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Discussion Forum on Show It Off   [Drama Queens Fighting section]

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Started by bella! [Ignore] 02,Apr,13 18:51  other posts
I encourage and welcome you to say what you want to say about whatever you want to, right here. Anything/Everything goed, say something.......

WARNING: You, your views and/or opinions may be attacked.

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By Ray10754 [Ignore] 30,Aug,13 13:45 other posts 
Well for those of you that care! Tommorrow is (International Bacon Day) For those of you that celabrate it, How do you plan on doing so? Just for shits and giggles, I am making Bacon burgers and Pig's in the blanket !
By #415959 30,Aug,13 15:54
Are you serious???!! Bacon has it's own special day of recognition?? That's awesome!! I'll be making some bacon martini's!!
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 30,Aug,13 16:11 other posts 
Yup!! Didn't belive it myself either, But low and behold I googled it Three pages or results LOL
By #303133 31,Aug,13 16:38
I LOVE Bacon Day! My second most favorite holiday of the year. Decorated the tree yesterday and hung the stockings last night. Unfortunately, the Bacon Monkey did not come down the chimney this year. Again. That makes 15 years in a row that I did not make his "nice" list. Oh, well...there is always next year.
By #354961 31,Aug,13 17:44
I know nobody knows
Where it comes and where it goes
I know it´s everybody´s sin
You got to lose to know how to win
By bella! [Ignore] 31,Aug,13 18:00 other posts 
What's that have to do with bacon?

By #409634 31,Aug,13 01:46
Ugh I guess they call it head banging for a reason. No more alchohal and mosshing for little fairies. Head bang hangover es no bueno... barf barf
By #164428 31,Aug,13 04:24
You poor thing. I hope you feel better soon and can get some rest.
By #409634 31,Aug,13 13:48
Thanks Steffi.
By bella! [Ignore] 31,Aug,13 13:55 other posts 
Fairies have wings, aren't they able to keep themselves in flight so they don't bang their heads?
By #409634 31,Aug,13 13:59
Not when the fairy is hella wasted and jumping around and whipping her head like a damn lunatic... my brain feels like mush and my neck is stiff.
By bella! [Ignore] 31,Aug,13 14:03 other posts 
Hella wasted and jumping around, whipping your head around like a damn lunatic? What a 5'3" fairy has to do to see a concert!
By #358797 31,Aug,13 14:19
I feel your pain. Been there a few times myself. Definitely not fun.

By #409634 31,Aug,13 13:47
Cornnuts are fricking nasty. They neither smell or taste like corn or nuts. Fuckers look like some hillbillys teeth, and smell like old rancid feet. Barf.
By bella! [Ignore] 31,Aug,13 13:59 other posts 
Uhhh.... I like Cornnuts but there is a new product called Popped Kerns ( or something like that ) that are better. When I pop popcorn, I love the partially popped kernels at the bottom of the bowl, they're like having the curled or bubbled chips in the bag of potato chips. The BEST!!!!

By #303133 31,Jul,13 12:18
I know that English is not the native language of many SYD members, and--normally--I do not make fun of them for their lack of dexterity with it. They are doing the best that they can with a complicated and rule-heavy tongue, and I only speak ONE they possess skills that I do not have.
I occasionally chance upon a post which mangles English so badly that I keep re-reading it because it makes my head all dizzy. Like the Forum thread "Ball Balls" which contains this horrific little statement: "Do u have big ball ball or chicken balls...not cock size just balls...what u think or mine?"
Um...I have to sit down now...
By #360973 07,Aug,13 22:53
If it's a member from Australia, the US, Britain, Canada, Ireland, South Africa or New Zealand i agree wholeheartedly. If you are unable to construct a coherent sentence by the age of 18.......

...i also have a lot of respect for those members who can speak/write in several languages - not a skill-set i possess
By #23212 08,Aug,13 01:49
Estic totalment d'acord amb vostč, el meu amic.

OK, I thought I'd add Catalan to my other 4 languages.
--------------------------------------- added after 548 hours

But more seriously, I very much agree. IMHO the most incoherent sentences posted here are usually from those claiming to live in the UK or the USA, not 'non-native' speakers!
By #360973 08,Aug,13 02:39
By #23212 08,Aug,13 02:41
Yup, even that part is smart.
I agree, as an Englishman I sometimes feel a little ashamed or at least lazy that I don't speak a second language. Especially when abroad and talk to locals or other tourists who speak at least basic enough English to communicate with English speakers.
By #23212 30,Aug,13 22:19
Then I'm curious as to what keeps you from trying to learn a bit of the language(s) when you go "abroad"?
By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 31,Aug,13 09:44 other posts 
I suppose it's because English is spoken as a second language by a lot of people from other countries, so I assume I'll be able to get by. But it's also laziness on my part as well.
By #201583 30,Aug,13 14:49
I refuse to speak English. I had a hard enough time learning American.
By #23212 31,Aug,13 01:13
Oh it's easy; just remember that 'English' is bigger than 'American':
1 English/Imperial quart = 1.14 liters; 1 American quart = 0.947 liters.
By #201583 31,Aug,13 13:25
Just remember that a bunch of farmers and natives chewed up the English and sent them on their merry way. American is a dialect of the English language. However, our education system still insists on calling what we speak and write, English. American is as close to English as the 23 human chromosomes to the apes 24 chromosomes. Our schools are filled with Mexicans, and yet they import teachers from Spain to teach them Spanish. Mexicans speak their own dialect of Spanish. We f-o-r-c-e Mexicans to learn proper Spanish, yet we don't recruit teachers from England to teach us Americans English. The point is that who really cares what's proper, as long as we can understand one another.
By #427069 30,Aug,13 21:39
English isn't as hard as you might think, consider learning German or Chinese and you'll notice the differences, my tongue isn't English tho!
By #23212 30,Aug,13 21:56
IMHO, German is an easier language to learn than English [and English itself is basically a Germanic language].
By #316255 30,Aug,13 22:23
You're a smart man, Sin. Just thought I'd point out the obvious
By #23212 31,Aug,13 00:52
By #427069 30,Aug,13 22:36
Seeing is believing, German grammar is horrible compared to English!
By #23212 31,Aug,13 00:51
Really? You don't like verbs at the end of a sentence putting?
It's a mix of old Germanic, English, French, Greek, Latin, and Scandanavian.

By #339359 11,Jul,13 10:34
leaving comments on womens pix on this site with no reply. And leaving them private messages with no fucking reply pisses me off. REALLY --- WHAT THE FUCK? ??? just because I don't have a 12" cock is no reason for you to be complete bitches. If you need a 10" or 12" cock you should probably start doing kegel exercises.
Now lets see how many rude comments I get! !!!!!
By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 31,Aug,13 10:12 other posts 
I imagine women here get dozens of comments/messages a day, and if they don't come on here everyday, they could have 100,200..... to look at. Could you be arsed to reply to each one of them every time you come on here?
I could be wrong, of course, I'm sure some won't get as many as others. But it's their choice whether or not to reply.

By #316255 11,Jul,13 12:55
My AC broke down. It was 97 degrees inside and we had fans blowing this hot crap around. The kids and I (yes, gasp, I have kids) were slowly melting. There was no air outside either. Almost kissed the AC man when he rigged a temporary fix. Got kiss blocked.
By #409634 11,Jul,13 13:27
That's awful, I know how you feel. I live in the desert, we had a horrible heat wave last week and the aircon went out ay my work, 35 people cramped in a small area it was gross. There were no windows, no fan, just 35 people with butt, feet, and sweaty armpits.
By #358797 11,Jul,13 13:33
Nothing worse than the smell of baked booty crack. Ew.
By #409634 11,Jul,13 13:35
Tell that to the office Comic book guy, he likes to walk from desk to desk lifting up his arms and talking to every one, and apparently he has it in his head hes smexy.
By #358797 11,Jul,13 14:03
Ick. Sounds like comic book guy needs a reality check and some speed stick.
By #316255 11,Jul,13 19:20
Oh, that must have been a nightmare. Tons of sweaty bodies, in a small, cramped space, never smell great in the summer... with no AC, to boot. Yuck.
By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 31,Aug,13 10:09 other posts 
It's reading posts like this that make me appreciate English weather a little more.

By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 30,Aug,13 13:03 other posts 
As much as I enjoy being on this site, there are things, or maybe that should be people, on here that annoy me. One is people who post fake pics of themselves. It annoys me a little when people post no pics of themselves, or pics of themselves but none showing pussy or cock. I suppose not everyone is comfortable with showing there genitals, but if that's the case, maybe they shouldn't join this site?
Another thing that annoys me is when middle aged men, not in the best physical shape, post pics with captions like 'Me fucking my 18 year old girlfriend' and other captions along those lines. Most of these pics are of other people as well, or the girl in the pic hasn't been 18 for a long time. In some pics you can even see that the people in them are different than in other pics on the members page.
Anyway, that's my rant. Anyone else agree/disagree, or have something to rant about?
By #301038 30,Aug,13 13:22
People are going to post wjatever thy want to post and its out of your control. I got an easy way out for you. There is an "evaluate" button in the left corner next to the picture and if you think there is something wrong, just click on one of the choices.
By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 30,Aug,13 15:08 other posts 
I just might do that, Peach.

By #301038 16,Aug,13 12:09
I used to think that women were the one's who needed verbal reassurance of their awesomeness, but now I think that men on here need it much much more...unless they are women in disguise... Hmmm...
By bella! [Ignore] 16,Aug,13 12:58 other posts 
Peach, men are so complex!
By #303133 16,Aug,13 13:26
We really aren't.
By bigguy [Ignore] 16,Aug,13 13:55 other posts 
Yes maybe, and some men are just very nice and think women are the most special thing in the world and don't mind trying to let them know it.
By #409634 16,Aug,13 14:05
By #301038 17,Aug,13 07:56
and maybe that's why so many of them attracted to cock... "women in disguise" solves everything, even lace lingerie...
By bigguy [Ignore] 17,Aug,13 08:18 other posts 
Thanks Peach, I hope some of what you said you were thinking about me. Please believe me what I write to you is as simple as it gets straight from the heart. And I much doubt that you look like a boat.
I agree to a point. Some men on here need validation regarding their cocks, whereas for women, it's a different kind of validation they seek, maybe?

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