I don't really know. I discovered my penis very early in my life and discovered how good it felt to be rubbed, stretched pulled on and generally played with. I must have been 7 or 8 I think. I shared a bedroom with my older brother. Bunk beds. It is not possible to hide the fact that you are playing with yourself in bunk beds. He had the top. So I knew that he was doing the same.
It was only a matter of time until he offered to help. He was 3 years older and a big kid. I was a small kid, but my penis was much, much bigger than his. He really enjoyed being able to handle mine and My smaller hands worked well on his penis. We enjoyed ourselves almost every night. I love someone handling my cock. When my brother was 10 or so, someone showed him how to jack a cock off to cum. He showed me and then I really could not leave my cock alone. ![]() ![]() |
Hmmm. Some things sound ok, but others I am not sure of the importance.
Breath. It is equally important, maybe more so, that the cock doesn't stink. I am not kissing. I am getting my cock sucked. It has spent most of the day in a poorly ventilated sweaty area, and upon being pulled out for some nice sucking, it may be a bit stinky. Please just suck it. Deep throating. Disclaimer. No one has ever been able to deep throat my cock. The first time a person is sucking my cock is no time to attempt deep throating it. My cock is very sensitive and I really enjoy having the head sucked. Shaft licked. Balls sucked. I don't enjoy gagging or being wretched on. Just suck it please. I really don't want to talk about it. You want to suck cock. I want my cock sucked. Just do what you want and do well. Afterwards, We can talk about how you did if you want. But I don't want to give instructions, move your head, or anthing. Just suck my cock please. I do enjoy have hands on my cock shaft, jacking it, while being sucked. I have enough cock for that to easily happen. If you like to do that, go for it. Keep the head in your mouth. And finally, you have to take the cum in your mouth. Where it goes from there, I don't care, but just suck it out. |
I had just one gf that sucked on my balls. I was overwhelmed the first time she did it. Just awesome. One hand on my cock while she sucked my balls. I should have worked harder to keep her. ![]() |
I am addicted to having my cock sucked. Not the same and I suspect that your addiction is easier to deal with than mine. ![]() |
No one has especially liked playing with my balls. Neither men or women. But my balls are average size at best perhaps smaller than average. |
I wish it were hundreds. But alas, it was not. I probably only got to fuck 10 different women. Most of them repeatedly, but a tiny fraction of the number that I wanted to get some cock into. I never sucked any cock but had about 4 guys suck mine. Guys are awesome cocksuckers.
Then I got married and fucking pretty much stopped. She hates cock and doesn't like to suck either. ![]() |
Well, I don't fuck drunk women, much as I would love to take advantage of them. But I would certainly let her know that if she wanted to be fucked, I was ready to fuck her.
Good luck. I always wanted to fuck my cousin, we are the same age, and used to hang out together, but she was more interested in my brother. I don't think that he ever fucked her either. |
When I shaved my cock and balls it always made me hard and I jerked it.
But truthfully, I play with my cock all the time which makes it hard and I jerk it off. ![]() |
![]() My wife liked it when my cock was between her legs, against her cunt, either from the front or back and then I would thrust, rubbing my cock against her cunt lips and clit. But having a big enough cock to do that was no advantage to me. |
Very nice holes. You are a lucky guy. For me, i like to use my wifes mouth. She is a pretty bad fuck. She just lays there. My cock is too large for her ass, so that was never a possibility. But she sucks my cock really well. I love having my cock sucked so it works out well and she cannot say anything when her mouth is full of cock. A win win. ![]() |
I have a larger than average cock, and my experience has not been great. Women actually seem to like a fat cock. They have no real sensitive nerves in their cunt, but can feel it filled and stretched in the first few inches. Most speak of enjoying that first opening up.
There is a birth control device in the shape of a ring with about a 2inch hole in it that they can place in their cunt about the length of their fingers up. Most guys can fuck them and never feel it, and the woman cannot feel it either. But I cannot get my cock through it. And without it, the next thing up is the cervix, which effectively is the end of the cunt. Every time that I have hit it with my cock it has been the end of the fuck. I have only ever fucked one woman that could take the full length of my cock. She was awesome to fuck. I could just ram my cock into her until my balls hit her ass. Hmmm great. The usual method was to slowly insert my cock into her, about a half of an inch at a time, until I could feel my cock head against her cervix, then look and see how much cock was sticking out of her and carefully fuck her with what I could. It was better if she was on top. She could control how deep she wanted the cock, and I could slide my hand down between us as a sort of spacer and use my finger on her clit as she fucked as much of my cock as she wanted. Big cock has not be good to me. I mean I really enjoyed fucking. Nice tight cunt and they were all tight, and long strokes but only a few women came back for seconds. |
I have. In Austin Texas. Three levels of massage. Sensual. Deep tissue. Full body. Only on.the full body would they touch your cock. Full body costs more and takes longer. Not much longer. By the time they get done with a sensual massage, my cock was hard and dripping pre cum, so in very little time I was shooting cum. It was great. |
It is all in your mind. Balls just produce sperm. Microscopic one celled things with a long tail. The average ejaculation has thousands, maybe millions, of them. But they are so small that you cannot see them and if you doubled the amount you still could not see them.I
Most of the stuff we call cum is a fluid produced by the prostate. As this stuff is being ejaculated, the sperm is added as it passes the balls. If a guy produces no sperm, vasectomy for example, you cannot tell by looking at the volume of his cum. But it is a good fantasy and big balls are fun to play with. Additional stimulus causes the prostate to produce more cum, so there may be an indirect connection. ![]() |
Any excuse to play with and enjoy my cock is ok with me. When I was a kid, my brother and I used to do each other. Then I got sucked by a few guys. But lately, I am a solo act although I would welcome help. ![]() |
Yeah. I missed my chance when I was in collage, many years ago, a guy that I knew would just go up to every woman that he saw, drape is arm around her shoulders and say "would you like to come up to my place and fuck?". No one ever hit him, or called the cops, and before the night was over some woman would say yes. He fucked a lot of women.
Now, I think you would be arrested for sexual harassment. |
I once had a back operation and one of the medications that they gave had me super horny. I could not get out of bed but masturbated several times a day. Wife would not help, thought I might hurt myself, so I masturbated without her. Almost constantly. Fortunately, the meds wore off before my cock wore out. ![]() |
I would like to be fucked for 24 hours, non stop. I would just go out on the street and ask guys if they wanted to fuck. It would be liberating and maybe I could finally get enough sex. ![]() |
I always liked woman on top. Cowgirl. Facing. Probably because that is the way that most women wanted to fuck me. But first, it is really enjoyable because I just have to lay there and enjoy her cunt sliding up and down on my cock. I know, selfish of me but being fucked is great. Then I get to enjoy watching her tits jump and sway around as she jumps on my cock. I can reach up and play with her tits and nipples if she wants. I can also rub her clit as she fills her cunt with my cock. When she orgasms I can see her back arch and he head is thrown back. It is like my own private porn show. Fucking hot. And then when she is done, more often than not, she will collapse forward on me, leaving her cunt impaled on my cock, which I like very much. Just awesome fucking. ![]() |
She was hoping that I wouldn't do it, so she would have an excuse to not suck my cock. But that one didn't work. She later decided that she just didn't need to suck my cock. ![]() |
I was about 40. I had been trying to convince my wife to let me cum in her mouth. Her argument was that I should swallow the cum if it was such a good idea.
Ok. I jacked off, caught it in my hand and put the whole mass into my mouth. I don't tast bad, salty with a sort of lime aftertaste, but the texture is bad. I reported this to my wife who found some other lame excuse to not suck my cock. ![]() |
I have played strip poker. I lost. I always lost. But it is a game with little penalty for losing. ![]() |
I have always enjoyed porn. Mostly I like straight porn. Men and women fucking, sucking, and lots of tit/nipple play, some masturbation. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
You sound like the perfect woman. You guy was very lucky. I hope he liked getting his cock sucked. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
When I was younger, much younger, I actually got my cock sucked quite a lot. I would get a woman naked and get my hard cock out to where she could see it and most of the women would decide to fuck it rather than have it stuck into them.
Women have a strange opinion of themselves as small, tiny things. The truth is that cunts are very elastic and can accept very large objects. Anyway, the majority of the women that I was trying to fuck, would offer a cock sucking instead. Very few could get more than the head in their mouths, but that was enough to cause there mouth to be filled with cum. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
This subject has been open for 4 years and had generated 11 responses, and some of those were men claiming to know women who like to suck cock. That pretty much answers the original question. |
My cock is pretty big and even though I am not very flexible I could get the head into my mouth and suck it. I didn't even try this until after I got my first blow job since I didn't know how good it could feel, but then found that on a bed next to a wall, I could suck my own cock.
But in that position, it just wasn't great. I tried a few times, but spent my time looking for someone else to suck it for me. ![]() |
When I was young, and got the chance to fuck a woman, I did it unprotected or rubbered up. My hard cock really controls my actions. Fortunately no one got pregnant. Then I started carrying condoms. None broke, but one slipped off inside of her. She was able to reach in and retrieve it with her finger. ![]() I could never pull out. I just don't have the will power. I am fucking her and am going to orgasm and there is nothing that can make me pull my cock out of her. She gets filled with cum. I may be sterile. No one ever got pregnant. |
My life has cum full circle. I didn't fuck anyone for the first 19 years, and then the last twenty. Inbetween I fucked anybody who would let me or who wanted to suck my cock. The good years were when my cock was in someone spewing cum. I have accepted the fact that life is over. |
I was about 20 the first time anyone sucked my cock. Heavenly. It was about the same time that a friend of mine told me about licking cunt. He said that if I could get a womans pants off ad would get between her legs and lick her clit, she would be begging me to fuck her. He was right. After that I just acted like we were making out and then started on licking her cunt. And then I was fucking her. Worked like magic. ![]() |
From my experience, guys suck cock better than women. Men suck cock because they want to. Women suck cock because they cannot figure out how not to. Loving your job makes all of the difference in the world. |
I was probably 20. I was in collage and was renting a room from a guy. The rent was pretty cheap and one day he said that he wanted to suck my cock. I said sure. It was fantastic. I got to cum in his mouth. After that he sucked my cock on sort of a weekly basis. |
No. As a black woman once told me. "We are all the same size in the horizontal, and we are all the same color inside". I was just fucking her at the time. |
Well, they are women. As a rule, women don't even like each other. I am not gay, but crave some sort of human touch, some sex other than myself, to be desired. And women don't do that. I would never form a relationship with one again. |
My only complaint is that the site doesn't flag the pictures somehow so I know that I should not answer before I spend the time to answer and push the submit button. |
Seriously? You think that women, real or otherwise, that post pictures of their tits and cunts on this site are not interested in hearing "nice tits". Why are they showing them? |
Sorry, i think a normal cock quits developing about age 16 or 18. Mine was full size at 12 or 13. Although the base of the shaft continued to get bigger with use. ![]() |
My cock was always the biggest as long as I can remember. I didn't measure it until I was 18 or so and it was it's fully grown size then. About 7 3/4 inches long, over 6 1/4 around. But it was about that size when I was in the sixth grade, 11 years old. I was growing pubic hair then. Before that it was bigger than anyone in gym class or at the swimming pool. |
If it gives you pleasure, it is big enough and working. Most women that I have fucked prefer small cocks that cum quickly because women really don't like to be fucked and want it over as quickly as possible with the least trouble. ![]() |
I love tits of any kind. But small firm tits are the best. A or B cup with nice nipples are perfect. ![]() |
My wife is so vanilla that she thinks getting on top is wild and crazy sex. But i did talk her into me fucking her on a public, but vacant beach once. ![]() |
Probably about 4. I once had my cock sucked for about 5 hours straight, but don't know how many times I cum. ![]() |
Absolutely. I would get in line, stick my cock into you and then get back in line. Please call when a line is forming up. ![]() |
Both. My cock shaft is very sensitive under the skin, so in the first case, I grab my cock tightly and slide the skin up and down against the underlying hard shaft just going up far enough to compress the rim on my fat head.
The second case is to lube things up well, using precum, soap, lotion, etc, and just loosely hold my cock so it slides in and out of my cupped hand. This simulates actual fucking. Especially if I just hold my hand steady and thrust my cock in and out with my hips. Either way produces cum. Both feel good. |
A few. A few less than I have fucked. Someone told me early that if you are really wanting to get your cock into a woman, and are making out but she seems hesitant, if you just move down and get your tongue between her cunt lips, she will very soon not be able to say no. Pretty soon getting fucked is the best sounding idea in the world. At the very least she will feel compelled to suck my cock which I might like better than fucking her anyway. Feels great with no chance of getting her pregnant. |