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He looked at his watch?!
That's almost as disrespectful as saying that those soldiers were "losers, fools, and suckers"!
You know...like that orange guy did.
biden was supposed to be the hero that "saved" the world from Trump according to the 1's that voted for him.
Now it is more painfully obvious that ever that the voters SCREWED UP ROYALY!
President Trump was not a politician, he didn't have the many years of polish and lying behind him like most of our political leaders. He was a businessman who made a plan and set out to do what he said he wanted to do. Did he always sound professional? No, but he was real.
The only thing "real" about Trump is that he is a real con-man.
I mean, I get it. He is quite skilled at saying exactly what his followers want to hear (which is why you've all elevated him to sainthood), but the only passing aquaintance the guy has ever had with TRUTH is how to distort it to meet his own needs.
HE tried his dead level best to do as he said he would.
Before the chinese unleashed the bio weapon on the world, America was in great shape.And was getting better until biden stumbled into the white house.
(I thought you knew me better than that.)
--------------------------------------- added after 49 seconds
Better red then dead
Did you not fully understand the meaning of that slogan or do you really feel that you would prefer to be controlled by Communist government versus being dead?
--------------------------------------- added after 37 minutes
A woman across the street from me whom I use to go drinking with openly told me she voted for Biden because she didn’t like trumps hair and of course I voiced my opinion I told her that she had no business voting then if she was going to vote sheerly on some ones looks
It's just culture war bullshit distractions from the Republicans, because they can't do a better job on anything and never make your life any better.
Frankly,I do believe that biden was sad and had some grasp of the situation,but his mental status is just lacking so bad
IF we want to honor the fallen of the Great Confederacy, then so be it We have that right.
DUE to those brave heros you speak of.
But biden didn't look at his watch once,it was often from what I read from several sources.
--------------------------------------- added after 44 minutes
Bella! The truth is that you are right. Despite all that previous BS, I should have said “my boys and girls”. It wasn’t intentional. It’s the way we are trained to think. Our girls are just as bad ass as our boys. It goes with that Hero thing.
And, by the way, what is a fladoodle?
google is your friend!
Now back to something I was having trouble with.
Last week Flying Fucks were the currency of choice.
I had no idea how much they were worth or how you could acquire them. I had first thought it was being able to get some while in a airplane or 1 of those space plane thingys like the Amazon guy went up in.
BUT NOW I am learning.
A Flying Fuck is worth $5.99 plus 3 dollars shipping and handling. NOW you can get a good deal buying 10 Flying fucks at 50% off!
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You're doing democracy wrong, because you are voting for alpha males who dominate you. Smart citizens vote for servant leaders, who act on the will of the people.
It's not royal treatment, it's taking what belongs to you, because you are a part of society. It's just demanding a worthwhile life for yourself, instead of servitude to enrich
a few selfish dictators.
Explain to me why those billionaires deserve absolute riches and space tourism,
while their employees work ridiculous hours in an unsafe, uncomfortable environment.
Most of those billionaires are doing nothing positive for humanity, they are just exploiting the system, poisoning the earth and corrupting your politicians.
You are being gaslighted to make them even richer. You are their pets and they now it. And because of your corrupt, two party system, that keeps the people divided against their own self interest, there is no escape for you.
The world's Richest Women:
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#2 | Alice Walton: The daughter of Sam Walton
#3 | MacKenzie Scott: Ex of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos
#4 | Julia Koch: The widow of David Koch (d. 2019)
#5 | Miriam Adelson: controls the 56% stake in Las Vegas Sands that was formerly owned by her husband, Sheldon Adelson
#6 | Jacqueline Mars: The company was founded by her grandfather
#7 | Yang Huiyan: Her father, its founder, has been transferring her equity in the business since 2007
#8 | Susanne Klatten: She inherited her 19.1% stake in BMW from her late mother
#9 | Gina Rinehart: chair of mining and agriculture company Hancock Prospecting Group, which was founded by her father
#10 | Iris Fontbona: She is the widow of Andrónico Luksic (d. 2005)
No, these women are not working in 'unsafe uncomfortable environments'.
They've never had to work a day at all, for their money!
But they are still warm and dry, well fed and comfortable all the days of their life.
What were they required to do for all of this royal treatment?
According to bella!, they must be pets. Who is their master?
SrCums posted on 24,Jul,21 at 11:32
Americans want:
-Cheap gas
-Low taxes
-Safe neighborhoods
-Secure borders
President Biden just isn’t getting results.
Ananas2xLekker's response to SrCums 24,Jul,21 at 12:03
Don't they also want?:
- Healthcare when they need it, without going bankrupt
- Affordable education for their children
- Jobs that pay enough to live on
- Some time off from work to enjoy their life
- Security of retirement in old age
- Security of life when they become disabled in an accident
- Some social security when they get fired
- Not loosing everything in a fire
- Not loosing everything in a flood
- Not loosing everything in a hurricane
- Electricity in the summer and not die of heat stroke
- Electricity in the winter and not freeze to death
- Roads and bridges (if they can afford a car)
- Public transport (if they can't afford a car)
- Cops that don't kill them for just looking suspicious
- Fair justice when they get screwed
- Fair elections and politicians who represent them
- Air that is safe to breath
- Tap water that is safe to shower and preferably drink too
Just some of my lefty ideas perhaps, but I am curious about which of those things
you think are extravagant.
admin's response to Ananas2xLekker 24,Jul,21 at 12:27
In other terms you want to be a pet that is being taken care of by wise and good master. And this is exactly what you will get, except the master will not be that wise and good.
I think those are just the basics of an advanced civilization.
You're not living in a third world country! But you make it sound like you do.
Pick one of my examples and explain to me why you don't deserve that.
And then explain why it would make you a pet if you did have it.
- I don't have children yet many of my tax dollars go to schools.
- I was employed full-time following my graduation from high school. I didn't sit around hoping to find a job that I should be paid more because I had NO WORK EXPERIENCE therefore I accepted an entry level position. I didn't jump from employer to employer looking for a 50 cent per hour wage increase, I rose through the ranks. My employer offered tuition aid and I took advantage of my employer paying a good portion of my education. During my working years I was able to buy numerous cars and bought 3 houses, that plus pay my bills.
- My employer offered employees 2 weeks paid vacation up to 10 years, then it increased to 3 weeks, at 15 years paid vacation increased to 4 weeks and at 20 years we maxed out at 5 weeks paid vacation. And I was able to pay for my vacations.
- I was never fired but Unemployment pays for those who are separated from their job dependent upon the reason.
- You are required to carrying insurance for perils if you do not fully own your home or car. If one CHOOSES to live in a flood plain, you might be required to carry extra coverage.
- If one CHOOSES to live in an area that is prone to hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, I suspect you are required to carry additional insurance as well.
- Electricity is available to everyone, you have to pay for it, nothing is free.
- My tax dollars go towards roads and bridges.
- Public transportation is available but it's not free.
- Your bullet points about cops, fair justice and fair elections is a BULLSHIT low blow. What countries are the perfect Utopia?
- Fresh air and clean water is dependent upon where one CHOOSES to live.
However you think not getting killed for just looking suspicious, fair justice and fair elections are a Utopia? Almost any other civilized country has that pretty much covered.
With fresh air and clean water I off course mean that you don't get poised by breathing air and drinking water. And I'm not saying we have that under control here. Our water is great, but our air can be pretty bad. Not China levels, but living near the Tata steelfactory is very unhealthy. People their have way too much toxins in their blood. At least the government is forcing the factory to improve their processes and will prosecute them if they wait any longer.
There are almost no areas in the world where you are safe for all natural disasters. People cannot all choose to live in those safe areas. If you want your country not to be disrupted by every natural disaster, the government needs to protect people. I hope you know insurance doesn't cover most of the natural disasters. I don't know how you think about climate change, but have you at least noticed the increase of natural disasters? In the US you have record breaking heat, simultaneously with 100 year floods, becoming 10 year floods, becoming yearly floods. Your government will have to do something to help or eventually
so many people will be in trouble, that your economy will just collapse.
Do you now see that my proposals are just the basics for a modern civilization? You do understand the US has to compete with Europe, China, India and Russia. The US is falling behind and just military force cannot make you keep up.
Your billionaires will not help you either. They have their escape plans.
Still no explanation on how living in a well organized society makes me a pet.
3 times getting flooded,if you want government help,move to a safer state and live in a city ABOVE SEA LEVEL.
People can help themselves to a point but won't because uncle Sam or now I guess we could say Uncle joe, will bail them out AGAIN>
You allow employers to fire people at the first sign of trouble. That's why your unemployment shot up to 15%. But then you want those fired people back to work at the first crap, low paying job available. That's not fair.
You allow the employers to both underpay people and make the employees absorb all the risks of a fluctuating economy.
In my country employers cannot fire people that easily. Our unemployment went up during Covid to a maximum of 4.6%. It was back at 3.3% in May this year an falling even further. So why is the unemployment percentage lower in a country full of spoiled people (according to your opinion)?
My job motivates me, because it's diverse, challenging, independent and meaningful. Because of courses I followed, I'm a specialist in safety, ergonomics, innovation and root cause analysis & problem solving.
The next course on my wish-list is further developing my design skills.
My employer is very satisfied with my performance and has given me several awards and bonuses. They have a reason to, because my solutions save the company hundreds of thousands of euros. When I solve something, I don't do symptom relief, but I eliminate the root cause.
That often has a positive effect on other problems too.
Milking the system wouldn't even be possible. We have 1-2-1's with our supervisors every other week. I just got a new supervisor and he already knows about all the projects I'm working on, how I'm doing them and where
I could use some help. Working from home for Covid doesn't make me the most motivated and effective, but my Supervisor is still positive so far.
Working hard doesn't mean you're doing anything meaningful.
Working many hours only makes you less effective and less productive.
Why are Americans so fixated on laziness? Laziness is not your problem, it's selfishness and greed that are hurting you.
--------------------------------------- added after 102 seconds
Don't fixate yourself on what's wrong with MY country, MY government, or anything else. Fix your bad attitude first.
The Dutch way is; since my employer treats me pretty good, I treat my employer pretty good. I never say "They don't pay me to do that.". If it's of value to the company, it's worth my attention. People who say "They don't pay me to do that." have a limited idea about their responsibilities. Unless the job is actually useless, then my responsibility is to not waste time on that. That's called 'lean thinking'.
In an authoritarian organization you should just do as you're told. In my company we have been trained to be independent thinkers. If we see wastes, we are encouraged to eliminate it. So if I think "They don't pay me to do that", than they probably also don't want me to do that, because it's useless. Eliminating useless processes is part of my job. It is a chance for innovation and when you do that continuously, your work doesn't include jobs anymore that make you think "They don't pay me to do that".
I don't maximize my effort, I maximize my impact.
I find your ideas about the ideal employee incredibly antiquated.
They risk their fortune to build a name, a company ,a product, or a service. ANd they hire people to do the work required. Enriching those around them.
I have a serious issue with a fellow working his 40 hours,paying his taxes,then some bum not working and enjoying life because they were able to demand money and luxury from their servant government that has learned they can hand out money to those that won't work and get voted back into their cushy job.
I have to work, nothing more, nothing less, just like any American.
But you know I get the 'royal treatment' and Americans don't.
So explain how that makes me the "perfect pet".
Is my government my master?
Which freedoms do you get from your government, that I don't get?
Why don't you have a master, when you live in poverty and misery or just die,
unless you work like a slave?
Do you like your choices for your masters? You have only 2 parties to represent you, while I can choose between 18 political parties, varying from hard left to hard right, conservative, christian, liberal, libertarian, minority interests or various single issues. And even if my choice only gets a fraction of the votes, they still have influence.
Let's say that your job would have paid double from what you had, because the company had owners from Finland and they wanted to pay their American employees just as much as their Finnish employees. You would have had a nice, safe workplace, healthy food in the canteen, a fair supervisor, courses and seminars when desired, career opportunities, a maximum work week of 38 hours, 39 days of paid vacation per year, 4 months of maternity leave if you had children and a great retirement plan.
Would that have made you feel less free or more free?
I'm actually sorry I am pushing so hard on this topic, but I see this as the basis for our political differences.
I like freedom, so maybe you have a point and I could actually learn something.
I even have hope that my points could change your mind on this topic.
I can't see it being utopia when you have to dodge a pot hole 5 months waiting on all the people to be at work on the same days long enough to get together to fix the pothole.
How do you have a crew of people to work together? When 1 person out of a group can take their days leaving the rest unproductive or at greatly reduced productivity?
I can't see you being any free'er than we are if no one is working
As I said before he was just checking to see if it was time to take his dementia pills 💊 yet they keep him from wondering off and getting lost
Hopefully they keep him from pooping his pants in public ahhh yes life after 80
It's also funny because it comes from the people who elected Trump.
Trump has been ranked the second worst US president in history.
At least #1 is James Buchanan, a Democrat.
Biden isn't on the list yet. He can still do a lot to determine his place on the list.
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