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And to think the people of new york let he be in charge of HUMANS? No wonder he didn't have any more compassion for the elderly than to put covid victims in nursing homes. THis PROVES he is a jurk.
Really pretty dog,if I didn't have 2 already,I would be glad to have him.
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It is rather sad that he most likely emptied the dwelling of his personal possessions yet had no problems walking away a leaving the dog behind like a bag of unwanted trash.
Well, she's a loser as well.
JUST IN CASE YOU MISSED OPERATION "BITCH SLAP", A RETALIATION ATTACK AGAINST SrCums, it is posted below. All of the gifts that I sent him were moved aside with "smiley faces" sent by his secondary account, Love2show2 as neither profiles had enough points to eradicate them. And to think that Leilani, Max_Ravioli and Chauncey_Street thought enough of him to gift him extravagant gifts and he destroyed them for points to be his evil and nasty self.
01,Aug,21 19:04 bella!: Your post to me in the forum makes me smile. You admittedly don't know what it was that I did but it made you angry then and that's why you can't be civil with me now. Get rid of that grudge. I know you don't like being reminded but Im sure it goes back to when you were reported for posting internet pics and I reached out to you because at that time you were a longtime member. I TRY to remain objective and not allow internet folks to ruffle me. As a rule, I do not throw the first punch but sometimes I felt the need to meet it blow by blow. I think women are the worst when it comes to fighting. The foul language and hurtful things said. I suspect that you will probably disagree, but it was like you were a lix in training. And I would notice when I signed out to see what was going on, I noticed that you didn't always agree with lix, but you talked to her like she demanded your respect. Even when she called you out about your pictures, you didn't tell her to fuck off, you kinda just took it like you were a bad puppy. And your buddy, leo. Whatever. I'm not going to beat you down and if you don't like me, that's okay but no need to be rude to me. I tried to tell lix that the site is big enough for both of us/all of us. And whether you believe it or not, although she had 3 times the amount of friends than I have, lix and I shared many of the same friends. And if there are members that "hate" me, I'm not aware of it nor do I care. People are shallow, shallow because you are not their cup of tea, whatever their flavor is.. don't f
01,Aug,21 19:06 bella!: Please don't allow whatever it was that pissed you off years ago that you cannot even remember, continue to flavor your attitude towards me in 2021. Peace.
01,Aug,21 19:07 bella!: bella! has sent you the gift
01,Aug,21 23:43 TWOWARMTTS3: Agree
01,Aug,21 23:43 TWOWARMTTS3: TY for gift
02,Aug,21 14:00 TWOWARMTTS3: I reread your mesgs. again. I should make some kind of response. I feel it should be eloquent and masterful. I just don't feel like that. You are right. This baggage I seem to carry is a killer to my social life in the site. No more war.
02,Aug,21 14:02 TWOWARMTTS3: TWOWARMTTS3 has sent you the gift
02,Aug,21 14:13 bella!: That's super. I don't and never expected you to agree with me or like me. We can coexist do you think Twowarmtts3! is up for that challenge?
02,Aug,21 14:14 bella!: And thank you.
02,Aug,21 17:12 TWOWARMTTS3: Yes, we can. A major reason for disagreement is gone. Baby steps at first. For now, I’m going to try putting a different spin on your postings. It looks like I misinterpreted too much.
02,Aug,21 17:12 TWOWARMTTS3: Welcome
I’m good with other members looking at our give and take and coming to their own conclusions.
I think it would be really neat to see some of this stuff and to hear more about it.
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Isn't it curious how people still show an interest in an American "outlaw" and I'm also curious if the granddaughters are just hard up for money?
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But then I saw interviews with attendees at Trumps rally in Alabama. ( 1m 18s in to be specific)
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How can anyone believe this stuff??
--------------------------------------- added after 72 seconds
I’m still alive and well and stronger than ever
The shame here is that vaccination for Covid was politicised. and that so many people, for whatever reason, have spouted such nonsense.
I don't think any other, measles, chicken pox, mumps, rubella,cholera, polio etc have ever been treated in this way.
I can't help but think that had the 45th President still been in office that these vaccines would be touted as a huge success by his administration and not some socialist conspiracy.
Same result though.
Unfortunately individuals have appeared on certain news channels and on social media spreading the sort of nonsense that I mentioned in my post often identify as Republican or Trump supporters.
I was going to add that even without this politicisation that there would have been many people who would not have accepted the vaccine for whatever reason.
There seems to be a deafening silence from some high profile Republicans when it comes to advocating taking the vaccine.
Of course I can only go by what I see and read and you may be able to tell me that aRepublican leaders are actively advocating vaccination and other actions necessary to control this awful pandemic.
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Would they have changed their minds had President Trump not lost the election?
Biden won't last another year at this point.
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I should have guessed/known that space within large cities is not plentiful and that's why there are so many super structures. And with that being said, parking your car is another issue but I had no idea that a car stacker could go out of commission and still be a problem 7 weeks later.
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He was dumb enough to share a picture not too long ago... which was sent to me. He is a lardo, glasses, and a real clothes horse..
I just thought of something. I’ll copy/paste this in my thread. You are persona- non-grata here.
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