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Discussion Forum on Show It Off   [Drama Queens Fighting section]

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Started by bella! [Ignore] 02,Apr,13 18:51  other posts
I encourage and welcome you to say what you want to say about whatever you want to, right here. Anything/Everything goed, say something.......

WARNING: You, your views and/or opinions may be attacked.

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By bella! [Ignore] 22,Sep,13 09:48 other posts 
I find it entertaining when members who want a topic to "fade away" make that plea and bring the sore topic right back up to the top. Kinda defeats the purpose, doesn't it?
By #23212 22,Sep,13 19:32
Non compos mentis.
By #354961 22,Sep,13 20:25
vincit omnia veritas
By #23212 25,Sep,13 21:18
Or actually: Veritas vincit omnia. ?
By #354961 25,Sep,13 22:05
Works either way.
By #23212 25,Sep,13 22:41
Es la verdad.

By bella! [Ignore] 22,Sep,13 11:17 other posts 
The number of things in my lifetime that have become obsolete or nearly obsolete, is staggering! I wonder if I will live to see the day where life will be like an episode of the Jetsons? Ruh-roh!
By #23212 22,Sep,13 19:39
The number of things IN ONLY THE LAST FIVE YEARS, that I actually own, that have become obsolete is staggering: computers, modems, cordless phones, cell phones, glucose meters, disc players, etc.!
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Sep,13 20:35 other posts 
Yeah, that too. I was thinking about a post that Decent007 made about the number of remaining Drive-In movies left and forget about pay phones/phone booths and where will the United States Postal Service be in 10 - 15 years, will people still be mailing letters? And I miss muscle cars...........

And to poolboy, if what you have to say is not worthy of letting it remain posted, don't post it at all. It's unnecessary for you to delete your entire post.
By #354961 22,Sep,13 20:22
Non omnis moriar.
By #23212 25,Sep,13 21:07
ETIAM, fabula sexus maneat semper.

By bella! [Ignore] 24,Sep,13 08:54 other posts 
The Today show just aired an incredible crash footage involving a $400, 000.00 Lamborghini. You must watch it on YouTube!

A car turns in front of the speeding Lamborghini, the Lamborghini swerves to miss the head on crash but is clipped in the back quarter panel, spins around and hits a wall. Because of the way the Lamborghini is structurally designed, the cabin/compartment remained intact however the rear end was completely sheared off. Amazing!

By gradurgaur [Ignore] 21,Sep,13 22:54 other posts 
Am sexy and i know it...
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Sep,13 10:25 other posts 
YOU are sexy, so OWN IT!
By gradurgaur [Ignore] 23,Sep,13 19:43 other posts 
you are sexy too bella...
and you know it
By bigguy [Ignore] 22,Sep,13 10:32 other posts 
That is actually cute!!!

By #358797 23,Sep,13 16:16
I really need to quit surfing profiles on here while I'm eating...
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However, I suppose it's quite an effective way to diet. Some of these pictures make me not want to eat for a week. Ugh.

By #354961 14,Sep,13 09:38
Why someone enjoy to act as a pet monkey?
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Sep,13 09:40 other posts 
Say what?
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Sep,13 15:53 other posts 
I know that you aren't anyone who would kiss and tell but -drifter-, give us a clue! Someone is acting like a pet monkey? On SYD/SYC, no way! There's a new member that looks like a gorilla, surely, that is not what your are speaking of.......
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[deleted image]
By #354961 14,Sep,13 21:46
Nope, it's not. Little pet monkeys are more like this one:
[deleted image]

Now go figure ...
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Sep,13 22:01 other posts 
Is this an ESL thing or are you being difficult and/or evasive?
By #316255 14,Sep,13 22:04
Oh wow, that's a hairy man!!!
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Sep,13 22:47 other posts 
That's a man? I thought, oh forget it! Anything else I would say would be a big old lie!
By #23212 15,Sep,13 01:51
It seems he thinks he is a "keno" man, whatever that is.
By #68656 15,Sep,13 04:53
Just for interest the picture and profile of the Gorilla are both fake, the image is web derived, has been doing the rounds for years and can can seen on countless pornsites.
By #424211 21,Sep,13 22:26
John you are in need of meds and therapy. Stop acting like you are doing something important here..

PS, get me a large popcorn and a soda cunt.
By #303133 21,Sep,13 23:01
Soda cunt? What the hell kind of soft drink is soda cunt?
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 22,Sep,13 12:31 other posts 
Well I have heard of a (Soda jerk) But soda cunt? that's a new one on me !!

By bella! [Ignore] 22,Sep,13 09:34 other posts 
Today is Hobbit Day, hug a HOBBIT!

By bella! [Ignore] 19,Sep,13 06:28 other posts 
19,Sep, 2013 Is officially, Talk Like a Pirate Day. I k!d you not, Talk Like a Pirate Day. I wonder if Hallmark has an appropriate greeting card for this holiday?
By #358797 19,Sep,13 08:04
Aye. Tis a day we take most seriously in my family. Aargh. We will spend our day dancing the hempen jig and sailing three sheets to the wind. Perhaps splice the main brace and crack Jenny's teacup...
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There be no crack in Jenny's teacup tonight, for the only place of ill repute I be findin' be me own living quarters. And me don't tolerate overnight company very well. Aargh.
By #428387 19,Sep,13 08:15
Welcome aboard skipper Now twas on the good ship Venus by god you should have seen us the figurehead was of a nude in bed a sucking on the captains penis. Be ready for the captains yardarm young lady.
By #358797 19,Sep,13 08:34
Aargh, scallywag. For I be familiar with said figurehead. However I be not a random wench. No chompin' on ye cap'ns barnacles for me! Har har har.
By #428387 19,Sep,13 08:50
Ya got to love this girl So so funny
By #358797 19,Sep,13 21:53
Aye, scallywag. Me be appreciatin' ye fondness to me humor, but it be of no consequence as me skills of speaking a scurvy tongue be unmatched.
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Sep,13 09:50 other posts 
I would like to acknowledge and compliment arexa52, poolboy and sinanff47 for posting various comments in the forum using "pirate speak". Thanks for making the day fun!
By #428387 20,Sep,13 11:59
OOW Aargh Mam thank e kindly for the chance to swash buckle for the day wes'l be jigging the hornpipe later if you would care to come down to the galley and ave sum grog Seriously Bella you are a treasure and worth your weight in pieces of eight .Thanks Hon Jefferson.
By #409634 20,Sep,13 13:07
Well come shiver me timbers matey. Dat der be a mighty fine poop deck ya gots. I bet ya can show me why dey be calling dat broadsword in your pants the jolly roger. You can set sail in my harbour anyday. Wanna fire your cannon in my porthole?
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Sep,13 16:20 other posts 
Uhhhh fairy, you sound like an urban pirate. Just sayin........
By #201583 20,Sep,13 17:45
How many scallywags on tis b-l-o-o-d-y site has but one brown eye? If ye dare ta shiver me timbers, ye will be sailing straight away ta meet Davy Jones.
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Sep,13 18:59 other posts 
International Talk Like a Pirate Day was yesterday, talk like yourself today! Duh! Boys can be so, so, so..........!!!!!
By #201583 20,Sep,13 19:48
Yep, I couldn't resist the best pirate joke that I have ever heard.
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Besides, isn't today National Punch Day. Rum + punch could tie in with pirates. What better way to get plowed and fight scurvy at the same time?
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Sep,13 20:13 other posts 
Yes it is National Punch Day, I posted that earlier. I even said it was "YOUR" choice if you wanted to acknowledge the day by having a "girly" type punch ( like the kind served at baby showers or church socials ) OR the kinda punch where you ball up your fist and punch someone in the arm, eye or breadbasket.
By #201583 20,Sep,13 20:38
I take a gallon of mojo punch.

By bella! [Ignore] 20,Sep,13 09:40 other posts 
Today is National Punch Day. I sense your disappointment with yesterday being International Talk Like A Pirate Day..............

You interpret "Punch" " as you like, the crazy, fruity crap that is served at baby showers OR when you ball up your fist and sock someone in the arm, eye or breadbasket.

It's National Punch Day, have FUN!

By #303133 19,Sep,13 08:32
What's the deal
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with people who
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keep adding replies
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to their own damn
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Finish a fuckin' thought
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and MOVE ON, dammit!
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It's not like what you were saying
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was that damned interesting
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to begin with,
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since you say the same thing
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over and over again
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on every freakin' thread!
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Sep,13 19:04 other posts 
Share your thought with all your friends!
By #261704 19,Sep,13 19:22
I don't see what the big deal is
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Sometimes the thought comes to you too late
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Sep,13 19:43 other posts 
Then "edit" your comment!
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What did you think the edit option was for, hmmm........????
By #261704 20,Sep,13 00:50
Edit, what do you mean?
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Oh ok I figured it out
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Sep,13 09:29 other posts 
Oh, okay!
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