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Black lives matter or do All lives matter...༼☯﹏☯༽

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Started by tecsan [Ignore] 09,Oct,20 04:17  other posts
Just looking for opinions...Please no fights...༼☯﹏☯༽

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By curvy8 [Ignore] 05,Nov,20 06:49 other posts 
Black lives do matter. We need to treat all people as equal humans. Just sayin'
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Nov,20 07:16 other posts 
If they want to be equal then they should behave like an equal not like animals
By phart [Ignore] 05,Nov,20 09:48 other posts 
Exactly! It is not that anyone wants to treat them unequaly.It is the fact they ACT unequaly. Therefore,bringing distress to themselves and those around them.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Nov,20 10:14 other posts 
It’s just a cry for attention if you ask me nothing more than a bunch of drama queens 👸
By #610414 17,Nov,20 17:18
The only animals are the cops. They kill indiscriminately
By #551147 12,Nov,20 05:42
Heya Curvy8,

As most people completely agree that black lives matter just as much as anyone else's life matters.

Do YOU remind B.L.M. supporters of that? I mean, if so, should they be chanting death to the Police and targeting white businesses? OR How about rallying together when a black person dies by the hands of another black person?

Do those lives matter too? Just askin...
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 08:40 other posts 
True, black people are much more likely to be killed by all types of violence, not just police violence. They are also more likely to be poor, live in bad neighborhoods, being raised by single parents, being poorly educated by low quality schools, getting stopped by the police without cause, getting arrested and incarcerated for drug possession, receiving lower quality legal aid, being sentenced to longer prison terms, being underpaid for their work, getting excluded for job interviews, getting excluded from promotions and just suffering general personal discrimination.

How can you say black lives matter just as much as anyone else's life, when they have so many more obstacles to overcome than anyone else, to have a worthwhile life.
Just being allowed to live does not mean your life matters.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 15:37 other posts 
Black on black crime: Single BIGGEST cause of black deaths. Let's just look at the actual numbers and stop slinging liberal propaganda.

It is basically Spy vs Spy
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 17:09 other posts 
Lets say it is true that black on black crime is the single BIGGEST cause of black deaths... So, why is that?
Are they just bad people?
Or could you find some empathy in your hart and acknowledge that there might be other problems?
By #551147 12,Nov,20 16:51
@ Ananas2xLekker,

That's MIGHTY WHITE of you to feel such concern for them poor black folks. As if black people are the ONLY race that's suffers from poverty and many of the things you stated.

Afterall, they MUST be incapable of improving their lives without superior whitey's help. How generous of you to look down your nose from an empowered position like your some sort of god. Whites are the ONLY ones capable of helping them poor ignorant souls. Is that YOUR position?

Do you feel threatened by blacks that somehow managed to escape their poorness or do you believe that those that escaped only succeeded because some white person gave them the tools they needed?

Can you be any MORE CONDESCENDING towards black people?

According to you, I MUST be black too. Single parent home, secondhand clothes most of my youth, shitty neighborhood, drug addict mother, been stopped for being white, I've been denied not 1 but 2 jobs because of my whiteness. How could these things happen to a more superior race, according to you?

Considering the percentage of the black population in the United States, 13.4%, what percentage of THAT number would you say meets YOUR criteria of poorness? Unno, the kind with flies on their face, bloated empty stomachs from malnourishment, no shoes on their feet, etc. What would you say? 90%? Higher or lower?

Are you suggesting the OTHER 86.6% of the United States population has ZERO poor or obstacles to overcome? Are you dumb enough to believe that the poor black population outnumber every other poor population?

I suppose that's how you justify the fact that black people commit 52% of all the crime in the United States. Because of evil whitey, right? Because they don't have the reasoning skills to be law abiding citizens without whitey's help. They're (black people) just simply not bright enough to strive for success without your goodness and generosity.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 18:25 other posts 
If it was a white thing to acknowledge the problems of black people, you should be able to do it too.

Why would I feel threatened by blacks that manage to escape their poorness? I want that to be as easy as possible, for everyone. The problem is that your ideas make that harder for everyone. It is why the US is 27th in the world for social mobility, behind Lithuania. It sure is the 'American dream' and not the 'American reality'. The few exceptions just prove my point.

My criteria for poorness? There are standards for that. Your country is doing awful according those standards.

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Actually natives are the poorest. 24.2% of them fall beneath the poverty line. Blacks are at 21.2%, Hispanics at 17.2% and Whites are at 9.0%. Now why is that? White superiority? The fact that you are doing alright disproves that you need to be superior, but being white definitely helps. A black man with your intelligence would surely end up poor or in prison.

When you take a shot at statistics, it might be a good idea to quote the source. It's not in line with FBI statistics.
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Trying to shame people for being white only works on Americans (with good reason).
By phart [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 21:44 other posts 
Thomas Sowell said it best in regards to the sad situation alot of black people are in,"lifestyle choices".
Actually I would extend that to cover all races of people.Considering 1 example I know of personally,just recently met a fellow,about 38 or so. Claimed to be recovering from herion addiction.Was going to get help each week,people gave him work, gave him scrap metal to sell so he could buy food and clothes,I bought a couple old lawnmowers from him to refurbish and resale myself.
Just over the weekend,he steals a bunch of equipment from the guy he worked for and sold it and got high.
He chose to do that,instead of choosing going to his counceler.
White as snow,not black.
People of all races choose the victum lifestyle.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 13,Nov,20 06:08 other posts 
Sure, in some cases people will just make the wrong choices, no matter the opportunities you give them. However, in most cases their environment is a big burden. They can't find jobs, they can't afford quality education, they grow up without any guidance from their parents.
Your country can choose to say 'fuck them, it is their own choice to fail', but that will SOLVE NOTHING! The result is that those people remain a burden on your society.

You can choose to throw them all in jail, but then they just cost a lot of money.
You can choose to have them do forced labor and then they are competing with the jobs of low educated civilians. You can choose to kill or enslave them and then the rest of the world will turn their back to you. If you think the USA will survive by itself than you don't understand global capitalism.

The USA can better solve their problems or you will loose in the global competition from countries that do solve those problems.
By phart [Ignore] 13,Nov,20 09:16 other posts 
At what point though do you say enough is enough?
I know 1 fellow,has been to rehab facilitys over 40 times in his 54 years of life. Prison 3 times.
The state even offered the man a job manageing prisoners on a work crew that does renovation work.Full time with benifits. He refused and when released,was back in prison 4 months later.Stealing to pay for drugs.
I can agree to help someone that wants help,and will make good use of it,but after multiable times, it gets to be a waste.
By Strongmember# [Ignore] 13,Nov,20 09:47 other posts 
I would suggest some of you try to befriend some black people to learn more. This is a complex issue. I understand some of the talking points made here, but many of them are only valid in a vacuum of screenshot style statistics. The larger context is enormous.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 13,Nov,20 15:17 other posts 
We have close neighbors and friends from Suriname, Pakistan, Somalia and Cameroon. They are warm, hospitable, trustworthy, hardworking people. We respect each others religion or lack thereof. We have attended their religious holidays and traditional marriages and always get together for birthday parties. The daughters of one family often visit my girlfriend to share in hobbies. When someone bakes something, it always more then needed, so we can share with each other. We have white friends too, but people from Suriname are not just friends, they make you part of the family.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 17,Nov,20 13:26 other posts 

Oh, you are so woke! Come live next to some US black in west Baltimore. You will be running for your libtard cunt Euro-trash live

Naive and ignorant.
By #551147 17,Nov,20 14:08
Some people will never amount to anything, even if the have enough opportunities. I would still not let them live on the street. Some of them need to be institutionalized and others would do the minimum harm, if the state just minimizes their responsibilities, by providing a roof, food and some money.

This is not the situation for the majority of poor people, black or white.
Just providing adequate affordable education, child care, affordable housing
and a living wage, would be more than enough to let those people do well.
How can you know? Because it works in many countries.
By Strongmember# [Ignore] 13,Nov,20 18:13 other posts 
I read upward and generally like your arguments @ananas2xlekker We need to recognize the continuing challenges for the black race in the USA that continue to produce people who cannot find their place in society. More effort and funding on the front-end.. i.e. education and protection for all US children will save us money on the back end like you stated in the form of institutional prison funding, etc. This is all pretty well known by sociologists and macro economists.
By #551147 14,Nov,20 06:17
"Befriend some black people to learn more."

REALLY? That's the best you got?

How about totally immersing yourself in THEIR WORLD, so to speak, since you seem to wanna "learn more".

Move to a ghetto near YOU, get some bi-racial family members, a black step-parent, CHOOSE to work in a couple environments where it's 300 black folks to 2 white ones, date some black people, for ohhhh I dunno... 15 to 35 years worth of REAL experience.

Then! Maybe then! You might have some sort of position to lay claim to. Until then! You're nothing more than another ignorant white motherfucker talking from what you perceive as a position of power over black folks. As if YOU'RE their keeper. Black people aren't fucking animals, they're not your gotdamned pets.

Ever hear of "white privilege"? YOU FULLY BELIEVE YOU POSSES THAT and only people like you can save them from theirselves. You speak from a condescending position of your privilege. DO YOU REALLY WANNA KNOW THE TRUTH? DO YOU REALLY CARE? Move out your cushy white fucking neighborhood and go live in one of the areas they do. Minimum 10 years! Can or are you willing to do that? I don't mean any pussyfied ratio either! I mean move into an area of 95% or greater black population to 5% other.

"Befriend some black people"

You don't know shit from shinola like most of the rest of the white people around here that believe they are so superior and high white and mighty.
By Strongmember# [Ignore] 14,Nov,20 07:30 other posts 
You are not fooling anybody with your bullshit. It is clear you have some oddly impassioned opinions about black people. I am continuing to argue here so maybe other people get to read my messages, and can be exposed to more points of view.
If you need 15 to 35 years worth of real experience, before you can muster-up some EMPATHY, that might be a flaw in your character.
By #610414 17,Nov,20 17:19
If I was black I'd say no.
By #629627 14,Nov,20 00:34
Can only agree. The fact that people dont is what's wrong with this country. If some hick red neck with his kid in the back of the car, was filmed being shot 7 times in the back by a liberal police officer I think the hick red necks would be upset. Drama queens.
By #551147 14,Nov,20 05:39
You're really not that fuckin' bright, are you?

Didn't your Mammie teach you not to speak if you don't have something intelligent to say?
By #629627 16,Nov,20 19:06
I rate your dick - poor
Your opinion doesnt count
By #629627 14,Nov,20 01:15
I rate your dick - super
Your opinion counts

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 17,Nov,20 13:26 other posts 
Black CRIMES Matter!!

By #610414 16,Nov,20 13:57
Blacks should rise up against the oppressive white establishment. Whites have been committing murder and mahem and passing the blame to blacks. Sixty percent of all murders are done by whites to enrich themselves. The cops help out by killing some poor black fool and blaming him for everything
By phart [Ignore] 16,Nov,20 17:38 other posts 
Evidence please?
Blacks are self oppressors,adopting a victum mentality by choice most of the time.
By #610414 16,Nov,20 18:56
It's well know that the cop that killed what's his name was told to kneel on him. And the lady they shot was the same. It's all in the Imperial News of Botswana.
--------------------------------------- added after 26 seconds

Don't you read?
By phart [Ignore] 16,Nov,20 19:44 other posts 
can't say as I have read those media sources no.
But George Floyd was just a late term abortion.No real crime commited. Sadly,that is way it looks to me that liberals think.

By #610414 14,Nov,20 07:35
I’m with Scorps only white AngloSaxon Protestants matter. Fuck all others

By #629627 14,Nov,20 01:18
strong member and curvy have decent dicks so they are right. The other dicks are poor. This is probably why they hate the world and live in a shack in a swamp. They are wrong. Poor dick people. Poor poor dick people.

By #551147 27,Oct,20 04:14
Black Lives Matter - SHOULD be designated as a domestic terrorist organization... 🖕

🇺🇲 Vote 4 The 2nd Amendment - TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
By phart [Ignore] 27,Oct,20 09:50 other posts 
Also the Democratic Party should be on the terrorist watch list as well. When Democrats don't get their way, ask Lincoln and Kennedy what happens.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 27,Oct,20 12:49 other posts 
You must have really good arguments for that. Let's hear them.

How about putting the Republican party on the terrorist watch list.
They have killed 226.000 people.
By phart [Ignore] 27,Oct,20 20:48 other posts 
NO they have not.I want to see evidence of that to.
As far as evidence of the democrats being terrorist,do you honestly think the rioters and looters are voting Republican? Come on man? to quote your hero Biden.You gota be smarter than that.
Some of Biden's supporters are the 1's commiting the arson and looting. Terrorism.
Now show me how a chinese made virus that was spread all over the ENTIRE EARTH is Trumps fault?
They just came on the tv news this evening,a local town has had 9 cops come down with the wuhan over the past few months.
They all have been wearing mask,sanitizing their hands,cars and etc,everything they could possiably do,and they STILL GOT THE DAMN virus.
TRUMP Even got it,and he is the most secure man in the USA.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 28,Oct,20 08:34 other posts 
Interesting logic; you say democrats are responsible for the actions of their voters, while the republicans are not even responsible for their own actions/inactions.

Most of these protesters/rioters/looters haven't been voting at all, because neither party have been doing anything for them, for decades. They are fed up with your system. So, these protests are on you and your politics.

Trump is responsible for first denying the existence of the virus, then denying the danger of the virus, then taking insufficient action to prevent outbreak of the virus (when it was still possible) and after that not taking appropriate action to reduce the spread of the virus.
My government is also doing poorly against the virus, but at least they were serious and mostly honest about it. Trump has been neither. That is why he is to blame for the horrible death rate in your country.

Trump is not the most secure man in the USA, because he allowed everyone around him to neglect Covid prevention measures. It is not spreading at the same level in the democrat organization, because they have been more sensible.

Biden is not my hero. He is still a corporatist to the bone. In my opinion, he is worse than Obama, just a little bit better than Hillary and a lot better then any republican.
By tecsan [Ignore] 27,Oct,20 23:19 other posts 
I have been thinking that all along...Glad you said it...༼☯﹏☯༽
By #551147 03,Nov,20 02:53
It's true and EASILY provable!

Just look at ALL the attributable deaths, property destruction, theft, and fear caused because of them.
Working hand in hand with ANTIFA.

🇺🇸 REJECT Those Organizations - TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
By #629627 14,Nov,20 00:50
Do you actually believe anything trump says? Antifa? It's the FA thats the problem. We fought agianst them in the war now we are voting for one. At least hitler made the rank of corporal. trump didnt get as far as joining. burst into tears. said it was rigged and his mummy told him he could stay at home. the media was agianst him.
BLM - just a general anti hatred movement.
By #629627 14,Nov,20 01:14
I rate your dick - poor
therefore your opinion doesnt count

By tecsan [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 01:50 other posts 
According to people like K. Harris, it is black lives matter and screw all the whites...༼☯﹏☯༽

By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Nov,20 06:19 other posts 
At the end of the election no matter who the president is they better have a plan to either fix or stop this Black Lives Matter nonsense because if they can’t then we the people must there is all ready talk of the northern malitas doing a city to City take over and that would not be pretty but it would stomp them out
By phart [Ignore] 05,Nov,20 09:50 other posts 
It is really sad it has came to this.BLM coulda be declared a terrorist group early on and be dealt with safely and quickly. No killing or at least very little would have happened early on.

By #592419 01,Nov,20 13:48
BLM is a terrorist group that does not bring people together.. Its separates them apart.
By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 01,Nov,20 20:01 other posts 
I think you may be right about this. Since the truth is all lives matter not just black. The term was invented by some blacks that feel they have been getting fucked and not in the fun way for a very long time. That may be sort of true but the term is very bad. It has a real meaning but it also causes others to shy away from evn helping now days when it is needed to get everyone back together to solve some real problems and not to as the other guy here said pull people apart.
Be safe and sort of sane out there everyone please!
By #592419 01,Nov,20 23:37
Well said.What brings people together is to help our desire to give. Show compassion.
By tecsan [Ignore] 02,Nov,20 01:12 other posts 
Yes, it is a way to call the current President a solicitor of violence, riot crimes and racist...Hope the smart ones can see through the shit the libs put out there...༼☯﹏☯༽

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