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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51

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By dgraff [Ignore] 29,Aug,23 21:11 other posts 
Hey cat were have you been the last couple days we don’t have any one to preach the Biden gospel to us I haven’t had a good laugh in 4 days
By #610414 30,Aug,23 11:00
My typing fingers are a little tired from self pleasuring.
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

Now, if my Baby, Hot Biden, was with me, then, my whole hand and tongue would be tired. 🤣🤣😋😈
By phart [Ignore] 30,Aug,23 11:23 other posts 
If biden were with you, your hand would have to finish the job because he sure as hell couldn't.
By #610414 30,Aug,23 11:24
I never minded that.
By dgraff [Ignore] 30,Aug,23 12:01 other posts 
Keep your eyes on your purse 👛 to make sure he’s not stealing your money
By #610414 30,Aug,23 12:05
He doesn't have to. I give him my money and he gives me cream for my coffee. 🤣🤣😈
By dgraff [Ignore] 30,Aug,23 20:40 other posts 
That dried up old prune has no juices left he farts 💨 dust
By #610414 01,Sep,23 18:49
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By dgraff [Ignore] 01,Sep,23 19:35 other posts 
That’s just a bunch of mombo jumbo numbers to me with nothing to back them up and so he added a few more jobs but at what cost prices are that high that the lazy bastards living off the government had to get jobs just to survive that’s why unemployment is down you will never convince me that we are heading the right direction in fact we are in a path of destruction
By phart [Ignore] 01,Sep,23 21:33 other posts 
exactly, you have to remember, Germany was doing great under the first few years of hilter to, look where that got Germany in the end.
By #610414 02,Sep,23 00:00
Well, at least you admit that facts are above your understanding. Let’s leave it at that.
BTW, what do the Repukers have to save us from “destruction”? Free transgender surgery? $30/hr jobs picking vegetables? Maybe child labor to work on the new coal mines? Or, maybe, just maybe, make Lake Erie the septic tank of the contiguous part of the glorious US of A? Nah. They’ll reverse the 2020 election and put the Clown back in power with Marjory Tailor Green as the VP and in-house whore.
By #681164 02,Sep,23 17:02
Mr Dgraff, you and Mr Phart are a laugh a minute. Candy is right about you two.
By dgraff [Ignore] 02,Sep,23 17:25 other posts 
Have your laugh while you can because 4 more years with MR Magoo would be a disaster
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

Why what does candy say about phart and my self does she comment on what manly men we are and how politically right we are or does she comment on how we are both hung like mule’s
By #610414 02,Sep,23 17:46
Mountain Man, I like you. The same is true of Phart but, Charlie, well, he’s in a class by himself. A mule has size, just like a shoe. It’s not how big you are but what you do with what God gave you that counts. AND, Charlie does, baby. Oh yeah, he does.
By dgraff [Ignore] 02,Sep,23 17:55 other posts 
then it must be how politically right we both are
By #610414 02,Sep,23 19:01
Yes, the right.......the FAR right
By dgraff [Ignore] 02,Sep,23 20:32 other posts 
You know what they say about the left
The left can’t do anything right
By #610414 03,Sep,23 08:26
I’ve always heard “lefties” are special.🤣😈
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Sep,23 08:33 other posts 
If you mean special Ed you are right
By #610414 03,Sep,23 09:25
I walked into that one, didn’t I? 🤣🤣🥰
By phart [Ignore] 03,Sep,23 09:28 other posts 
By #610414 03,Sep,23 09:33
to you too.
By phart [Ignore] 01,Sep,23 21:32 other posts 

By phart [Ignore] 02,Sep,23 19:47 other posts 
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All our issues will be resolved soon
By #681164 03,Sep,23 07:49
The attitude of the average American has always amazed me that they, as a whole, are so naive and shallow as to believe that movies, and, TV and radio programs, represent real life situations and that they set the moral compass of the world.
In my humble opinion, what’s coming down the pike is more of the same mediocrity that we (yes, I’m just as guilty) have brought to the greatest country in the world, bar none. Crime, violence, wars, avarice, and hatred will not go away. It seems like we need it like a bear needs honey. Sad, isn’t it?

By leopoldij [Ignore] 31,Aug,23 17:47 other posts 
Proud Boys leader Joe Biggs sentenced to 17 years for Capitol riot

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Ordinary terrorists are going to jail.

The mafia boss of all them, trump, won't.
By phart [Ignore] 31,Aug,23 22:41 other posts 
sad very sad, question the politicians and get jailed. Not much different than a communist system or north korea.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,Sep,23 02:24 other posts 
In North Korea they don't get questioned. They get killed without any questioning.

Trump is being accused of crimes worth 630 years prison time. And he gets the chance to defend himself. That would never happen in North Korea.
By #610414 01,Sep,23 18:04
You are joking, right? “Questioning the politicians?” That’s what you call trying to topple the US government? What are you? A traitor?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,Sep,23 18:41 other posts 
He's a traitor just like the trump he loves.
By phart [Ignore] 01,Sep,23 21:50 other posts 
What is wrong with asking questions? What is wrong with wanting government to do it's actual job? There are millions of voters that to this day do not feel the election was fair and honest ,and believable answers have yet to be had.
I am not a traitor,matter of fact if there is any,it is the democrats that fought investigating the fraud claims.
The dems had a golden opportunity to gain credibility but fought instead to prevent cases from going to court to prove 1 way or the other.
By #610414 01,Sep,23 23:49
There’s nothing wrong with asking questions. Mounting an insurrection is. And that, my friend, is treason.
I know there are millions of voters that to this day do not feel the election was fair and honest ,and believable answers have yet to be had. That is their hangup. Whatever their feelings, it doesn’t change the truth. The Dumbocrats didn’t fight to prevent cases from going to court to prove 1 way or the other. The judges threw the cases out. There were 62 +/- cases brought to courts in different jurisdictions and only 2 were successful. Those two didn’t address your “truth”. Does that sound like it wasn’t investigated? And how about this? The Repukers control the House since Jan 1, 2022. Why didn’t they come up with “an investigation” of the 2020 election?
You’ve been fed a pack of lies. All those millions were fed a pack of lies, and, like the smart people that you are, you swallowed it all hook, line, and sinker.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,Sep,23 19:29 other posts 
More good news.

Two members of the far-right Proud Boys group have been jailed for leading the US Capitol riot.

Dominic Pezzola, 46, who was convicted of assaulting police and obstructing an official proceeding, was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Ethan Nordean, 32, who led the group's march on Congress on 6 January 2021, was sentenced to 18 years for a more serious seditious conspiracy charge.

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Trump thug is next!

By #610414 25,Aug,23 07:17
Trump, who for four years in the White House reveled in the title of "Mr. President," was given the inmate number of P01135809. The Fulton County prosecution is the fourth criminal case against Trump since March, when he became the first former president in U.S. history to be indicted.

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By phart [Ignore] 25,Aug,23 07:21 other posts 
When Trump is proven innocent on any or all of these charges,if he is given a fair trial, what will you folks gripe about then?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 25,Aug,23 09:58 other posts 
He's already guilty, regardless of the court decision. Have you not heard him EXPLICITLY ask the Georgia guy to get him 14000 votes?
By #610414 25,Aug,23 11:34
What will you gripe about? You are so much a Trump ass-kisser, you won’t even entertain the possibility that he broke one or more laws and that, regardless of the timing, regardless who’s in charge in the White House, he would get a trial BY HIS PEERS. The fact that you even think that he would not get a fair trial, at least in Georgia, a red leaning state with a Republican Governor, shows how indoctrinated you are. I wish all you MAGA Republicans would move on. Look at all the other candidates you can ass-lick that are more reasonable than that CLOWN.
By dgraff [Ignore] 30,Aug,23 20:37 other posts 
I guess you’re right we should focus on the Biden crime family now and make some things stick it’s all a game of throne tic for tack
By #610414 30,Aug,23 20:53
While I don’t agree with your premise, please believe me when I say, “Go for it.”
That’s the beauty of living in a democratic country that has freedom of speech. You may be an idiot, but, you have every right to prove it.🤣🤣😈
By leopoldij [Ignore] 25,Aug,23 10:02 other posts 
What I also find pathetic and pretentious is how the trump-thugs address one another by "god bless you" AS IF they give a shit about god.
By phart [Ignore] 25,Aug,23 18:22 other posts 
as if you give a shit about anyone yourself?
And Cat, I am already considering the plan B because of the election interference may be successful. Right now I am thinking that Vivek Ramaswamy and Tim Scott, in either vice or PRez would be a good choice.
I like the fact that Vivek is anti woke,even though I don't think the term is a good title for the issue at hand.
Tim Scott would be a good choice for 1 reason that most people don't think about, he is single. Therefore would be cheaper for his upkeep and less security needed and so forth. All the resources needed for a first lady or a second lady,could be used elsewhere.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 26,Aug,23 02:43 other posts 
How dare you tell me what I care shit or do not?

I'm NOT you.

You know NOTHING about me.
By phart [Ignore] 26,Aug,23 20:01 other posts 
Considering what all you type here, I know as much about you as you do of me.
You are a liberal thinking person ,I am a conservative thinking person.

We can't agree on much,
By #610414 30,Aug,23 12:26
Well, at least it wouldn’t be “The Clown”
By phart [Ignore] 30,Aug,23 21:07 other posts 
naw we are stuck with a stumbling old perverted crook
By leopoldij [Ignore] 31,Aug,23 04:36 other posts 
Paul Krugman describes Vivek Ramaswamy as a CRANK.
By phart [Ignore] 31,Aug,23 09:36 other posts 
Coming from a guy who says inflation is baloney right now ,yea right. you can tell he aint been to the grocery store lately.
His interest and knowledge is in FOREIGN trade. How about getting some info from someone who is concerned about the US for a change?
Besides, compare Vivek's ideas to obamas and bidens and tell me which would work best for the US?
Viveks parents are immigrants that came here legally. He was born here as a result of his parents coming to America to live the dream as the system was designed decades ago. He is proof the system would still work if PEOPLE WOULD USE IT.That is why he is hated by liberals so quickly in this race. He blows their ideas out the window.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 31,Aug,23 12:16 other posts 
Paul Krugman is one of the most serious economists.

I guess you consider yourself above Krugman in credentials.

I don't.

There are, however, a few crackpot I consider myself above, one being trump, for example, because he's an uneducated failed businessman.

Krugman ain't so.
Listen to him.
Read his articles in serious newspapers like the NY Times.
By #610414 01,Sep,23 18:16
Phart if the system works, then why MAGA/
By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,Sep,23 18:39 other posts 
There's some light in the horizon that reveals the America has some elements of Greatness: the justice system isn't collapsed because even the president isn't above the law. He's being charged for dozens of serious crimes totalling 630 years of jail term. One of the laws against him is a law instituted to deal with mafiosi and gangsters. And that in a by and large republican state. I just hope that he is found guilty even for a small fraction of his many many crimes.

Then America will truly be Great Again. And this Greatness will be due to trump and trump alone for no other president in the history of the country fell so deeply in piles of shit and managed to make himself the worst ever thug president. So, yes, if trump gets convicted then I'll be the first to celebrate and say kudos to trump because without him the US wouldn't have the opportunity to show its Greatness.
By #610414 01,Sep,23 18:50
I don’t know if I would put it that way, but………
By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,Sep,23 19:27 other posts 
I'm being a bit eccentric, but I'm hoping.

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