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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By bella! [Ignore] 13,Jul,18 10:00 other posts 
Question, for you technologically advanced members.

An Evaluation Panel referral was made and at the time I voted, I voted NO ABUSE. Why? Because the link provided in the referral did not provide proof anf conducting my own independent search, via TinEye, yielded absolutely NOTHING!

I received an email from another member who used "yandex" and found that the referral was good and suggested that I do the same.

This is where I need help. I Google'd yandex, now what? On TinEye, there was a spot to insert the information regarding the picture and it would determine whether matches were or were not found. Apparently, yandex is not the same or that simple. CAN ANYONE DUMB IT DOWN FOR ME BY GIVING ME SOME STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS?

Ha! I agreed with licksipsuckit and now it appears that she withdrew her NO ABUSE vote!
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 13,Jul,18 11:19 other posts 
I was going to look into this but evidently this is a Russian, and call me paranoid but I wont use anything that is Russian based.
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Jul,18 12:28 other posts 
What was the ethnicity of the woman who gave you your recent blowjob?
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 13,Jul,18 16:51 other posts 
A strange question.. but caucasian. Why that particular question?
By admin [Ignore] 14,Jul,18 09:30 other posts 
She means that the origin does not matter if it gets things done. Yandex is indeed a product of Russian development, but at the moment it is better than Google when it's about image search. I don't use it anyway, just know this because it's related to the biz. I would not use Russian social networks or messengers because those are controlled by FSB which is pretty much modern KGB but I don't think using image search puts you in any kind of danger, unless you search something il1egal, in which case Google can rat you out sooner anyway.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 14,Jul,18 09:34 other posts 
I accept what you say but I just refuse to use any Russian based sites, apps or programs on principle.

By routemaster [Ignore] 13,Jul,18 15:20 other posts 
RAIN LOVELY RAIN! After weeks of hideous heat and drought-like conditions, it thundered and poured down this evening - and it waited until Friday the 13th to do so. But its still going to be 29C over the weekend

By bella! [Ignore] 11,Jul,18 01:04 other posts 
I found an interesting post, a member claimed that I use vulgar language toward them while interacting with them. Yeah, I realize that I do come across hard or harsh but vulgar, I'm sorry, I don't see that.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 12,Jul,18 04:56 other posts 
Really.. ?. Someone who is a member of an adult site is offended by vulgar language! What on earth were they expecting? There is just one word that I don’t use and that is the c word. (Being coy here 😄 ) As that is often seen as offensive to women, but I can’t think of any other word that Is in that category.
In conversations with women I tend to moderate my language according to the language that they use. But that is just empathy and good manners.

I have had conversations with female members who bemoan the fact that they receive unsolicited photos from random males wth gynaecolical descriptions of what the male member would like to do to them. But that is a different issue.
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Jul,18 08:40 other posts 
No, this asswipe is not offended in that manner, I suspect that IT is referring to when I refer to them being an asswipe.

This asswipe is like no other asswipe, IT is a major asswipe, like the GRAND DOUCHE of ASSWIPES. IT is the fart in an elevator.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 12,Jul,18 09:04 other posts 
In that case my initial point standss, this is an adult site, dor adults. To use a cliched expression the offended member should 'grow a pair'.
By #491031 12,Jul,18 10:07
Begging your pardon, ma'am, but I will be expecting a royalties check for the use of that "fart in an elevator" bit.
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Jul,18 13:22 other posts 
Of course! Of course!

What would you like?

It rattled me to learn that an ASSWIPE found my language vulgar. Vulgar? Really? Vulgar, NO WAY! The only thing that I see as vulgar is them.
By #551482 12,Jul,18 15:28
I like to fart in the Elevator (if i´m alone) and then send it to the top floor to wait for the next guests Asswipe is much cruder than Asshat, although i believe that Asshat is a bigger Insult since it describes the intellectual capacity which varies between humans. On the other Hand, everyone has an ass and has to wipe it (Kings or Queens maybe excepted )
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Jul,18 16:29 other posts 
So do you feel that when I call this asswipe an asswipe, I am vulgar? And if you feel my assessment of the member is vulgar, will kindly rate my vulgarity from 1 to 10? #10 being that I should have my mouth scoured out with bleach down to #1, meh, my mouth is still kissable.
By #551482 13,Jul,18 15:07
Maybe it´s an understanding of the word vulgar. I´m happy to be vulgar because it´s crude and fun. This is an adult site where we hang out Pictures of our naughty bits for the world to see, which is about as vulgar as you can get :-) If someone wants to throw their teapot around because a word is vulgar, well poor old them, maybe they should go into the garden and water the plants instead. But even though i don´t think you´re vulgar, i´d still rate your vulgarity as #1 cos your mouth is still kissable

By #491031 11,Jul,18 09:44
Today's QUESTION OF THE DAY is: "Short or long matters?".
It's like they aren't even trying anymore...
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Jul,18 18:56 other posts 
But those questions require 3 ninnyhammers to approve them before they are rolled out to the membership.
By admin [Ignore] 11,Jul,18 19:12 other posts 
Not 3. 10. And it's a difference between those who approved and disapproved the question. I.e. if 5 people disapproved the question, 15 people are required to push it through.

By #358797 10,Jul,18 23:32
Does anyone here use discord? If you do, do you know of the boobbot?
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Jul,18 01:06 other posts 
I play Bubble Witch on my phone during the hours that I'm deprioritized.

By #358797 11,Jul,18 01:45
My mom played that for a while. Can't say I've played it myself though.
I spend all my free time on Game of Thrones: Conquest... Which is why I use discord... It's a chat app for gamers... Easier to keep in touch with my allegiance on there.
There's a bot on there that's super popular... The boobbot... Today they made me their avatar. Lol. I'm pretty excited about it.
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Jul,18 02:43 other posts 
Can you show those of us who don't use the app, the avatar, the boobbot?
By #358797 11,Jul,18 06:44
[deleted image]
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Jul,18 18:55 other posts 
How cool is that!

By bella! [Ignore] 09,Jul,18 09:34 other posts 
Okay, so I pay Sprint approximately $130.00 per month for an UNLIMITED plan. UNLIMITED texts, UNLIMITED calls but apparently, I DO NOT have unlimited internet. Sometime on Saturday I received a text message from Sprint to advise me that I had already used 17GB of data within this billing period and once I hit 23GB, I would experience slower response time during peak usage hours. Well, within 8 hours, I received another text advising me I reached 23GB. What's peculiar is that more then half of those 8 hours I was sle,eping, so there was no usage.

I've had Sprint for 10+ years, I have never received any alerts from them cautioning me about my usage. I have no idea if 23GB is a lot. And finally, UNLIMITED is not unlimited, it is unlimited within reason.
By 2nice [Ignore] 09,Jul,18 10:07 other posts 
That’s odd. Sprint coverage on my side of the state is really poor, so few people use that carrier here. $130/month also seems quite expensive. I pay $120/month for Verizon coverage and that is considered expensive. I think you’re getting the shaft, and not the good kind of shaft.
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Jul,18 11:29 other posts 
Dumb it down for me, please, what the heck is 23GB? Is that an extreme amount of usage?
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 09,Jul,18 16:11 other posts 
I just looked for an easy to understand fact and evidently watching Netflix for an hour uses around 1GB. So 23GB is the equivalent of streaming Netflix for 23 hours. Of course you may download a film to watch and downloading a film of say 2 hours plus is going to use around 2GB or more, but that depends on the movie.
Streaming and downloading are probably the largest consumers of your data. If you don't do either of those where is the data being used ?

According to a different source streaming music for 8 hours uses around 1GB, but that does depend on the quality that you set your streaming service to.
By 2nice [Ignore] 09,Jul,18 16:16 other posts 
Would agree. Streaming burns up data mega quick.
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Jul,18 22:21 other posts 
Thank you 2nice.

Oh, I forgot to break it down; $85.00 is my plan, $13.00 for insurance and $21.25 on the device, so that's $119.25 plus tax gets me to the $130.00 bill.
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Jul,18 22:13 other posts 
Thank you, yes, I do stream movies but I kinda think I have an idea what has happened.

Apparently, last month Sprint changed their policy on usage and I was unaware. Unaware because I don't get a paper invoice on a monthly basis but even if I did, their change would probably be that fine print crap that I don't bother reading. So this evening, I called Sprint's Customer Service area and was told that Sprint made the this change in the month of June and it affects all Sprint customers. During "peak hours" I will be "deprioritized", yep, that's the term the customer service rep used "deprioritized" during the lunch hours of 01:00 (13:00) and 02:00 (14:00). So my next concern and question was that it must be lunch time in various places within the world so which time zone are we speaking of EST, CMT, GMT or any of the other time zones. Poor guy didn't know how to respond, had to put me on hold to check. So not only do I need to be concerned with roaming in Canada, now I'm being deprioritized during certain hours. He also told me that the newer phones seem to require or use more data(?), so he suggested that I turn my phone off when I'm not using it. Turn it off? No, he meant that I needed to exit the various websites when I'm not using them.

By Andthisisme [Ignore] 10,Jul,18 03:45 other posts 
I do recall reading some while ago that leaving apps running even if they are not in use can cause significant data usage as the app is constantly checking ‘home’. I am not sure what sort of level of data usage that means though.
I am one of those sad people who shut down an app unless I am actively using it.
As for ‘deprioritising’ I think that the very fact that some providers make a point of claiming that they do not do that says a lot about providers who do not claim that. I am on a plan which in theory should not suffer from data slowdown but I still notice slowdown at certain times of the day.
In the end they have us over a barrel I think. I could change my provider but I read complaints about each and every provider. So I stay put.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 10,Jul,18 07:42 other posts 
Google about your device....and maybe the net neutrality rollback is starting to take hold,also the anti trust issues..
Looks like you got stuffed by the terms and conditions of your contract..
By #358797 09,Jul,18 17:00
I have T-Mobile prepaid with streaming forgiveness. 40 bucks a month, unlimited talk and text with 5gb high speed data and unlimited data at 3g speed after that. I can literally stream all month and it doesn't count against my 5gb high speed data. It's wonderful.
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Jul,18 22:20 other posts 
Are you pleased with T-Mobile? Are you able to see the difference between the 5g speed and 3g speed?

So your streaming forgiveness and your unlimited talk and text run approximately how much per month? I think I have a charge in my bill for international something or the other, too.
By #358797 09,Jul,18 23:56
I love T-Mobile. I get freebies every Tuesday from them, and I've never had an issue with their service. And no, I've never noticed a difference in speed even after I use up the high speed. In the fine print it says the top 2% of data users are the ones who get speed reduction and I'm not near top 2...i mostly use Wi-Fi at home, so that helps too.
I pay 40 bucks a month... I think it's like 43 dollars for the card after taxes and 911 fees and such.
By milesbferry [Ignore] 09,Jul,18 19:51 other posts 
I'll bet you have multi windows open on your fancy phone, all streaming all day and night.

Good evening, by the way! Kiss kiss!
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Jul,18 22:22 other posts 
Yeah, sometimes.....
By kebmo [Ignore] 10,Jul,18 00:56 other posts 
Do you connect your phone wifi to your home wifi when you get home? This will eliminate data usage on your phone because it will come from your home.
If you visit anyone regularly, ask them their wifi password so your phone will automatically use their wifi every time you visit. Ditto for work.
Are you watching a lot of movies or listening to a lot of radio on your phone?
As milesbferry said, be sure to close windows because if you don't, they'll be using data when you're not using them.
Of course my favourite solution to any computer, phone or wifi issue I have is ASK SOMEONE YOUNG!!!
I don't ever stream movies or watch youtube on my phone. My contract is for 2.5 gb/month and I rarely get past 1.5 gb.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 10,Jul,18 07:02 other posts 
You can see where your data is going by looking at settings on your phone. I seem to recall you have a Samsung Galaxy of some type, check settings, then either connections then data usage or just data usage. You will then see how much data each app has used, I assume in the current billing period. That might be interesting.
That of course only shows data used via your phone network - mobile data- wifi connected uage doesn't count, as kembo pointed out.
By jayman73 [Ignore] 10,Jul,18 15:33 other posts 
I have a T-Mobile pay as you go plan, with unlimited everything, and I pay $65 a month.
By milesbferry [Ignore] 10,Jul,18 21:05 other posts 
I pay £65 per month for UNLIMITED 'fibre' (no it's not, it's phone line), an unused landline, and Sky TV by satellite. Love Elementary
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Jul,18 21:11 other posts 
With Lucy Liu and Jonny Lee Miller?
By milesbferry [Ignore] 10,Jul,18 21:27 other posts 
Yes! That was Elementary last night, actually!

By leopoldij [Ignore] 10,Jul,18 17:13 other posts 
I pay Bouygues Telecom approximately €98.62 per month for an unlimited plan and do get unlimited internet too. Roaming within EU is also unlimited. I've used it in Baku two years ago and it charged me a moderate additional amount. I've had some problems in Asmara, but that was due to my temporarily connecting to the local operator and my lack of understanding of the instructions that were unfortunately only available in tigrigna of which I have a very limited understanding. I'm afraid that problems with my plan will start when I visit Johor Bahru though. So I may consider getting a local sim, just in case.
By milesbferry [Ignore] 10,Jul,18 20:59 other posts 
Oooh, aren't you the big money guy! Been around, too! Ha Ha!
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Jul,18 21:02 other posts 
His post is meant to mock me, my post.

Apparently, it stunned him that someone, who he has never interacted with, would post something negative about him in his blog, so here goes, my opinion.......Is it just me who sees that Leo is a real nutcase/dick/twat/areshole? 
By milesbferry [Ignore] 10,Jul,18 21:09 other posts 
But He's so important I can't help but wish him the best, the wanker!
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Jul,18 21:12 other posts 
Oh, he is really important NOW! Look, somebody bought him a premium membership!

By bella! [Ignore] 10,Jul,18 14:35 other posts 
Another Free Theme Image Contest winner who won with a picture taken from the internet!

[deleted image]

Really, Specialk694u2 ? You won the contest with a stolen picture? Maybe admin will take your crown away and award it to the rightful member, the member who did not cheat by stealing. And maybe not! Looks like you already destroyed the award in lieu of points! While I'm at it, will you kindly remove the picture you recently uploaded? That's stolen, too.
--------------------------------------- added after 43 hours

Goodbye, member #521553, Specialk694u2. You could not help yourself, you kept uploading internet pictures and continued to enter those pictures in the Free Theme Image Contests.

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