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Who will be the opening act in 2020 at the DTE Theater (aka, Pine Knob)?
Guess he finally cashed in one of his tickets to Paradise. I'm sure he will be missed. I hadn't heard about it yet, so thanks for the news flash.
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Kevin Cronin has never been attractive but he has not aged nicely. Damn, he looks like an old woman!
I have been a huge fan of REO since the beginning but that was baaaaaaad. Yes Bella he does look like an old lady; or does he look like Orville Redenbacher?
--------------------------------------- added after 14 minutes
Of course Orville does look like an old lady too. They both look like former Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynn.
YES, Kevin Cronin does resemble former Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynn. Gee, give her a pair of yellow eyeglasses and she is a dead ringer!
Raunchy unwashed dicks?
And I thought this site had it all.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
I think it's Twowarmtts2's fault.
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Apparently his department is rereviewing and/or reopening the officer's shooting and killing of an unarmed black man some 10 years ago.
From the looks of that application,it looks to be very old.Yellowed and old style print.
As for the flag, confederate flag in Michigan ? Um,gonna have to do some looking at a map but I woulda thought that was Yankee country back in those days?
Of Course the French were at the Canadian border to help fight from that side for the Confederates and the war ended before they got involved.
I also find it VERY strange that the black man was wearing a Masonic lodge shirt.That group,for the most part,does not advertise like that.The past few years their rules have softened a bit because of a drop in membership but still,to be on TV displaying the symbol and all, very odd.
Hey, if the dead presidents featured on our paper currency are offending anyone, please forward to me for proper disposal.
A great man once quipped that, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction". Truer words have never been spoken the way I see it.
Just an fyi for those who may not know... Most history is not being taught any longer. Not my opinion, but fact. Cursive handwriting is a thing of the past too. When we've grilled our children about certain figures, exactly like Hitler, they had NO real idea who he was or what he did. Nor many other historical events. But they sure as hell wanna teach sex class, without parental consent. 😠 That was one helluva spectacle to witness, I'm still kinda surprised I didn't get arrested. That's a story for another time though.
Anyway, public schools are indoctrinating our youth. Far too many parents have their heads in the sand to even notice. Much of what you say is the way it's going. Look at all the loons running for the Democratic nomination. Now I'm certainly not trying to make a political arguement here, just showcasing the insane ideology behind that many people and believe it or not... They have supporters that think that shit is normal. Blows my mind, as I cannot believe ANY ONE person, other than them, thinks any of that shit is good ideas. Those people will continue to run for office and when they finally get enough people on board for free everything from housing, education, health care, etc. This great country will fall! Sadly, It's coming!
Lastly... The officer in question may or may not have racist tendencies, who knows. He's free to be anyway he wants imo. That being said, he should NOT be in a power position if he has ANY racial bias. Whether he is a racist or not he should have been more responsible with ESPECIALLY the framed application or whatever it was on the wall. Just doesn't look good for a person in a power position, and now he will pay for it. I agree to a certain extent about what's inside your house, but when you serve the public, you should be serving with no bias for any particular race or gender, period! I can't say I necessarily feel bad for him. He knew the house was being shown to potential buyers why leave something so incendiary up for ALL to see? ESPECIALLY in your very public position?
Charles Anderson, the Muskegon police officer that had a Confederate flag and a framed KKK membership application displayed in his home, was terminated after two decades of service.
Having said that I have seen evidence that the same is true of some U.K police officers.
I could go off on a tangent about my concern about the quality of police. So really I wouldn't single out U S officers more than any others. But this story at the top of this thread really does show either a remarkable lack of awareness or amazing stupidity.
Ha! Did you notice that admin agreed with Skittles and your posts?
This is not the only controversy. They also manage to think that politicians are corrupt, stupid and lazy and in the same time demand more power for government to regulate and run things.
As for what this policeman had in his home,had it not been up for sale,I think is his bussiness.
Having a KKK application on the wall does not mean he is or was a member or supports.Perhaps we should ask him.Perhaps it was 1 that his father gave him and he made the decision to not fill it out and has it there to remind himself of the fact he could have chose a different direction.
Sometimes reminders are just that,reminders.
The flags,Perhaps he had family that died fighting under that flag,We fly it here at home in the yard.It is not for hatred,it is flown to make sure those that died fighting under it are not forgotten.
Lives were lost,period.All life has meaning,regardless if any particular person aggrees with their thinking.
This is going to be a bad case of a LARGE ,exspensive mountian being made of a mole hill.
These pussy fags would shit their pants working south Bronx or a LAPD beat.. Would not even do a ride along.
The world looks much different at street level than having hours/days/weeks to judge.
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