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Started by kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 05:03  other posts
I'm sure a lot of people here don't want to talk about the US President. I am also sure that there are a lot of people that do want to so let's do it here so they won't have to "listen" to us if they choose not to.
I watch a LOT of news, Canadian and American. I don't get Foxx News but I do get CNN and MSNBC which are very left leaning. The two Canadian news networks, CBC News and CTV News are more middle of the road. I watch the late shows too and I especially like Seth Myers' "A Closer Look".

Let's talk Trump!

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By #562152 01,Aug,18 08:17
The Gambino family are from New York and so is Trump. Coincidence? I think not!

By kebmo [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 02:54 other posts 
So remember all the years Trump spent telling world that a foreigner was running the country? Oh, the irony.

By #460523 29,Jul,18 23:08
Trump 2020
By phart [Ignore] 29,Jul,18 23:46 other posts 
Hats already ordered.
By #562152 30,Jul,18 17:58
Would you be upset if he lost?
By phart [Ignore] 30,Jul,18 23:56 other posts 
Uh yea I would but not much I could do about it.But if I go and vote my conscience then I have done my civic duty and therefore have the right or privilege of complaining.But sadly there has been 2 fights in a local Bojangles because of a Trump hat.Law was called on the second 1. Some people just can't stand for others to enjoy the same freedom of speech and expression as they do.

But if Trump lost, all in all I guess i could take a hint from the democrats and go out and burn a building or beat up a police car.Maby block a section of interstate.Throw rocks at a Starbucks and then go in and steal some coffee.
Or Maby take a hint from some of those women and get on live tv and cuss like a drunken sailor about the "winner" of the election.

I mean I do have freedom of speech and expression don't I? It seems the rioting democrats think so.So for everyone to be equal here in the US we Deplorables should be able to burn down the town or whatever.

All that last part was tongue in cheek.I never have figured out how the protesters of the election thought they would have a shred of credibility after the mess they created.
By #562152 31,Jul,18 08:36
Jimmy Carter, the nicest, kindest ex president and human being, had a horrible presidency.
His stubborn, moral righteousness and lack of comprehension of how to be an effective president led to the following: His refused to engage in a give and take with Congress; his inability to use **** effectively to resolve the crisis in Iran; his inability to build coalitions and to be flexible in dealings with friends and foes
This was a statement made by a history professor in 2016
Trump is not my favorite President by far (nor a good man) but he's the president. Why be so combatative? Why not work with Congress, the media, the world?
I will work against the GOP in 2018 and 2020. If we win, I have an old Chevy you can burn

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***= F O R C E
By phart [Ignore] 31,Jul,18 09:02 other posts 
Naw, not if it is the model I need parts for

By kebmo [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 10:09 other posts 
Here's a scenario. Suppose the British MI5 gets a really juicy tip about something that the Russians are up to in the world. Why would they tell the CIA? It's just too risky.

The Brits probably don't think that the $ecret will be kept and that's one of the many ways that Donald Trump has damaged his international relationships.

Are the CIA and the FBI going to water down their reports to Trump now?

Can the President of the United States be trusted?
By JustWill [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 11:26 other posts 
The attitude of the average Trump supporter is that we don't NEED the British. They believe that the US doesn't need anyone, and the rest of the world can go pound salt up its ass.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 16:47 other posts 
I agree, Trump's attitudes will quite possibly lead towards isolationism.
America First is not an issue, I would imagine every country tries to get an edge for itself in any negotiations but 'America First and screw the rest of the world' that is a dangerous philosophy.
We should remember that the US did not join WW2 to defeat Hitler. Pearl harbour forced them to declare war on Japan and Hitler was stupid enough to declare war on the US. The US did not declare war on Germany. Many americans wanted nothing to do with the war against Germany.
Are we going to see the US take the same position - Isolationism - if Russia decides to flex it's muscles again as it has in Ukraine, Crimea and elsewhere.
Trump praised the World Cup and many people have talked about how friendly the Russians were and how Russia was nothing like they expected. Look back to 1936 - US visitors to the Olympics carried that same message back home about Nazi Germany.
By kebmo [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 18:10 other posts 
Isolationism. There's the word of the day boys and girls.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 20:26 other posts 
Ok,Isolationism.Since this is the word of the day,elaborate.
'Splain to the deplorables how this idea is so bad for the US. Please.
We fought the British for independence century's ago.

I would assume the explanation for why isolationism is so bad for the US would include how it would hurt others in the world somehow. UM, How? Can't the British build cars,make clothes? What do we import from Britain that we can't make ourselves?
I am not saying we should h@te each other.I am just trying to get someone to explain why intertwining with the world to a point no once can fart without smothering others is so good.

As for trusting the alphabet groups,FBI CIA and so on,only a idiot trust them anymore.Britain would be better off keeping secrets to themselves.
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1. a policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups, especially the political affairs of other countries.
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Um,could it be that alot of us are tired of our neighbors k1ds fighting in Iraq-and other country's to save what?
--------------------------------------- added after 56 minutes

Gee,I wonder who said this?
"The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. Europe has a set of primary interests, which to us have none, or a very remote relation. Hence she must be engaged in frequent controversies the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. Hence, therefore, it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves, by artificial ties, in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics, or the ordinary combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities."
1 of our founding fathers George Washington.
--------------------------------------- added after 21 hours

Has anyone noticed I ask a simple question above and the thread stopped? "Splain to the deplorables how this idea is so bad for the US"
That is 1 thing that deplorable's like me can not understand.You ask a simple question of a liberal or a democrat and you get 1 of 2 things.A bunch of bullshit not related to your question or nothing at all. They do not like be questioned. They just expect you to take their words literally and not question them.
--------------------------------------- added after 46 hours

Notice still no answer?
Apply questions and get nothing in return.
We deplorables are told our foundation is weak.
But ask a person that says that for a simple "why" or "how" and you find their base is no stronger and perhaps hollow.
By #562152 30,Jul,18 18:31
Image result for how much does the us export every year
While the U.S. runs a sizable trade surplus in services (more than $230 billion last year), it's dwarfed by the $771 billion trade deficit in goods: U.S. goods exports amounted to more than $1.6 trillion last year, but the country imported nearly $2.4 trillion worth of goods


By JustWill [Ignore] 26,Jul,18 12:37 other posts 
When the White House released its record of the press conference following Trump's meeting with Putin, the part where the reporter asks Putin if he wanted Trump to win the election--and Putin's answer of "Yes"--was not included.
It just was not there.
I know it happened. I saw and heard it with my own eyes and ears.
Yet, that portion of the record was mysteriously absent.
Trump and his minions are actually "editing" history--days after it happens--to fit their alternate reality and the narrative they want you to buy.
By kebmo [Ignore] 26,Jul,18 14:29 other posts 
Orwellian isn't it? I'm sure we all wish we could change history but alas, we can't. Hopefully the facts will always speak for themselves.
By JustWill [Ignore] 26,Jul,18 18:17 other posts 
Won't "Boxer" be surprised when Trump (and the rest of his pigs) sends him off to the knacker...
By kebmo [Ignore] 27,Jul,18 02:52 other posts 
I had the most amazing teacher in grade 7. When there was time at the end of the day, and I think he made sure there was, he always read to the class for a half hour or so. He read Animal Farm once and in the last ten minutes before the bell rang we always had a free discussion about whichever book he was reading. Of course there were the usual few that got involved but the non participants of the discussion were able to understand the book better.

Mr. Sargent, thank you for being a great teacher!!
By JustWill [Ignore] 27,Jul,18 13:14 other posts 
I consider myself blessed that I had the great fortune during my time as a student (K-12 and through college) to have been taught by a handful of the most amazing teachers. They were men and women with great passion, intelligence, patience, wit and humor, who put their hearts and souls into teaching their chosen subjects. Their enthusiasm was contagious to me, and I always looked forward to spending time in the classroom with them. These were the people who opened up the world for me, and planted the the seeds which would grow into my own life-long quest for knowledge.
As an educator, I strive to pay them tribute every day by being the same kind of teacher for my students as they were for me.
I fear that I frequently fall short of that goal, but I try--out of gratitude and affection for them--nonetheless.
By kebmo [Ignore] 27,Jul,18 14:45 other posts 
Teachers and nurses.
By #562152 30,Jul,18 18:01
If you are half the educator of my Sr year English class, then your students are very fortunate, indeed

By kebmo [Ignore] 30,Jul,18 03:02 other posts 
"Why would I want to be president when I can keep being Bruce Fucking Willis?
-Bruce Willis on his roast

By JustWill [Ignore] 29,Jul,18 18:28 other posts 
Once again, Trump attacks the press. His issues with the First Amendment stem from his desire to hide the truth from his followers. (Not that they'd actually believe the truth.)
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By kebmo [Ignore] 29,Jul,18 19:58 other posts 
I fear the day that a journalist gets murdered, has a very suspicious "accident" or jailed in the US.
I think that the Putinization of the American media is a real threat.
By phart [Ignore] 29,Jul,18 23:53 other posts 
Well,i hope that doesn't happen. But why would anyone believe the accidents were fake? No one seems to want to believe the folks that offended the Clinton's get erased by "accidents".
Forget party for a minute,why is 1 different than the other?
By kebmo [Ignore] 30,Jul,18 01:03 other posts 
Haha Phart the Clintons didn't murder anyone nor did they tell their followers that the media is the enemy. The reason they are Trump's enemy is because the media questions what he says. All the media except Fox News does it Phart not just CNN or the NYT. If one person tells you that the banana is red and ten people tell you that it's yellow you can believe that it's red but don't call the people calling it yellow liars.
Your technique is called "whataboutism". It's a defence mechanism used by someone to change the narrative of the issue that was brought up.
I don't fall for it.

By JustWill [Ignore] 29,Jul,18 19:01 other posts 
Trump denies his involvement with yet another woman accuser:
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By kebmo [Ignore] 29,Jul,18 19:35 other posts 
That's hilarious!
By JustWill [Ignore] 29,Jul,18 19:39 other posts 
I particularly enjoyed the "Heyyyyy" (at 1:00) and the "Beep Beep Beep" (at 1:08 ).

By JustWill [Ignore] 27,Jul,18 13:57 other posts 
I find it hard NOT to be suspicious of someone who is constantly telling me how great they are.

By kebmo [Ignore] 27,Jul,18 02:40 other posts 
GODZILLAS... As you probably know by now, this guy is a troll. I have blacklisted him from my profile therefore blacklisting him from this topic because I started this thread.
His personal attacks on members here are unacceptable and he just left the "last straw".
Everything he posted here and the comments to his posts have been deleted because of this.
Of course I don't mind some good debate with reasonable people but when you're arguing with a troll it just gets worse and the attacks get more personal if we let them. I won't.
I hope you don't think that my skin is too thin but enough is enough.
We're adults here and it was just getting childish.
--------------------------------------- added after 16 minutes

It's like he never existed. Look! I changed history too!!

By onthelose [Ignore] 26,Jul,18 19:47 other posts 
It seems that the threat worked. The Eu has just agreed to no tariffs no trade barriers. 270% tariff on dairy does seem extreme to me. England seems to be close to a deal also. We gave trade deals in the distant past to Europe to help you rebuild your economy. Those days are over, time for things to be equal. Unless you think you need an advantage over every body.

By phart [Ignore] 26,Jul,18 18:24 other posts 
I think I found a way to explain the tariff thing simple.

Lay 4 quarters to your left, lay 4 quarters to your right.
Mark the left US and the right,the country of your choice that is being charged tariffs.
Ok,let's say the country of choice is Mexico.If The US spends 50 cent to Mexico. Mexico spends .25 cent. Move the quarters around. Now repeat the US spending .50 cent and Mexico spending .25 cent.
Doesn't take long before the US has only 1 quarter and the rest on Mexico's side. That is a trade imbalance.
It is a security risk in part because it would mean we are to damn broke to defend ourselves as a nation.And would need to depend on the citizens to defend the country from invaders on a hometown level with personal weapons of choice.The government would not be able to sustain a war of defense.
By kebmo [Ignore] 26,Jul,18 19:35 other posts 
I have said this many times here so make sure you're very clear on why the US put tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum.

The tariffs were put on Canadian steel and aluminum because the US considers Canada a threat to US security. Is that clear? The US government DID NOT say that they were because of trade imbalances. Clear?

This is a video of a Canadian Prime Minister, Pierre Trudeau being diplomatic about it.
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By kebmo [Ignore] 26,Jul,18 14:54 other posts 
From CNN News:

"The White House took retaliatory action against Kaitlan Collins, a White House reporter for CNN, after Collins asked President Trump questions at an Oval Office photo op on Wednesday.
CNN, rival networks, and the White House Correspondents Association all spoke out against the administration's action.
On Wednesday afternoon Collins was representing all the television networks as the "pool reporter" in the room during a meeting between Trump and Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission.
As is customary, Collins lobbed a few questions at the president. She asked about Vladimir Putin and Michael Cohen. Trump did not answer the questions.
Later in the afternoon, the White House surprised the press corps by announcing a press availability with Trump and Juncker in the Rose Garden. It was said to be open to all press, not just the small pool.
Fox News, one of CNN's top competitors, also spoke out.
"We stand in strong solidarity with CNN for the right to full access for our journalists as part of a free and unfettered press," Fox News president Jay Wallace said. Wallace and Shine previously worked together for many years."
-CNN News
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The fact that Fox News is openly on side with CNN on this should underscore the importance of it.
At the risk of sounding like an alarmist, this should scare every American. It is one step closer to jailing a journalist. Trump is a man of baby steps; I think this is a baby step.
If that happens, your First Amendment rights will be in serious jeopardy.

By #435701 26,Jul,18 14:32
Trumpity Dumpity, alias 'THE DONALD' has hood winked SO many gullible and therefore, TOTAL IDIOTS. You know the ones. They watch FOX news while munching popcorn like it's a movie. This is the SAME 'fair and balanced' news network...that has had SO many sexual assault cases from the TOP down could ANYONE believe ANYTHING they say??? I have lost count of the huge MONEYMAKERS that are no longer there. Which IS the real reason FOX exists. MONEY, money, MONEY makes the World go round. Dont't get me wrong. CNN, CNBC etc. are just slightly better. The truth is; ALL of us PEONS among the 7.5 BILLION included in the 'human plague'...CANNOT believe anyone as to what is actually TRUE.
Because ALL governments use propaganda to keep their citizens under their control. Has been that way for EONS!!!...So, sadly, The DONALD, The total fucking asshole in charge, is right about fake news. It's just his making it seem like 'fake news' is a new thing. Aimed at 'HIM'. titter titter...It's ALWAYS BEEN FAKE as needed for control of the masses...Right now there are 7.5 BILLION of us peons under the control of LESS than 250 people...There REALLY is a 'THEM'...And 'THEM' don't want us to know the crazy numbers of 'us vs. them'...So they keep us ankle biting day after day, hour after hour...into eterinity.

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 26,Jul,18 11:57 other posts 
Trump is Putin's fatassed bitch.

By kebmo [Ignore] 24,Jul,18 19:22 other posts 
The Whitehouse will no longer publish summaries of Trump's calls with world leaders. This is something that has gone on for decades.
If he talks to Canada's PM Trudeau, Trudeau will still release the summaries but Trump will no longer do it.
I don't know why he wouldn't want the facts of these conversations sent to the American public via the media.
I can just hear him now at the rallies. "So I told (insert leader's name), 'you listen here pal, things are going to be done my way from now on'."

Americans: Day by day the information coming from the Whitehouse to the American public gets eroded more and more. Be afraid, be very afraid.
By phart [Ignore] 24,Jul,18 23:18 other posts 
Now this is a point we can agree on. For different reasons than you I see this as a problem.
Another country releases a summary of a conversation putting words in Trump's mouth that could start a conflict.We as Americans would be wanting proof that it was false.Later a tape or summary would be produced. And it would look to most of us the same as the birth certificate Obama produced a couple years after being in office. Fake. Do we need that? No.
We need the truth.Actually the entire conversation should be printed ,grunts,farts and all so we as the people can know the truth.
By kebmo [Ignore] 24,Jul,18 23:34 other posts 
Do you think Obama's birth certificate was fake?
By phart [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 14:08 other posts 
In reference to the birth certificate,it took to long to come up with..That in and of it's self should have set off a alarm bell. A real 1 for most folks is on file and is supposed to be presented when applying to run for President. Mine for example is about 3 feet away in a cabinet.I bet you can get ahold of yours if there was a legit need for it.
Unlike Obama I can also show my high school diploma and my college degree.I can also produce witness's that attended both facility to verify I was there.Can Obama? I bet Trump can show you evidence of his education and birth.
There was a problem with the name of the hospital on the obama paper because when he was born the name was not in use yet, and others I can't think of at the moment.I tried to get past all that when he moved a couple blocks down to another office January of 17. The turkey is still causing problems for the country and folks are not paying attention.
By #562152 25,Jul,18 14:45
same as Trumps tax statements???
By kebmo [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 17:39 other posts 
Do you believe that Obama was born in the US?
By #559941 25,Jul,18 19:09
NO.. He already admitted he was born in Kenya... Its an admission so what's the issue here... He admitted he was not legitimate
By kebmo [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 20:48 other posts 
Really? Can you show me where I can find proof from a reliable source that Obama said that he was born in Kenya? I think you have bad information.
By kebmo [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 22:37 other posts 
Hey Godzillas, the issue is that you are here telling lies and expect me to believe them without questioning them. I'll ask again.

Where I can find proof from a RELIABLE SOURCE that Obama said that he was born in Kenya?

I don't really care if someone isn't very intelligent, there are lots of them in the world and I deal with them daily. I do, however have serious problems with liars. So if you want to come here and spew lies and expect intelligent people to believe them, you're in the wrong place.
I have tagged this to your name so you'll be sure to see it and I will await your answer.
By phart [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 22:56 other posts 
Well, even the big O himself would not provide valid proof to the world.So it would be a stretch to think anyone else would.
Just the fact he made a effort to seal records of things directly related to his being eligible for the job is offensive to alot of people.
If you went to college and had a degree,would you not be proud of it and be willing to prove it? He didn't.
If you were born here in the US and was running for Prez,would you not show your proof of birth in the US?
Most of us would with pride.
By kebmo [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 23:14 other posts 
This is a video of Trump from BBC.

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By #559941 24,Jul,18 23:41
You can't get the truth from the media...It is all propaganda activism. One America News Network and Fox are the only ones I can follow without getting sick and Fox is starting to make me sick.. Lou Dobbs and Hannity are ok..
By #562152 25,Jul,18 14:46
i hear that the Mickey Mouse Club is starting a news network,,,just saying,,
By phart [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 16:03 other posts 
Sadly It would seem they would be more credible than most anything on tv nowadays!

As for Trumps tax statements,unless he is being audited,his taxes are no more our business than yours would be to me or mine to you. If he runs a bossiness,I am sure his book keepers looked out for him when ever they could.No different than any other bossiness man in the US. Bill Gates tax records would be just as amusing as Trumps but no one thinks to ask about his. But let him run for office and you would find out he probably used every loop hole he cold.
I Bet you do as well.
To qoute the Hillary," What difference does it make? " if either of them fucked a coocoo clock in the fifth grade or some stupid shit.
By #559941 25,Jul,18 19:10
I surely hope so.. It would be a distinct improvement from CNN...
By phart [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 22:59 other posts 
I don't pay for tv so i don't get the cnn and cspan and shit,I do have the option of abc and cbs and nbc on antenna tv but seldom watch it anymore.World news is more depressing than watching a sinking ship.
Negative spin on everything.
If Trump woke up in the middle of the night with a idea to cure Brain cancer, the news media would come out the next day with interviews of doctors walking in soup lines. The media will and can put a negative spin on everything.

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