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Started by kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 05:03  other posts
I'm sure a lot of people here don't want to talk about the US President. I am also sure that there are a lot of people that do want to so let's do it here so they won't have to "listen" to us if they choose not to.
I watch a LOT of news, Canadian and American. I don't get Foxx News but I do get CNN and MSNBC which are very left leaning. The two Canadian news networks, CBC News and CTV News are more middle of the road. I watch the late shows too and I especially like Seth Myers' "A Closer Look".

Let's talk Trump!

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By kebmo [Ignore] 03,Aug,18 13:56 other posts 
Mike Pompeo, the (current) Secretary of State told reporters today the North Korea is NOT living up to it's commitment to denuclearize his country.

I'm SHOCKED! Il seems like such a nice guy. End sarcasm.

By kebmo [Ignore] 30,Jul,18 20:26 other posts 
Rudy Giuliani what are you doing? You were THE American Hero and you could have gone down in history as the mayor that took care of NYC after 9/11. You were a hero and everyone loved you.
Now you will go down in history as Trump's attorney. I see you on the news and you just sound like a buffoon spin doctor who's patient is dying.
Rudy floated the idea today that collusion is not a crime. The only ones even using the word collusion five times daily are Trump and his team.

This is a crime though.
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By #562152 31,Jul,18 08:40
Don't we know it. Great Mayor lousy lawyer???
By phart [Ignore] 31,Jul,18 09:05 other posts 
Lawyers,don't get me started. Snakes in the grass is a complimentary name for them!
But as for what he is doing, he is doing his job.Agree or not with what he is saying,he is doing his job,protecting his client.
I must admit,I think he was a bad choice for Trump.He talks to damn much. Regardless of who's side your own,if either side talks to much,tells the same story in 10 different ways, someone will mix it all up and snag ye with a technicality.
By kebmo [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 19:52 other posts 
The fact that he's a lawyer is irrelevant to me. He is changing how history will remember him. He was being a lawyer and not making news but as soon as he took his current job he changed from American Hero to lawyer for Donald Trump. That is how history will remember him. Lawyer for Donald Trump.
By JustWill [Ignore] 31,Jul,18 09:27 other posts 
Giuliani has ALWAYS been a whack-a-do. Yes, he took care of New York during 9/11--and did it well--but just look at his eyes when he gives an interview. Those are definitely the eyes of a loon.

He may claim that COLLUSION isn't a crime, but CONSPIRACY most definitely is. They just made the mistake of using the wrong word at the beginning. It confuses people.
By #562152 01,Aug,18 08:18
By #550094 02,Aug,18 10:32
(Le sighhhhhh)... Giuliani was no hero, he was just
a dweebis posing for the cameras.

Giuliani, the prickless beitch who Disneyfied 42nd Street
and basically gentrified NYC.

The Bash King who ignored the plight of the LGBT community
during the peak of violent gay bashings throughout the
NYC area in the late '90s.

The soapbox "hero" who talked all that "tough guy" shit
in front of the news cameras and hugged so many survivors
in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on 9/11.
That was just him posing for the cameras...
...Even THEN he was contemplating getting a job
in the White House.

Along comes his "homie" from Queens NY who somehow
becomes President of the United States, and since then,
Giuliani has been doped up on that trump koolaid and
suckin trump cock desperately seeking a job in the
White House.
Him, and New Joyzee governor Chris Christie, competing
for schloppy scheconds all over that trump appendage
like a pair of buzzards fighting over a dead worm.

The mouthbreather even Wants to create a non-existent
"job" at taxpayers' expense as trump's "lawyer".
Giuliani sucking trumps cock AGAIN. The suckery goes on.
O M F G the queefage just never ends, doesn't it!

If I had my way I'd snipe that fucker at point blank range
with golf balls from his well-stocked garage,
and then I'd drive away in his Sedan like stealing
a BMX bike from a nuisance kiid in Hicktown USA.
By kebmo [Ignore] 02,Aug,18 14:49 other posts 
I stand corrected.
His international media coverage was all about 9/11 so that's how I knew him until now.
I apricate your clarification. Now I know he's always been just another slimy lawyer seeking to suck the government teat.

By JustWill [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 09:58 other posts 
Familiar with QAnon?
Here's a look at where a lot of that loony Pro-Trump crap originates...and why The Crazies Just Get Crazier!
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By phart [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 10:41 other posts 
Well I have no friggen idea if any of that is real or fake or whatever.But I damn sure aint never heard of it.Craziest bunch of bullshit I ever tried to wade my way thru!
That particular website is known for shit that aint all "real" anyhow.
By JustWill [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 16:06 other posts 
But a lot of his fans believe that garbage. Look at the weird points Godzillas keeps going back to (the p-e-d-o-rings, the Deep State Conspiracy, the Illuminati stuff)--that's all QAnon crap.
By kebmo [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 19:35 other posts 
I don't have to look at Godzilla's shit anymore. He's a troll and I delete trolls. Ever argued with a three year old having a temper tantrum? Same shit.
By phart [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 23:01 other posts 
Well,not all people we disagree with are trolls.Presentation is important in trying to explain a opposing idea to someone.
On a side note, I know I saw on tv where Facebook had to delete a bunch of fake accounts.Apparently they thought they were trolls.Of course blaming the election stuff on all of it.Took damn near 2 years to find fake accounts? Seems like a convenient to keep them in the news is all.
You disagree with me,what makes me different than a troll?
By kebmo [Ignore] 01,Aug,18 23:17 other posts 
When someone disagrees with me I don't think that they are a troll. Everyone knows what a troll is. I can deal with adults easily. If I deleted everyone who disagreed with me I wouldn't be speaking to you now.

By JustWill [Ignore] 23,Jul,18 11:40 other posts 
I think it's pretty strange that Trump supporters have an easier time believing in some vast, evil, Deep State conspiracy than it is for them to admit that they are eating a turd-sandwich.
By phart [Ignore] 23,Jul,18 13:52 other posts 
Alot of folks around here are eating steak instead of bologna since trump went in office thanks to tax cuts and more confidence in the economy by big business. Oh how shameful of me, I mentioned big business,those "evil beings" creatures that supply jobs and goods to the American people.
By kebmo [Ignore] 23,Jul,18 16:17 other posts 
There are a lot of Trump voters that won't be eating much steak and here's why:
Canada, Mexico, the EU and China have put retaliatory tariffs on US products due to the steel and aluminum tariffs that the US put on the world. Canada's $16.6B ($12.6B US) are targeted directly at products that are manufactured in areas where Trump voters live and all steel and aluminum products.
Harley Davidson is going to move some of their manufacturing to the EU because the EU and Canada have put tariffs on their products.
Soy farmers are left out in the cold because China and Canada have put tariffs on all soy products. China imports a LOT of soy.
Self inflicted financial isolationism is not going to work for the US or any country.
Do you know why the US put tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum? Because according to the President of the United States, Canada is a threat to your national security.

Crazy eh?
By phart [Ignore] 23,Jul,18 18:23 other posts 
It's not like we can't eat the food grown here our selves.So some farmers will go to growing corn for ethanol next year,or cotton for the clothes we make ourselves that tariffs will be put on from china..As for China's tariffs, well um,I wonder if they will pay tariffs on Smith-field Ham and other meats they send home?
We recycle,so we can go back to making our own aluminum.So those folks will be back at work shortly without depending on outside sources.It is a matter of adjusting our process's to be less dependent on outside sources for everything.
As for Harley,hell they have been assembled in the US with world parts for years. Idiots buy the overrated things thinking they are "all American" .Go buy some parts for it and see where the part is made.

Anything that a country depends on another for is a threat to it's independence and security. For example,the US is forced into a war the Canadians oppose.They cut off shipments of steel and aluminum we would need to build our war machines.That would be a direct effect on our security because we would be unable to build what we needed to defend ourselves.
At the moment most all of our ammo is made overseas. Real smart move on somebody's part if they want us to be vulnerable.
By #559941 23,Jul,18 18:27
European Union is "No Border Policy" Canada is just another satellite of this agenda. You should try something and perhaps more socialism may help...
By phart [Ignore] 24,Jul,18 12:29 other posts 
Yea,how is that no border policy working out for them? German girls can't even wear shorts in gym class any more because of muslim men rapin them and so forth. Vi0lence in that once beautiful country has sky rocketed.But you can only read it about on limited news sources because our cnn and so forth does not want to vindicate what deplorable s have been saying will happen here eventually.
Although we lost alot of good men trying to break free from Britain many years ago,I have to give those folks credit where it is due that voted to break free from that "union" . It was a wise move and I wish those folks luck that want independence for their country and not be controlled.That Union is basically a forerunner of the 1 world government the liberal thinkers want so bad.
By just16cm [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 04:12 other posts 
Where did you get that "german girls" info? Vi0lence? Has trump said that? Was it on Fox News?

I tell you something: that's BULLSHIT! "News" like that come from "limited news sources", cause they are LIES!
By #559941 25,Jul,18 17:23
It's all a political agenda by the Left to invade all democratic countries and to **** socialism by taking over the politicians constituencies.. It worked in Europe and they were trying to do it here but the Trump blockade prevented it. Canada is gone past the critical phase since immigrants from arab lands control the votes.
A key concept to go by is that if you join an agenda to dethrone trump there is a substantial probability you are a socialist or are just plain stupid..
By just16cm [Ignore] 26,Jul,18 04:03 other posts 
I asked, where do you get that info from, not for another weird conspiracy theory made out of "alternative facts"...

What ever...
By #559941 26,Jul,18 13:35
I get it from everywhere. Apparently you listen to CNN and MSNBC regularly..I even get the info from Bernie Sanders who is an admitted Socialist. Don't you know how to look up facts on google if you have questions? ITs 2018, not 1938 anymore..
By #435701 26,Jul,18 13:52
Godzillas...You be so entirely right! And SO entirely WRONG! Because it IS 1938 again. Just a different 1938 than the 1938 that led us into WWII. Remember? History repeats itself...Plus, Trump is right about FAKE news. It's just that total ASSHOLE and completely asinine fucking shithead of a 'humanoid' (definition: self serving dipshit) does NOT realize news has ALWAYS been fake...Ever since Hewy Lewis and 'news @ 11'...And WAY before than even...Ever hear of propaganda? EVERY country uses it. Even yours. On YOU. On US...ALL the frickin' time...
By #559941 26,Jul,18 23:12
talk4s,,, The difference between 1938 and now is no difference. Its the same group that making the same attempt as it was 80 years ago.. After all Time Magazine named Adolf Hitler the "person of the year" and knew he was murdering Jews, Communists, Gypsies, Homosexuals and anyone that opposes him including Nazi's or Christians...
Well, lets put the pieces together... Muslims are not the main emphasis of propaganda. We must help them even if the cost is mass r_ape of infidels, genocide and even murder of people that pay taxes. BUT the main topic is the same as it was compared to 80 years ago as it is now.. The Jew is to blame and they destroy Israel. So, what is the difference? You are right.. NO DIFFERENCE... Why is Trump hated so much? He is the resistance party.... No the democrats or the Left... The real resistance party to the evil agenda is Donald Trump and supporters,, NOT,The left and Civilization...The media propagated 80 years ago and it is doing the same today..

Forget the propaganda,, you can see it for yourself.
By #435701 30,Jul,18 15:07
JEEZ...'GOD'...ZILLA...I did NOT mention Jews. Or 'resistance' parties. Or the 'left' and mostly NOT 'Infidels'. Such an all purpose word, after all..I be a TOTAL Infidel! Titter, titter...Words of this type are BS propaganda...And those words are what have NOT changed throughout history...When I said it's 1938 again, I did NOT care exactly how the propaganda and history came together specifically to create WWII...I just meant...We are now in 2018...and WWIII is on the horizon...
By just16cm [Ignore] 26,Jul,18 14:21 other posts 
I don't listen to CNN or MSNBC, cause I'm german. And I definetly won't google for those "facts", cause most of the stuff you find will be bullshit and/or weird conspracys.

Exept from that, I'm totally able to see the difference between populist crab and real news...
By #559941 26,Jul,18 19:10
So What's your interest in USA then.. You're country is about to hit the shit pile of stench and you don't like Trump?
Look what the left has done to Germany..And you don't like Trump... You sound way too intelligent for me..
By just16cm [Ignore] 27,Jul,18 04:33 other posts 
First: I'm not country, I'm a man. Second: you know nothing about germany.

Trump is the one of the most uneducated persons that EVER was a leader of a country. If someone like that leads a country like the usa, his uneducated decisions will cause harm to the country he leads, and to the rest of the world. Nowadays you have to think global, or else, you're going to lose big time...
By kebmo [Ignore] 26,Jul,18 19:45 other posts 
"Canada is gone past the critical phase since immigrants from arab lands control the votes."

Godzillas, say what? You are the KING OF BULLSHIT here.
I know how you think, the earth is flat, the moon landing was faked, vaccines cause autism and the US government killed Kennedy.
There are lots of sites that will be glad to have your input but here we just call it bullshit.
By #559941 26,Jul,18 23:17
Kebno, go give to Iran. Your taxes in Canada are paying for it...
Just go away after you move there.. stay there...
By #562152 24,Jul,18 19:13
Yes, we’ll, if it all is working so well, why is the administration trying to get billions of dollars released to help the farmers affected by the tariff war? Why is there an oversupply of meat that can’t be shipped to these other countries? Why are cars going to increase in price a minimum of 6%? Why do diehard republicans complaining this is like a tax on our people? Are they reading your news? No. They are reading the “fake news”. You, my friend, are delusional. Or worse. We are heading for a meltdown and people like you are stockin the fires. You think this is liberal against conservative? This’ll is common sense against iddiotism
By #559941 24,Jul,18 23:34
Hillary Clinton is a Felon based on selling classified documents to independent parties, gets away with it with FBI coverups DOJ coverups, Obama survellience breaking the law of 4th amendments, sending innocent people to jail while pardoning **** dealers and murders while doing a coup to invoke socialism And you still think this fake russian dossier is still valid after Hillary Clinton paid for the dossier falsifying documents, giving Iran 400 billion dollars to make more terrorist weapons to destroy Israel and turn USA into sharia law? You my friend are retarded...I don't understand ,, so many bimbo's promised they would leave the country if Trump got elected.. Why are you still here> The story of Trump on CNN has LEGS because the fake news agency is obsessed !...And stupid people like you follow it..The only reason why our constitution is failing at the present time is because of socialists like you !
By kebmo [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 02:39 other posts 
Godzillas, Clinton is not a felon. She has never been charged with a crime in her life. Trump has a year and a half to do that. She is not being investigated by the FBI now according to Wray Christopher, the head of the FBI, appointed by Trump. .

In a September 1, 2017 court filing, the DOJ declared that "both the FBI and NSD confirm that they have no records related to wiretaps as described by the March 4, 2017 tweets by Trump". The department of Justice is headed by Jeff Sessions, appointed by Trump.

In what way is the US constitution failing?
By JustWill [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 09:14 other posts 
Fox news says that she is a felon, therefore, it MUST be true.
By kebmo [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 09:45 other posts 
"What you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening."

-Donald Trump July 24 2018
By JustWill [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 12:51 other posts 
I was in the process of posting that exact quote here earlier today when I got called away from the computer!

Trump is like an evil version of Willy Wonka:
"Come with me, and you'll be
In a world of pure imagination
Take a look and you'll see into your imagination
We'll begin with a spin
Traveling in the world of my creation
What we'll see will defy explanation..."
By #435701 30,Jul,18 15:11
JustWill-That is so spot on! Thanks for seeing the connection between 'Willy Wonka' and the World today!
By #559941 25,Jul,18 19:13
Clinton is a felon. But then just about the entire deep state is.. Obama is not an american born citizen so he is in violation.. Clinton stole classified documents then sold them to the highest bidder..Just because the FBI obstructs justice and exonerates here does not mean she is innocent..
By #562152 25,Jul,18 09:26
Hilary Clinton is not a felon,,,she hasn't been charged, let alone brought to trial, convicted and sentenced. Trump has been president for 1.5 yrs, he is the ultimate boss of the justice department. If they could make something stick on Ms Clinton, don't you think they would have?? As far as Bimbo's leaving the country, I remember the election of November 2008. All you rabid conservatives saying, "If Obama gets elected I'm moving to Canada.". Guess what, unfortunately you are still here. If that would have really happened, maybe this mess would have been avoided. Anyway, only cowards leave when the going gets rough. I may not like Trump and his policies, but, at most, he'll only be here for another 5.5 yrs. The republic is strong enough to withstand his misguided attempts to govern. I will strongly oppose him as long as he's president, and work hard to keep him from getting a second term. Fake news as you call it would be if the only thing on TV was an opinion based newscast. When A local sheriff or US senator, or a local mayor complains in front of a camera, or people cry that they are victims of government sanctions then it's hard to see what's "fake". You were sold a bill of goods that doesn't make sense. And you are still living in the past, blaming Obama, and the Clintons for all your problems. Well,,what happened with Bush junior's economic meltdown? The one where my 401K took a $123000 hit? Where the value of my home went from $675000 to $325000? Or Bush senior's Gulf War where we went to protect out oil interests in a foreign land and directly contributed to the second Gulf War? The Constitution is not failing,thank you very much< it's working as it should. It just not agreeing with your right wing, narrow minded, Gung HO views. You regret the fact that huge areas of the South East went from the era of Atticus Finch on "to kill a Mockingbird" with all it's biggoted ways, to the modern present. Let me ask you the same question you asked me,,,"Why are you still here?"
By #559941 25,Jul,18 13:28
Yes she is and the only reason why you feel she is not is only because of your own ignorance. She already admitted to having classified information on an unauthorized server and admitted to using Bleach-Bit to cover the evidence when it was subpoenaed.. The charge was covered up by the FBI when they changed "Gross Neglegence" to "Extremely Careless"
I'm still here because I support our constitution and will defend the 1st ,2nd, and 4th amendments which are under attack by the socialist party of democrats... I never said I would leave if Trump won since I voted for him in the first place,,, Yet the socialists threatened to leave,,, Your ignorance is not debatable...In fact it makes me sick to continue arguing with you on a low IQ level...
By JustWill [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 13:54 other posts 
Wearing this might help with your problem:

By phart [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 14:01 other posts 
No one's IQ here is very low. IF any one's IQ was low we would not have enough sense to even discuss or bring out in the open our opposing views.
I will not call a member here retarded.
Just aint right. We disagree, but that does not make us dumb. Dumb people don't discuss their ideas or look for middle ground or even try to understand what is going on.
Or try to help others understand.
Some when questioned will step back and ignore the question,as I ask how isolationism was going to hurt the US. Never got a answer or a opinion.
If I am to disagree with you,I need to first know what you are thinking. Same if you are to disagree with me.

BUT frankly,I think the biggest reason Hillary has not been charged and tried and all that, is Trump knows it will drag the country down further.Just as all the investigating and such on him is doing. In the end the result will be useless and not worth the trouble.
He wants the country to move past all that.
Far as I am concerned, Hillary should be under the jail in the basement acting as a toilet pig did in Asia but the best thing at this time for America is to Just let Hillary go wither away somewhere or maby actually get a real damn job and Work.
By #559941 25,Jul,18 17:25
So is it ok to call someone delusional but not to call someone delusional because they are retarded or just delusional?
--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes

No, I disagree... By not perusing indictment is dragging the country down. Sessions is AWOL and this gives the deep state the message they can commit treason anytime they want and the people know this now..
By #559941 25,Jul,18 17:29
Because the EU needs america's trade and money. They cannot operate without the united states. The helping of farmers is only a calculated short term goal but canada needs us and so does mexico and europe... America has enough internal resources to sustain its GDP.. Russia also has problems with Islamic Terrorism so that is a mutual issue. USA wants to get along with Russia because it is a nuclear threat and doesn't want to put sanctions on.. Chimera is an issue but the fact that they are giving money to terrorists to build weapons is unacceptable.. I can't get any further than that because it is classified info i know nothing about..
By #562152 25,Jul,18 14:23
well, baby,,if your IQ level is that low,,i can understand why you don't want to continue,,
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

BTW,,,do you have Dyslexia? Because you seem not to read and understand whet i have written,,and my ignorance or lack of it would not keep the justice department from going after her. even if this was true,,,"The charge was covered up by the FBI when they changed "Gross Neglegence" to "Extremely Careless" and it's not,,,the NEW FBI under the leadership of our most exalted leader can be made to indict her. After all she did not go to trial so there's no chance of double jeopardy,,,,A clause in the 5th amendment of the Constitution. You know, one of those lesser amendments you people ignore all the time??
--------------------------------------- added after 19 minutes

Also,,,you referenced the first amendment,,, you know that one: Rights to Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, Petition

Yes,that one,,the one anyone can express their opinion unless the opinion doesn't match yours???
and the second: Right to Bear Arms

Yes,, the lest get protection because the Russians are coming or big **** the feds,,,

and the fourth: Search and Seizure,,these liberals are really coming after our stash of weed,,,you think they want it for themselves?

How about the 14th?? Protects rights against state infringements, defines citizenship, prohibits states from interfering with privileges and immunities, requires due process and equal protection, punishes states for denying vote, and disqualifies Confederate officials and debts

HERE'S ONE YOU'D LOVE TO SEE GO!!! The 19th,,Women's Right to Vote
Them women screw up everything,,

How about the 7th?? Jury Trial,,,something you yahoos are not willing to give Hilary,,

Did I leave any important ones??? Are you willing to debate with me the impact these amendments had on our people?? or are you just a parrot denigrating other people with a different point of view??
--------------------------------------- added after 20 minutes

*****==b r o t h e r
By #559941 25,Jul,18 17:44
i know the amendments and what they stand for... 1st amendments rights are most important but calling people racists or wrong without giving specific documentation is abusing the privilege and every right comes with a responsibility. If you attack someone but don't like it when they attack you is ignorance.. All rights under the constitution are a responsibility... 4th amendment was clearly broken with obama administration and he knew about it... Hillary sold our classified documents to our enemies ... Obama gave 20% or our uranium to Russia through Canada....My point of view can be disagreed on but not with personal attacks... your behavior will only be acted upon.... Now behave yourself..
By #562152 25,Jul,18 19:18
Godzillas, delusional means you are thinking incorrectly,,,it's not meant as an insult to your character but to your way of thinking. Now, if i had said you are stupid, or your mother wears army boots, then, i could see why you would get mad. But, tell us all how the 4th amendment was clearly broken in the Obama administration with his knowledge. Obviously you know more than us on this. And Hilary's selling of classified documents,,how did that happen?
There were no personal attacks, just observations on your way of thinking but, you wrote this b4 i came after you
Your ignorance is not debatable...In fact it makes me sick to continue arguing with you on a low IQ level
and just now,,,,,My point of view can be disagreed on but not with personal attacks... your behavior will only be acted upon.... Now behave yourself..
Who the fuck are you??? who made you king of the forum?
You think because you are a man (and i use that loosely) you can bully me because you can't prove what you say???
Guess what Godzilla,,,you may kiss my,,,,,well,,maybe not
By #559941 25,Jul,18 20:05
Now the news has just come out on the press where Obama met with RUssian spies in 2015. Now congress is siting to put Rosenstein in contempt for holding back documents.. this i getting interesting...Not surprising...
By #559941 25,Jul,18 20:08
Now the news has just come out on the press where Obama met with RUssian spies in 2015. Now congress is siting to put Rosenstein in contempt for holding back documents.. this i getting interesting...Not surprising...

Now you're cursing at me? I'm sure this won't be taken lightly but in truth I could care less.. This is the spunk that put the democrats in this position.. they lost the election..Just sad... very sad..
By #562152 25,Jul,18 20:59
By #559941 25,Jul,18 23:13
A lot of people here are confused with my conclusions.. Let me try and show everyone here how I come across.
This is how I see the difference with executing the best idea for our nation. Before Christopher Columbus the Europeans were faced with religious persecution, famine, poverty and starvation. Terrorism was running rampted with accusations of heresy, impiety and against the church. Punishments were so inhumane I don't even mention the terrible tortures they inflicted on human beings..Tortures were carried out in public to show everyone what would happen to them if they even thought of going against the state.. It is torture and terrorism..
Finally in the 1600s people had enough and came to plymouth mass. to escape persecution to find a land where they can live in peace and most of all, justice, and freedom... This was the idea. England however still had political strongholds and when they imposed the stamp act it was the last straw. Americans fought for its independence and won the American revolution.. 1787 we wrote our constitution and ever since that day this law has been in effect..We called our nation the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, meaning for the PEOPLE as we say WE THE PEOPLE run our nation in unison, to be united with no persecution of ra-ce, religion, sex or sexual orientation. We are one nation under God with liberty and justice for all.. This includes YOU...
Our nation is run by the people, not by government which means political corruption is ****. No pay to play, no division... The democratic party can only survive with diversion because the constitution is 1 law. They have been in business through propaganda, division and ha_tred.. Look throughout history and you will see this consistency,, they formed the KKK in Tennessee December 24, 1865 in Pulaski, TN. Interesting how this terror group was formed right after the Lincoln Assassination right after the emancipation proclamation? He pissed off a lot of slave owners and funny how they were the opposition or the democratic party....
Everyone in the establishment put their chips on Hillary Clinton. Nobody would dream that Donald Trump would win.. They underestimated him.. They even cheated her past Bernie Sanders who is still trying to figure out what happened.. Everyone put their chips in the bag with pay to play, bribery, extortion, and following the new world order of wide open borders, socialism and removing many if not all amendments to the constitution. And the media was propagating how wonderful Obama is and how Hillary is going to lead the way as the first woman president.. everything was great UNTIL........ She lost..
Now all the corruption and shit is floating to the surface,, all the pay to play, FBI and CIA operatives that still for some reason have security clearance with classified documents. Whey they still have this information I don't know but the stench from all this lying crooks is so distusting nobody with real common sense can't reason out what is going on and it is quite disgusting. Rosenstein is the first DOJ deputy to be put up for impeachment in 122 years. More and more Obama crimes against our constitution are surfacing with his lies and treason acts so numerous I would have to copy paste everything that would take you all night to read..
The people have the right to run our nation, not crooks. Our constitution is our law. We have the right to maintain our national sovereignty and the higher you go up in your education level the more you can see this is the right idea and the right thing to do. I don't know what else to say and assuming you disagree I respect that but as long as you call me names from lack of thinking on your part the only conclusion is that you agree with me and are just letting your pride interfere. That I can't do anything about regarding ignorance.
By kebmo [Ignore] 26,Jul,18 01:20 other posts 
So you said this about Obama being born in the USA: "NO.. He already admitted he was born in Kenya... Its an admission so what's the issue here... He admitted he was not legitimate."
And I said it's a lie and you won't tell me where to find proof of your statement. Why not? It's a lie isn't it?
By #559941 26,Jul,18 02:24
only registered users can see external links added after 53 secondsthere ya go mate

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By #559941 26,Jul,18 02:36
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By kebmo [Ignore] 26,Jul,18 04:55 other posts 
Haha!! Reliable sources? I wasn't looking for bull shit because the internet is full of it. The clip of Obama has only 1.4M views on youtube! I could make a better bullshit clip.
Have a look at your lord and master admitting it on ABC. Even Trump isn't going there anymore.
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Now, if you can find Obama admitting it on a major network, newspaper I'd love to see it.... but of course you can't.
By #559941 26,Jul,18 18:19
Well you don't believe me then ask Hillary Clinton your WONDER WOMAN of the democratic party.. Even she said Obama was an i l le gal alien during the 2008 campaign... Are you calling her a liar too?..Here this is the transcript.. By the way,, what made you turn your name of Kebmo and since you are from Canada what does this stupid crap have anything to do with you? Canada is about to become sharia law so I'd be more worried about that before this..

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By #562152 26,Jul,18 08:08
Godzillas,,,I'm not sure if you are talking about me. I'm not calling you names. If after all I've said you think I haven't thought about this then nothing I say would be enough. The exchange of opposing views would be a waste of time. I do agree that it's impossible to fight ignorance. The passage of time will tell whom is right.
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jul,18 10:16 other posts 
You know,there is no one on earth that some dirt could not be dug up on. Billy Graham even had some problems with what he said about Jews once.
No one is perfect.
But Hillary was not a good choice for the Dems to put for election.
A often used ploy of Democrats ,liberals and what not is distraction.
"Oh,don't pay Hillary no attention,she just used a private server for classified info.Look Who Trump fucked one time ! WOW impeach impeach!He likes PUSSY!"

I ask this question all the time regardless of where I am on the web or in person and seldom ever get more than a funny look or someone typing off topic in response.
BUT just who would be a good candidate? Just who could both party's run for office that you couldn't scratch around and find something dirty in their past?

As for Obama's birth place,Again I repeat,the fact HE was not man enough to disclose it from the git go is enough to cause suspicion and should have disqualified him.
By JustWill [Ignore] 26,Jul,18 12:18 other posts 
You mean like Trump and his tax returns? (What is he hiding? Shouldn't "suspicions" that he is covering up financial ties to Russia disqualify him? Why isn't he 'man enough to disclose it from the git go'?)
It's kind of funny how you Trump-Humpers refuse to hold him to the same standards you hold the guy you didn't like...

(For the record, Obama DID release his birth certificate in June of 2008. The "birthers" claimed that it was a forgery, and refused to accept its authenticity. In April of 2011, Obama released the "long form" record of his birth in Hawaii. Once again, the folks who refused to accept any proof that they were wrong--lead by Trump--insisted that it was also "fake".)
By #559941 26,Jul,18 13:31
So tax returns is all you have to go by? If he broke the law don't you think the IRS would have him in court? I guess he must be following the law. He doesn't have to show you his private information only the IRS and G_d has justification.
But then again, you continue calling him a fake, warming up to Putin , rac_ist, playboy, affair with stormy Daniels,, all the shit... Have some more fun...
In the meantime all of his promises are being filled and he really cares less about this crap... He is doing his job and meting his promises to his constituents. The FACTS are there and now the African American voters are seeing the sunshine and more and more support...
By JustWill [Ignore] 26,Jul,18 14:10 other posts 
Doesn't a birth certificate qualify as "private information"?
Having massive financial ties to Russia might not qualify as "illeg@l", but it would place him in a position to be compromised and unfit to serve the best interests of this country.
I've read most of your posts on the subject of Trump. Are you sure you understand the definition of the word "fact"?
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jul,18 15:23 other posts 
If you are trying to run for President,1 of the requirements is to be Born in the USA. A birth certificate is accepted as proof at that time. There was a time when folks were born at home and notes in the family Bible sufficed but most folks that applied to are passed and gone.
If Trump was breaking laws regarding taxes,as money hungry as the government is, they would have come down on him long before he ran for Prez. I can honestly say I know a IRS agent and they don't play.This 1 even carries a gun on the job.
Now if they owed you money,they would probably work just as hard to get out of paying it as they do trying to beat it out of you.

Since some of you are so diligent with Google,read up on the requirements to run for President of the US.
BY the WAY, have any of you noticed our stock market was over 25,000 again this morning?
By #562152 30,Jul,18 17:48
The Constitution gives three eligibility requirements to be president: one must be 35 years of age, a resident "within the United States" for 14 years, and a "natural born Citizen," a term not defined in the Constitution.
As far as his refusal to show his tax returns, ok, it's my contention that he contributes money to **** societies. If he wants to prove that as fake news, well, I can't stop him
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****=p e d o p h I l e
By #435701 30,Jul,18 15:23
Twowarmtts2,-I hope I spelled that correctly...There is a HUGE difference between being charged and being a felon. While I ostensibly (?) am on your side as far as dipshit in chief...Hillary Billary has done felonious stuff. And as you say, NOT been charged. Does NOT equate to innocence...It's just that the US Justice System is just so ENTIRELY...corrupt. Lots of people get executed while being innocent. Lots of people go free while being guilty...And house values and 401's are just a figment of the imagination...driven ENTIRELY by the totally dishonest Market...It's entirely rigged. Has been forEVER...Wake up, before you lose everything in your 401K as well as your house...I WISH I could tell you how to do that. I cannot. As when it all crashes again as just 9 years ago...There will be no safe haven.
By #562152 30,Jul,18 17:38
@talk4s,401ks are for real. When your employer contributes 3%of your paycheck to match yor3% it builds up over the years and since it's invested at 5 to 8%, you can have a good nest egg. I still believe in it as I have almost $90000 still. Also, while a person can be moraly guilty, in this country you are innocent until proven guilty. PROVEN GUILTY. Now, the head of the justice department is Jeff Sessions, appointed by President Trump and serving at the President's pleasure. Why hasn't Hillary been indicted? She is Trump's arch enemy. It's because they don't have proof. My house is immune to financial disasters. We own it outright, no mortgage. And BTW, to be a felon you have to be charged, brought to trial, and convicted of a felonious crime, not a misdemeanor
By #435701 01,Aug,18 13:35
Twowarmitts2-NOTHING is for 'real'. Look @ history and you will see how governments have just taken their citizens monies, houses, art, etc. when they felt the need...Just because this is 'Muricah' does NOT mean it cannot happen to you! To ME (I hear we may ALL lose lots of our Social Security money soon because our gov't. has spent it OTHERWISE and now there is NOT enough to cover what it owes all us 'citizens')...I would love to see Hillary Billary indicted. She is not more honest than Trumpity Dumpity. Likely the reason WHY she has not been indicted is Trump knows such a thing would make EVEN his base see he has no clothes...ALL governments are DISHONEST as hell. Way of the World for CENTURIES...Really, just look back to 2009 and how MANY people lost EVERYTHING. Including 401's. If simply because they had NO choice but to take that 401K(congrats to you for having so much! But it won't last long even with a paid for house if the economy really crashes) money to survive...As far as being innocent until proven guilty. That is a wonderful phrase that has absolutely NO truth. Depends on WHO one is after they are charged. Skin color, 'caste' etc...but the REAL problem with US 'justice' is lawyers keep score. Who won, who lost which has NOTHING to do with true justice. Look @ the statistics of people on Death Row who were exonerated by DNA. And then look @ HOW they were convicted to begin with! Like football, win/lose was the WHOLE reason. Do NOT get involved in a US court unless you have LOTS of money, are white OR have a 'dream team' defending you. BTW...It did NOT matter at all during WHOSE administration the crash happened!...Get ready. There's another one coming as they try to unwind 'Quantitative Easing'. Murcah and the ENTIRE World is on a financial tight rope that requires perfect balance so everything does not implode...again...Wars happen over this shit
By #562152 30,Jul,18 17:53
BTW, the crash you refer to happened during Bush junior's administration
By #435701 26,Jul,18 14:12
By #435701 01,Aug,18 14:21
twowarmitts2-How come sometimes you say one what I and others think and then you turn right around and say the EXACT fucking opposite? Methinks you be a Russian bot! Out to put all us Murcahns agin eeech udder! lol...don't think there is any such word as 'iddiotism'...Idjut
By #562152 01,Aug,18 17:29
Lollipop, you will find, if you read carefully, that I am always saying the same. If you don't think so, then quote those excerpts and I'll try to explain. Answering accusations of your perseptions is illogical without a reference.
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What you'll find is that I use facts to argue. Verified facts. And if it falls on the other side of my argument, so be it
By #435701 26,Jul,18 13:39
JustWill- ...Just told I could NOT post the original
By onthelose [Ignore] 26,Jul,18 19:51 other posts 
I guess I could say the same about all the hub bub about Russian interference instead of just accepting that you lost the election. Obama said elections have consequences, we won now sit down and shut up. That works both ways.
By JustWill [Ignore] 26,Jul,18 20:41 other posts 
I lost? Odd, I wasn't even running.
Also, since my post was about the investigation into Russian interference (do you people even actually read stuff before you comment?)it's good that you agree with me.
Speaking of losing, by the way:
Did you you intend for your screen name to be "on the LOOSE" (which means "free or unconfined") or were you truly going with "on the LOSE" (which isn't actually a commonly used expression but would mean "not achieved, not won, or unable to be found")?

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