Here's one of the major problems of America, perhaps the one that's most responsible for creating those millions of idiots, generation upon generation, citizens who can't tell the difference between which government is good or bad for them, people who are being left uneducated and desolate, desperate individuals who can't see that they're being lied to, groups who make America look worse than a developing country. Those are the religious fundamentalists. No developed country in the world has, or ever had, such a phenomenon. only registered users can see external links
Looking at America from the outside people wonder: how is it possible for a country that is built on secular principles, a democracy where, supposedly, there's church and state separation, to have religion so much widespread that nobody can become president unless they proclaim "god bless America". Of course, they lie, all politicians lie, but the hordes of religious idiots believe them.
That's the major deficiency (or one of the most important ones) of America. A real puzzle.
Well you are free to feel as you wish,but I feel like 1 of America's biggest problems is it is to dependant on other countrys. We can supply our oil,our own cars,our own food,etc. Distancing our selves from other countrys so when they fail we don't feel it,and if we fail they don't feel it. Much better situation for all.
Your reply has NOTHING to do with what I said. What do the millions of religious idiots in America have to do with what you said?
Also, I dont feel there are millions of religious idiots. There are. Fact. Nowhere else in a developed country can one see such a backwards phenomenon.
Well, I was only talking about religion, in fact the worst kind of religion which has affected millions of Americans (at least 50%) and keeps them servile and unable to think independently. Politicians use this as a weapon. As Lenin said, religion is the opium of the people. So, American leaders, following Lenin, consciously or not, are using religion as means of keeping the population stupid.
THIS could explain many of America's problems . Whereas it is a first world country, whereas it is secular, in many respects it operates as a third world country, a country consisting of tribes who believe in demons and gods and spirits and are unable to function without these beliefs.
For long time, western countries, Britain, US, France, Spain, Portugal, Holland, etc, tried hard to convert people in countries they colonised, to make them religious. They managed. They controlled them this way.
This practice is now applied (has been applied) successfully in America.
In Europe almost everyone is astonished at the unfathomable, unreasonable, unrealistic religiousness of Americans. That's, perhaps, the big problem there, one that can't be seen from inside because it's considered normal (and not a joke, as it is in other first world countries) to pass by churches flashing neon signs with words like "repent and pray for your sins". Laughable, really.
I agree with you but the explanation is simpler than you think. Other countries People believe this country is full of smart, educated people. That’s not so. A minority of educated professionals is what carries the country forward. Being a melting pony and, most of the time, a relatively rich nation, we attract the better thinking minds of the world. When Phart express the idea we should not mix with other countries, he is wrong.
The rest of the population is brain washed by religion and Hollywood and it’ll be like that forever.
I agree with you on the fact that you attract smart people from all over, therefore keeping science and engineering in the front row. But, as you say, they're a minority.
Now think about this. The potential is there. Why can't America keep religion at tolerable levels? I'm not talking about ordinary kind of religion, there are people who need it, but I'm talking about extremes. The evangelical phenomenon, for instance, is truly bizarre. And, I daresay, it has little to do with Christianity even though its adherents use Christian symbols and names. If, I say IF these people could think, how much better America would be? People who believe in nonsense also believe in myths such as that America can do without scientists from other countries (who get absorbed and eventually become American). Or that Trump has been commissioned by their god to MAGA. As Howard Stern said, close buddy of trump, trump doesn't give a shit about religion or about those white supremacist rednecks who support him. In fact, Howard said, Trump hates them.
Have you been asleep? How many times does Trump have to denounce white supremcy to get folks to understand that HE is NOT 1? Neither are 99% of Republicans.
That negitive discribtion is unfounded.
And I am registered Independant btw.I can think for myself.
Putin In Russia i just learned is a Independant when I went to look at who was running against him during their last election.He ran as a independant against a communist and won hands down.
Back to religion. The gangrene of the US.
That's what distinguishes America from any other developed country: America sustains a pathetic version of religious fundamentalism. One that makes people stupid.
gotta love Utah, its like a separate little country within, and aren't the old dudes there real charmers with their ch!ld brides and wacko religious beliefs... and the westborough ones lol, how do these people function??? *lix*
The secularity of this country is only in IT'S government. Because our Constitution warranties freedom of religion, we, as a country, have an overabundance of religions. This includes different forms of the same religion. Two things that have made us like this. First, our large population is unhampered by totalitarianism. Countries like China can not be like us. Second, as our country grew from a swipe of land on the east coast of the continent to a coast-to-coast country it brought the popular religion from where the explorers came from. Remember, the original 13 colonies were royal lands given to individual religions.
Ya what a trip . someone had a good buzz on when they made that vid. ok i will click on the link and see were cyberspace takes me . G Day, mate --------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes
love MAD thanks I had to join that Chanel. Now I am going to play with myself.
Thanks mate. Glad to here from you . Believe or not my son sent me that one. He's a good son, just like his dad. Also it fills good to make someone's day , by starting it off with a smile .
yes, the 'free world', is now run by a 'past his use by date' geriatric, wearing adult that you let someone that cant control their bodily functions, control a country.. *lix*
Lix, last year both parties had primary elections to pick who would run for president in 2020 representing their party. All 50 states had a primary. As the voting occurred, the top contestants would proceeded to the next round of votes. The people picked Biden as the front Democrat. They didn't ask themselves, "is he too old?" They just did. Now, almost 14 million voters decided he will be better than trump. In this country we can't discriminate due to age. Any law that says only younger than 60 yrs old can be president would not pass the Supreme Court. So, we are not letting him. We are going with wishes of the majority. And, by the way, "can't control his bodily functions?". Come on
Well,I just hope once he gets in the white house,if the dems don't have him knocked off before hand,that he does not confuse the Big red button with his "Help I have fallen and can't get up" Button.
Just ask Kennedy how it goes if they don't like ye.All these years and the documents are just now coming out about that. Way to late to hold anyone accountable.
If he doesn't get knocked off then he'll die of old age before next election. We'll see what he does with this term, but I predict he will not do anything positive for the country, maybe for his own circle & the deep state & China.
His age is showing bad,he was on tv the other day,he seems to stay on tv suddenly,and he was talking about protecting our health care,and he messed up his words twice just in the length of time I walking past the tv!
Indeed. Whereas Trump fucks every woman. He grabs them by the pussy and makes them cry. He's really enjoying fucking. The other guy probably hasn't fucked in decades. Trump isn't constrained by anything. He's not religious, he's open minded. He fucks every pussy.
at least you know exactly what he's thinking and there was no covering up what his real 'feelings' were on any matter, not like politicians, they say one thing while they mean another, they always have other motives to their actions..
theres 2 things Im sick of hearing about on the news. one; corona virus and one person caught the flu this week, like that is news ???? and 2 American politics.
theres no other news ???? no got bombed??? no one got shot??? no one got stabbed or run over??? its like there is not other news left to report, its just easy to tell us 100 times a day that someone has corona virus and lets all duck for cover, as our world will be locked down, because someone on the other side of the country got a sniffle... this is what the world is reduced too.... *lix*
There's a LOT of tragedies happening.
One major one is the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
Thousands of civilians dead.
Hundreds of atrocities.
Nobody even notices. Only Russia and Turkey who supply the
weapons because they want these people dead so that they
can take their natural resources (oil).
It is, really, very depressing.
yes too many atrocities and no one seems to care anymore about anyone else... Im so sick of America politics and corona. Im afraid, if the country locks down again, they will just have to shoot me, as Im sick of this bullshit and sick of the fall out... small businesses are gone and people are just fucking rude now.. if you want to get a dose of evil eye... you just have to cough or clear your throat and the whole the room turns on you lol... fucking stupid humans... cant wait for a REAL pandemic. like the plague!! so much can be done and all anyone can do to help is press a like button!!! this PC world of cotton wool babies and thin skinned mentality needs some good old TOUGHEN THE FUCK UPPING *lIX*
I am sure he does but at the same time,the level of Depression in America is at a all time high,and now 70 million Americans have got to continue to plow thru this virus bullshit and now watch the country get drawn back down into recession or potentially depression if we loose the senate.
We were almost at 30,000 on the stock market,lowest unemployment in decades for ALL races of Americans,and then, Biden was elected.
Wouldn't surprise me at all to see Lady Liberty in the harbor with a big 45 in her hand and her eyes closed about to pull the trigger to end it all.
I know the virus is real,3 people I know have died from it.I am not saying it is not real.I am calling it virus bullshit because it is being used as a scare tactic and a weapon against our freedom.And how it is being used that way is to "train" us to be seperate,alone.And to be homebodys never going anywhere.Can't go to a funeral,can't go visit the sick,can't go vist family in the nurseing home.All this is a prelude to the way the libtards want life to be all the time. Get old, get hauled off and disposed of,family doesn't think anything of it and so on. Just wait and see.
Sorry about your friends & all that, not saying the virus hasn't killed people but it's known that people that have tested positive for the virus that end up getting hit by a car or something similar have been put down as having died from corona virus. So I think they make the numbers by botching the death count to justify all of these dramatic societal changes. I feel sorry for the old people in the nursing homes that have to go through this.
Yes,just as the election fraud that people are so willing to look over because it is in their favor,alot of fraud in the wuhan virus arena. ALOT of money to be made from victums of drug od and accidents that don't have insurance to rob,just write it down as covid and make MONEY.
I was hopeing Trump would get reeelected and once the virus passed that his administration would go back and hold hospitals accountable for the thefts but since shit went to hell, Biden will probably make it easier for them to rob the system,and the people with health coverage.
I agree with that. When everyone was claiming the Russians helped Trump win back in 2016 I thought "Well they backed the right guy", because I wanted him to win. I think this years election is even more controversial, with even MORE suspicion of corruption. Democracy needs a new way of counting votes that leaves no room for fraud. Mail in ballots definitely aren't safe from tampering, I heard of a postal worker that dumped bags of votes in a river, so any individual in the right position can alter the course of elections...
aussieman187 the only way is to make elections on the weekends, make them holidays and make the vote mandatory with a $500 ticket for not voting. Also, counting taking 30 days.
You would say something like that, you fucking moron!
Within reason, you don't tell free people what they can and can't do. You are more stupid than I thought.
YOU surrender to the government and do as they wish. Place a tracker inside you... YEP, Sign Candy up! Take these injections for YOUR own good... YEP, Sign Candy up! Surrender your property to us... YEP, sign Candy up!
You're fucking ignorance and utter stupidity is beyond words.
I beg to differ. All votes are counted and as far as I know, every write-in vote is tabulated. But, you are looking at it from the point of view of the national election. In this election we also voted for judges, school board members and changes to certain laws. Do you think it's right that something as important as making weed legal for private use be decided by other people, not you? We make you come in to change your driver's license, jury duty, get a passport, get a business license, why not vote?
Well i'm not running shit, I know as a sovereign adult that I should be able to smoke weed if I want to, or do opium or whatever. What I do to myself is my business. As for voting, well rulers throughout history have forced people to participate in beneficial things before, whether that's real democracy or not I don't know. The ancient Greeks invented democracy & they also had slaves that couldn't vote, so whoever makes the rules is making them to their own benefit. Anyway I don't like being told I have to do something I don't care about.
What you should be able to do and what you are allowed to do are two different things. That weed reference was a for instance. What you do or don’t do with your vote is your business. Too bad you care so little about your fellow citizens. Not trying to be a smart ass. Just saying
Well I don't feel like i'm surrounded by Australians here, in Australia. Seems like most of the population here come from the Middle East or Asia & the Aboriginals don't like me either, so what do I care... I felt compelled to vote when we had a good candidate about a decade ago, but like I said, once he got in, his party just ousted him & brought in some stupid, lying bitch that did nothing for the country or its people. Australia is fucked, I love the country, but the idiots running it & most of the citizens here are fucked in the head. This country is beautiful & that's part of the problem. People are too busy frolicking in the sun & sipping coffee at the cafe to concern themselves with where this country is going. One day people will wake up & wonder what happened to the AUSSIE way of life.
Um, that would require voter id so you would not put the worng person in jail wouldn't it?
I mean,sure,It should be law that all 18 and over people register to vote,just as 18 year old men were required to register at the post office back when i was young.
no, you don't make it compulsory to vote, you want a nanny state???? you should have a right not to vote. I like voting at a place where no one knows me, I get marked off. and take my ballot papers and get chased down the street, because I take them with me... Ive learned no to throw them in the bin, as they pull them out and put them in the ballot box. it should be a choice to vote, not a right to have people vote for you.. you should earn the votes. not just get all the dodgy votes, because here, even if you don't vote on it, non votes get counted as a vote for the government. its not right and we don't have rights for not voting... *lix*
than its up to the candidates to earn their votes still. its the peoples vote, and it should a right to vote, or not vote if you feel that neither deserves a vote, this would give you an accurate result to whether youre reaching the population or just pissing in their pocket and not really doing the job expected of you.. you had record voting because people felt strongly enough to get off their arses and make a difference. *Lix*
Well people want to vote when they feel INSPIRED. Look at your last election, it broke records for how many people participated. When people don't care to vote it's because the candidates are weak, they lack any vision & they don't get people excited. Trump, when he first ran seemed to have all of those things. He looked strong, he had a vision "Make America Great Again", & he got the people excited. & the campaign against him, & for him this year got people excited. In Australia, our leadership is piss weak. Our leaders don't care about Australia or its people. & when someone does come along that gives me hope, they get ganged up on & ousted. & here we vote for a party, not a person. So a party can have a charismatic guy to talk for them, get them elected & then piss the guy off that won them the election & appoint someone that is gonna serve the interests of that party & not the people... Can you see the flaw there?
phart the problem with you is that you always live in the past. All those numbers are not happening now. And right or wrong, Trump is in charge until Jan20.
Hair line crack means frail bones,didn't drink enough milk when he was a kid.
And to 1 of his puppeteers may have pulled the cord to tight!
Just think,the doctor was the first 1 to give ol Biden THE BOOT!> It won't be long until AMERICA can give him the boot!
Impeachment trials should begin about june for all that money from russia and china.
Ok, first of all, my kid had a hairline crack in his left wrist at 11. He's a strapping, 6'1" 240 hulk of a man.
Third: if it comes to impeachment we'll pull a MacConell
Why, Aussie, I didn't know you are a swammy in your other life. You know what, gorgeous? It doesn't matter what happens. The dice is cast. Biden or Harris, at least Trumpo won't be there. Mission accomplished
Looking at America from the outside people wonder: how is it possible for a country that is built on secular principles, a democracy where, supposedly, there's church and state separation, to have religion so much widespread that nobody can become president unless they proclaim "god bless America". Of course, they lie, all politicians lie, but the hordes of religious idiots believe them.
That's the major deficiency (or one of the most important ones) of America. A real puzzle.
Also, I dont feel there are millions of religious idiots. There are. Fact. Nowhere else in a developed country can one see such a backwards phenomenon.
THIS could explain many of America's problems . Whereas it is a first world country, whereas it is secular, in many respects it operates as a third world country, a country consisting of tribes who believe in demons and gods and spirits and are unable to function without these beliefs.
For long time, western countries, Britain, US, France, Spain, Portugal, Holland, etc, tried hard to convert people in countries they colonised, to make them religious. They managed. They controlled them this way.
This practice is now applied (has been applied) successfully in America.
In Europe almost everyone is astonished at the unfathomable, unreasonable, unrealistic religiousness of Americans. That's, perhaps, the big problem there, one that can't be seen from inside because it's considered normal (and not a joke, as it is in other first world countries) to pass by churches flashing neon signs with words like "repent and pray for your sins". Laughable, really.
The rest of the population is brain washed by religion and Hollywood and it’ll be like that forever.
Now think about this. The potential is there. Why can't America keep religion at tolerable levels? I'm not talking about ordinary kind of religion, there are people who need it, but I'm talking about extremes. The evangelical phenomenon, for instance, is truly bizarre. And, I daresay, it has little to do with Christianity even though its adherents use Christian symbols and names. If, I say IF these people could think, how much better America would be? People who believe in nonsense also believe in myths such as that America can do without scientists from other countries (who get absorbed and eventually become American). Or that Trump has been commissioned by their god to MAGA. As Howard Stern said, close buddy of trump, trump doesn't give a shit about religion or about those white supremacist rednecks who support him. In fact, Howard said, Trump hates them.
That negitive discribtion is unfounded.
And I am registered Independant btw.I can think for myself.
Putin In Russia i just learned is a Independant when I went to look at who was running against him during their last election.He ran as a independant against a communist and won hands down.
That's what distinguishes America from any other developed country: America sustains a pathetic version of religious fundamentalism. One that makes people stupid.
Another dream crushed.
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love MAD thanks I had to join that Chanel. Now I am going to play with myself.
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check out this video called STAR TREK ACID PARTY.
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More Alex Jones: only registered users can see external links
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BLM, Protests & White Women:
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Lix, last year both parties had primary elections to pick who would run for president in 2020 representing their party. All 50 states had a primary. As the voting occurred, the top contestants would proceeded to the next round of votes. The people picked Biden as the front Democrat. They didn't ask themselves, "is he too old?" They just did. Now, almost 14 million voters decided he will be better than trump. In this country we can't discriminate due to age. Any law that says only younger than 60 yrs old can be president would not pass the Supreme Court. So, we are not letting him. We are going with wishes of the majority. And, by the way, "can't control his bodily functions?". Come on
Just ask Kennedy how it goes if they don't like ye.All these years and the documents are just now coming out about that. Way to late to hold anyone accountable.
theres 2 things Im sick of hearing about on the news. one; corona virus and one person caught the flu this week, like that is news ???? and 2 American politics.
theres no other news ???? no got bombed??? no one got shot??? no one got stabbed or run over??? its like there is not other news left to report, its just easy to tell us 100 times a day that someone has corona virus and lets all duck for cover, as our world will be locked down, because someone on the other side of the country got a sniffle... this is what the world is reduced too.... *lix*
One major one is the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
Thousands of civilians dead.
Hundreds of atrocities.
Nobody even notices. Only Russia and Turkey who supply the
weapons because they want these people dead so that they
can take their natural resources (oil).
It is, really, very depressing.
We were almost at 30,000 on the stock market,lowest unemployment in decades for ALL races of Americans,and then, Biden was elected.
Wouldn't surprise me at all to see Lady Liberty in the harbor with a big 45 in her hand and her eyes closed about to pull the trigger to end it all.
Let's wait on that 1 till monday evening ok?
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes
BTW, the virus is not bullshit. Over 260k Americans have died from it. The idea is to do something about it, not there's nothing we can do
I was hopeing Trump would get reeelected and once the virus passed that his administration would go back and hold hospitals accountable for the thefts but since shit went to hell, Biden will probably make it easier for them to rob the system,and the people with health coverage.
Within reason, you don't tell free people what they can and can't do. You are more stupid than I thought.
YOU surrender to the government and do as they wish. Place a tracker inside you... YEP, Sign Candy up! Take these injections for YOUR own good... YEP, Sign Candy up! Surrender your property to us... YEP, sign Candy up!
You're fucking ignorance and utter stupidity is beyond words.
I mean,sure,It should be law that all 18 and over people register to vote,just as 18 year old men were required to register at the post office back when i was young.
A group of democrats? Foxes watching over the hen house?
BIDEN 2024
And to 1 of his puppeteers may have pulled the cord to tight!
Just think,the doctor was the first 1 to give ol Biden THE BOOT!> It won't be long until AMERICA can give him the boot!
Impeachment trials should begin about june for all that money from russia and china.
Third: if it comes to impeachment we'll pull a MacConell
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