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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

New Comment       Rating: 11  

By kebmo [Ignore] 29,Jan,24 18:42 other posts 
This is something new. If you have a photo in the Top Member contest and you vote for it you don’t get points for it. I’m pretty sure that you used to get points for voting for your own photo but I’ve only entered here a couple of times.
Any thoughts?
By bella! [Ignore] 30,Jan,24 00:15 other posts 
Gee, I wasn't aware of that. A vote is a vote, and you are only entitled to receive 3 points every 4 hours so it really shouldn't matter who you vote for, right? Here's an idea; create a fake account and vote for yourself that way!

But all kidding aside, your picture is doing quite well.
By kebmo [Ignore] 30,Jan,24 00:35 other posts 
It’s pre curve Kebmo.
By bella! [Ignore] 30,Jan,24 01:16 other posts 
When you say that this is something new, are you speaking of something new for you by entering the "competition" or that you are unable to vote for yourself?

admin's voting criteria indicates; "Once per 4 hours you get +3 points for voting for any image other than yours. (to avoid fake votes, only established profiles can get +3 points)"

In the big picture, this feature is nothing more than a popularity competition and for the most part, the TOP pictures are of very popular SYD members and it's not necessarily the picture of their dick that's being voted on. Competing against SYD members that have 2x's the number of friends that you have is a battle and like I said, your pictures have done very well. Now how August, member #643941, who only has 56 friends, is able to keep his mediocre picture in the #1 spot is beyond me.
By kebmo [Ignore] 30,Jan,24 01:32 other posts 
I entered a photo a while back and I thought that I got points for voting for my own photo but as you just said that’s not the way we play that game.
I still think it’s the top photo though!
By bella! [Ignore] 30,Jan,24 05:19 other posts 
I thought you could vote for yourself, too. You've been here long enough to realize that admin is open to changing "the rules" if he's given reasonable rationale.

Hello admin, will you kindly clarify the last caveat in the voting rules, please? The guidelines read; "Once per 4 hours you get +3 points for voting for any image other than yours.

↪️ (to avoid fake votes, only established profiles can get +3 points)

What is meant by "established"? Is an established profile a profile that has been vetted and is able to upload pictures?
By admin [Ignore] 30,Jan,24 13:38 other posts 
Only profiles with public uploads can receive +3 points once in 4 hours.
By bella! [Ignore] 30,Jan,24 17:08 other posts 
Thank you for confirming what I anticipated.
By #610414 03,Feb,24 07:41
It’s the top one now
It’s 3 points every 4 hours if it’s not your pic. If it is, the pic gets awarded 5 point anyway. All those very popular (lots of friends) seldom get enough to reach “top”. Most of the time, a benefactor or the pic owner, will vote multiple times. After the first vote extra votes cost the voter 20 points.
I like your lollipop, Lollipop. 😈
By kebmo [Ignore] 03,Feb,24 14:36 other posts 
Thanks CAT!
I would never, nor would I ever expect anyone else to pay in points for me to be on top. I’m not that vain, I’m just an exhibitionist! 😜
By mr_blue [Ignore] 30,Jan,24 19:56 other posts 
I'm guessing most people just vote for the pic at the top regardless of who it is..
As most things are here,if you are popular,you can dominate the competitions....
By bella! [Ignore] 30,Jan,24 22:21 other posts 
Perhaps your assessment of members voting for the picture that is already at the top is correct, but I must say, I kinda like to see "new talent".

I say kudos to the men and women that chose to submit their photos to this or any feature where they are "judged". And with that said, currently I vote kebmo, not too long ago I was voting for Oddmanout and before that, I voted for 2nice.
By kebmo [Ignore] 02,Feb,24 22:45 other posts 
Ahhh thanks! 😘

I remember when Lix was always on top I voted AGAINST her every opportunity I had. Whenever I voted I voted against Lix. 😄
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Feb,24 06:34 other posts 
Hey me too
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Feb,24 11:37 other posts 
For sure, YOU TOO!
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Feb,24 11:53 other posts 
i bought points one time and voted lixsipsucket from the very top all the way down until she dropped off the best image best member list completely
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Feb,24 13:15 other posts 
And that DOES NOT surprise me!
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Feb,24 06:40 other posts 
Another thing that happens is like robin for instance many members believe some of his pictures are photoshopped and who in their right mind is going to vote for a fraudulent photo so they will vote for whoever is above him just to knock him down
By kebmo [Ignore] 04,Feb,24 21:15 other posts 
Thank you all for supporting my wiener!
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Feb,24 04:41 other posts 
I would always support your wiener with my wet lips 👄
By kebmo [Ignore] 05,Feb,24 16:58 other posts 
Dgraff you know I would put up such a fight!
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Feb,24 18:06 other posts 
By #610414 12,Feb,24 09:37
Enjoy being on top again.

By kebmo [Ignore] 09,Feb,24 03:37 other posts 
An art teacher in Montreal was selling
his students art on his personal website.
I hope he gets awarded the scumbag of the year award.

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By phart [Ignore] 09,Feb,24 09:11 other posts 
Probably just saved it from the trash, no real harm done. Not really art anyway, just scribblings from kids with crayons.If the teacher is having to buy the art supplys like teachers do here in the US, why not get some money back out of it?
Teachers here in the US buy pencils and such all the time because the kids don't have it,and the school system doesn't provide it.
So maybe,this teacher is resourceful and found a way to recoup his loss's.

Besides, there is another angle to this.
IF the "art" was produced on school property, with school provided supplys under school staff supervision, the kids don't own the "art" anyway, it is school property,so if anything the teacher would be taking from the school system,not the kids.
Just like on your job, your ideas and drawings and plans and work that you get paid to do on company time,is the companys,not yours. Just google the story on Gatoraid.
By kebmo [Ignore] 09,Feb,24 14:42 other posts 
That’s cold phart.
If you were hired by or commissioned by a company the issue of intellectual property ownership might be different.
In Canada, because the kids drew it is their art and their intellectual property. If there’s no big deal then he could have taught them about e-commerce as well instead of surreptitiously selling it. They could sell it online as a team and donate a percentage to the group for more art supplies with the balance going to the artist. Whether you think it’s ugly or not is irrelevant. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and if somebody wants to pay money for it it has value.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Feb,24 15:23 other posts 
not cold,just honest.
Those kids are only doing what they are told,they are told to draw, so they do, on school grounds,with school supplies.
I doubt they are buying it as art,probably buying thinking they are supporting a child or a art class. Looks like they have some learning to do!
By kebmo [Ignore] 09,Feb,24 15:43 other posts 
The art legally belongs to the kids and the teacher cannot legally sell it.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Feb,24 20:48 other posts 
how is that established?
By kebmo [Ignore] 09,Feb,24 22:00 other posts 
Its Canadian law.
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Feb,24 06:37 other posts 
An established Canadian law, that's very interesting!
By kebmo [Ignore] 10,Feb,24 14:28 other posts 
When the student puts their name on it it falls under the copyright law in Canada. I suppose that in court parent or guardian would supersede that law.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,24 07:38 other posts 
Art must be a broad term.
where is the line drawn?
Could a kid can apply graffito to a wall or something and perhaps call it "art" also to prevent punishment?
By kebmo [Ignore] 10,Feb,24 13:54 other posts 
The difference between art and graffiti is permission.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Feb,24 08:38 other posts 
I glad there is Some common sense to it anyway.
I still can't see the harm in turning what the kids tossed into the trash into cash.
By kebmo [Ignore] 11,Feb,24 14:31 other posts 
I’m not sure why you feel so strongly about this phart but just to be clear, I didn’t notice anywhere in the article that kid’s art was taken from the garbage so to insinuate that the teacher took it from the garbage is incorrect.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Feb,24 23:15 other posts 
Well that is what typically happens to other assignments once graded is it not?
Do the teachers keep all the test the kids take? and for how long? that is why I am thinking he gets them out of the garbage.
Kids doodling has no value, it is chicken scratch at best. Yes I still have some of my chicken scratch,but it has no value,i keep it just to remind myself of my childhood in general and how I suffered so much bullying and ridicule from other kids and how I managed to survive it all and become a better person for it.
By kebmo [Ignore] 12,Feb,24 00:39 other posts 
So it has value to you regardless of what other people think of it.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Feb,24 07:04 other posts 
not monetarily, like a souvenir more or less. if the "art" was important to the kid, the kid should have took it home.what else is it good for if the kid doesn't want it? or the parent's don't want it? and the school doesn't want it?

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 10,Feb,24 22:05 other posts 

Are cunts allowed to post links to other sites here? In forum or chat?

Or, on their profiles?
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Feb,24 06:11 other posts 
Why aren't members consistently reported? I recall a wack-a-doodle SYC member using this site to advertise and sell her nasty used underwear. Just sayin'......
By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Feb,24 10:01 other posts 
OMG i remember that
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Feb,24 16:21 other posts 
Are we talking about the same SYC member? To my knowledge, the SYC member I'm referring to is a wacked-out, trouble making, liar who feels entitled, that was booted by admin a while back. p.s., anothe clue is she's Asian.
By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Feb,24 17:02 other posts 
Yep that’s the one
By kebmo [Ignore] 11,Feb,24 18:11 other posts 
And nobody told me Bella!?
By Maxwell_93 [Ignore] 11,Feb,24 08:28 other posts 
Not gonna lie, one of the appeals of this site was that it didn't appear to have sellers.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 11,Feb,24 09:38 other posts 
Waiting for admin to issue a ruling here.. If it is allowed- then a reason for reporting members for doing it should be removed as a choice.

It is currently listed as a reason for reporting someone.
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Feb,24 16:22 other posts 
You will find sellers on this site.
By admin [Ignore] 11,Feb,24 15:36 other posts 
I do not ban members just for posting links to their profiles on other sites or kik/skype ids or phone numbers in their "bio". I do ban members who do that repeatedly in private chats and public comments. And the member you reported did not do that. The link in the "bio" is not clickable. If someone wants to use it they have to copy it, which almost nobody does.
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Feb,24 16:16 other posts 
Thank you, admin. I was one who voted NOT VALID.

By bella! [Ignore] 11,Feb,24 16:24 other posts 
And in Kansas City, MO......

A 26 year old mother puts her 1 month old child down for a nap but "accidentally" places her in the oven instead of the crib!

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By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Feb,24 17:08 other posts 
Unbelievable but then look at the mother she shouldn’t even have a pet yet a child
By #610414 11,Feb,24 18:09
This is one occasion that I would burn her at the stake with a slow fire 👿😢

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