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Strange, The Battle flag fly's proudly in my yard. Yet the black ups driver, the black lady that brings our mail sometimes, never pay it any attention. There is probably a dozen or more flying just on the road I live on,so nothing they are not used to.
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Never mind
UM, a way to help protect ourselves?
I use a Neilmed nasal flush once if not twice a day because of my sinus's. can't be hurting although it is not quite what the article is talking about.
A saltwater solution may help stop the SARS-CoV-2 virus in its tracks, Brazilian researchers report.
However, although saline may keep the virus from replicating, it does not offer full protection against infection or a cure for COVID-19.
Read Newsmax: Saline Spray Could Slow COVID's Spread in the Lungs: Study
If vaccinating was really so important, why did this doctor get fired for giving 10 dose's instead of tossing them?
MONEY! Write off's are apparently more important.
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End of rant.
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Maybe we don't do that, because when people are dying from suffocation, they want help and their family agrees. The people want protection from things that hurt them.
But if you think your government shouldn't protect its citizens, you could save a lot of money by abolishing the military, the secret services, the police and the border patrol.
But, if your honest what should a doctor do when he has a donor lung and he can either save one of two people in similar lethal conditions, but one had their lungs destroyed by a chemical accident and the other smoked three packs a day for the last 30 years?
There's something similar to the situation, when there are people who protect themselves and the rest of civilization from a pandemic, by listening to doctors who advise to get vaccinated and people who choose not to, while there is a life threatening shortage of hospital capacity.
I don't want to make the choice to turn any people away, but if you have to,
life choices matter.
And if you read my response to kebmo, posted below, where does it stop?
As far as trusting hospitals, Sherryann, could you have Agoraphobia? No one likes hospitals but they are the places to be when you need emergency medical help. There are plenty of good people in this world. You have to trust someone. God wanted his children to be together, helping each other. You have to trust,even if it’s a little at a time.
Thank you for your heartfelt post, appreciate it.
But I'm sorry to say, in times of shortage, when doctors are forced to choose between people to save, you're right that they might consider all that you mentioned. Do you propose they flip a coin?
If enough people protect themselves, the hospitals wouldn't be overwhelmed and doctors wouldn't have to choose who to save. At the moment they are actually choosing to save Covid patients over people with cancer or heart attacks, so don't complain about the unvaccinated getting treated unfairly on that account.
However even in the US, the percentage of scientists who belief in some sort of deity is lower than the general population. In 2009 it was just over half of scientists (51%) believe in some form of deity or higher power; specifically, 33% of scientists say they believe in God, while 18% believe in a universal spirit or higher power. By contrast, 95% of Americans believe in some form of deity or higher power. The percentages are known to decline in general, but I can't present any newer data.
It also depends on the country. Except in Hong Kong and Taiwan scientists tend to be less religious than the general population.
The form of religion also differs, although I can't find any data on it right now. There are almost no young-earth creationists doing well on 'real science' in any of the natural sciences.
It also depends on the scientific subject, medical scientists tend to be more religious/supernaturalist than physicist and evolution scientists tend to be the least religious/supernaturalist (except for the people who are trying to debunk it, but they are not doing science).
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When I said what I said, I was referring to myself. My convictions are not based on anything supernatural. My actions are not guided by the idea that I will at any time be judged by some higher being, but by the premise that everything I do shapes the world around me. Because that shapes my life, the people I love and all of humanity, I have the responsibility to do 'good'. I have long decided that I can't rely on a religion to figure out what is 'good', because they are a so inconsistent with each other and just plain logic and reason.
I was also talking about science itself, which doesn't work with faith, even if
the scientists doing it might have some. Science only works with evidence
or it isn't science.
If you don’t, than I can’t accept the first part of this paragraph.
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Science is a school of thinking. It’s not flesh and blood. It can’t think. It does not have faith, but any thinking scientific person that looks at the skies at night and doesn’t admit to himself that there MUST be a creator, is not using his empirical mind. Any person that sees a child being born and doesn’t believe in a creator is not thinking. Humanity, the ameba, our opposing thumb, love, all that convinces me that He exists and helps me in my existence. And baby, I’m not religious.
As far as who believes in what, where, that is very hard to get a survey. In the sterile environment of a lab a person will say one thing. When his derrière is being roasted, who really knows what he will say.
I really do not believe in a creator, but I also do not believe there is no creator. That is because I don’t believe period and believing one way or the other would still be believing, which I define as completely accepting something as the truth, without evidence it is true. I really see no evidence at all for the existence of a creator, but there is no proof that a creator doesn’t exist. I do see only evidence for things just happening naturally. And even though I’ve had experiences that some people might put a supernatural explanation on, I consider it lazy reasoning to see them as evidence of anything supernatural. But, it does make me interested in the subject. I’ve watched many videos of people debating the subject. There just is no one that has ever come close to making a good argument on the existence of God, a deity, a supernatural being or beings or anything supernatural at all.
I have a high standard for what I consider evidence and an almost unattainable standard for what I consider proof.
Still, that leaves me with only a 99% certainty there is no creator. That one percent is rooted in the question: “Why is there something rather than nothing?”. First this makes me ask, if the existence of nothing is even possible, because if something exists, it is not nothing. The idea that our reality wouldn’t be possible without a creator is not logical to me. If a universe cannot exist by itself, then why should a supernatural being, who can will a universe into existence, be able to exist by itself. The watchmaker comparison is nonsense to me, because every watchmaker has a mother, who had a mother, who had a mother, etc. And it’s absolutely logical to me that it started with something so simple, it cannot even be called life. If a creator is not needed for living beings, it is not needed for the universe, which also started from something so small it cannot be called a universe. The only doubt that is left to me on that subject is that I’m limited by my understanding of this reality/universe, while there is most likely more than that. An empirical mind does not conclude anything on that tiny chance for the existence of a creator.
Then you illustrate the idea of a creator who would listen to people thinking something in their head and changing reality or causation to suit the person’s request. I’m 99.9% certain that there is no creator who is interested in us that way. But still, if I would be responsible for someone’s life and I cannot do anything more to help that person, I would still do my best to make a heartfelt prayer or I wouldn’t do everything I could do. I would even apologize for the hypocrisy of praying while not being able to believe it would help.
Maybe that's one reason for why I would never want to make myself responsible for someone’s life. I can never give them my best.
My consideration for the existence of such a creator is on par with me considering an afterlife. It’s just so apparent to me that the identity of a person is dependent on their brain. Any damage to it results in a diminished person. Even if I like the idea of something remaining of my experiences and personality after I die, other than things I leave behind and the ripple effect of my actions, it’s just highly unlikely to me. And it’s even more unlikely to me that I would experience something nice or horrible, depending on how I lived.
Finally, there is absolutely 0% of me who considers that any of the religions were founded or inspired by that creator. My primary school and secondary education were both Christian, so I’ve heard a lot of the bible stories.
I value that I was introduced to them, I also like the character of Jesus, I even accept there is a historical origin for the stories, but I can only see the work of people in them. Some of them clearly represents the best morality iron age people had to offer and some of it clearly intended to ensure the survival of the religion itself, but nothing I think can help me more to be a good person than the golden rule; treating others as one wants to be treated.
Christian education might even be partially responsible for me thinking for a long time that sex was dirty and something to be ashamed off, which I still have not conquered completely yet. There is something like that in all religions and is ridiculous to me that a supernatural creator of everything would care, when our biology is based on it. It’s just clear that men would design religion as the only way to absolve people from a ‘sin’ that is part of human nature and then threaten people with the most horrific punishments for eternity when they ‘sin’ and don’t get absolved.
Religion is just a perfectly designed control system.
I have a bachelor degree in biotechnology, some experience in research, some experience in analysis and a lot of experience in biotechnological processing and troubleshooting, up to about ten years ago. Now I'm doing innovation and problem solving in the same industry. Not all my projects are that impactful, there are some tedious documentation tasks as well, but all of it is compliant with scientific principles and standards.
Just a scientific education doesn't make you a scientist necessarily, it's working by scientific standards and methods on a daily basis that does. I'm definitely not pushing the limits of scientific knowledge, but there a lot of people calling themselves scientist, while using the actual principles much less than me.
I'm sure you can find more posts of me bragging about what I do.
My knowledge of chemistry is rudimentary, so I have only done some basic organic synthesis experiments in the first year, before I choose the biological programs. If this is your hobby, you could easily surpass what I know, but it will take a long time before you get to the level of 'chemist'.
I tried to detonate it with a long wire and piezoelectric gas lighter, sitting behind a tree. Years later a physics teacher showed us the violence of only a few bubbles of the stuff. Then I knew I had been lucky my experiment failed, all those years ago. I would have been at least deaf as a post.
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I have the plans on how to build a hydrogen pick up truck I’m going to try next it’s self contained you fill a tank with water and run a series of pipe in the back of the truck big pipe to small it’s supposed to take the hydrogen out of the water and store it in a separate tank and the leftover water is expelled out the bottom of the truck but I’m not sure how to use it in the harsh northern winter time
The cold shouldn't be a problem, I think. Hydrogen is a gas at −252,87 °C/-423.2℉ and as far as I can find the ignition energy needed is not dependent on the temperature, but only on the hydrogen/oxygen mixture.
What power source are you going to use to split the water into hydrogen and oxygen?
The Germans used them alot during the war because of lack of gasoline.
Regardless of what you believe, the world does not revolve around you nor does this thread or my posts. BOOM!
Bella, I posted 5 responses in this thread. Can you kindly tell me why ,out of those you chose to spank my ass on this one? The Hippocratic Oath doesn’t interest you? Phart’s penchant for criticizing government spending doesn’t interest you? Well, I’ve got news for you. From where I stand the world does revolve around me and if where you stand the world doesn’t revolve around you, then I feel sorry for you.
If all of these people were overweight, smokers, alcoholics or opioid users I would have the same opinion. These people are in the hospital because of a self-inflicted covid situation. My sympathy level is near zero.
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Oh and by the way they are determining who is more worthy right now. If I 75-year-old man And a 45-year-old man come into the hospital with heart disease that’s exactly what’s going on Bella because the hospitals are overrun with unvaccinated Covid patients. That is exactly the point that I’m trying to make. The triage people shouldn’t have to make this decision, there should be hospital beds available for both of these people but there are not and that’s why I am so pissed off about the whole situation.
So, when you see a new wing built, it might not be ready for patients.
They should roll out all drunk drivers hurt in accidents to make room for people that were actually trying to work that get hurt.
They should roll drug addicts out into the street that OD and save those beds for others.
Where do you draw the line?
Hospitals are at fault now for lack of room,not the people. This plandemic has been going on for over a year, plenty of time to have cleared some land and BUILT MORE ROOMS!.
Here is something to consider.
When the plandemic was really gathering steam, Trump sent hospital ships to 2 large coastal city's. They were scarcely used and were soon removed. Large tent hospitals were put up,to later come down again from lack of use.
WHere is the national guard and the tent hospitals now? on pallets up for bid on as surplus?
Where are the hospital ships now? Why are there no renovations at older facility's to make them available? Should be plenty of people needing work and a wage because the unemployment is gone.
There are plenty of options OTHER THAN discriminating against people in need of help.
Time to quit blaming people and get to work on solutions.
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