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New Comment Rating: 12 Similar topics: 1.RAND0M BULLSHIT 2.The ORIGINAL "Random Bullshit" thread is now in the Dumpster 3.RANDOM STUFF..... 4.RANDOM STUFF, JUST FUCKING BULLSHIT STUFF 5.RANDOM BULLSHIT Comments: |
And to poolboy, if what you have to say is not worthy of letting it remain posted, don't post it at all. It's unnecessary for you to delete your entire post.
A car turns in front of the speeding Lamborghini, the Lamborghini swerves to miss the head on crash but is clipped in the back quarter panel, spins around and hits a wall. Because of the way the Lamborghini is structurally designed, the cabin/compartment remained intact however the rear end was completely sheared off. Amazing!
and you know it
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However, I suppose it's quite an effective way to diet. Some of these pictures make me not want to eat for a week. Ugh.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 hours
[deleted image]
[deleted image]
Now go figure ...
PS, get me a large popcorn and a soda cunt.
--------------------------------------- added after 13 hours
There be no crack in Jenny's teacup tonight, for the only place of ill repute I be findin' be me own living quarters. And me don't tolerate overnight company very well. Aargh.
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Besides, isn't today National Punch Day. Rum + punch could tie in with pirates. What better way to get plowed and fight scurvy at the same time?
You interpret "Punch" " as you like, the crazy, fruity crap that is served at baby showers OR when you ball up your fist and sock someone in the arm, eye or breadbasket.
It's National Punch Day, have FUN!
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with people who
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keep adding replies
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to their own damn
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Finish a fuckin' thought
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and MOVE ON, dammit!
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It's not like what you were saying
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was that damned interesting
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to begin with,
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since you say the same thing
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over and over again
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on every freakin' thread!
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Sometimes the thought comes to you too late
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What did you think the edit option was for, hmmm........????
--------------------------------------- added after 21 seconds
Oh ok I figured it out
--------------------------------------- added after 11 minutes
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