that cleared Fetterman you ask... is a campaign donor. How has no one challenged this!?

The cunt is a drooling vegetable. NBC won't even back up their own reporter on just how bad he is communicating. I can't wait to see him in action at the debate next week. I hope Dr. Oz smashes that giant lump on his neck.

How anyone can vote for politicians who want to empty the jails and put everyone at risk is just plain mental illness. And before the lib site loons (who don't live in the US mind you) whinge off- these are dangerous career criminals that are killing, r@ping, and robbing people! Cunts that have literally been given DOZENS of chances and still cunt off. Fuck them.
By #610414 29,Sep,22 15:23
That's an assumption
By dgraff [Ignore] 29,Sep,22 21:54 other posts 
Yeah I know but nonetheless it’s hurting his campaign and that is a fact

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 22,Oct,22 00:10 other posts 
Just wait for Credit Suisse to fuck off... Wish I could share more

And Biden robbing from the strategic oil reserve ...
By tecsan [Ignore] 22,Oct,22 01:06 other posts 
mr magoo can stick his agenda in his ass.

By tecsan [Ignore] 16,Oct,22 04:16 other posts 
11-08-22...We will see. Keep your eyes on fetterbum.
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Oct,22 07:18 other posts 
He won’t make it in Pennsylvania the people are fed up with the democrat management we had a democrat governor for the last 8 years the polls show a close race but i personally have been doing my part to make sure the democrats are forced out I have brought all the rival motor cycle clubs together to make sure everyone is registered and they know what political party will keep them free that alone is thousands of votes I have all so been spending some time At the court house talking to the people registering to vote and there are lines of them all registering as republicans I will even shake hands and kiss babies for my political party I haven’t sniffed any woman yet even though joe Biden says it’s ok
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Long story short it’s OZ and mastriano for governor of Pennsylvania a 30 year veteran a no nonsense republican
By #610414 19,Oct,22 10:53
We will see
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,Oct,22 10:56 other posts 
Absolutely that’s all we can do wait and see
By tecsan [Ignore] 21,Oct,22 01:37 other posts 
To be woke is ignorant. Yes, we have a little over two weeks now to see.
By #610414 21,Oct,22 07:31
“To be woke” is some garbage Republicans latched on to because they don’t have real issues to solve. Christianity in government (can’t even include other religions), pee pee deniers, woman’s reproductive choice (pussy obsesión), Trump, Trump in 2024, Trump up their ass, the border, guns, big guns, really really big guns, homosexuality, the economy (but not the solution), Marjorie Green, Dr Loudmouth Oz, Hershel cop helper Walker.
Yeah, two weeks or so, we’ll see.
By tecsan [Ignore] 21,Oct,22 23:36 other posts 
As I said also, we will see.

By phart [Ignore] 26,Sep,22 18:34 other posts 
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Like this is going to do any good.
The land line phone bill here went from 48 dollars a month to 69 dollars a month. I ask what were we getting new or different for the extra money when I went by the phone company to pay the bill, the lady just looked at me funny. 21 dollar increase in the bill.
I guess it will cover the higher pay for the lazy techs .And to top it off,part of the reason I went by the Windstream office was to pick up a new phone book. "Oh,they don't leave us any phone books any more. You will need to call this number to get a phone book". I knew the lady i was talking to did not make the rules but I did make it politely clear I thought it was crude of the company to charge me alot more money and actually REDUCE what I am getting for the money.
By the way,I called the number, I can't GET a local phone book! I was able to order a copy of the Real yellow pages though,which is what I was really wanting anyway.
By #610414 01,Oct,22 18:13
I understand your problem, but, why a landline?
By phart [Ignore] 01,Oct,22 22:55 other posts 
911 for sure, cell service in our area is not the greatest.
I don't trust it, plus my internet is now tied in with my landline.
When Hugo hit in 1989, the land line telephone service is the ONLY service we had that did NOT go down, We had good communications. Although cellular was not in the cards around here at that time, I think back to that time when it comes to reliability.
By #610414 02,Oct,22 08:51
There is no 43.75% inflation. They are just hiking up the price, because they can.
That's not inflation, that's misuse of a monopoly or a cartel.

By #677384 29,Sep,22 20:47
Please allow me to opine: (I will probably get banned for this lol), but I believe there is wayyy more going on than just the political and economic events currently happening here in our beloved country. I would encourage everyone to indulge in alt Infowars, Mike Adams, MelK, Hagmann Report, Project Veritas, Clyde Lewis, Cliff High, Monkeywerx, Nino Rodriguez, Joe Rogan, Kristi Leigh...I could go on and on lol. Having said that, however, this has nothing to do with right or left, red or blue, gay or straight, black or white, poor or rich. I am confident if one does a little research it will knock you the hell over. The uber-elite globalists want most of us gone...via eco, bio, war, vax, racism, starvation, get it. Not to mention censorship, de-banking, 3letter agencies, non-elected officials, corrupt justices. I damn sure don't believe anything the MSM shovels to the masses, nor do believe everything Alex Jones or anyone else says either. Tell ya what I do believe...this once respected and admired republic has become lazy, feckless, indifferent, greedy, feeble, and sooo self-absorbed most have little ability for critical thought.
By phart [Ignore] 29,Sep,22 23:04 other posts 
No reason to ban a man speaking his mind.
By #677384 30,Sep,22 02:57
2 words...operation mockingbird bro

By #610414 29,Sep,22 15:24
Where was Obama during 9/11?!?!? #shorts

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By dgraff [Ignore] 29,Sep,22 17:40 other posts 
Probably out picking cotton somewhere
By phart [Ignore] 29,Sep,22 23:04 other posts 
I doubt he has ever picked cotton,even from a medicine bottle.
My mother picked it up until she was 13 .She used to still have the hoe that she used to hoe the cotton with.but after her death I don't know what happened to it. It was worn half away.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 28,Sep,22 07:47 other posts 
Republicans Had a Chance to End Dark Money, but they voted against the 'Disclose Act'.
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By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 26,Sep,22 20:12 other posts 
Lowest unemployment in 50 years... ??? Where is that "fact" coming from? Fantasy Land?

The worst is still coming with regard to the economy. There's always markers...
By phart [Ignore] 26,Sep,22 23:17 other posts 
Yea,I would like to see those numbers to and where they came from exactly. Every where you go to do bussiness ,they have a hiring now sign up and every place is short staffed and they act like they are doing you a real favor by even paying you any attention.
By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Sep,22 10:04 other posts 
Those numbers don’t exist because it’s not true
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 27,Sep,22 11:18 other posts 
Trump claimed the same, when he reached 3.5%:
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Then due to Covid, in April 2020, the unemployment rate reached 14.8%, the highest rate observed since data collection began in 1948.

Under Biden, unemployment recovered to 3.5% again.
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Any particular reason why you think it's not true?
By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Sep,22 11:35 other posts 
Well simply because every place I walk in to has help wanted signs up and they can’t get any one that wants to work so either sleepy joe created many more jobs or people are still collecting and staying home
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Again these are observations with my own two eyes not off the internet
By phart [Ignore] 27,Sep,22 12:19 other posts 
Exactly, real world does not coincide with those digits.
And another thing, unemployment rates can drop because people SIMPLY STOP looking for a job.

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