![]() Laughably Small Penis? Enlarge it At Home Using Just Your Hands! | ![]() Get Paid For Using Social Sites! | ![]() Stay Hard as Steel!!! | ![]() Want a bigger penis? Enlarge it At Home Using Just Your Hands! |
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RubyRedLips is way more popular and prettier. I like Recklessriot05 and 2nice
Dev01 sounds like that other cunt in chat posting links to PayPal because he can't buy his dinner without site assistance!
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes
Just like I told you CAT the saggy granny is no longer on the top, She will drop even lower down below 3%. I will make sure of it
--------------------------------------- added after 66 seconds
Its funny but I noticed not one member told him he’s full of crap
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You know you mighta got ran over out there!
just joking but Seriously though, you would have to be a real drunk dipshit to do that.
Our hunting cabin is 20 miles east of the Villages, Florida. Everyone drives a golf cart and you should see how many get pulled over for DUI. Some people are crazy.
sheesh.I know you all need them but I think you are able to find them in the store without issue.
naw seriously, I don't think it needs to be on tv or media accessible to youth.The manscape crap, eh, sorry, I was in my 20's before I got enough chest hair to say I had any,I sure as hell aint shaving what little I have off.and ITCH like hell! My balls were shaved 1 time when I had surgery,and when the hair came back,I itched like hell. Nothin you can scratch in public without embarrassment as a 8th grader.So no "manscaping" for me.
Never heard of this before.
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I know a little about goats they helped me with my property grooming for years and they followed me around the yard they make great pets
"Ayman Mohammed Rabie al-Zawahiri was an Egyptian-born physician, theologian and terrorist. He became the leader of al-Qaeda in June 2011 succeeding Osama bin Laden, who was killed by the US Navy in Pakistan. In July 2022, al-Zawahiri was also killed by the US, in a drone strike in Afghanistan."
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They hate us. I just watched a interview with the fellow they claim killed bin laden and he said they hate us and want to kill us..
I guess the winner of this game might get it?
"Taliban's harsh crackdown on crime has eased the minds of many, including Gulbuddin Ismail Khail, captain of the Kandahar team, last year's league champion."
not to side line much but read that line again.
A crack down on CRIME has eased the MINDS of many people.
HUM< not a bad idea eh?
Aug 1, 20:29 system: You were blacklisted by tasha
She even gifted me with an inappropriate gift. The thing is that members like this one are too chickenshit to face those they blacklist.
My question to the group, “Should I reciprocate or wait till this snake disappears?”
You say you didn't know what the link was, that it could have been a virus of some sort. Okay, I'll give you that as you have been a member for only 2 days but a simple message sent to cody or whoever asking; "hey buddy, what did you send me?" would have/,should have quickly addressed your concerns, no?
This is meant in a kind way, get used to receiving links like that OR change your settings to only receive messages and uploads from people on your list of friends.
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