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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By routemaster [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 04:50 other posts 
Have you heard Cher's rendition of ABBA's "Fernando" from the new Mama Mia film? I will ALWAYS LOVE ABBA but I do think Cher has excelled herself with a fabulous cover version of that song, one of the best ABBA did (after all it was THEIR song!) and, coincidentally, one of my favourites.
By #550094 19,Jul,18 21:42
I loooves me some ABBA!
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 20,Jul,18 08:57 other posts 
Thank you for pointing this song out, I hadn't seen it. Cher's voice is always amazing and I am a total sucker for her records - and have been since 'I got you babe'.
By routemaster [Ignore] 22,Jul,18 04:45 other posts 
Thanks to both of you, glad somebody thinks the same as me!
By kebmo [Ignore] 22,Jul,18 05:31 other posts 
I just checked out the song. I like it.
I bought my girlfriend at the time and her Mother second row tickets to see Cher in c1999. I was in the good books for a long time!
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Jul,18 00:40 other posts 
I saw Mamma Mia, Here We Go Again, yesterday. I thought Cher looked beautiful and her rendition of "Fernando" was excellent! I've been humming "Dancing Queen" and tapping my toes for the last 24 hours.

By bella! [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 19:45 other posts 
Sorry, some dicks are really not visually appealing.
By #545732 25,Jul,18 19:51
I agree. I'm a balls man myself
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 22:27 other posts 
I lean towards balls and butts, myself
By #545732 25,Jul,18 22:59
So do I if the opportunity pops up!

Oh... you mean as in pics and stuff, not physically? Oops, my bad
By 2nice [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 21:00 other posts 

You gotta dress them up!
By #545732 25,Jul,18 21:07
I tried that, but mine looked silly in a dress
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 22:28 other posts 
Dress 'em up by bedazzling them?

By kebmo [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 05:21 other posts 
In case you were wondering....

I just learned that the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad on May 10, 1869 shrank the time needed to cross the USA from six months to one week!

Now we all know!
By #562152 25,Jul,18 10:40
and internet in 1869 sucked,,,had to look at prairie dogs make love,,
By #23212 25,Jul,18 18:48
And on November 7, 1885, the completion of the Canadian Pacific Railroad was celebrated.

By bella! [Ignore] 22,Jul,18 02:30 other posts 
Quite often, when new and young SYC members join, it's almost impossible to not notice the number of "mature" men that that go ga-ga over these young girls. I'm curious if anyone is able to comment on whether they would act like in real life or if they are able to do this freely because it is done with anonymity? Thank you.
By #554437 22,Jul,18 05:02
I have a few young women that work in my office. It always amazes me how older men flock around these girls - to the point I sometimes have to ask them to leave. Based on what they tell me - the girls do not like the attention. Most are to polite to tell the guys what they think. So yes, there are men out there who act basically the same here and in real life.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Jul,18 12:40 other posts 
You ask the men to leave or the women?
By #554437 22,Jul,18 12:41
The men. Was obvious the women were uncomfortable.
By milesbferry [Ignore] 22,Jul,18 18:42 other posts 
It's sexual harassment in the workplace! --- so stop it!
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Jul,18 22:24 other posts 
If he's not the "boss", he did what he could do short of reporting the men and their actions to the company's HR department.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 22,Jul,18 11:28 other posts 
I wouldn't want to be seen to be defending inappropriate behaviour, however, I think that there are two elements to this issue.

Firstly, do older men find young women attractive ? Well of course they do, just because he is old old enough to draw his pension does not mean that an older man cannot appreciate a pretty face or an attactive body on a woman of any age. I don't think that this is controversial.

Secondly, if an older man sees a younger woman and finds her attractive should he allow himself to go 'ga ga' about her and 'flock around her' behaving in what may be considered an an inappropriate manner? In the office situation described by Bobdick the answer has to be a resounding and clear NO.

On a site like this, is it wrong for an older man to comment politely on a young woman's photos? I don't think so. However, making overly sexual comments and sending inappropriate messages, and unsolicited photos, sometimes repeatedly, certainly is.

Finally, clearly the anonymity offered on a site like this certainly plays a part in allowing some members to behave in the way that you describe.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Jul,18 12:56 other posts 
It is wonderful that men, of any age, appreciate beauty but be clear, beauty is not solely owned by the same 18 to 25 year old group.

Sure, admire her perky breasts and toned body and remember that 30 to 40 years ago "you" were buff and in your prime, too. That she probably thinks that "you" are old enough to be her grandpa..... I recall when my mom turned 50 years old my pops said "jokingly" that he wanted to trade her in for two 25 year olds. I kinda think that's the way many mature men tend to think.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 22,Jul,18 17:08 other posts 
I hope that you know me well enough to know that I totally agree with you about beauty not being the preserve of the 18 to 25 group and that I have no time for the 'trade her in for a younger model' attitude.
The point that I was trying to make, obviously badly, was that older men can still innocently appreciate an attractive young women but also appreciate the beauty of woman of their own age and be enjoying a fulfilling and meaningful relationship with her.
I certainly would not want to swap my 64 year old close friend, one of the most beautiful women I know, for a younger woman. There would be no contest.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Jul,18 22:33 other posts 
I'm not calling anyone in particular out, just men in general. It just makes me smile to see these brand new SYC members who have their page(s) decorated with gifts and comments of adoration just because their breasts are perky and their pussy looks tight. Fast forward 20 some years when she is 40 something and has 2 or 3 ch,ildren.....
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 25,Jul,18 15:07 other posts 
Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll ogle them even more at 40+!! That's if I make it 20 more years!!! LOL!!! Gawd I would be a really disgusting really old pervert!!! LOL!!!!!
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 22,Jul,18 21:43 other posts 
I am a grandpa!! If I live another 10 years I might be a great-grandpa!! OMG!!! I'm old and sagging!!! LOL!!!!

I so remember, back 50 years!!! I was tone and fit!!! And being shot at!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I do look at the 18 to 25 year old women, but I really don't lust after them!!! My true lust and desire is for women over 40!
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 22,Jul,18 21:44 other posts 
And besides I don't think women in the 18 to 25 age group even notice me!!!
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Jul,18 22:25 other posts 
What if they did?
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 22,Jul,18 22:48 other posts 
No!!!!!!! My grand daughters are in that age group!!! UGH!!!!!
By #562152 22,Jul,18 18:22
From someone that is used to atracting men, I can tell you that a young woman at work would feel uncomfortable. If a woman who uses this site to show her assets should not feel uncomfortable when the other people visit her page. Some of the guys don't have any clue on the behavior needed to make a friend. In that case, either straighten them out or block them.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Jul,18 22:36 other posts 
At 18, 19, 25 years old, do you recall how you felt when mature men ogled you?
By #562152 23,Jul,18 05:37
At 18 and 19 I felt invaded. By 25 I was too into men to care.
By PoloFields [Ignore] 22,Jul,18 22:44 other posts 
Could an argument be made that guys are acting out here because they can't at work, thanks (and thank goodness for) to sexual harassment policies? OTOH, and not to make a "she was asking for it" argument, everyone does, for the most part, get naked here.

By bella! [Ignore] 22,Jul,18 13:14 other posts 

Did you ever notice that when there's a contest open for SYD and SYC members, there will always be a SYC winner? Men, maybe I can only call out straight men, is pussy the only thing that excites your eyes and senses?
By #562152 22,Jul,18 18:27
Maybe the amount of male voters is overwhelming. In that case, a good looking pussy will outshine a limp cock,,or, it's perceived gay to vote for cock
By leopoldij [Ignore] 24,Jul,18 02:45 other posts 
Exactly. Moreover, as I just wrote, the intention of most men here (or illusion) is to get to fuck a pussy, they aren't here for the looks, especially of male dicks.
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 22,Jul,18 21:32 other posts 
Nope! I have no interest in SYD. But a woman can be sexy and alluring without showing anything other than to tease! Actually for me it is the hair!!!!!! I don't like weird colored hair, I love the natural look, even if it is going grey!

I really don't like some of the strange styles of hair, like spikey nor strange cuts! Long hair, medium length, short, doesn't matter. I do know what I like and what I don't like.
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Jul,18 00:04 other posts 
But aren't you able to look at a man's cock and think to yourself, hey, that's a nice cock? Or, gee, that guy has really great abs and would you look at his thighs, so muscular!

Do you have reservations about complimenting a man on a sharp suit, a handsome pair of shoes OR his car? Gee, I don't, nor do I have reservations about complimenting an unknown woman on her hairstyle, fragrance, purse, piece of jewelry, etc.

Last week, I went to a coworker's house for the first time and met her husband. He had on a nice crisp white shirt, khaki slacks and some handsome, well polished brown shoes. I complimented him on his shoes, unbeknownst to me that he is a "shoe horse". There was no denying that he was well put together and I wanted him to know that I appreciated how sharp he looked!
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 24,Jul,18 13:06 other posts 
I don't have reservations about complimenting anyone on the way they are dressed, etc. I prefer to complement on how they relate to others, their kindness, compassion, etc. Also their performance in areas like, art, sports, etc.

I certainly would complement on a person's dress, hairstyle, etc.

I do admit, and only to myself, when I think a cock is nice, but I won't say here or to anyone.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 24,Jul,18 02:38 other posts 
Don't forget that this is sex site and so most men, as in real life, are interested in pussy, that's what they're here for, so they choose pussy in the contest over dick.
By #562152 24,Jul,18 19:44
Besides, how many men wear shoes on site?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 24,Jul,18 19:50 other posts 

By #539433 22,Jul,18 22:21
only registered users can see external links
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By bella! [Ignore] 22,Jul,18 22:38 other posts 
Damn! She was out for BL00D!
By kebmo [Ignore] 23,Jul,18 06:02 other posts 
I LOVE it! I've worked in restaurants most of my life and I've seen and heard it all. Except this! You go girl!! Serve that pig what he deserves, Just Desserts!!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 23,Jul,18 06:52 other posts 
Well done!

Notice, however, if their roles were reversed, if it was the female who touched the male then the male not only wouldn't hit her but would follow her for more.
By 2nice [Ignore] 23,Jul,18 11:14 other posts 
That’s great. That guy totally deserved it.
By kebmo [Ignore] 24,Jul,18 02:48 other posts 
Trevor Noah showed the video on The Daily Show tonight (not the Tonight Show which I watch daily).

By 2nice [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 13:04 other posts 
I fear I may have to eat my words. This is thread just might, just MIGHT, be as popular as PISSING AT URINALS one day.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Jul,18 13:00 other posts 
Actually, props to PISSING AT URINALS for being such a successful thread that is dedicated to only one sole theme, pissing at urinals.
By #562152 22,Jul,18 18:29
Small point of view, pissing at urinals is really "how does my dick compare to yous"
By kebmo [Ignore] 22,Jul,18 19:15 other posts 
One thread is designed to stimulate me physically and the other is designed to stimulate me mentally. Although I must admit to the occasional boner (like now) caused by Bella's eyeball. There, I said it.
By 2nice [Ignore] 22,Jul,18 20:21 other posts 
Kebmo, you may suffer from Bella Boner Eyeball syndrome. BBE is no joke. Go see a doctor immediately.
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By kebmo [Ignore] 22,Jul,18 20:50 other posts 
I saw my Ophthalmologist about it. He asked to see "the eyeball in question" so I showed him. Now we both have B-BES. We both jerked off in his office during my appointment. His condition is so bad that his office has closed and now he spends his time in his basement with a photo of Bella's eyeball without his pants on.

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