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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By bella! [Ignore] 15,Aug,18 18:35 other posts 
Um, erm, uh.....for those in doubt, SHIT HAPPENS!

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By 2nice [Ignore] 15,Aug,18 18:51 other posts 
That’s fucked up. Why did I want to see that? Oh yeah, I didn’t!!!
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Aug,18 19:11 other posts 
This was what I was actually searching for on YouTube. So I keyed this into my search, WOMAN SH and that's what popped in first. I was looking for the woman videotaped shaving her legs in a Florida hotel pool.

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By 2nice [Ignore] 16,Aug,18 07:31 other posts 
At least she wasn’t shaving her snatch. Or...was that next?
By admin [Ignore] 16,Aug,18 08:32 other posts 
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By 2nice [Ignore] 16,Aug,18 09:23 other posts 
That was AWESOME!!!!
By bella! [Ignore] 16,Aug,18 10:40 other posts 
Did you listen to the woman in the background? She had the same concern and could be heard saying; "I hope she don't shave her hoo haa next". The video was only 20 seconds long, maybe she did take care of all of her personal grooming needs.
By #545732 15,Aug,18 19:02
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Aug,18 19:04 other posts 
Are you speechless? Me, too! People are messed up!
By #545732 15,Aug,18 19:12
Hahaha! Yeah, speechless indeedy! What on Earth did you type in the search box to find those??
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Aug,18 19:29 other posts 
I wanted to post the short video of the woman shaving her legs while at a Florida hotel so I typed, WOMAN SH

By #545732 16,Aug,18 19:08
I just saw the first video again because I wanted to send the link to a friend. This time watching, I noticed she grabs something from the counter to clean her ass with after her performance. I love the fact that she's depraved enough to do something that disgusting, yet her hygene is still important to her, haha!
By bella! [Ignore] 16,Aug,18 19:54 other posts 
Well, I can only guess that laundry day is a couple days away and if she is careful, she can turn her knickers inside out and wear them another day!
By #545732 16,Aug,18 19:56
By bella! [Ignore] 16,Aug,18 20:43 other posts 
Turning knickers inside out to get a second wear or slinging a warm pile of poop!
By #545732 16,Aug,18 20:51
The thought of HER knickers getting a second wear that day I meant
By bella! [Ignore] 16,Aug,18 22:29 other posts 
You just have to wonder what was going on in her head that would possess her to do something that crazy!
By #545732 16,Aug,18 22:42
I totally agree! It wasn't the usual kind of spare of the moment reaction you'd expect from an angry customer, was it?! I bet that wasn't her debut performance doing it either, haha!
By #562152 16,Aug,18 08:28
That is wrong wrong wrong,,,

By bella! [Ignore] 16,Aug,18 11:47 other posts 
Aretha Franklin, Queen of Soul, died this morning at the age of 76.
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By #562152 16,Aug,18 13:54
RIP Miss Aretha, you will be missed
By #551482 16,Aug,18 14:51
R E S P E C T Aretha Franklin
By bella! [Ignore] 16,Aug,18 14:58 other posts 
How appropriate bigg, you thought of the best post!
By #545732 16,Aug,18 17:43
I agree

By kebmo [Ignore] 16,Aug,18 06:57 other posts 
The conversation about eliminating the statute of limitations for some crimes in the US has been met by great opposition from the Catholic Church. They are actively lobbying against it because so many priests would go to jail for the rest of their lives.
The crimes committed in Pennsylvania by priests happened so long ago that the criminals can no longer be convicted of them.
God they're a disgusting bunch of perverts.
I don't know about other countries but I do know that Canada does not have a statute of limitations. Many, many priests are languishing in jail here and many more will join them.
I wonder if Canadian criminal priests are being sent to the US to escape prosecution. Probably.
By #562152 16,Aug,18 08:35
I agree with you up to a point,,,smoking weed in a park and being wanted or potentially being prosecuted after some years is wrong, the amount of anguish alone is enough punishment, but, sexual battery, especially to a ****, should not have a statute of limitation. Same for violent robbery, and of course, murder. While on the subject, sex offenders are put into a national register and they have to report to local **** for the rest of their life. I believe violent robbers and murderers that get charge with 2nd degree or less should be made to register too...
By kebmo [Ignore] 16,Aug,18 14:34 other posts 
Do they go on the national sex offender registry if they are charged or convicted? Canada has one and it's only after conviction that you are on that registry.
These priests are not going to be the US.

BTW, the Canadian one is available for anyone to look at, as it should be.
By #562152 16,Aug,18 15:41
Convicted only

By #562152 16,Aug,18 14:07

By #562152 16,Aug,18 10:12
The site went down in my area from 945 EDS time to 1010,,did this happen to anyone else??
By leopoldij [Ignore] 16,Aug,18 10:25 other posts 
It happens sometimes.
By #562152 16,Aug,18 10:26
thanks Leo,,

By #564821 15,Aug,18 21:31
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Aug,18 22:37 other posts 
Uh, thanks for posting a random dick pic. For future reference, you will probably receive more attention by posting pics in the following threads;

Justwill's, Post Your Random Dick Pic HERE /forum/thread.php?id=26300 or

leopoldij's, Show Your Most Recent Pic /forum/thread.php?id=24023#2115

By bella! [Ignore] 15,Aug,18 16:55 other posts 
"The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry."

Just shoot me, please, and put me out of my misery! Last Monday I woke up to a big ol' cold sore on my top lip that I have been nursing now for eight days. Today, my crown fell out and Friday my nephew you gets married.

I only have 1.5 days to get it together otherwise I'm going to look like a hot mess!

By bella! [Ignore] 15,Aug,18 07:59 other posts 
Someone that blacklists another member because they do not agree with the member's opinions is a weak individual. Just sayin'.
By #562152 15,Aug,18 08:14
boy,,,was i ever weak,,, . Just to inform other members, because i love to engage,,even be a little contrary, when i blacklisted 3 members recently (and I think I apologized to them) it drove me crazy. If a member is abusive, really abusive, calling you names,etc, blacklist him/her. But if there's a difference of opinion, you should stick with it. I was so miserable i started to check out the forums without signing in (it lets you read posts). If you can't see someone else's point of view, at least, be respectful and with all the love in the world, tell him/her to stick it where the sun don't shine (BTW, CC54 and JustWill, that's "asshole to you,,,hahaha )
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Aug,18 08:24 other posts 
Yes, I believe it is a characteristic of being weak. It's like you are not playing the game according to my rules so now I'm not going to allow you to play at all! That will teach you to not agree with me!
By #562152 15,Aug,18 08:49
As always, my dear Bella,,you hit the target right on the center,,,
By #559941 15,Aug,18 13:44
By #562152 15,Aug,18 13:57
godzilla,,,i thought you had banned me,,,,did you miss my farts???
By #559941 15,Aug,18 14:00
It is just encouraging to me how I read your posts and gives me more confidence what will happen for the 2018 midterm elections..
By #562152 15,Aug,18 14:19
Gee baby,,you became a demicrat??

By bella! [Ignore] 14,Aug,18 14:45 other posts 
I subscribed to Netflix and Hulu a couple of months ago and when I am inclined to watch something on television, I've been watching Breaking Bad.

Can anyone make any recommendations of what they've found to be worthy of watching on Netflix or Hulu?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 14,Aug,18 14:56 other posts 
On netflix:

Life of Oharu by Mizoguchi is a great film.

He Even Has Your Eyes by Lucien Jean-Baptiste

Outside the Law by Rachid Bouchareb.
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Aug,18 20:46 other posts 
Thank you for the recommendations. Perhaps location has bearing on what films and movies are available for me, in Michigan, to view. I was only able to find He Even Has Your Eyes and I will watch it sometime after I'm finished watching Breaking Bad.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 15,Aug,18 05:33 other posts 
I think that's true. Location probably plays a role. I'll watch breaking bad one of these days.
By #562152 15,Aug,18 08:21
Hearland,,,,,,The Vampire Diaries,,,,Luke Cage,,,The Ranch,,,The Fall,,,,,Jack Taylor,,,,,Orange is the New Black,,,,Cable Girls (spanish with subtitles)

By bella! [Ignore] 13,Aug,18 16:24 other posts 
When you play board games, card games, games on paper, do you like to go first, last, or somewhere in between when there are multiple players?
By #491031 13,Aug,18 17:08
Unless the game is MONOPOLY. In that case, I don't like to go at all.
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Aug,18 17:55 other posts 
That question was structured in a way that "yes" was not a proper response.

The question was not do you spit or swallow? [YES] [NO]
By #491031 13,Aug,18 17:56
If I am playing by myself, I like to go last.
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Aug,18 18:06 other posts 
I bet you play WITH yourself!
By #491031 13,Aug,18 18:09
I am a guy, ma'am.
Of course I play with myself. What is the point in owning a penis if you can't take it out to play?
By #562152 14,Aug,18 09:31
I object,,,you are implying we women don't have any equipment to play with,,,,not true,,
By #460385 14,Aug,18 10:00
I don't think Will implied anything toward women.
By #562152 14,Aug,18 10:11
I think i know "Will" by now and he doesn't seem to be unfair towards women. My comment was more tongue-in-cheek, but, lollipop (or ice cream cone) thanks for the clarification,,
By #460385 14,Aug,18 11:47
Anytime cupcake.
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Aug,18 12:13 other posts 
Oh, I like it when people/members play nice!
By #562152 14,Aug,18 12:28
Lollipop,,,maybe i shouldn't open my mouth,,,but,, that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me,,,Thank you, lovely,,
By #491031 14,Aug,18 12:57
I am actually a very big fan of women. Many of my most favorite people in the world happen to be women. The fact that I am gay in no way stops me from admiring, respecting, and loving them.
After all, it's not their fault that they were born without a penis...
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Aug,18 20:32 other posts 
Oh, aren't you gracious, thank you.
By #491031 14,Aug,18 12:47
That is correct. I actually don't do much "implying" of any kind around here. Ask anyone...I say what I mean, and I mean what I say.
By #491031 14,Aug,18 12:44
I object right back. You are inferring that my comment intentionally excluded women and their equipment. Not true.
However, as I don't possess any lady equipment of my own, I felt it would be presumptuous of me to speak on their behalf.
By #562152 14,Aug,18 12:50
Baby,,i get where you are cumming from, but, again,,you are wrong. You do own a male pussy that is identical to my rear door,,,
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not sure you play with it, but mine is used so much it has a doorbell,,
By #460385 14,Aug,18 13:01
An asshole is kind of generic isn't it. Can you really claim it as a man or lady part?
By #562152 14,Aug,18 13:03
so true,,it's like a mouth,,,ok,,i submit to my betters,,,sorry JustWill,,Countrycousin is right,,
By #491031 14,Aug,18 13:16
Apology accepted.
I have learned that the wisdom of CC54 (both parties) is frequently underestimated around these parts. But, only by people who aren't paying attention)
By #491031 14,Aug,18 13:13
Y'all jumped on that much quicker than I did.
If you're interested in my response, I have posted it below...
By #491031 14,Aug,18 13:11
I do not own a "male pussy".
I have an asshole. Yes, I enjoy being fucked in my asshole (quite a lot, actually), but it is, nonetheless, an asshole.
I have always found the idea of a guy referring to his back door as a "male pussy" to be off-putting.
It is "feminizing", and perpetuates the stereotype that all gay guys are "sissies"
There is nothing at all "sissy" about me.
(Okay, that may have come off a lot harsher than I intended. I didn't mean it to be so. However, I believe that you get my point. And, yes, I know that there will be people who read that and want to talk about "the fluidity of gender roles" and yada-yada, but they can stuff that up their "man pussies" and spin on it.)
By #562152 14,Aug,18 13:19
JustWill,,I **** the term "asshole" i call it a male pussy if it's used to have sex because i find it a nicer term. My two guys love "gay" sex as they are BI,,,i call their asshole male pussies and believe me,,neither one ever takes any crap from anyone, They are as manly and rough as any man i've ever met and they keep me extremely happy. I think you'll agree i would not suffer a sissy for long in my bed. Not because i have anything against them. I just like a man,,A REAL MAN in my bed. So, again, i apologize, You look and sound like a REAL MAN, regardless what type of sex you like (and that's my way to describe a man that is proud of his gender and acts like one)
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******= L I K E
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*******=I d o n ' t l i k e,,,i **** this sensorship
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By #491031 14,Aug,18 13:31
Do you call your asshole your "other pussy"?
By #562152 14,Aug,18 14:12
The back door,
By #460385 14,Aug,18 15:20
Why not call it your asshole. Back door sounds like the front porch was closed.
By #491031 14,Aug,18 17:06
By #562152 14,Aug,18 17:36
My back door and my front porch are independent entrances to a world of good sex,but, if it's causing confusion then,let me clarify. My cunt, the slit on the front, between my legs is the main,orifice, (sorry, hole) that I use for sex. When a new or old dick wants to fuck me, I sugest he uses my cunt. Sometimes, these guys want to fuck my asshole, the opening between my butt cheeks. I seldom mind but I offer to take an enema to clear out the shit stored inside that other sex tunnel. That, usually clears out the shit by spewing it out. Similar to what comes out of many people's mouth. Was that easier to understand?????
By #491031 14,Aug,18 17:51
Sort of.
Here's another question for you:
If a man's asshole is a "male pussy" does that mean a woman's cunt is a "female penis"?
By #562152 14,Aug,18 17:58
no, baby,,,a female penis is called a clit, that's what most men bypass due to very little knowledge how a woman's sex organs work,,
By #460385 14,Aug,18 18:11
I don't think any hole that is spewing shit out of it should be called a sex tunnel. That is a whole lot of useless terminology just to describe a pussy and an asshole. Just my thoughts.
By #562152 14,Aug,18 18:19
CC, i accept your thoughts. Useless terminology is the spice of life. I call you pretty and chupete, maybe lollipop. Terms of endearment are terms not needed in a relationship, but, just referring to you as "the main dick in the house" doesn't describe how i feel about you. Any more than saying, " you are pulling my chain" to describe your posts,,,hahaha,,
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See,,,saying this is just a dick/f2lk54tea5lipic.html,,,is not enough,yummy
By #460385 15,Aug,18 06:19
All in good fun

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