5-G can pin-point you to with in inches . I have not hab a cell for 3 months and I don't miss it a bit. when I do have one it stays at home, I have a CB in my car . Any way you all should watch this video . only registered users can see external links
I'm not surprised. People have been going out & destroying these things that's how much they believe they're bad for us. I invested in 5G though, even though I don't like it. Might as well make some money off it
Yeah, unfortunately it's the Chinese making the money & possibly spying on us with it & western countries are trying to get rid of it. We have heaps of 5G towers in the city here, but I only ever get 4G on my phone.
Maybe the Israelis are the worst at the moment. They supply authoritarian regimes with the worst spyware available; Pegasus. It's used to crackdown against their opposition and spy on world leaders. It is probably even used by Mexican drugs cartels to find and kill journalists who stand against them.
So what do you think about the perv nerd Bill Gates and his now defunct mirage? So much for being one of the most richest . Hard to believe after all the good they did , that it ended in disaster .
Money is the problem . Wish we could do away with it , like in Star Trec. What ever you want you jest use the replicater. I guess he was having a sexual relationships with his s o n. With all that money he could of bought a hole bunch of professional tricks. Hum I wonder if he ever watched porn.
wow man what a dark circle, and all are fifty rich and are associated. I say wow again , this shit is beyond be leaf. Thanks now I am going to go and read that again. This definitely wouldn't be the last we here about this. Have a G-Day mate.
Kangaroos have three vaginas. ... Koalas, wombats and Tasmanian devils all share the three-vagina structure. The side ones carry sperm to the two uteruses (and males marsupials often have two-pronged penises), while the middle vagina sends the joey down to the outside world.
I didnt search, I just know that kangaroos can have 2 to 3 embryos going at a time, and can hold off releasing them till times are good, and the one in the pouch is ready to leave.. they only give birth to a peanut size joey .. I guess its pretty common knowledge to australians, how marsupials are different to other mammals .. some have backward facing pouches, some can fly, pretty incredible diversity .. *lix*
I'm sure that aboriginals knew about all that for thousands of years and what we think of as strange was probably very commonplace to them, and still is.
Also, every human has an asshole and only one. But some humans have nothing else except an asshole. Now I understand why they're colloquially known as assholes.
that coming from a pair of fakes, with poorly photo shopped pics, who whinge when 'fakes' make it to front page.. get some more of your shitty fake shots out.. I need a good laugh *lix* --------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes
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heres the proof, showing the crooked lines in the tiles of this poorly photoshopped pic. in an attempt to make her tits look bigger and her hips smaller lol. I've highlighted it for the rest of the site to see what a pair of fakes you are... *lix*
In real life, never. I don't see dicks in real life because I only have sex with women. On the internet, anything is possible. The above pic looks like it's the joining of two ones. If so, excluding the size, it's nicely done. But I can't be 100% sure it's fake. It's only a hypothesis.
no, i can't. because i have no evidence other than an impression. i only report images for which i have good evidence. Besides, there's no rule against photoshopping or editing. It could, for example, be the joining of two pics that he owns. How should I know that? Unless we can prove that an image is a copy of a public one, one that belongs, say, to a pornstar, then i can't report it.
[deleted image] before uploading this pic, i made it a bit lighter so that her nipple is more visible. i also cropped it so that her face is not visible.
Thanks. I sometimes adjust because I take many pics in haste and rely on my apps to rotate, crop, center, darken or lighten. Also, occasionally, I produce "artsy outcomes" such as making it black and white or delete all colours except, say, red. I never superimpose my cock to a pussy unless, in very very few instances, it's a tribute; in which case, I state this explicitly in the title.
I once superimpose a kind of xmas decoration to my cock (like a ribbon or something) that I picked from the internet. I was flagged for deletion. It was bella who alerted me that I had been reported and told me to remove the pic. I did. But I find the thing weird.
Well, you know, it was when bëłļâ was pretending to be friend. So, maybe, it was her who reported me and then told me that someone reported me, trying to solicit my friendship and loyalty this way. As you know, she has need for supporters/subordinates, probably the result of some real life psychological problem. One way to attract supporters is by causing problems and then appear as a saviour. Similar tactics occur around the world. Often, people who cause problems and the governments who solve them are identical. The usual scenario: a country creates internal disorder claiming it's done by external agents, and, this way, it gains people's support and trust. US, Russia, China, you name it, they all operate this way when they feel it's necessary. It's something that's been happening for at least 2000 years.
Alright. Maybe you're right. Again, it was a hypothesis. Based only on the fact that I hadn't seen anyone else who moved from the position of a friendship (initiated by her) to a position of hatred. I found it bizarre.
You all may find this hard to believe , but I saw Bella's titty s on the Trending page one day. She had posted 2 pictures of her fine looking pair . I sent her a teddy bear gift and she asked why I had sent a gift , and I replied , I saw a pair of pictures on the trending page with your pair there . She replied, all right , ok.
I don't believe they were hers, looks nothing like the big lopsided tits she sent me last year to repost... lucky you sent an expensive bear, or she would have called you cheap and told everyone about it!!! she notices this stuff and if you stiff her out with a cheap gift, she would have told EVERYONE about it, Im cheap, according to her ideals on PRETEND GIFTS. *lix*
you can shop your own pics as much as you like, theres no rule against it. you cant post pics that are stolen or 'borrowed' from the net like professional porn stars and claim them to be yours. what youre doing is making it easier to see the REAL action, what those pair of jokers are doing is trying to make themselves out to PERFECT, when theyre far from it ... but trying to fool others in the process shows how confident they really are... or NOT!!!
we all know his wife is covered in sun spots and her tits are saggy, now he's cut the side off with the bend tiles, but whats even funnier is the tiles on the other side are bent worse *LIX*
its not against the rule to photo shop, so you make your saggy wifes tits as round as you like, or you can cut the photo to cut out the bad shopping lol, only problem with that is .. the tiles on the other side are just as badly bent as the side he tried to cut out
I don't believe the pic you sent is shopped, it just a POV shot which makes the foreground appear bigger. judging by the size of her hands, if 2 fingers about an inch and half, my estimate is his cock is only 6 inches in this shot. if she left her hands out it would have looked bigger.. *Lix*
I used my eye sight on the pic in the example, I could see the distortion from a thumbnail pic.. you can see when someone blurs large areas too, like a whole arse cheek, it shows in the thumbnail shot, it looks like cartoon colouring when they try to alter the shading too much. *lix*
yeah, same fake tits on banner today, look at all those sun spots, you cant change the damage to your skin and I seen these same tits again today *lix*
Charlie needs to check out the fake pics running for POM, both are as fake as fuck, one has a crease line on her arse so deep you stick your finger in it, that has been, PHOTOSHOPPED OFF, we all know that arse is crusty brown, sun spotted and with a big deep crease in it, and WOW, POOF, in one hour oh photo shop, you can take out the pimples, pores, the hairs and even the fat arse line crease it developed from being like every ... I guess if it fools them, it fools most idiots *Lix*
Found this online
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only registered users can see external links
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The more you know!
Kangaroos have three vaginas. ... Koalas, wombats and Tasmanian devils all share the three-vagina structure. The side ones carry sperm to the two uteruses (and males marsupials often have two-pronged penises), while the middle vagina sends the joey down to the outside world.
Isn't biology fantastic?
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes
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heres the proof, showing the crooked lines in the tiles of this poorly photoshopped pic. in an attempt to make her tits look bigger and her hips smaller lol. I've highlighted it for the rest of the site to see what a pair of fakes you are... *lix*
Can you please check on this?
It looks photoshopped.
[deleted image]
Also, where is the site?
I once superimpose a kind of xmas decoration to my cock (like a ribbon or something) that I picked from the internet. I was flagged for deletion. It was bella who alerted me that I had been reported and told me to remove the pic. I did. But I find the thing weird.
we all know his wife is covered in sun spots and her tits are saggy, now he's cut the side off with the bend tiles, but whats even funnier is the tiles on the other side are bent worse *LIX*
I don't believe the pic you sent is shopped, it just a POV shot which makes the foreground appear bigger. judging by the size of her hands, if 2 fingers about an inch and half, my estimate is his cock is only 6 inches in this shot. if she left her hands out it would have looked bigger.. *Lix*
Chuck Norris once shot his wad into the toilet and then flushed...
Nine month's later the Ninja Turtles were born. True story right there.
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