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Started by #498195 [Ignore] 03,Jan,17 08:09
I keep wondering what most people on this site do,I would love to know the carriers.I Am a secondary school teacher hope non of my students is here

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By qhaos [Ignore] 04,Jun,21 17:28 other posts 
A butcher here! Alwais interested about touching some meat!
By kupreanoff [Ignore] 08,Jun,21 02:45 other posts 
and I'm a carpenter and love getting my hands on some hardwood

By #628350 06,Jun,21 13:06
I was a pharmacist and always a very horny one.

By thickswingercock [Ignore] 30,May,21 00:35 other posts 
im a prodom/findom/pro bull-escort, sell adult content on websites and direct (NOT HERE!) and do some construction and other stuff on the side
By #485312 04,Jun,21 01:10
thats a very sexy resume!!! I'd like to see all your erections *lix*
By thickswingercock [Ignore] 05,Jun,21 01:13 other posts 
mmm and love to show you

By WHATSUPDOC [Ignore] 04,Jun,21 21:16 other posts 
I live for cock. I live only for to suck cock and to become the best cocksucker that I can be. To give pleasure to men and their cocks is my only purpose in life and I do real well at what I do

By #574505 04,Jun,21 17:34
I'm retired so I just stay home and do odds and ends and

By #485312 06,Jan,17 03:54
l don't know what l want to be when l grow up...*Lix*
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Jan,17 05:10 other posts 
I know what you want to be when you grow up. A porn star.
By #485312 06,Jan,17 15:39
yeah, that would be a great job, shame lm too fat for a starring role..might write a book, about sex, helpful hints for better sex *Lix*
By thickswingercock [Ignore] 30,May,21 00:41 other posts 
mmmm no youre perfect for it 🍆💦😎 that body is amazing
By #485312 04,Jun,21 01:09
you are very sweet, Im the full deal, quality and quantity *lix*

By spermkiss [Ignore] 03,Jan,17 11:36 other posts 
"...hope non[e] of my students IS here."

Thank you, thank you, thank you! None is a singular (I'll forgive the typo) and it takes the singular form of the verb. Many people get confused about this, especially when there is a prepositional phrase ending with a plural, e.g. "of my students" between none and its verb.
--------------------------------------- added after 95 seconds

Great dick, by the way.
By botanic [Ignore] 03,Jan,17 13:54 other posts 
yep but how many of us are 'carriers' ?
By #491031 03,Jan,17 16:16
Actually, spermkiss, that isn't quite correct. NONE has a plural sense (“not any”) as well as a singular sense (“not a single one”). When none is followed by of, look at the noun in your "of" phrase (object of the preposition). If the object of the preposition is singular, use a singular verb. If the object of the preposition is plural, there is more leeway. Most of the time, but not always, you will want to use a plural verb.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 03,Jan,17 20:47 other posts 
Well, that's what I was taught in high school back in the "olden days" of the late fifties. Now I realize that language, usage and style are dynamic and living things and what once was incorrect may now be correct. So I will bow to your greater wisdom.
By #491031 04,Jan,17 12:06
Thanks, spermkiss. I am rarely accused of having "greater wisdom", so the compliment means a lot to me.
By bella! [Ignore] 28,May,21 00:49 other posts 
I miss you, JustWill!
By #491031 03,Jun,21 17:00
I miss him, too!
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Jun,21 17:07 other posts 
I guess I mentioned you more than once. There’s a post here and a post in the STUFF thread, too.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Jan,17 15:45 other posts 
Dear grammarians, I think you should let the person who formulated the original sentence explain his grammar/syntax.
By 3fdfd [Ignore] 04,Jan,17 18:43 other posts 
I doubt very many of Spear's male high school students have a cock bigger than their teacher. Maybe a few .... but I doubt it.

By tecsan [Ignore] 30,May,21 00:45 other posts 
Good question, I am still undecided...

By #275407 29,May,21 21:21

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 28,May,21 07:26 other posts 
IRS agent

By WHATSUPDOC [Ignore] 28,May,21 00:17 other posts 
I know how I'd like to earn a living. Sucking cock and servicing men's pleasures and desires. I would devote myself totally to my craft and be the best cocksucker I could possibly be. Bringing pleasure to men is admirable

By dgraff [Ignore] 08,Jan,17 08:33 other posts 
I own an automobile repair shop but I have investments in a roofing busyness and a car lot and now branching out in the towing busyness
By kebmo [Ignore] 12,Sep,20 00:49 other posts 
My biological father (sperm doner) owned a few tow trucks. That's a shitty and sometimes violent business. He carried a VERY illegal switch blade and had a small bat handy for repos and such. It's a business for tough guys. Come to think of it he was a cock sucker too!!
By dgraff [Ignore] 12,Sep,20 05:49 other posts 
you definitely meet some angry people picking up repos
By #275407 14,Sep,20 18:11
What about if they pick them up naked
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 18:30 other posts 
That wouldn’t make me angry
--------------------------------------- added after 85 seconds

I’m no doctor but I will have a look

By #610414 11,Sep,20 11:12
I’m retired now. I fuck for money
By kebmo [Ignore] 12,Sep,20 00:40 other posts 
Ah, the oldest profession in the world.
By german_guy [Ignore] 13,Sep,20 14:56 other posts 

By #275407 11,Sep,20 19:45
Students are hear
By leopoldij [Ignore] 11,Sep,20 19:54 other posts 
Most of them aren't deaf.
By #275407 11,Sep,20 22:31
Leo, what are you talking about, I'm correcting the teachers vocabulary on his last three words.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 12,Sep,20 07:11 other posts 
Just making a joke.
By #188992 12,Sep,20 17:51
Not sure you're making one, but you definitely ARE one!
By #275407 12,Sep,20 19:44
Ok, me bad

By #620268 10,Sep,20 18:10
I work for a government-owned liquor store in Canada and my location is very close to a gym, so I see lots of hot bodies at my job
By kebmo [Ignore] 12,Sep,20 00:42 other posts 
LCBO. My aunt worked for them for 30 years in St. Catharines and is now retired.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 11,Sep,20 19:55 other posts 
I observe the world.

By nekekal [Ignore] 11,Sep,20 19:24 other posts 
I like to think of myself as an artist. Not starving since I retired from engineering.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 11,Sep,20 19:54 other posts 

By wycowboy [Ignore] 11,Sep,20 10:09 other posts 
I work in retail auto parts sales for a national chain. Been doing it for 20 years now. Lots of eye candy walking in the door.

By #621517 11,Sep,20 03:08
I work for a big multinational in an open plan office with lots of eye candy in miniskirts and well filled blouses to treat me to upskirts and downblouses and to dream of as I jerk my cream against the restroom cubicle wall.

By #147052 13,Jan,17 10:51
I'm going to dye my hair orange, hang out with some ruskies, tell some lies, take a golden shower or two, etc. Oh yeah, I just found out that that job was taken already so I guess I'll just have to stay RETIRED!

By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 08,Jan,17 07:34 other posts 
Retired, but have some projects I'm working on and others lined-up I will work on. Time will tell how much $ they make.

By slipper [Ignore] 08,Jan,17 01:43 other posts 
About anything I wish... I've been retired for some time!!!

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