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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

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By phart [Ignore] 28,Jul,21 09:16 other posts 
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By s0m3r4nd0m [Ignore] 28,Jul,21 08:06 other posts 
anyone been following the olympics?

I had a blast both with Men's and Women's street skate. What have you seen so far?

By #592419 25,Jul,21 22:05
This is NOT confirmed.....

I live in florida and 6 months into Bidens presidency with 3.5 years to go on Biden I noticed Trump is giving many rallies... Why? Biden says nobody's listening but then how can 40,000 people be there in the blistering stiffling 95 degree heat with dewpoints between 75-80 which is just unbearable.. You can jump into a pool of freezing cold water then get out and seconds later sweat is pouring out of your body.
He's been in Arizona and Ohio 5 rallies all together I believe. So what is he trying to do? Its still 18 months until the midterms so wtf..

Anyway the pieces appear to be coming together. There is a lot going on that is still classified or the media refuses to post. A lot of rumors are saying Biden is going to either have to resign or be removed with either the 25th amendment policy or forced to resign with honor after all states have been audited. then they will say Trump won afterall.. And another fascinating piece of info has stated Trump won all 50 states in 2020..Further, Rosenstein, Comey, Obama Soros, and Clinton have been all arrested for coup and treason charges. I'm willing to call it a long shot but wouldn't that be something.

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By phart [Ignore] 25,Jul,21 23:18 other posts 
It would thrill my heart to no end if soros and the others were actually arrested.But that is a fantasy beyond our wildest dreams.It will never happen.
As for Trump being able to go back in, That is not going to happen either until 2024 at the earliest..
It can't. There is no legal precedent.
Yes,I would LOVE for it to happen.But it can't.
By #592419 25,Jul,21 23:28
We can go to mars but not andromeda. Remember that you will not know what is going on for its sheilded. They don't want you to know.....

Lets reason for a second. November 2020 tore our hearts out on what we definately feel is sound election fraud. All the polls numbers were fabricated before the election... why?

Donald Trump has done 5 or 6 rallys after he left office? Why? The midterms are not for another 16 months until the house and senate is in election.. So with that said, why is he still giving rallies? Perhaps there is something he knows but is being told to keep quiet.

I'm not saying its going to happen but what if.........

Former White House Doctor: Biden Will Resign or Have to Be Removed from Office only registered users can see external links

Here is something.....
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 26,Jul,21 06:27 other posts 
Many people felt there was fraud when Bush 'won' from Al Gore. Then the margins were tiny. Bush 'won' by 537 votes in Florida, while at least 1,100 eligible voters were 'wrongly' dropped from voting rolls, in an 'attempt' to purge a list of felons.
Gore actually won the popular vote by 500.000, Trump lost by 7 million votes.

Did Gore refuse to leave the White House?
Did Gore start 80 lawsuits and loose all but one?
Did democrats storm the Capitol to "stop the steal"?

Stop crying, you lost. The defeat of Trump is 100x more clear than the defeat of Gore.

When Biden resigns or is forced from office, Kamala Harris will be president.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 26,Jul,21 07:24 other posts 
Does anything interesting ever happen in YOUR county asshole?
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Jul,21 09:03 other posts 
Please try to remain nice.

Apparently, The Netherlands is the closest thing to Utopia that there is. From the time you are born, the government gives you a free education so you go to school and straight off to university. As a well educated, productive human being you get up and go to work every day and should you become injured or sick, many will do their best to be at or return to work as quickly as possible so you do not become burden on your coworkers or employer. And when you are no longer relevant or too lame to work, there is free healthcare and government assistance until you die.
By #592419 26,Jul,21 09:59
Not anymore.
By #592419 26,Jul,21 10:43
Everything has a cost. Just simple mathematics. America used to be great with education back in the 1950s and 60s but by design it has dumbed its people. As long as this curve is on track America will never see 2040. However, I do hear there is a formatable resistence pending. Stay tuned.
European countries definately have their faults since the European Union formed by globalists. Antisemetism is on the rise and Jews are moving out. Terror attacks are common still but is not being covered.. Poland appears to be the only country with no reported terror attacks. Trump did visit there often so perhaps a correlatiobn,

Ananas2xLekker does write well and is organized with it. The issues I have is the subjectiveness while trying to use facts. The facts the media tells you. When Florida was up by 10 points against Trump just before voting and trump overwhelming won Florida do you really think they were telling the truth?
By admin [Ignore] 26,Jul,21 10:58 other posts 
I don't know about Netherlands, but in Germany there are committees that decide who is worthy of going into university and who is not. And if you are deemed unworthy you can say goodbuy to free higher education. Such systems usually have a lot of potential for corruption. Usually it's only a matter of time.

People don't understand that with totalitarian socialism the sum of wealth does not get bigger, it's just divided differently. While in free market societies productive people have more chances to advance, in socialist societies there are more chances to advance for people who know how to form proper connections. Often those are the same people so it sucks for the rest no matter the system, but when most active people dedicate their time to building connections instead of being productive - overall society productivity drops. It does not happen overnight though, it takes time, but eventually everyone's living gets worse.

I'm all for voluntary socialism, though. Credit unions, fraternity societies, condos, cooperatives, etc. In small voluntary groups where everyone can see what others put on the table and are free to leave, socialism works much more reliable than when it's central-government-planned. Government bureaucrats usually develop closed cast that eventually starts serving their own agenda, ignoring needs of the rest.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 26,Jul,21 16:33 other posts 
Sure, there are application committees for some universities.

"Since 2013, students for programs with a numerus fixus have been selected locally. This is done on the basis of at least two qualitative criteria, for example lists of marks and motivational interviews."

However, there was a bill in march, to add a decentralized lottery:
"The fact that the student population of these programs is less diverse than other programs may indicate reduced accessibility for certain groups of students. Adding lottery tickets now tackles the inequality of opportunity."

"with totalitarian socialism the sum of wealth does not get bigger, it's just divided differently". Possibly, it's hard to know, because that's a system that has never been achieved on any significant scale. That is so far fetched, it's not even worth considering in reality. I'm mostly interested in social democracy, because it has proven to be the best equilibrium between total libertarian capitalism and state forced equality. It just provides the best chances for everyone to prosper and the most equality of freedom, while protecting the less fortunate.
By #592419 26,Jul,21 17:20
Socialism you can't grow,, its one class of the same level by the book but off the book the government destroys its population with corruption. venezuela is primary example. No freedom of speech, no rallies, no protests penalty by either death or imprisonment.ev

Social democracy is a better choice but everyone needs to understand what critical thinking is since people have more power.. You need education and the liars know it.
Yep, pretty much!

Just kidding. No, we have been screwed pretty hard from several successive right-wing cabinets. Lot's of public facilities got privatized and became very expensive. Every job for low educated people changed from good paying, permanent contracts to temporary, flexible or freelancing jobs on minimum wage or just above. Retirement homes were all closed. Job programs for the mentally handicapped got slashed. Rent got very expensive. Education also got more expensive.

After the 2nd world war people demanded change. They protested for decades and forced their government to prioritize the development of people. They voted en masse for the labor party and got a bigger piece of the pie. The economy grew like never before. People pulled themselves out of poverty and every generation did better than the one before. I grew up in a time where everyone had a good chance of making a living for themselves.

However, People started to dislike how guest workers from Spain, Turkey, Morocco and eastern Europe came here and changed their neighborhoods. That frustration was picked up and harnessed by right-wingers. There was a massive propaganda campaign to blame unemployment on immigrants and blame the immigrants on the labor party. Than low-income people started voting more for right-wing parties, so the labor party had to make very unpopular concessions to the right-wingers.
That made people even more angry, so they started voting for right-wing populists. They voted for their own demise, out of cultivated hatred for immigrants.
Now the labor party has no power at all any more. The low-income people are now poor people. Some still vote for populists, others stopped voting completely.
Lots of people are struggling. That's 100% caused by our right-wing government doing what big companies want and not listening to people anymore.
By #592419 26,Jul,21 09:58
7 million. oh was that including the 3 million votes imported from china and an unknown amount from Venesuala all funded by george soros after they shut down the election for 24 hours? How about the one's they counted 3 times or the ones they copied names from the cemetary?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 26,Jul,21 11:00 other posts 
Wow, all that meddling and Trump couldn't prove any of it. How weak is that?

They actually found some fraud. Those were Trump supporters testing the system.
By #592419 26,Jul,21 11:42
Lots of it.. overwhelming. why is it when the democrats accused Trump of something he was transparent while the auditors are not permitted to look at the data or observers not allowed to see them count the votes? The cheaters never stood forward to show evidence of fraudulence on the observers... Why? The evidence is overwhelming and they used the fake bullshit Jan 6 attempted coup to not do the investigations. Stop being stupid now.. It's starting to get annoying.

What I gather from your essays is you lack transparency. That's what liars do.. Don't even think of undermining my intelligene.. As long as you produce with facts I'll reply.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 26,Jul,21 12:20 other posts 
I will provide any transparency you want, if at all possible.
However, will you ever do the same and provide facts about that fraud?
You are never specific about your claims about auditors and observers.
That is what liars do.

I do give specific information about facts; Trump was caught trying to get people overseeing elections to 'find' thousands of votes for him. Any verifiable fact about democrats doing similar things would help your case.
By #592419 26,Jul,21 12:23
You know the facts so you lack transparecy.. Basically I'm calling you a political spinning liar.

I just told you and answered your question... If you can't understand the reading comprehension I suggest you start reading slower.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 26,Jul,21 15:53 other posts 
You don't show why my claims are wrong and you don't show why your claims are right. You didn't answer my question at all. I asked for SOURCES and you have given NONE.

I'll show you my source. Have you even ever heard this recording?
It was on the news all over the world. If your news didn't cover it, than they are partisan hacks.

Trump demands Georgia election official 'finds' thousands of votes to overturn Biden: only registered users can see external links
"There is nothing wrong with saying .. that you have recalculated."
"All I wanna do is this, I just wanna find 11,780 votes"
By #592419 26,Jul,21 16:15
When you stop the election after refusing to let conservative observers look at vote countings its breaking the law.. Period... The count doesn't matter since its cheating. If you look for votes it will show trump had an insurmountable lead.
Question.... How the Fuck can you have x+y amount of votes when you only have x registered voters?

133 million registered voters and over 150 million votes... Tell me sherlock.. use all your links you want. How can 17 million people vote that haven't even registered?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 26,Jul,21 16:36 other posts 
Fact check: ‘133 million registered voters’ argument uses flawed logic:
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Over 159 million people voted in the Nov. 3 election. The claim misleadingly uses a registered voters projection to calculate the number of people that voted. This is a misleading: turnout percentage reported by the media is based on the voting-eligible population, not the number of registered voters.

Took me 10 seconds to google it.

The increasing amount of registered voters is completely in line:
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Another one debunking your 133 million registered voters:
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About turnout:
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Still piss poor compared with the Dutch turnout:
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Election Count Fact Check: Debunking Baseless Claims Of Voter Fraud:
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Pennsylvania 2020 Election: Why This Ex-Trump Voter Backs Biden:
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By #592419 26,Jul,21 16:50
Bring in the courts. Why aren't the democrats covering it up and refusing to cooperate in the election process>>
Now fuck off..
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 26,Jul,21 16:53 other posts 
"Democrats ... refusing to cooperate in the election process"
another baseless claim.
By #592419 26,Jul,21 16:55
that is correct..
--------------------------------------- added after 2 hours

I've heard of the netherlands. or neighter lands. I didn't realize how smart you were sir.. You must represent your cuntry's best then. You and Kebmo the moron... Yeah,, he's proud to be a canadian,, he must be at least in the top 10 most intelligent beings there too..
By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Jul,21 05:31 other posts 
You have a pretty mouth boy now bend over and squeal like a pig 🐷
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 26,Jul,21 14:02 other posts 
Trump will def be announcing he is running as soon as it legal and in compliance with campaign finances rules....
By #592419 26,Jul,21 14:11
In the next couple of weeks we could be in for some surprize news.
--------------------------------------- added after 33 minutes

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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 26,Jul,21 16:07 other posts 
Jesus, are you listening to that? "Military vehicles everywhere, things are gonna happen.", "Something's gotta give.", "It's sorcery and witchcraft what they're doing!"
These are the ramblings of a complete madman.
By #592419 26,Jul,21 16:47
here is simple math.. I can't help it if you cannot count..
150000000 > 133000000 so if subtract it comes out to 17000000 extra votes that were counted WHICH INCLUDED dead people that died back in the 1930s, dublicate ballots and illegal votes AND 3 million votes imported from china.. Why do you think they want open borders with undocumented people..
How stupid can you possibly be? I'm starting to think the asshole that called me a dirty jew is much smarter than you.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 26,Jul,21 16:57 other posts 
All baseless claims. You're not smart enough to find anything that substantiates your claims. And if you come up with any details, I debunk it in seconds.
By #592419 26,Jul,21 17:06
And you're a fucking idiot... It was staged man.. If you're too fucking stupid to see that I can't help you..
January 6th's riot was staged by antifa,, just like the KKK that was supported by the democrats.. THE COPS LET THE TRUMP SUPPORTERS IN !!! they did no damage but antifa did !! What the fuck is the matter with you??
Because of that staged event the investigation was cancelled thanks to Mike Pense who was afraid he'd lose his payout.. This is documented and on media.. So shut the fuck up. can'tfight you're own battles becuase you don't want the truth to come out.. Same thing on 1/6/21... not shut the fuck up and worry about europe.

What the fuck do you want from me.. Because you're filthy dumbfuck dog kebmo you can't fight your own battles? every libtard is like that..
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 27,Jul,21 05:08 other posts 
Reason 1: They are also Trump supporters
Reason 2: There is a right to protest. It's not allowed to destroy property and kill Pence, Pelosi and AOC, but the police probably didn't know those intentions yet.

Nice going again, mentioning Antifa and the KKK in the same sentence.
That's like calling you a communist. At least you think both are bad.

Trump has lost. Even if it was all with fraud (I'm not completely dismissing this possibility), he should have proved it and HE DIDN'T. Your cherished Republican party will take back power soon enough, to screw you as hard as you love to be screwed. Most people don't like to be screwed and want change. If Biden doesn't deliver that soon, Republicans will take back the house. If Kamela Harris is the next candidate (or even the president in 2024), she will probably loose from Trump, DeSantis or even fucking Tucker Carlson.

If you want me to shut up, stop selling lies. I know you believe what your saying, but it's still lies. You didn't even think up these lies yourself, you are just parroting grifters and complete lunatics.

You have the capacity to think for yourself, I've seen you do it several times.
So crawl out of your YouTube algorithm rabbit hole and look around a bit.
There's a whole world to discover. And don't immediately turn that argument back onto me again, because I do watch media from other perspectives.
By #592419 27,Jul,21 10:31
They let them in because it was open.

Antifa and KKK are like pieces of shit.. 2 words for what you call by any other name smells just as shitty.. Both funded by democrats.

Trump has won and we will not stop until the finish line is reached.

When I tell you to shut up it is for your benefit not mine.

I know the truth. You are showing snail pace that is going in the opposite direction.
By kebmo [Ignore] 26,Jul,21 16:18 other posts 
This is not confirmed……

SrCums is a crackhead alcoholic.
By #592419 26,Jul,21 16:44
Hey shithead...Good to see you.. We've been trying to confirm it but there is liberal court orders to keep us from doing that..
Go back to sleep asshole..
By kebmo [Ignore] 26,Jul,21 18:38 other posts 
Ahh you hurt my feelings. 😘
By #592419 26,Jul,21 19:00
I know
By bella! [Ignore] 27,Jul,21 10:44 other posts 
kebmo, I don't know that is a true or fair assessment however from my prior interactions with SrCums and his different personalities as well as my current observations, SrCums is opinionated and very passionate about whatever he believes is right. Sadly, if you are not in alignment with his line of thinking, he can and will become sharp and unpleasant which could also lead to him becoming quite menacing.

As you can see, he likes to send "messages" by way of gifts.
By #592419 28,Jul,21 00:36
By #592419 28,Jul,21 00:40
You actually are correct that I'm very compassionate and share my heart on important issues. I do the best I can in being just as peaceful and loving if I'm disagreed with but then you call me a crackhead alsholic what am I supposed to do.
But it is true, I'm actually starting to think I was to desire my thoughts by composing.
I am most one of the best here with this,, if you and admin feel I'm going around sharp corners I'll be more careful but don't attack me with antisemetism and don't attack me what Kebmo did. That was a low life attack on his part and I have seen him for many years.

My moods are fine and under control but if you are going to talk to me feel welcomed but please be respectful,,

In another words I'll tame it down a bit.

By bella! [Ignore] 27,Jul,21 17:40 other posts 
And the CDC recommends that fully "vaccinated" folks were their masks indoors in some areas. Stay well!

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By #592419 27,Jul,21 17:56
If you get vaccinated your testicals shrivel up and less potent.
By bella! [Ignore] 27,Jul,21 19:35 other posts 
So you this because you were vaccinated?
By #592419 27,Jul,21 20:44
That wasn't very nice Bella..I wasn't vaccinated and refused the poison. I guess I'm smart huh? So what's your excuse.
By bella! [Ignore] 27,Jul,21 22:04 other posts 
It's obvious, I don't want my testicles to shrivel up.
By #592419 28,Jul,21 00:34
uhhhhhh,,,, ok
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 27,Jul,21 20:11 other posts 
Yes, this moronic mandate will make the masses get their shots... And masks literally don't do fuck all. Neither did lockdowns.
By phart [Ignore] 27,Jul,21 20:58 other posts 
So Unless you get a tattoo on your forehead saying I am "vaccinated" like my cat, no one will know who is or who aint,so why is it such a issue about rather or not you have it? I mean,the cdc is all but admitting the damn vaccine aint working.

By bella! [Ignore] 27,Jul,21 19:58 other posts 
FFS! notynyt and leopoldij have each referred another member for deletion. I don't think these guys do anything other then hunt for questionable profiles. They EACH reported two members earlier today, their record for reporting rivals that of JohnS!
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 27,Jul,21 20:10 other posts 
Both are fucking idiots

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