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New Comment Rating: -4 Similar topics: 1.American men? 2.nude 3.Donald Trump 45th President of United States 4.🎆 🇺🇸 HaPpY BiRtHdAy America!! 🇺🇸 🎆 5.The Nobel Peace Prize 🏅 Comments: |
Trump !
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Taxation in Puerto Rico consists of taxes paid to the United States federal government and taxes paid to the Government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Payment of taxes to the federal government, both personal and corporate, is done through the federal Internal Revenue Service (IRS), while payment of taxes to the Commonwealth government is done through the Puerto Rico Department of Treasury (Departamento de Hacienda).
Puerto Rico is an unincorporated territory of the United States and Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens; however, Puerto Rico is not a U.S. state, but a U.S. insular area. Consequently, while all Puerto Rico residents pay federal taxes, many residents are not required to pay federal income taxes. Aside from income tax, U.S. federal taxes include customs taxes,[1] federal commodity taxes, and federal payroll taxes (Social Security, Medicare, and Unemployment taxes).
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We should get rid of Puerto Rico, they are a drain on this country and that island isn’t worth shit.💩 watch what happens when the u.s. dumps them and they turn into another Haiti
I want the USA to be released of the burden of the island of porter rico. Let them be independent and create and support their own country and economy.
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As Americans you have more options to vote early or by mail and for some people it is more convenient to do so.
Are you going to vote early or on election day?
However, in America, many people have to stand in line for hours.
That's why 76% of Americans support early voting.
We have so many polling places, that voting takes only minutes.
That's why there is no democratic majority who supports early voting.
reject the outcome of the election and change the system in their own favor, that are being stopped in court, because they are clear violations of The Constitution.
When Taylor Swift was reminding people to register to vote, you lot were crying.
Now Elon Musk is PAYING people to register to vote and I hear crickets.
Hypocrisy is just something other people do, for you, isn't it?
What are Americans pissed and tired about and what will Trump do about it?
Is it all just about the immigrants again?
Some specifics about the danger, please?
Is that fearmongering about the socialists, communists, Marxists (joke)?
Or, that people cannot pay for groceries? What will Trump do about it?
There is a danger, it's Trump, but I hope I will never have to say "I told you so!".
I expect Trump to declare himself the winner, no matter how clear he lost, again.
It will probably be a contested election. I expect court cases from both sides.
This is something Trump brought to your country. That's his danger!
PROVE them wrong if they are wrong.
to cheat, in court, in all Republican controlled states.
They are winning almost all the cases, because it's clearly cheating.
It's just an onslaught that is hard to stop. They keep fighting it, because
every little win of the Republicans breaks down democracy just a little further.
You don't know this, because the media you watch doesn't tell you.
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I bet you they are in Democratic leaning areas.
It's a fucked up way to take away people's right to vote.
of violence and destruction to get what they want.
"police arrested a man this week in Phoenix who had been shooting at Democratic National Committee offices there and placed anti-Democratic signs outside his home that had razor blades and an unknown white powder attached to them.
The man had amassed 120 guns and 250,000 rounds of ammunition, leading prosecutors to believe he was preparing to commit an act of mass casualty."
"Oct. 30, 2024 An 18-year-old man was arrested in Florida on Tuesday for threatening two supporters of Vice President Kamala Harris with a machete outside an early-voting site, the latest in a series of threats or attacks surrounding early and mail voting."
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By the way; two of those ballot drop boxes were in Vancouver and Portland.
Aren't those very blue areas?
while Republicans prefer voting in person on election day.
No matter where you go, to burn a ballot box, there is a high chance
of it containing more votes for Democrats than votes for Republicans.
If there was the "free gaza" words near 1 of the burn sites, that would make it
a blue area doesn't it. How many Republicans support "free gaza", 0%?
"Elon Musk has offered a sobering preview of Donald Trump’s economic plan for America if he is re-elected, revealing that a period of intentional “temporary hardship” is on the horizon for American households. Rather than cautioning against it, Musk described this hardship as necessary and inevitable, supporting Trump’s blueprint for restructuring the economy by slashing government programs."
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He said that dual citizen Canadian/American vote three to one in favour of Democrats.
He said that there are more Americans living in Canada than all of Wyoming, Montana, Rhode Island, North Dakota or South Dakota.
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If you earn income from canada, you don't pay US income tax on it,
A town with 3300 residents, gets 3000 illegal african immigrants dumped on it by the feds. They need help. why is this happening? Send them back!---------------------------------------
Sheesh, and we are supposed to have confidence in the election process and the people handling the ballots can't close a tailgate???
Better watch this quick before the democrats remove it,to prevent people from finding out there are potential issues with the ballots.
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added after 77 minuteswouldn't you know, florida may be the issue with the election again. Remember the dimpled CHAD thing? now it's "let the ballots fall out of the truck into the road and get squashed.
for a failed president and felon. How the hell did we get here?
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Left standing with the few clothes on their backs and NOTHING else, on the sides of mountains waiting to be rescued to live a uncertain future. I feel for those people. just wish I was able to do more for them
I must admit I haven't followed much news about it.
Can you post an article about it?
Have you seen Elon talk at that rally? It's like he didn't even prepare for it.
About the voter ID in California; they are NOT banning voter ID, but Huntington Beach tried to pass a law, requiring voters to provide ID to vote, that is in conflict with state law and the California Constitution. They could count on it getting slapped down.
If their citizens don't agree, they should have tried to change state law first.
It's not the first time Elon is spreading misinformation.
Elon had criticized Jack Dorsey for making Twitter biassed in the past,
but Elon himself is an absolute gimp for Trump and Republican disinformation.
Accusing Democrats of being against free speech?
Elon is squashing free speech on X. Account suspensions on X have skyrocketed.
Just like Trump on Truth Social, any critical word against them is deleted/banned.
Elon is letting China spread their propaganda too.
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I did agree with him that Trump looked courageous that day.
He just didn't learn anything from it. Trump only focuses on him
and not on children in school who are in the same danger every day.
then it's bad. But, of course we are now talking about 'real Americans'.
I am prepared to keep an open mind, but I see lots of Republicans and MAGA operatives trying to use this disaster to further their narratives. Some of them are claiming that Democrats control the weather and did willingly destroy the area, some are claiming that there isn't even a hurricane at all and it's all a false flag operation. There is no one left on your side who is actually objective anymore.
It's now 100% biassed, 100% of the time.
Meanwhile, Ron de Santis is sending the National Guard to the striking dock workers, instead of to help people who are suffering due to the hurricane.
What do you think the National Guard is intended for? I don't think they need to prioritize the profits of companies, who didn't raise the wages of their employees
for years, right now. Unless the dock workers are rioting, looting and killing,
the National Guard has no fucking business there.
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dark money and right-wing organizations?
What's in the link that supports your previous claim?
Ron DeSantis has send the National Guard to the striking dock workers. Why?
What business of helping people does the National Guard do
where the dock workers are striking?
The National Guard should be assigned to help hurricane victims.
Do you Agree?
should be assigned to help hurricane victims?
Funny how you accuse me of being a moron, while you are unable to say
what you mean clearly.
I do believe everyone should help every victim, but COLLECTIVELY.
That's part of why we pay taxes.
I also believe the government has a responsibility to reduce the risk of people becoming victims. That's why I support public money going to investments towards reducing carbon emissions; to ameliorate the effects of climate change, which is intensifying the frequency and strength of hurricanes,
due to the increasing temperatures of the oceans.
as for collectivly, i have no issue with some help that way as not everyone can afford helicopters but gov should not prohibit individuals and companies from doing what they can either.
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The death toll of hurricanes is not a good statistic to compare hurricanes, because it depends on many other factors than just the magnitude of a tornado. A higher population would result in more deaths, but if the tornado misses the most populated areas, then you get less deaths. People living in old fashioned fragile houses are more at risk than people living in modern houses that are designed to withstand hurricanes. When more money is being spent on emergency response, more people can be saved from drowning or from their collapsed houses.
In my country, in 1953, 1.836 people died in a flood. That was the most lethal flood we ever had. That doesn't mean it was the worst storm we ever had. My country just invested hundreds of billions into strengthening of coastal defences, so we wouldn't drown when another storm like that or worse hits. My government is raising the budgets for coastal defence and water management, to account for climate change.
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Correction: hurricanes and tornadoes are not the same thing.
Read 'hurricane' where I wrote 'tornado'.
Your next sentence would defend Democrats from doing the wrong things too.
They can assign whatever organization to help or not, as they see fit.
If they want to help illegals instead of Americans, does that argument stand?
so unless you have some specific grievance with her, there's no argument either.
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Peekaboo, is the correct way to spell your handle, but hey, you spelled it the way you wanted to and no one has spoke negative about it.
I spoke strongly about the issue because folks here from other countries only get what their media shows them, thus they make up their minds based on that, I shared stuff to show them it is not all peaches and cream with the government involved.
No one has explained yet either what good the max amount of 750 is going to do if you qualify to get the entire amount.
No home,no car,no nothing. but here is a pat on the back and 400 bucks, have a nice day citizen. explain it please
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Back in yer box muppet we will call you when it’s liberal bashing time and here i thought you were a good guy turns out you’re just another part of the virus 🦠
Why do you think I'm a socialist; I don't want idiots like him
to control the working place for so many people.
He is allowed to fill space with satellites. I have a problem with that.
He's now controlling satellites that are important to the military and international conflicts. The people should have a say in that, democratically.
It's not YOU who is using it, it's Elon Musk.
Do you understand that thinking at all? Or is it completely strange to you?
Understand that you can only put so much in space, before the risk of all that shit slamming together gets too high. Then hundreds of pieces of shrapnel are flying around, damaging other satellites. That can cause a chain reaction that can destroy all satellites in a year or so and make space unusable for decades to hundreds of years. The orbit around earth is too important. That's why I want (inter)national space agencies to decide it globally, not some dumb-ass like Elon Musk.
If he was a supporter of Democrats, I would trust his intelligence more, but still not enough to let him do things like this.
Private enterprise like Musk, can get investors together and put things up in space that work much sooner, and much cheaper than the government.
I think he is doing a great job and frankly, it would suit me if ALL space actions were private ,remove government from it entirely. Had obama not took away our space shuttle program, it's grapple could have retrieved and brought back alot of the old satellites and they could have been studied or put in museums but no, he took away the only practical reusable space craft nasa had.
Red tape is just a derogatory term for rules and regulations.
It's intended to protect people. Private enterprise doesn't care about
protecting people, it only cares about profits.
Private enterprise is only interested in "space actions", when they are commercially interesting. It might invest in satellites for navigation or weather services, but it doesn't care much for science. That's why I want the government to spend money on it.
Picking up satellites with the space shuttle is incredibly expensive.
It's easy to solve the space trash problem; just make it obligatory to put in a
return to earth system, for when the satellite is at the end of its usefulness.
(I'm not talking about a safe landing, just burning up in the atmosphere)
That's much cheaper than a space shuttle to go retrieve them.
You think private enterprise doesn't care about people.
Without people they don't have a enterprise.
Without people they can't profit because they can't produce.
So why would they deliberately make things unsafe?
That's a value worth 38,389 pounds of gold; not economically feasible.
That gold will rain down back to earth, it's not destroyed.
They DON'T deliberately make things unsafe, they just chose profit over safety.
Ever heard the story of the Fort Pinto? Instead of recalling the Pinto to put in
an $11 part, Ford decided it'd be cheaper to settle any wrongful death suits.
That's how much private enterprise cares about people.
But that wasn't the main point. With the Pinto, Ford was directly liable for damages to people. They calculated that the profits outweighed their damages. When the risk is not theirs, but to society as a whole, their profit always outweighs THEIR risk, which is far less than OUR risk. So they will take their short term profit and leave the likely resulting damage to society.
You understand this when it comes to nuclear power. The owners make the profit
and if shit hits the fan, the people will pay for the damages, not them.
The point you may be missing is the government has no motivation to be efficient, no motivation to be economical, no motivation to improve, because they have a endless pool of tax dollars to operate from. A idea fails, oh well, let's try this. no harm no loss.
Where as a private company, is motivated to be profitable ,efficient, and to improve and streamline process's by the very thing you hate, PROFIT. Without profit, the company loose's investors, and goes tits up.So in the long run, the people actually get more for their money from private enterprise than the government
What is Elon Musk doing with his space program? He's flying around wealthy people. That's useless to me. He might advance the space program to put people on Mars. That's useless to me too. It's science, which might be useful to some other advancements, but it doesn't advance knowledge about the universe.
Elon Musk is not just using private investments, he's using a lot of tax dollars too.
I think the only thing Elon Musk is doing is creating an escape plan for a few wealthy people, after they have destroyed Earth. Instead of putting trillions of dollars to that goal, I prefer to use it to actually prevent Earth's destruction.
I don't hate profit, I just hate when it all ends up in the pockets of a few people who did nothing for it. You want private ownership that creates private benefits and more private ownership, while you don't benefit from that system yourself.
I want public ownership that creates public benefits and more public ownership, that we all benefit from.
I am making an argument that he SHOULD NOT do it.
Are you not able to understand me? Or just unwilling?
My government invests money on space exploration, REAL SCIENCE,
but also cooperates with ESA to use the orbit of Earth responsibly.
Why should we spend money to clean up your shit?
Because you are the one bitching about it
Me i don’t care what is floating around up there
Damn tampon tim cannot keep his arms from flailing around.
when his mind wasn't cooked so much yet, but better.
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