Sad week in Florida with that Condo collapse... Some thoughts on the matter:
1. I worried the Saggy Granny might be in the rubble but then remembered she lives in a trailer.
2. The price of these condos is way out of her reach. I mean, if the condos sold for let's say, $900 she would be living there for sure!
3. The Saggy Granny was however spotted at the accident scene. She was attempting to loot items so she could sell them. Disgusting behavior really! One of the firemen literally told her to fuck off or he would have the police arrest her.
Considering this bitch likes to takes walks in cemeteries you would think she would respect the dead! A piece of white trash!
The video of the building just collapsing is shocking. It also gave me a visual of what the Saggy Grannies tits look like when she unhooks her bra! No wonder her floors inside her trailer are dented!
All jokes aside,bad situation, and sadly, people have known it was sinking since the 90's! Who ever knew this and didn't do anything about it, should be on the chopping block.
The sinking did not create the collapse, all the buildings on the island sink a little. What believed to have caused the collapse was salt intrusion into the concrete rusting the steel rebarb, there has been lawsuits on this matter. Members have complained of cracking columns for over three years. I was on the beach at the site and heard it from people that live in building number two which is a duplicate of Champlain building that collapsed. 800 yards north of building number one.
Well that is a very good possibility as the salt from sea water would be there in the air all the time and could infiltrate any cracks allowed by the sinking.
Mike pence is weak we need a no nonsense my way or the highway kinda guy like wrestling great stone cold Steve Austin he young enough he’s smart and he won’t take any shit from any one and he certainly won’t trip walking up stairs --------------------------------------- added after 115 seconds
I believe the whole world is laughing at us but they got what they wanted a yes man and a puppet on strings
I would support steve over alot people for that job.
I can't remember that 1 wrestlers name but there was 1 that ran for office and won,he put people in positions under him and did well from what I remember.
Good video thank you for that Jessie makes a lot of sense but he is 70 now to old I wouldn’t vote for him again or trump there just to old 65 is the cut off for me it’s time for them to retire
You mean to tell me old joe tripping up the steps of Air Force 1 didn’t make us look weak he’s to old for the job and the people that put him there should be jailed for elder abuse for pushing him so hard --------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes
Let the old guy rest put him out in a nice pasture some were he can laze around in the sun and eat all the nice green grass he wants
biden so out of it that his clothes probably have his last name wrote on the inside label. when he goes out he has a "return if lost to" sign on his back.
the poor fellow's cheese has long since slid off his cracker and he does not need to be where he is.
I was not suggesting for one moment that anyone was laughing at you, If you thought that I did, I apologise.
What people are laughing at is a defeated Presidential candidate who 6 months after his defeat is still unable to accept the fact, and is pursuing the 'Election steal' myth in ever more bizarre phone-in interviews to friendly radio stations.
Not to mention the bizarre audit in Arkansas and Senators and representatives who are so afraid of losing their seats if they offend the trump voter bases that they push the same false narrative in order to keep their seats.
If what is happening in the US was happening anywhere else in the world the US would be pointing and laughing at that country.
So they are already having issues with charging electric cars?
Sheesh,what about in 5 years? The power company are not permited to build new power plants.Solar and wind are going to be important to keep the grid up. But that didn't work in Texas did it?
They make a lot of energy in Texas,but how many folks died over the winter this past 1?
I totally agree with you that charging of electric cars is going to be a huge problem, that we are not dealing with or even getting prepared to deal with.
Firstly the number of charging points is nowhere near enough to cope with any real increase in electric car ownership.
secondly, for those who have a drive or a garage they can charge at home but what about people living in apartment blocks?
Thirdly the call on power increase when more and more people have electric cars is point to require a a significant increase in power supply. Are we preparing for that ? I certainly don't think we are in the UK.
Gee thanks uncle joe, just as we conservatives tried to tell people, look ,
oil back up to 73.66 a barrel. Wholesale gas 2.20 a gallon
.I just read that the US is down 1.6 or so million barrels a day production and guess where the oil comes from that fills in that gap? RUSSIA.
Gee thanks again uncle joe,you put our men and women out of work on the pipeline and look after the russians.
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This is just yet another "reward" for fauchi's shut down.
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third business I know of in the past 3 weeks that hung it up because of the plandemic that started over a year ago.
Well didn't he push for shut down?
And he is just 1 of alot of folks that could be blamed. A few chinese in a lab and 1's outside of it that knew.
Perhaps I was a bit overblaming just 1 person but
Has anyone noticed the "landscape" changing in the cities and towns where they live?
What I'm specifically talking about are the number of senior citizen developments that are being constructed. I'm a "baby boomer", boomers were born somewhere between 1946 and 1964, I was born in 1964. Back in the day there was an abundance of schools, schools which are now closed but now when I look around there seems to be an abundance of "senior" housing. And I expect that in another 30 to 40 years, all us "old people" will be dead and Gen X, Millennials and Generation Z will have to knock all those buildings down.
They want to herd us all into those holes in the walls and take our homes and land so young people can not live to be independent.
A single family home on 10 acres,can have a couple cows for milk and meat,chickens for eggs, garden for vegi's and so on. Why encourage that lifestyle for the young people you want to be dependant on the government for everything?
So you put the oldsters in senior living centers and the price they pay is selling their property to a developer or it being taken by a nursing home if they are ill.
I live in a City. I give it 10 years until we are Islamified, in the UK. I'm 64, if I live another 20 years, I will see the end of western christian civilisation, in my lifetime.
It took Trump and his folks almost 3 years to get the ball rolling and then the china virus hit and blew it. I am not so sure there will be much left to salvage in 3.5 years.
The supreme court ruling in favor of oblunder care is a terrible blow to the future of our country as yet another incentive to get off your ass and go to work so you can get insurance is purty much off the table.
Well I would assume they could locate a land owner within close proximity to the mount rushmore and have such big fireworks they would be visible from there?
Sad week in Florida with that Condo collapse... Some thoughts on the matter:
1. I worried the Saggy Granny might be in the rubble but then remembered she lives in a trailer.
2. The price of these condos is way out of her reach. I mean, if the condos sold for let's say, $900 she would be living there for sure!
3. The Saggy Granny was however spotted at the accident scene. She was attempting to loot items so she could sell them. Disgusting behavior really! One of the firemen literally told her to fuck off or he would have the police arrest her.
Considering this bitch likes to takes walks in cemeteries you would think she would respect the dead! A piece of white trash!
The video of the building just collapsing is shocking. It also gave me a visual of what the Saggy Grannies tits look like when she unhooks her bra! No wonder her floors inside her trailer are dented!
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--------------------------------------- added after 115 seconds
I believe the whole world is laughing at us but they got what they wanted a yes man and a puppet on strings
I can't remember that 1 wrestlers name but there was 1 that ran for office and won,he put people in positions under him and did well from what I remember.
--------------------------------------- added after 73 seconds
He now has a tv show unveiling government fraud
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--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes
Let the old guy rest put him out in a nice pasture some were he can laze around in the sun and eat all the nice green grass he wants
the poor fellow's cheese has long since slid off his cracker and he does not need to be where he is.
What people are laughing at is a defeated Presidential candidate who 6 months after his defeat is still unable to accept the fact, and is pursuing the 'Election steal' myth in ever more bizarre phone-in interviews to friendly radio stations.
Not to mention the bizarre audit in Arkansas and Senators and representatives who are so afraid of losing their seats if they offend the trump voter bases that they push the same false narrative in order to keep their seats.
If what is happening in the US was happening anywhere else in the world the US would be pointing and laughing at that country.
Two Saggy, is a cut and paste from Google debater. This bitch is so dumb it is almost sad!
Sheesh,what about in 5 years? The power company are not permited to build new power plants.Solar and wind are going to be important to keep the grid up. But that didn't work in Texas did it?
They make a lot of energy in Texas,but how many folks died over the winter this past 1?
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Firstly the number of charging points is nowhere near enough to cope with any real increase in electric car ownership.
secondly, for those who have a drive or a garage they can charge at home but what about people living in apartment blocks?
Thirdly the call on power increase when more and more people have electric cars is point to require a a significant increase in power supply. Are we preparing for that ? I certainly don't think we are in the UK.
oil back up to 73.66 a barrel. Wholesale gas 2.20 a gallon
.I just read that the US is down 1.6 or so million barrels a day production and guess where the oil comes from that fills in that gap? RUSSIA.
Gee thanks again uncle joe,you put our men and women out of work on the pipeline and look after the russians.
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third business I know of in the past 3 weeks that hung it up because of the plandemic that started over a year ago.
And he is just 1 of alot of folks that could be blamed. A few chinese in a lab and 1's outside of it that knew.
Perhaps I was a bit overblaming just 1 person but
What I'm specifically talking about are the number of senior citizen developments that are being constructed. I'm a "baby boomer", boomers were born somewhere between 1946 and 1964, I was born in 1964. Back in the day there was an abundance of schools, schools which are now closed but now when I look around there seems to be an abundance of "senior" housing. And I expect that in another 30 to 40 years, all us "old people" will be dead and Gen X, Millennials and Generation Z will have to knock all those buildings down.
A single family home on 10 acres,can have a couple cows for milk and meat,chickens for eggs, garden for vegi's and so on. Why encourage that lifestyle for the young people you want to be dependant on the government for everything?
So you put the oldsters in senior living centers and the price they pay is selling their property to a developer or it being taken by a nursing home if they are ill.
The supreme court ruling in favor of oblunder care is a terrible blow to the future of our country as yet another incentive to get off your ass and go to work so you can get insurance is purty much off the table.
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