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Global Warming... What do you Believe?

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Started by #485312 [Ignore] 15,Dec,20 18:50
Fact or Fiction.... is it really happening???
what do you think contributes to it and what is
being done to stop it?

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Aug,23 15:25 other posts 
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The second tipping point noted in the research would occur once 2,500 gigatons of carbon emissions have been released into the atmosphere, at which point the whole Greenland Ice Sheet will melt and sea level rise would rise by 6.9 meters, or 22.6 feet.


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By #610414 07,Aug,23 17:33
Yeah, but Phart has a friend that can stop that.🤣🤣😈
By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Aug,23 18:48 other posts 
Yes, the friend you're referring to is David Duke, an ex wizard of the socialist organisation known as KKK. Duke is proposing to install 1 million human-operated ice-making machines in Greenland. They will be operated by 1 million blacks from the US. A few years of hard labour will surely reverse the ice melting in Greenland, says David Duke. He adds that this will also solve some most of societal problems as those are caused precisely by the people that the KKK does not hold in high esteem. "Black lives matter", repeats Mr Duke, " they're all getting new lives in refrigerators in Greenland".
By #610414 07,Aug,23 20:11
By phart [Ignore] 07,Aug,23 20:14 other posts 
Sheesh,you all are so full of it.
Here is a page from a group I am sure you will put all your stock in regarding china's new coal plants.

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How this is relevant to the situation is this.A little thing called the Jet stream.
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Now, please explain to me how driving a electric car or farting in a jar is going to counter act all that?
Nothing to do with racism, nothing to do with politics, physics.
They burn shit ,it floats over here. Half the issues california has with smog is from CHINA not their own.
But the Citizens of the state suffer for it anyway financially.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Aug,23 10:01 other posts 
Since when do you care about CA?
You stated in the past that you want that state to seperate from the US.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Aug,23 12:34 other posts 
And their ridicules regulations is part of the reason why.
If a independent truck driver takes a hauling job here in my state and takes it to california, if his engine in his truck is over a certain age, he can not enter the state. Thus his load has to be shifted over to another truck, increasing cost of shipping. just 1 example, there are many more.
That state is full of fruits and nuts and needs to be on it's own.

By dgraff [Ignore] 08,Aug,23 06:35 other posts 
I bet all you egg heads believe in the Big Bang theory don’t you

By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Aug,23 15:19 other posts 
Juneau, Alaska, USA: House collapse into river due to glacial flooding.

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By #610414 07,Aug,23 17:32
You don't suppose it's due to climate warming, do you? 🤣🤣😈
By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Aug,23 18:54 other posts 
Of course not. This is due to liberals who melt the ice in order to cause problems to hard-working, law-abiding, god-fearing, tax-excempted mega-rich citizens. The liberals plan to destroy millions of homes in this manner and then grab the land for themselves. They plan a socialist revolution this way. They also get help from the extraterrestrial aliens and from Mexican aliens, those that were identified by NASA last week. It's liberals siding with aliens who cause these problems.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 07,Aug,23 15:18 other posts 
Lousianna, USA, 2050
Red areas will be under water

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Risk maps provided by the USA government here:
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By onthelose [Ignore] 04,Aug,23 17:08 other posts 
When I start seeing those who say they believe in this, and show they are willing the give up things in their lives to help the environment I will consider this is a serious topic.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Aug,23 18:41 other posts 
Ha, they want YOU and I to give up things,while they continue on their little rant.
How many environmentalist do you see wearing clothes? They were made somewhere out of something, and that created pollution. They got where they are somehow, that created pollution.
A environmentalist should be naked and starving and living in a tree ,and not shitting or farting. because anything that clothes them or feeds them besides a few twigs and berrys is polluting.
By #694265 04,Aug,23 23:25
I love this comment phart back in the day we used to call them tree hugging hippies.

Today a few things have changed, they look like their heads have been shoved in a tackle box with all the metal shit they have in their faces, that shit don't grow on trees, it is manufactured.

All the hair dye they use is also made out of non environmentally friendly chemicals.

Their mostly all on welfare so workers like you & I have to be involved with expanding more industry to support the bludgers.

They breed like rabbits.

I bet they are all on their iPhones communicating with the world about their plight creating more pollution.

Then like in the City I live closed of roads with demonstrations, causing workers that support these cunts to sit in traffic, motors running causing more un-necessary pollution.

They are also part of the problem these fuckwits 🤷‍♀️
By phart [Ignore] 05,Aug,23 08:53 other posts 
By #610414 06,Aug,23 20:47
Phart, I’m one of those treehuggers and what am I giving up? I have a car. I have a big screen in every room. I use electricity. I go to the movies. I buy steaks to cook. BUT, I don’t allow cigarettes in my house. You confuse limiting pollution with giving it all up. When man discovered fire and cooked a good meal, he was polluting. When man gave up the horse and buggy for a car, he was polluting. Now, think of all the good mankind got out of just those two improvements to their lives. I don’t know of any environmentalist that would deny that. Let me give you examples of what an environmentalist worries about. Dumping raw sewage into a river or at the end of a pipe into the ocean. Cutting a forest to make charcoal. Burning charcoal to produce electricity. Dumping manufacturing waste into lakes or open land. Clothes are needed.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Aug,23 22:05 other posts 
Clothes are not "needed", humans could migrate to warmer climates and be naked. Or wear animal skins and leaves.
Both less damaging to the environment than polyester.
We don't have to cook, we could adapt and eat everything raw or sun dried.
Doesn't sound like you are giving up anything to save the planet. I doubt anyone here dumps shit and burnt oil on the ground or in the river.
If you really want to make a difference, you have to make serious changes that will severely crimp your life style.
Lets grant you for a second that it is a 'belief' then.
How much do you see people willing to 'give up things' for their beliefs, around you?
Are Christians not 'giving up things', for their beliefs?
E.g. just financially; many pay 10% of their income to the church.

Then look at the claim of climate change; the world is getting hotter and areas are becoming inhospitable to life. It is already affecting most of the people on earth now and it will only get worse in the near and especially more distant future. It will, at the very least, affect young people living today, in a very harmful way.

IF YOU ACCEPTED THAT (I repeat IF), would you NOT be willing to 'give up things'
to prevent it?

Without discussing the truth right now, can you at least accept that thinking?

Then about the next idea, if you think this is a 'belief':
Climate change is caused by carbon dioxide emissions, and it's possible to reduce those emissions by changing to alternative forms of energy generation, instead of using the dwindling fossil fuel resources. It requires investments, but the alternative technology provides cheap abundant power.
IF you accepted that as true, why would you be against it?

Show that you are able to do a little thought experiment like this.

If you want, you can propose a similar thought experiment to me; a true 'believer'.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Aug,23 11:40 other posts 
Unlike the Christians that willing giving 10% of their income to the church, all of us are being FORCED to pay more for things and get alot of shit we don't want to because of the "climate change".
No one forces you to give 10% to the church. But if you want a car, you are forced pay for a catalytic convertor and related shit that the car does not need to run.
That is forcing beliefs ,or theory's or just plain bullshit on the people.
If a cars emissions system fails inspection ,it cost alot of money to fix it .We are FORCED to make repairs or replace or do what ever to be able to travel. Unlike the 10% we can give the church if we want to .

What if you were forced to pay fees for hwy repairs and you only used the side walk?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Aug,23 17:11 other posts 
That was not the question phart.
The question was if people are WILLING to give up things for their beliefs.

Can you understand that people are willing to give up things,
WHEN they are convinced that the alternative is as proposed?

Your example is not comparable. Are you not living in this world?
By phart [Ignore] 05,Aug,23 17:45 other posts 
Beliefs they can find viable evidence of truth and reality for
perhaps The very fact we have fossil fuels in the first place is because of climate changing to a point dino's couldn't live anymore.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Aug,23 20:01 other posts 
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I can believe this, because it is happening now.
Volcanic eruptions that caused large-scale climate change may also have been involved, together with more gradual changes to Earth's climate that happened over millions of years.
Smoke and shit came all the way over here from Mt Saint Helens.
By #694265 06,Aug,23 22:13
Read that as well, climate change is inevitable, the Earth is going though its natural cycle, we are just expediating the change from the pollution we create.

Even if there was no pollution created, the Earth is going to warm & there is nothing anyone can do about that

By phart [Ignore] 03,Aug,23 09:05 other posts 
Canada doesn't need to say any more about climate change, they are making more pollution with their lack of fire prevention and fire fighting skills than all the gas stoves and trucks running all over the world.
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 03,Aug,23 09:27 other posts 
You might be right about the pollution and carbon emissions. But what do you expect?
Because of climate change, forests are now regularly bone-dry.
How many people do you need to constantly 'rake' a million square miles?

Approximately half of Canada is covered by forest. They have 36% more forest area than the USA, but only 11.5% of your population. You're not succeeding in preventing wildfires.
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Maybe you're doing better this year, but next year you might have all the wildfires again.
If you don't succeed, don't blame people with 12x more forest per capita, for failing too.

Did Trump raise any wildfire prevention funds? No, he even tried to gut those funds
for California, and you lot seem to like it when their forests burn.
Are Californian forest burning to embers more cleanly?
Even if they are stupid Democrats, their efforts still require money.
But you're only interested in supporting your 'team', instead of solving problems.

So what's your story now? Oh, I know; Blame Canada!
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By phart [Ignore] 03,Aug,23 11:59 other posts 
What makes no sense is no progress made in fighting the fire.Aren't the citizens doing anything to help?
If a fire of that size were here, myself and my nieghbors would be actually doing something ourselves if it was nothing but walking around with a shovel to snuff out hot spots.
And companies here do try to prevent the type fires that happen in california. The right of ways around power lines are cleared to a point a tractor or off road truck can access the entire line. Limbs and trees overhanging ,are CUT down.
Not pretty, but looks better than charred earth and lost homes.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 03,Aug,23 13:09 other posts 
You're confusing effort with result. Actually, I should give the US credit for at least trying to help Canada.
Just understand the enormous challenge of protecting such huge areas.
They have increased the budgets for this, but it's just not enough.
They should clear very wide lanes between areas of forests, but when it's really dry it just starts burning everywhere at the same time. It only takes one piece of glass or a shiny can bottom or a lightning strike or someone throwing a cigarette out of the car window or a campfire or whatever of a hundred possible causes.
Look at the data, it's hundreds of wildfires everywhere. You would need to identify every fire in minutes and have firefighting aircraft ready for take-off at many locations, to get there immediately or it will already be too big.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Aug,23 17:19 other posts 
When the plandemic started ,so many large aircraft were mothballed and still are not in use for passenger service Since Government has bailed out the airlines before ,the airlines should simple hand over unused air craft to be converted to fire service.
Not that expensive. Cheaper than the negative affects high lumber prices will have on the economy.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 04,Aug,23 04:22 other posts 
I hope the people who do large scale firefighting equipment acquisition are smart enough to understand that they can buy previously owned planes, but you never know if there are some smart people running that operation. I hope they aren't MAGA.
Lumber is already a lot more expensive than before, but at least you understand how all these things are connected.

Only minutes ago, I explained to tecsan that to stop providing Ukraine with the weapons to push back the Russians, will not just result in 'maybe a little scuffle', but the complete annexation of Ukraine, a country which is called 'The granary of Europe'. That would result in Russia controlling the largest grain producing area in the world (see below). They can (and surely will) use that as leverage against the rest of the world: "Suck up to us, or you'll starve!".
Russia is blocking what's left of Ukraine's grain export. That causes food shortages and high prices, which are especially damaging to developing countries. Half the countries in the world have joined together to demand from Putin to stop blocking the grain exports from Ukraine.

You see high food prices and just say: "Biden's fault". That's usually where your thinking stops, mainly because your media doesn't talk about ANY OF THIS, either. But, if you are able to understand fires affecting lumber prices, you might be able to progress beyond the mind-numbingly low information and logic level of the right-wing media. That fills me with hope.

"Ukraine has the world's 25% black soil and highly developed agricultural production that accounts for more than 10% of its gross domestic production (GDP) in 2021. Both Ukraine and Russia are large grain exporters, accounting for 40% of the world's grain exports."
By phart [Ignore] 04,Aug,23 16:29 other posts 
It seems other countries need start growing food for themselves instead of being dependent on everyone else.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Aug,23 09:52 other posts 
React to my answer about The Netherlands 'doing away with cattle'.
Then we see if you are consistent on this narrative.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Aug,23 11:35 other posts 
Yes I am, quit getting food from You and the Ukraine and get it out your own fields and green houses.
Stop being so fucking dependant on others and take care of your own needs.
Your country is sitting pretty right now,plenty of food ,plenty of income,just to many people,stop reproducing!

By #694265 04,Aug,23 05:31
The Earth is going though a natural process of heating & cooling, its recorded in focal records.

The plague that spreads the Earth, Humans, are simply speeding up the current natural process of global warming, basically from destroying nature & melting the the ozone layer from pollution created from industry processes.

It really is as simple as that, the more we breed, the more industry there is & further destruction of of the Earth in our hunger for recourses to supply industry.

The Amazon for one of many examples is continuously eaten away for farming land to produce plant based oils that are used mostly in cosmetics to fuel the west in their hunger for beauty.

Poor 3rd world nation, that live in this area get paid lots of money for this resource, so why not cut down a few more trees for more farming land to get more money from the west.

The Amazon is the lungs of the Earth, but once it is all gone, we wont have any air to breath, but at least we will look perdy gasping for our last breath of air.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 04,Aug,23 05:37 other posts 
I hear a lot of blaming other countries from you,
but at least you understand some of the problems.
By #694265 04,Aug,23 05:43
Oh I know what is going on with this world believe me, the hunger of the west is speeding up the destruction of this world exponentially.

We are all guilty of it, even you & I chatting here right now, with the tec we are using that has caused damage to create, let alone all the other destructive things to the ozone that just this simple conversation contributes to 🤷‍♀️
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

& there are million or billions of people causing destruction just simply chatting over the internet right now & that really isn't even the tip of the "Iceberg"
--------------------------------------- added after 10 minutes

What we are doing as a species, anyone that cannot & or recognise the destruction we are causing really only have their head in the sand 🤷‍♀️

But sure they hang onto global warming is a natural process, I agree 100%, but as a species we are speeding that up a shit tone 🤷‍♀️
By dgraff [Ignore] 04,Aug,23 06:53 other posts 
My motto is live each day as it’s your last and worry about tomorrow tomorrow
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Why should I care about what could happen 100 years from now or more I won’t be here to see it
By #694265 04,Aug,23 06:55
By #694265 04,Aug,23 07:04
There is some merit to that thought,

I'm not sure if your a breeder or not, looking in from a window into your profile I could only guess not (not saying anything negative, only a observation).

I feel for my kids & more so my grandkids, I don't have any yet but I'm sure they will be along in coming years, its my grandkids that I will know before I'm gone & I am sure they will be facing many struggles. But that generation will have to change, if they don't, who knows what will happen from there 🤷‍♀️
By dgraff [Ignore] 04,Aug,23 07:33 other posts 
I agree but I’m getting old enough that I should step aside so the younger people can have a wack at figuring it out that’s why I get on cats shit she is like 80 it’s time for her to step aside hell at her age she should be having a hard time figuring out what medication she takes I wonder if she accidentally took some of Charlie’s viagra would her tits get hard
By #694265 04,Aug,23 07:44
Your a funny cunt
By #610414 04,Aug,23 09:27
There’s no merit to that thought. It’s selfish and contrary to everything your ancestors, in particular, your mom and dad, had in mind for you and yours. Dgraff, you are just trying to show the site what a macho SOB you are. You are just pathetic. And you (not sure if it’s the wife or the hubby) should be ashamed to even give an ounce of credence to such a despicable thought. Then again, it’s a porn site. Who cares, right? 😢😖👿
If you're really living each day as it’s your last,
it will turn out to be true very quickly.

I'm not that worried about 100 years from now.
It's already getting pretty bad NOW.
You might not be living in the worst place, and I don't either,
but it will get to us both, with a vengeance, soon enough.

You keep worrying about food prices, remember? It's not Biden.
A big part of that is Ukraine, but it's also climate change already.
It is a natural process for the earth to have warmer and colder periods,
but it's heating up faster now than in the last 100,000 years (ice core records),
and it happened in decades, while normally in thousands of years.
A factor of 100 faster, IS NOT NATURAL.
By dgraff [Ignore] 04,Aug,23 07:36 other posts 
So what do you suggest i might have 10 or 20 years left what can i do not a damn thing
By #694265 04,Aug,23 07:59
Interesting, so all 3 of us Ananas2xLekker dgraff & myself are all part of (our generation) the biggest industrial explosion the world has ever seen.

Our parents & to a lesser extent theirs were the start of it, damn Henry Ford developing the production line, its all his fault lol

Our generation can't change a fucking thing, in the past or present, I agree with dgraff, our generation though is still trying to fix it with this renewable energy shit that creates more pollution to create the stuff than burning focal fuels ever did, but gives every one a warm fuzzy feeling in the tummy with the label of renewable energy, lets save the Earth together.

There are to many humans, we breed to much that's the issue its math 101 & no one seems to mention that, oh but that would mean less voters/tax payers, less money & round & around it goes 🤷‍♀️
By dgraff [Ignore] 04,Aug,23 08:44 other posts 
Agreed i did my part i have no children i was married to my garage the last 35 years and only recently decided to settle down with a woman I’ve known for 35 years and that’s only because i felt that i shouldn’t live alone in my older years
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I bet Henry Ford is rolling over in his grave over the plastic junk they call cars of today
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 04,Aug,23 12:48 other posts 
Allow yourself to live a nice fulfilling life.
No one has regrets over not working enough, on their deathbed.

That's not the same as living each day as it’s your last,
but as always, there is that sensible middle ground.
By #694265 05,Aug,23 00:19
Well dgraff , I am going to oppose you on the Henry Ford thing.

We call them "chrome bumpers" the old cars over here & old farts like us love them, I guess as something that reminds us of our past, they had their faults though & many of them ,but seeing a as new one getting around today near gives me a hard on, even those shit-box Holdens (Chev), obviously I'm a Ford guy but love the old Valliant's as well (Mopar).

Getting back to Henry though he was a innovator, he used more or less iron back in the early days because that was the only material available to him back then.

I think if if old Henry was to stand up out of his grave, go to a modern production line of modern car manufacturing he would be proud that his innovative idea of production line had advanced so far, also with advancement of modern cars today.

Although while driving the poor old cunt around in my modern motor car, if he spotted a chrome bumper, I'm sure it would give him a hard on, even if it was a Holden (Chev) or Mopar
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Aug,23 04:29 other posts 
That’s true
By phart [Ignore] 05,Aug,23 08:49 other posts 
Cars aint had any class since the last Lincoln towncar left the line in 2008,and it was just a shadow of what a car should look like but at least it still had some SIZE to it.
I don't know why people have allowed themselves to be forced to drive roller skates.
People wonder why trucks are popular now.SIZE,wheel base, = comfort and safety.

And yes,over populations is part of the worlds problems.
I remember as a little kid the ad's on tv wanting people to send money to feed the little children in africa.Sad sights to see,kids with flys all over them.Well pumping money into it didn't fix the problem.THe people still aint figured out to STOP FUCKING or at least use a rubber or a pill. Ukraines grain is being blocked, and so now there will be even MORE starvation.
Our generation has had the best life ever, although it looks like we left the peak in the 90's. My father could afford to buy a house, on a mechanic's wage. Look at the problems that the youth face nowadays. Even if they have a great education,
their wage still sucks and they have massive student loan debts.

That's not some force of nature, that's the choices our generation made.
Who actually benefited from that industrial explosion? Workers?

Look at the auto industry; starting worker wage is less than in 2007,
and that's not inflation corrected. They would need to make $10/hour more,
just to have kept up with inflation. That's not just in the car industry.
Henry Ford gave his workers a great wage for the time, so they could buy a car.

People are getting screwed, they just lie to people, about who's doing it.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Aug,23 09:19 other posts 
My labor rate in 1983 was 10 dollars per hour and I was the cheapest garage in a 50 mile radius
By #610414 04,Aug,23 09:37
Henry Ford expedited manufacturing. It’s the Industrial Revolution of the 1700’s that brought the big burning of coal and later, other fossil fuels. We live a good life now. What will happen when we start to die from heat exhaustion or black lung desease? Nothing, because people like you three (or maybe four) just lay down an die now, but, even walking corpses can still HELP OUT. Dgraff, even when I’m on my deathbed, I’ll still be fighting. You may have given up. Not me. I’m 71 and still walk/run 6 to 7 miles at least 3 times a week and do cardio bicycling 5 times a week. I keep my house spotless and swim in the evening. But, that’s for a person that cares about herself and the world.
You can make it at least another 20 years, if you take care of your heart, by minding the fatty acids you take in, eating enough fruit and vegetables and taking some food supplements. That helps you die of old age, instead of heart disease or cancer.

You're right, there is not much that we can do individually, but every bit helps.
You can even save a buck, by investing in solar panels and insulation, if you have the money, and I believe you have.

This is a global effort. The first priority is forcing the 100 companies that emit 70% of the CO2, to reduce their emissions as much as possible. Simultaneously, all countries should transition their electricity generation to renewable energy ASAP. The next priority is electrifying the heat generation of houses and insulating houses way better. Only then do we get to transportation. Hard to electrify large transport should run on bio-fuels. Electrifying cars helps, but it helps more if their electricity renewable. That's probably enough, if we succeed in keeping the forests alive and plant some more trees.
There might be some smart geo-engineering solutions that can help.

The best way to contribute, is to vote for politicians who at least recognize the problem, instead of denying it. Mostly, stop voting for corrupt assholes, who take money from the fossil fuel industry. They are going to kill you, before you die at a respectable age. The local elections and primaries are more important than the presidential elections. The lesser evil is not going to help anyone.

You specifically, can make your garage more electric car friendly.
Most of their owners are loaded, so take advantage of their wallets.
It doesn't help much now, but the demand that first electric cars create,
helps the rest of the people afford electric cars and make them more useful.
By dgraff [Ignore] 04,Aug,23 11:15 other posts 
Funny you should mention it because I just had a guy out to look at my house after just having a new lifetime metal roof installed he gave me pricing on solar panels and I’m going to go that route after seeing my last electric bill it was about outrageous
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 04,Aug,23 12:42 other posts 
If you won't do it for the climate, do it for your wallet.
That works the same for the whole country. Oil and natural gas
are getting expensive as fuck, if you didn't notice.
That's because it gets harder to get it out of the ground,
when all the easy sources have dried up.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Aug,23 16:15 other posts 
dgraff, that is way it should be done.Each individual decide how they want to go forward. Ananas talks about freedom, being told by washington we will be forced to buy electric cars by a certain date if we want a new 1 is NOT freedom.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Aug,23 09:28 other posts 
Read back how I explained freedom. I never said freedom is
doing whatever you want, and YOU don't believe that either.

Freedom, up to the point that you are affecting other people
directly in a negative way.

Your right to keep emitting carbon dioxide as much as you want,
is affecting the rights of other people, to a future.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Aug,23 11:31 other posts 
And who gives you the freedom to deny me mine?
By phart [Ignore] 04,Aug,23 16:14 other posts 
And who is to blame? your country is trying to do away with the cattle and such. So you folks will only be paying way more for meat.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Aug,23 09:20 other posts 
I thought cattle and dairy was their main source of income
By phart [Ignore] 05,Aug,23 09:27 other posts 
YEP, and they want to do away with it because of the methane and stuff. would rather starve while breathing "fresh air". Meanwhile, volcano's erupt and canada's burning.But we gota stop cow farts
We are not 'doing away with the cattle'. We are reducing it.
We are the second largest agricultural exporter in the world,
directly after the US, but our country is 235 times smaller.
All that cow and pig shit is destroying what's left of our nature.

That 'starving' narrative is just bullshit propaganda, for idiots. We have enough.
About 75% of our products are exported, while also 66% of the profits leaves our borders. So fuck those foreign investors, who are destroying our nature.
If the rest of the world wants us to export food, stop exploiting our country.

Also, half of our country is used up by agriculture land, while we have no more places to live. Housing is almost unaffordable, because of scarcity. That's why I want some of those shit producing farms bought out and use their land to build houses for people.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Aug,23 11:33 other posts 
Why not reduce births so you don't need more houses? It appears your country is operating in the black as far as enough food and income,why do you want to fuck it up? More houses, more people ,more houses,more people before long, you don't have enough food.
Makes no sense why you want to go backwards.

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