We’re No. 1! Florida is a standout when it comes to COVID quackery and book hysteria | Opinion
You would think with the growing evidence of information being censored that did not agree with the government agenda that it is normal for people to take a moment to think twice about squirting this "vaccine" into their arms.
The germans found the "vaccine' affected the bodies ability to fight cancer early on but were squashed by governments and media world wide ,but I am watching 2 people die of cancer now that were fine until they took the shot. Must just have been star alignment according to you right?
Yo Leo you fat slob still jerking off in drinks 🍹 you serve to women???
Good I’m glad phart pissed You off
Personally we have to god damn many of them dot heads over here so one less is a welcome surprise
Well, pissing off leo was mostly his fault.
he goes off on me every chance he can. If faced with a real world issue, he would probably cave in like a deflated bouncy house at a kid's birthday party.
He says I don't know him and can't make observations of him. Well, I observe info about him the same way he does about me, so the qualifications are met for me to judge him equally as he judges me.
Dgraff, leo is actually a asset to us.
He reminds us everyday why we need a moral compass and laws and education.
My imagination can not begin to comprehend what the world would be like if everyone was like him.
No accountability for anything ,no one would have anything. we would be in caves and starving and eating each other.
I think both of you, Phart, and Dgraff, are wrong about Leopoldij Both of you are ultra-right conservatives with extreme ideas about everyday life. Leo likes to point this out. You, Dgraff, are super upset about cum laced drinks. I’ve read much, much worse posts here, including:
“Personally we have to god damn many of them dot heads over here so one less is a welcome surprise”
Leo’s old world views on what’s happening in this country, including this new ultra-right movement, are spot on and it’s agreed by many Americans.
Leopoldij if you are going to chat in the forums, you have to get thicker skin.
Guys, we don’t get our ideas considered if we turn it into a CAT fight.🤣😈
Leo's ideas are just as extreme, just in the other direction.
How would leo fight in a cat fight? Jujitsu?
He does not agree with guns or knives or sticks or darts or,
aint heard that 1 in a while.
I bet when he reads this he will find a paper bag in the closet and wet it to see if he can punch a hole in it!
That way he will know for sure rather or not he can.
Some policemen in the US are really not human beings. They're trained to kill or to make fun of those who are killed in accidents. It's happened so many times.
Here, an Indian girl is stuck by a patrol car and the policeman says "she's dead, she had limited value"
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It goes both ways,
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Sad for the loss of the girl and I understand your feelings about this particular case.
Leo,1 thing to consider, alot of folks out there are walking around and their family ignores them, etc.
UNTIL they get hit by a government vehicle or get hurt somehow and it be related to a entity with money. Then the family comes out of the wood work and suddenly loved this person and misses them and etc. and 2 minutes before the death the person meant nothing. Happens all the time.
I watched this very thing happen twice while I was working to my employer.
I can't disagree, But I feel like it is tragic as well that any family would leave someone out in "the wild" so to speak ,homeless, broke ,etc,and then when that person gets hurt or killed they become a cash cow for the family that ignored them.
Fuck you. You ALWAYS try to justify killers. Listen to what you're saying: she wouldn't have been killed if she hadn't been out. It's like saying: she wouldn't have been raped if she was more properly dressed. You're ALWAYS diverting from the REAL question. Which was: the police clearly stating that it's no problem the girl was killed because, being Indian, she had no value.
I'm NOT SURPRISED by your reactions.
You proved yourself what I've been saying all along. That you fascistoids are the vestiges of humanity, that you have no values, that you're the excrement of society, that you're vicious mad dogs.
Go to hell. I mean it.
Don't talk to me, ban me, I don't give a flying fuck.
Have a good evening leo,
You are so well hidden from reality your insults are like a small child crying because his hand is caught in the cookie jar.
I never said I felt the way the policeman did.
Actually ,he simply said out loud how the "system" handles things.
You apparently have never dealt with insurance and lawyers.
You and I value our lives. But have you ever put a cash value on them?
Insurance company's DO, and where do you think the family of that indian girl will try to get justice? And who do you think will be paying for it? INSURANCE.
Until you instill the same value for life into Insurance company's heads, Nothing will improve.
When I got hit, My lawyer ask for 1 million dollars, the insurance company countered with 10,000 dollars, do you see the problem a bit clearer now?
I have been there, I know how those situations work, You apparently haven't. My employer was guilty of leaving a unsafe condition and someone got hurt, a homeless person. Their family got rich off a scratched ankle.2 stiches and some medicine ,but they sued and got a bunch of money, from where? Insurance. Who pays insurance? WE all do.
What does the cost of insurance have to do with the loss of a life or the shameful opinion by a law enforcement officer who should know better?
And BTW, insurance companies are like any other company. Their "prices" can be accepted or rejected by customers. We pay only if we buy. It's the same as buying a steak.
Yes ,you can choose what YOU pay, But when it comes time for THEM TO PAY< you sit back and hope your lawyer is the bigger of the 2 snakes in the grass.
Cost of insurance has nothing to do with the value of life .The point is Insurance does NOT value your life when it comes time to pay up.
The cop should have known he was being recorded and never said what he did. BUT he has most likely observed the situation before, someone gets hurt ,killed, a squabble with lawyers, a check is written, and everyone goes to bed that night. done.The check is not justice,but to alot of folks out there that abandon their family members to live on the streets, it is a pay day. that's my point.
I understand your point, but, it’s not what the point of this chat is. Monetary compensation never, ever, returns life to what it was, but, it’s a way to soothe the hurt and, perhaps, reverse a wrong. I don’t feel bad for insurance companies, they make bundles of money and they “loan it out” to another of their companies, to invest. The insurance company can cry poverty (tax breaks) while making obscene profits in another company. Boo hoo, poor insurance companies.
Rep. Lauren Boebert apologizes after getting kicked out of show and falsely denying she vaped
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First she was being a vulgar, insufferable bitch,
by vaping, being loud and exchanging gropes with her date,
during the performance of a family-friendly musical.
Then she lied about it, but got outed for lying.
Now she apologizes, to reduce the damage.
How about her not being a vulgar, insufferable bitch
and actually propagating the standard she sets for other people?
Just be considerate to people around you. Do the groping at home. It's not difficult!
'Leading conservative women turn on 'embarrassing bimbo' Lauren Boebert after vaping and groping theater incident'
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What kind of piece of shit is she?
It's not just the vaping that is so bothersome as her attitude:
She made comments along the lines of “do you know who I am” and “I will be contacting the mayor".
Who is she? A piece of shit. I hate people who use their titles to justify their actions. Fuck you, bitch.
Also, she said
“I genuinely did not recall vaping that evening when I discussed the night's events with my campaign manager,” she said.
She didn't remember, my ass. How can you not remember that you smoked in a forbidden zone? Either you're lying or you're an idiot. In her case, it's actually both.
But we shouldn't be surprised because:
She has aligned with the extreme right wing of the GOP
And anyone who aligns with the extreme right wing is obviously a thug and a dirty fascist.
And then:
She can be seen in the clip obtained by 9News appearing to have her chest groped and grabbing the crotch of her date during a family-friendly performance.
Ha, she wants to fuck in public. Good, but then you shouldn't be in the Congress. Just grope any dick you wish and suck it, quit your high profile job and suck dicks. But then you won't be able to say "you know who I am?" Because the answer will be, yeah, you're a slut.
I will admit her behavior was not appropriate and a apology is not really enough. To stoop to the level of liberal democrats is a low thing to do.
She needs to up her game and act like she has some sense.
Anannas, you were saying that the world is not laughing at the US right now?
Here is Australia having a laugh at our so called leader.
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This is from a dear friend's post in Facebook. I thought I'd share it.
1. A possum is a flat animal that sleeps in the middle of the road.
2. There are 5,000 types of snakes and 4,998 of them live in the South.
3. There are 10,000 types of spiders. All 10,000 of them live in the South, plus a couple no one's seen before.
4. If it grows, it'll stick ya. If it crawls, it'll bite cha.
5. Onced and Twiced are words.
6. It is not a shopping cart, it is a buggy!
7. Jawl-P? means: Did you all go to the bathroom?
8. People actually grow, eat, and like okra.
9. Fixinto is one word. It means I'm going to do something.
10. There is no such thing as lunch. There is only dinner and then there's supper.
11. Iced tea is appropriate for all meals and you start drinking it when you're two. We do like a little tea with our sugar. It is referred to as the Wine of the South.
12. Backwards and forwards means I know everything about you.
13. The word jeet is actually a question meaning, 'Did you eat?'
14. You don't have to wear a watch, because it doesn't matter what time it is, you work until you're done or it's too dark to see.
15. You don't PUSH buttons, you MASH em.
16. Y'all is singular. All Y'all is plural.
17. All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit, vegetable, grain, insect, or animal.
18. You carry jumper cables in your car for your OWN car.
19. You only own five spices: salt, pepper, mustard, Tabasco, and ketchup.
20. The local papers cover national and international news on one page, but require 6 pages for local high school sports, motorsports, and gossip.
21. Everyone you meet is a Honey, Sugar, Miss (first name), or Mr (first name)
22. You think that the first day of deer season is a national holiday.
23. You know what a hissy fit is..
24. Fried catfish is the other white meat.
25. We don't need no dang Driver's Ed. If our mama says we can drive, we can drive!!!
26. You understand these jokes and forward them to your Southern friends and those who just wish they were from the SOUTH.
AND one more:
27. Why did the chicken cross the road? To show that stupid possum that it CAN be done!"
The net worth of the British royal family is estimated at $28 billion.
I think they can miss part of it, to atone for their sins.
What they could do with it? Build some schools, pay of debts,
invest in infrastructure, forest fire prevention, improve healthcare,
strengthen their economy, build a museum for their history,
the energy transition, social security, national security,
and whatever else a country needs money for.
They were a slave colony, so they don't have any use for money,
other than weed?
I think if they are not happy with the way things are there is a viable alternative to paying them repreations.
Find any and all descendants of slaves taken from the islands and return them to the island.
Absolutely destroy all modern infastructure, roads ,homes, rail systems,power ,communications.
Put the island back as close to the way it was as possible before the first slave was taken. and then cut off all imports, exports, communications with the outside world, and LEAVE Them be.
Let them start over ,on their own and see how far they get.They will be FREE< FREE AT LAST,
Unless of course all they are really after is some money the people alive today didn't earn. That's all it's about, breaking people down .
The Current royal family has not owned a slave, No people alive today in England are slaves, so there is no debt owed.
Phart, those islands ARE populated but the descendants of the slaves brought in from Africa to work in the plantations and other work. These were British colonies and now are part of the British Commonwealth. The ancestors built the infrastructure and housing as slaves and did not receive the fruits of their labor. Why shouldn't they want reparations for the misfortune their family suffered?
A wrong was done. Why shouldn't they be able to get a settlement? You did. You sued your employer for negligence and collected. Why can't they? This is for the way the English trated these people in their own islands. These has nothing to do with slaves in England.
The person was still alive that injured me.I am still alive. So a debt was owed. A small amount was paid.
Had nothing been paid, and it was a 100 years from now, no debt would be owed.
Do you HONESTLY think they would actually use the money for a good purpose? DAMN you are naive as hell.
Within 6 months there would be 4 or 5 very rich people on the islands and the rest would be stone broke again because they don't know how to manage money.
Why would I defend the ordinary citizens? they should be stripped of their jobs and money.,they just worked for it is all.
Why would anyone defend doing that to anyone?
Charles, although a lazy, snotty nosed brat that has gotten old, is no 1 I would want to be around ,he has never owned a slave. he owes no one for what was done before him.
Where do you draw line on who has to much? Or to little? leave things alone,you are trying to push the world off a slippery slope.
I thought the Queen was his mother?
Besides I always kinda liked her,she was a mechanic during the ww2.
I think he had Diane killed, he didn't deserve her for sure.
Thanks goes out to the Clown an DeSantimonium
This guy, like trump and the other hyper-reactionary ultra-conservative fascistoids, has no common sense. He doesn't care if people die.
BTW, I noticed an English mistake in one of the sentences. Not good for a newspaper.
"Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration recommended people **** 65 do not get the new COVID-19 vaccine boosters"
The germans found the "vaccine' affected the bodies ability to fight cancer early on but were squashed by governments and media world wide ,but I am watching 2 people die of cancer now that were fine until they took the shot. Must just have been star alignment according to you right?
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Bear this in mind when you think about the wuhan virus
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Good I’m glad phart pissed You off
Personally we have to god damn many of them dot heads over here so one less is a welcome surprise
he goes off on me every chance he can. If faced with a real world issue, he would probably cave in like a deflated bouncy house at a kid's birthday party.
He says I don't know him and can't make observations of him. Well, I observe info about him the same way he does about me, so the qualifications are met for me to judge him equally as he judges me.
He reminds us everyday why we need a moral compass and laws and education.
My imagination can not begin to comprehend what the world would be like if everyone was like him.
No accountability for anything ,no one would have anything. we would be in caves and starving and eating each other.
“Personally we have to god damn many of them dot heads over here so one less is a welcome surprise”
Leo’s old world views on what’s happening in this country, including this new ultra-right movement, are spot on and it’s agreed by many Americans.
Leopoldij if you are going to chat in the forums, you have to get thicker skin.
Guys, we don’t get our ideas considered if we turn it into a CAT fight.🤣😈
How would leo fight in a cat fight? Jujitsu?
He does not agree with guns or knives or sticks or darts or,
I bet when he reads this he will find a paper bag in the closet and wet it to see if he can punch a hole in it!
That way he will know for sure rather or not he can.
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Here, an Indian girl is stuck by a patrol car and the policeman says "she's dead, she had limited value"
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Sad for the loss of the girl and I understand your feelings about this particular case.
Leo,1 thing to consider, alot of folks out there are walking around and their family ignores them, etc.
UNTIL they get hit by a government vehicle or get hurt somehow and it be related to a entity with money. Then the family comes out of the wood work and suddenly loved this person and misses them and etc. and 2 minutes before the death the person meant nothing. Happens all the time.
I watched this very thing happen twice while I was working to my employer.
I'm NOT SURPRISED by your reactions.
You proved yourself what I've been saying all along. That you fascistoids are the vestiges of humanity, that you have no values, that you're the excrement of society, that you're vicious mad dogs.
Go to hell. I mean it.
Don't talk to me, ban me, I don't give a flying fuck.
Fuck off. Piece of shit.
You are so well hidden from reality your insults are like a small child crying because his hand is caught in the cookie jar.
I never said I felt the way the policeman did.
Actually ,he simply said out loud how the "system" handles things.
You apparently have never dealt with insurance and lawyers.
You and I value our lives. But have you ever put a cash value on them?
Insurance company's DO, and where do you think the family of that indian girl will try to get justice? And who do you think will be paying for it? INSURANCE.
Until you instill the same value for life into Insurance company's heads, Nothing will improve.
When I got hit, My lawyer ask for 1 million dollars, the insurance company countered with 10,000 dollars, do you see the problem a bit clearer now?
I have been there, I know how those situations work, You apparently haven't. My employer was guilty of leaving a unsafe condition and someone got hurt, a homeless person. Their family got rich off a scratched ankle.2 stiches and some medicine ,but they sued and got a bunch of money, from where? Insurance. Who pays insurance? WE all do.
And BTW, insurance companies are like any other company. Their "prices" can be accepted or rejected by customers. We pay only if we buy. It's the same as buying a steak.
Cost of insurance has nothing to do with the value of life .The point is Insurance does NOT value your life when it comes time to pay up.
The cop should have known he was being recorded and never said what he did. BUT he has most likely observed the situation before, someone gets hurt ,killed, a squabble with lawyers, a check is written, and everyone goes to bed that night. done.The check is not justice,but to alot of folks out there that abandon their family members to live on the streets, it is a pay day. that's my point.
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First she was being a vulgar, insufferable bitch,
by vaping, being loud and exchanging gropes with her date,
during the performance of a family-friendly musical.
Then she lied about it, but got outed for lying.
Now she apologizes, to reduce the damage.
How about her not being a vulgar, insufferable bitch
and actually propagating the standard she sets for other people?
Just be considerate to people around you. Do the groping at home. It's not difficult!
'Leading conservative women turn on 'embarrassing bimbo' Lauren Boebert after vaping and groping theater incident'
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It's not just the vaping that is so bothersome as her attitude:
She made comments along the lines of “do you know who I am” and “I will be contacting the mayor".
Who is she? A piece of shit. I hate people who use their titles to justify their actions. Fuck you, bitch.
Also, she said
“I genuinely did not recall vaping that evening when I discussed the night's events with my campaign manager,” she said.
She didn't remember, my ass. How can you not remember that you smoked in a forbidden zone? Either you're lying or you're an idiot. In her case, it's actually both.
But we shouldn't be surprised because:
She has aligned with the extreme right wing of the GOP
And anyone who aligns with the extreme right wing is obviously a thug and a dirty fascist.
And then:
She can be seen in the clip obtained by 9News appearing to have her chest groped and grabbing the crotch of her date during a family-friendly performance.
Ha, she wants to fuck in public. Good, but then you shouldn't be in the Congress. Just grope any dick you wish and suck it, quit your high profile job and suck dicks. But then you won't be able to say "you know who I am?" Because the answer will be, yeah, you're a slut.
She needs to up her game and act like she has some sense.
Here is Australia having a laugh at our so called leader.
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for yourself or for your loved ones. Go ahead, give yourself a well-deserved gift or make your friends and family happy.
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Shall we buy one as a gift for phart?
Don't tell him, I want it to be a surprise.
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You have to be able to take it if you dish it out.
1. A possum is a flat animal that sleeps in the middle of the road.
2. There are 5,000 types of snakes and 4,998 of them live in the South.
3. There are 10,000 types of spiders. All 10,000 of them live in the South, plus a couple no one's seen before.
4. If it grows, it'll stick ya. If it crawls, it'll bite cha.
5. Onced and Twiced are words.
6. It is not a shopping cart, it is a buggy!
7. Jawl-P? means: Did you all go to the bathroom?
8. People actually grow, eat, and like okra.
9. Fixinto is one word. It means I'm going to do something.
10. There is no such thing as lunch. There is only dinner and then there's supper.
11. Iced tea is appropriate for all meals and you start drinking it when you're two. We do like a little tea with our sugar. It is referred to as the Wine of the South.
12. Backwards and forwards means I know everything about you.
13. The word jeet is actually a question meaning, 'Did you eat?'
14. You don't have to wear a watch, because it doesn't matter what time it is, you work until you're done or it's too dark to see.
15. You don't PUSH buttons, you MASH em.
16. Y'all is singular. All Y'all is plural.
17. All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit, vegetable, grain, insect, or animal.
18. You carry jumper cables in your car for your OWN car.
19. You only own five spices: salt, pepper, mustard, Tabasco, and ketchup.
20. The local papers cover national and international news on one page, but require 6 pages for local high school sports, motorsports, and gossip.
21. Everyone you meet is a Honey, Sugar, Miss (first name), or Mr (first name)
22. You think that the first day of deer season is a national holiday.
23. You know what a hissy fit is..
24. Fried catfish is the other white meat.
25. We don't need no dang Driver's Ed. If our mama says we can drive, we can drive!!!
26. You understand these jokes and forward them to your Southern friends and those who just wish they were from the SOUTH.
AND one more:
27. Why did the chicken cross the road? To show that stupid possum that it CAN be done!"
SCREAMING, with a vein popping up on his head, sounds like ol joe is about to blow!
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Caribbean nations will demand that the British royal family make reparations (apology AND pay) for slave trade.
They will also demand the same for from the shitty Lloyd’s of London company who facilitated the slave money.
They will also demand the same from the Church of England, the church founded by the kings (who think they're related to their gods).
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It's time that these bastards pay. And heftily so.
and besides what would they do with it if they got it? Smoke it?
I think they can miss part of it, to atone for their sins.
What they could do with it? Build some schools, pay of debts,
invest in infrastructure, forest fire prevention, improve healthcare,
strengthen their economy, build a museum for their history,
the energy transition, social security, national security,
and whatever else a country needs money for.
They were a slave colony, so they don't have any use for money,
other than weed?
Find any and all descendants of slaves taken from the islands and return them to the island.
Absolutely destroy all modern infastructure, roads ,homes, rail systems,power ,communications.
Put the island back as close to the way it was as possible before the first slave was taken. and then cut off all imports, exports, communications with the outside world, and LEAVE Them be.
Let them start over ,on their own and see how far they get.They will be FREE< FREE AT LAST,
Unless of course all they are really after is some money the people alive today didn't earn. That's all it's about, breaking people down .
The Current royal family has not owned a slave, No people alive today in England are slaves, so there is no debt owed.
A wrong was done. Why shouldn't they be able to get a settlement? You did. You sued your employer for negligence and collected. Why can't they? This is for the way the English trated these people in their own islands. These has nothing to do with slaves in England.
Had nothing been paid, and it was a 100 years from now, no debt would be owed.
Within 6 months there would be 4 or 5 very rich people on the islands and the rest would be stone broke again because they don't know how to manage money.
Why would anyone defend doing that to anyone?
Charles, although a lazy, snotty nosed brat that has gotten old, is no 1 I would want to be around ,he has never owned a slave. he owes no one for what was done before him.
Where do you draw line on who has to much? Or to little? leave things alone,you are trying to push the world off a slippery slope.
--------------------------------------- added after 63 seconds
Correction: billions
His son? He doesn't care either. It's his image that hurts, just a bit.
But, yeah, I agree with you. Family is irreplaceable.
Besides I always kinda liked her,she was a mechanic during the ww2.
I think he had Diane killed, he didn't deserve her for sure.
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