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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 31,Aug,23 05:15 other posts 
Why hurricane Idalia is so destructive

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As far back as 1987, MIT hurricane scientist Kerry Emanuel theorized that the wind speeds in hurricanes can be expected to increase about 5% for every one degree Celsius (1.8°F). Computer modeling showed that this is 4% increase.

A 4-5% increase in winds yields about a 40-50% increase in the destructive potential of a hurricane.

Things are really bad.
By phart [Ignore] 31,Aug,23 09:09 other posts 
Although history and the facts contained within it are ignored by climate change pushers,
the numbers and history don't lie, there were destructive hurricanes BEFORE 1900! Before the Model T, before the nuclear plants, before Elon mUsk and his rocket and etc.

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The San-Felipe-Okeechobee Hurricane 1928 156 mph winds.
The Galveston Hurricane 8000 dead. that is 8000 people DEAD in 1900!!!!!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 31,Aug,23 12:13 other posts 
What you say proves nothing.

Again, you're suffering from confirmation bias.

Also, unless I'm mistaken, you have no (or negative) qualifications for refuting serious research involving mathematical climate modelling which is very complex.

Last but not least, the ocean temperatures are rising. I know you're worried about that your capitalistic oil companies will lose money and you care so much about their wealth. But even if NATURE herself decided to raise the ocean temperatures, even if the rise is completely natural, why do you object to taking measures against total destruction?

The issue is factual, not political. And you're out of your mind to wish that millions of people die if we can prevent their deaths.

By phart [Ignore] 31,Aug,23 12:39 other posts 
You are a naive sheep that believes everything he reads from folks that have certificates on the wall while denying blatantly what is right in front of you for your own eyes to see .How did the Grand Canyon happen? A lightning strike?
Why is there plant matter in Antarctica? It has been frozen since we have been alive and a bit before.
The earth has been changing and will continue.
There is no total destruction going to happen with nature, humans and animals will adapt as the changes are slow, just as they have been for eons. .What you and your type push is called fear mongering. We were supposed to be freezing to death now according the scientist in the 70's.
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If you read this quote from the above link'
"Extinctions occur when a species fails to meet or adapt to changing environmental forces (such as global warming or cooling, habitat loss, destruction, or fragmentation) or when species origination is low, creating ecological niches for new, better adapted, species.

From: Animals and Human Society, 2018"
You will see it STILL mentions COOLING.
The scientist of the 70's are now being accused of not knowing enough to make wise theories or assessments, I say they STILL don't know enough to make any honest theories
Follow the money that pays for these studies, and it would be clear the pushers of climate change are the 1's trying to gain MORE control over society. Control of society can be accomplished in many ways, ANd fear is 1 of the ways, make people afraid of some impending doom and then make it appear you can fix it or stop it. Such as the carbon tax. Which simply puts money in the coffers of the 1's pushing climate change.
I bet John Kerry has MILLIONS in a off shore account right now.
As for objecting to preventing destruction, No, I would support action to be taken against a REAL threat Such as North Korean nukes or a repeat of al-Qaida terrorist attacks on our homeland.
But a bunch of loons in lab coats, some of the same 1's pushing Y2K and other hoaxs, hollering that we are going to be spit roasted on earth in 12 years ,is total BS.
Here is a long time drawn out hoax that fell flat of it's face. So many greenie weenie types whined about the Alaskan pipeline being harmful to the animals.
Yea right, they LOVE IT,
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By #610414 01,Sep,23 18:14
Phart there’s always been catastrophic incidents. No one is denying that. What you fail to explain is that the preparedness, the location, and the luck of the draw will always bring a new super catastrophe to some place.
This summer, the ocean current known as the Gulf Stream, a current that runs next to the shores of Florida, became extremely hot. Extremely means a few degrees hotter than normal, but, it’s enough to start killing the reefs off of the Florida Keys. “Climate change pushers” are well aware of previous weather patterns. It would be impossible to gage what’s happening now if they didn’t. Every indicator in the present points to them being right. Why question it?

By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,Aug,23 19:09 other posts 
Prepare for lots of fun over the next several months with inmate no. P01135809

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By phart [Ignore] 29,Aug,23 21:29 other posts 
Yea, and have you noticed the court dates directly interfere with his ability to participate in important events related to the election?
News max had a chart made up that showed that most dates directly interfere with his participation in campaign related events. BLANTANT election interference by liberals using the legal system right in the publics face. Should be illegal.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 29,Aug,23 21:42 other posts 
Indeed, he should be in prison, not free to roam. If he was an ordinary criminal he'd be locked up
By phart [Ignore] 30,Aug,23 11:24 other posts 
You liberals love to preach about innocent until proven guilty, until it is someone you don't agree with or don't like. Then fuck honesty in elections, honestly in court,just jail em all.
That double standard again.
By #610414 30,Aug,23 12:35
What? When was dishonesty employed in an election? Do you mean how the Republicans are gerrymandering the voting pool to get more Republicans in office? Because, so far, there’s been NO PROOF of what you are insinuating even after all the court appearances. Let me remind you that many of those “courts” have Republican judges.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,Aug,23 16:01 other posts 
I'm not a "you liberals" person, can you not understand that? I will, and do, disagree with anyone who's corrupt or dishonest or fake, etc. Trump is, theoretically, facing 630 years jail term for his crimes, including treason. Even if he were to be convicted for 10% of his crimes he'd go to jail for 63 years. But he won't. No criminal, ever, in the history of the US has enjoyed such privileges. And he even mocks the very system that he tried so hard to influence: the US justice system. He openly states that even if he murdered someone he'd still not go to jail. He has no sense of humility or respect for the very foundations of his country. And yet, he gets charged for fraud even by the republican state of Georgia. And I hope he gets convicted like so many other criminals did, like Al Capone.
By #610414 30,Aug,23 11:03
NewsMax? Even birds retch at having it for a cage liner. Leo is right. He’s out due to his wealth and his cronies stacking the deck. You or I would have been sent to prison and the key lost down the toilet.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,Aug,23 15:54 other posts 
Exactly. It's unbelievable that phart and his clan support precisely the guy who couldn't give a shit about them. Trump would rather see phart burn alive. And yet, besides the corrupt bankers and white supremacists, trump enjoys the support of millions of poor people. That's called Religious Devotion.
By #610414 30,Aug,23 20:19
I see your point, but, in my opinion, his support comes from the perception that he hates minorities, immigrants, regulatory entities, and, progressives. There’s a big chunk of this country’s populace that are bigots, degenerates, misogynists, racists, and downright scared illiterate religious poor.

By phart [Ignore] 29,Aug,23 21:26 other posts 
There is little humour to be had in the south with the bad hurricane coming but I saw this and just had to link it here for you folks. the worlds first "Hurricussy".
IT will get you all hot and bothered and WET!
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By #610414 30,Aug,23 12:42

By leopoldij [Ignore] 26,Aug,23 19:59 other posts 
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By #610414 23,Aug,23 12:57
By phart [Ignore] 23,Aug,23 13:58 other posts 
Spoons make you fat to!
By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Aug,23 20:20 other posts 
Nothing makes me fat same old lean mean guy I was 30 years ago just a lot grayer
By #610414 24,Aug,23 08:05
Outlaw spoons?🤣🤣😈
By phart [Ignore] 24,Aug,23 09:18 other posts 
then only outlaws will have spoons!
By #610414 24,Aug,23 13:08
By leopoldij [Ignore] 25,Aug,23 10:02 other posts 
Guns Save Lives.
By #610414 25,Aug,23 11:35
And cars are good for sex.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 25,Aug,23 13:03 other posts 
Without guns there's no democracy.
By phart [Ignore] 25,Aug,23 18:16 other posts 
Um,would you be free to type that had Americans not brought guns back in WW2 and saved your ancestors from nazi's?
Would I be free to type this if my ancestors never fired on the british? Hell no I would be singing God save the Queen every morning over tea.
Like any other tool or resource, a few guns are misused and those that do that should be held accountable.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 25,Aug,23 19:27 other posts 
Again, you're diverting.

Anyway. Let me say this though.

1. I'm glad your ancestors rebelled against the British. British have committed more crimes and genocides. Many more than Americans.

2. The US entered WW2 (quite late) in order to safeguard its world hegemony.

3. The real war in the US is within the US.

4. I'm against anyone who sings anything in support of monarchy. Monarchs are assholes who should not exist. And, of course, they're useless, pathetic perverts with no purpose in life.
By phart [Ignore] 25,Aug,23 22:09 other posts 
No diversion, guns got us our freedom from the british, protect it to this day. As much as I would like to see all wars stop, I can't imagine how brutal and destructive war would be without guns, it would be bombs and poisons and much less selective means of killing. Terrible. A gun is a point and clic,done.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 25,Aug,23 22:59 other posts 
Yes, diversion.

Don't play it dumb.

I'm talking about guns used by Americans to kill Americans. You have a constant INTERNAL war.

You live in constant FEAR.
By phart [Ignore] 25,Aug,23 23:14 other posts 
Why would I be afraid if I am able to defend myself?
I would be afraid if I could NOT defend myself against a threat.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 26,Aug,23 02:41 other posts 
We've discussed that extensively in the past. You're afraid and this is why you have fun. You're afraid because you live in a society where everyone has guns.

This is NOT normal. US is the number 1 country in the world where funds are more than people. That's why there's fear.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 25,Aug,23 13:09 other posts 
Guns, when used responsively, are also good for sex.

A webcam model accidentally shot herself in the vagina with a 9mm handgun while recording a video earlier this month in her Georgia home, according to a police report.

Responding to an "accidental gunshot wound" call at a residence in Thomaston, a city 40 miles from Macon, a sheriff's deputy encountered an EMS worker in the property's driveway around noon on November 9 2021.

The paramedic--who was holding an unloaded handgun and a spent bullet casing in her hands--explained that, "the female had shot herself in her vagina, accidentally."
Guns save soles. They bring the soles of innocent children into heaven,
before they can get corrupted by sin.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 25,Aug,23 13:05 other posts 
Guns are more important than individual lives. Guns protect Americans. If one has to choose between killing a few in order to save the lives of thousands then one chooses the former. And that's why everyone, at all stages in life, must have a gun.

Well, clearly, very young persons can't have a gun. But from the age of 24 months onwards there's no excuse for not carrying a gun everywhere at all times.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 25,Aug,23 01:22 other posts 
Mug shot of inmate No. P01135809. Who is inmate No. P01135809?

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By #610414 25,Aug,23 07:18

By phart [Ignore] 23,Aug,23 14:26 other posts 
Remind me not to go to florida for cosmetic surgery!
Dr Cement only got 10 years!
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Can you imagine getting fix a flat shot into your body? Or cement?????
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 24,Aug,23 11:44 other posts 
Not blaming Florida's politicians for that? You would if it was California.
By phart [Ignore] 24,Aug,23 12:21 other posts 
california is fucked up as a football bat for sure but blaming this on politicians? eh, probably not.

By phart [Ignore] 14,Aug,23 19:34 other posts 
Why hasn't biden publicly addressed the Hawaiian people regarding the terrible fires there? His silence only makes him look worse.
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Aug,23 06:39 other posts 
He was briefed on the situation but he’s that old it just hasn’t sunk in yet he will respond as soon as his speech writer finishes so he knows what to say or maybe he has to check with Obama to see what to do
By phart [Ignore] 15,Aug,23 09:41 other posts 
As much as I don't like obama, even he is human enough to have already addressed this. Being it is in what is said to be his home state.
By #610414 15,Aug,23 09:48
Biden last spoke publicly about the fires on Aug. 10 during an event in Utah. Then, in brief remarks, he said "every asset" would be made available to individuals impacted after he approved a disaster declaration for Hawaii.

FEMA is already there. What more? Have a mass at the Washington Cathedral? Throw ashes over his head? Declare Marshall Law in Texas? 🤣🤣😈
By phart [Ignore] 15,Aug,23 09:53 other posts 
Having been involved with fema on 2 different occasions, that is sending in a few government officals that hire every crook in 3 states to come "clean up" .And then they finish the job off the clock..
fema contractors use alot of illegal aliens.
when a contract is awarded, a group of illegals will jump in a rattle trap car, find a good truck to steal, then find a trailer and a skid steer, and by the time they get to the job, they have stolen everything they need to do a quick "cleanup". then sell the stolen equipment or abandon it.
I know of 1 mans truck that got stolen for this reason and my neighbors Bobcat and trailer were cut loose and stolen from his back yard. Truck was recovered quick but the bobcat was found in in Louisiana torn up .
By #610414 15,Aug,23 10:05
I guess in your neck of the woods your fellow citizens are a bunch of crooks. We, too, complain about FEMA during catastrophes in Florida. All in all, though, they do a decent job. I don't think there'll be too many illegal aliens going to Hawaii to help with the cleanup. The WALK from the Southern border is too wet.
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Aug,23 10:02 other posts 
Well I certainly am glad Obama is on the ball getting things squared away the Democrats way
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

I guess after declaring Hawaii a disaster he will then check with China to see how much he can borrow
By #610414 15,Aug,23 10:06
China owes us much more money than what we owe them.
By phart [Ignore] 15,Aug,23 10:08 other posts 
Uh,forgive me cat,but I would like to see how that works?

Not just my neck of the woods cat,trust me.
By #610414 15,Aug,23 10:17
I understand that crooked people exist everywhere. The other part of your post is French to me. Please clarify.
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Aug,23 10:52 other posts 
Just were do you think all this money Biden is spending comes from he’s not pulling it out of his ass our deficit is owed to China always was and always will be
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 15,Aug,23 11:47 other posts 
Oh, I see, you want a president who just fakes some sympathy,
throws some paper towels into a crowd, promises lots of money,
but then just delays and cancels it all later, so not even a quarter
actually eventually reaches the disaster area.
That guy is gone now.
By phart [Ignore] 15,Aug,23 13:17 other posts 
Oh you are still mad that Trump didn't send a bunch of aid to porter rico that time. Evidence was later overwhelming that the aid sent for the previous disaster was still rotting in trailers on dead end streets.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 16,Aug,23 07:06 other posts 
If you send stuff that people cannot use or cannot get to, that will happen.
Sending the required aid and apply it correctly takes a BRAIN.
By phart [Ignore] 16,Aug,23 09:19 other posts 
Water,bottles of clean drinking water,are something that most anyone can use when the entire system is damaged.The problem was the corruption at the receiving end.
Our local power company sent men and trucks down there to try to repair the power grid.It was in foul shape LONG before the storm. Puerto ric needs to be given back to spain, let it sap their resources dry instead of ours. They got the last laugh after that war.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 17,Aug,23 05:50 other posts 
Oh, there was corruption, well let the people die then.
What type of corruption lets food rot.
You could say there was 'incompetence'
or they just had 'small government' not up to the job
their facilities were probably gutted to substandard level
which is what you probably support, seeing your concern with funds.

Look at your colonial thinking there. First you conquer it, but when it costs money, you want to return it to the former conqueror. Why not give back Oklahoma to France, they are costing the US more money than they pay back.
By #610414 15,Aug,23 13:18
Dgraff, Some history is in order. Before 1949, the government of the Republic of China (ROC) issued a large volume of long-term sovereign gold-denominated bonds, secured by Chinese tax revenues, to private investors and governments for the construction of infrastructure and financing of governmental activities. Put simply, the China we know today would not have been possible absent these bond offerings.
In 1938, during its conflict with Japan, the ROC defaulted on its sovereign debt. After the military victory of the communists, the ROC government fled to Taiwan. The People’s Republic of China was eventually recognized internationally as the successor government of China. Under well-established international law, the “successor government” doctrine holds that the current government of China, led by the Chinese Communist Party, is responsible for repayment of the defaulted bonds.
A private group of American citizens holds a large quantity of these gold-denominated bonds. This citizen-led group, the American Bondholders Foundation (ABF), serves as trustee with power of attorney for some 20,000 bondholders, whose bonds are valued at well more than $1 trillion.
Then-U.K. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s tough negotiation stance on the return of Hong Kong to China led to a British settlement agreement on these same Chinese bonds in 1987. Thatcher said that for China to have access to U.K. capital markets, it had to honor the defaulted Chinese sovereign debt held by British subjects. Faced with that stark choice, China agreed.
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The US has buying power that’s astronomical, but, let’s say China (the red one) decides to call in the debt, and we default. The Yen would take a nose dive and China’s economy would be in the sh…ter. It would be an international catastrophe and I doubt we would do that. However, think about this. Many, many, investment done by China and other countries is done in the USA. It wouldn’t pay for them to risk us nationalizing all material holdings and giving them the finger.
You can talk all you want about Biden but he did not declare bankruptcy 6+ times. His “art of the deal” is the real thing.
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Aug,23 18:26 other posts 
Hey thanks for the history lesson but I learned all that crap in school right before I busted up my history teacher but the fact remains that we still owe several countries 7 trillion dollars
Japan 🇯🇵 china 🇨🇳 the UK 🇬🇧 The Cayman Islands 🇰🇾 Switzerland 🇨🇭 and some others plus we borrowed from the taxpayers and yes 3 percent of our debt is from social security I sure would like to see if that ever gets paid back
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See the difference between you and i cat is that you trust your government and I wouldn’t trust them as far as I can throw them
By #610414 16,Aug,23 05:24
That's your hangup, baby.
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Aug,23 06:23 other posts 
Sooner or later Biden’s tax hikes will affect you then you can tell me about my hang up
By phart [Ignore] 16,Aug,23 09:22 other posts 
interesting point,liberals don't seem to be affected by tax hikes,higher food prices,they just keep drudging on. only 2 things I can figure out lead to that is they are head high in debt or have trust funds to keep them afloat.
Normal people and companys suffer from higher cost.
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Aug,23 09:43 other posts 
I know you and I both feel the Biden squeeze
--------------------------------------- added after 48 minutes

The liberals can’t see it because they’re from Mars
By phart [Ignore] 16,Aug,23 11:38 other posts 
I would have said they were from Uranus but it would appear I was implying you had shat them out! and we would have FLUSHED them had they been products of our digestion!
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Aug,23 11:39 other posts 
By #610414 16,Aug,23 20:19
What hikes?
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Aug,23 20:42 other posts 
Your social security check is soon going to be taxed heavily
By phart [Ignore] 16,Aug,23 20:58 other posts 
your egg prices,milk?
Dog food has went up 10 bucks a bag in the last 6 months,PLUS lost 6 pounds from the bag at walmart.
was 19.99 for 50 pounds,now 29.99 for 44 pounds, is that not a "hike"?
By dgraff [Ignore] 17,Aug,23 06:11 other posts 
Don’t forget gasoline prices on the rise again almost 4.00 dollars per gallon again
By phart [Ignore] 17,Aug,23 10:37 other posts 
This page says it is so complex for him to visit a place.
I can't see any reason they can't put his decrepid ass in Marine 1 somewhere in california and fly him out there for a couple hours and then bring him back. No need to overwhelm the strained resources there with a long term stay.
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Hell, biden is probably 1 of the safest presidents ever,no one wants to harm him as far a terrorist is concerned,he is doing their work for them
By #610414 17,Aug,23 15:04
It's 2471 miles from California to Hawaii. I don't think a helicopter can reach
By phart [Ignore] 23,Aug,23 13:57 other posts 
biden slept publicly
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From August 9

Biden addresses 'devastating' wildfires in Hawaii (August 10)
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HAWAII WILDFIRES | U.S. President Biden approves disaster declaration
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