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Discussion Forum on Show It Off   [Drama Queens Fighting section]

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Started by bella! [Ignore] 02,Apr,13 18:51  other posts
I encourage and welcome you to say what you want to say about whatever you want to, right here. Anything/Everything goed, say something.......

WARNING: You, your views and/or opinions may be attacked.

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By bella! [Ignore] 07,Sep,13 12:16 other posts 
Please help me make sense of this. How is it that on SYD, it is permissible to use the words mother, father, baby but cannot use **** ( si.ster ), **** ( bro.ther ) and **** ( ch.ild )?
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 07,Sep,13 12:49 other posts 
It is so that people like you and me will ask this very question! I truly dont know why nor do I undestand the reasoning behind it! Must be some perverted nut job that makes up the list

By #427069 05,Sep,13 01:36
I've never been in a relationship, and I've never been with a hooker, yes what you're trying to get is correct, i'm virgin. Sometimes, it makes me feel like i'll never be with someone, that if i'm going to approach anyone, she'd say no. It's not a self-confidence issue, i'm always being accused as over-confident. Even here, i think million times before i say hi to someone, actually i did once and regretted it, the anticipation was right!

Thanks bella for the topic!
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Sep,13 13:52 other posts 
By #23212 06,Sep,13 01:52
If you do want to be in a relationship, what are you doing to fix your situation and/or make it happen?
By #427069 06,Sep,13 09:28
That's a good question, I don't do anything! I just sit on my cheeks and wait for the miracle to happen! On the other lenient side, I think I don't find time to build a relationship, basically because of my active search to relocate and change my job, pursuing my post-grad studies. *Playing "I Could Be The One - Avicii" right now!*
By #23212 06,Sep,13 18:59
"Relocate ... change job.." Yes, that could be one reason, but there are likely other(s).
--------------------------------------- added after 7 hours

And it seems to me, from your posts here, and from others of yours on the Forum, that English is not your native language, and that you are religious. ??
By #427069 07,Sep,13 02:59
I will agree on the first half, did you know this cuz i said it or it was apparent my English isn't perfect? AND where on this forum would you infer the idea of how religious i am?!!
By #23212 07,Sep,13 03:05
Yes, to me, it seems quite clear that English is not your native language--from all of your posts
And from the 'What Makes A Dick Good Looking?' post, you said, "His creator!", which seemed a 'religious' type statement, though I'm less sure of this.
But anyways, I enjoy your posts, and all the best to you. And I do hope you do find a way to someday be in a wonderful relationship with someone special.

By #358797 06,Sep,13 16:49
How's this for random bullshit? I have a jar full of poisonous spiders. Moved into a new apartment recently and they're everywhere. Every time I see one I catch it in a little jar, shake it stupid and put it in the bigger jar. I figure it'll make a good weapon in the event someone pisses me off. The only part that sucks is taking the lid off to add new ones or to feed them. I scream like a sissy every time. I despise spiders.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Sep,13 17:11 other posts 
That doesn't sound like bullshit, that sounds CRAZY! There are poisonous spiders in PA? And you capture them and keep them in a jar? lol. I heard on the local morning news that a teenager was bit/struck by a Rattlesnake. Rattlesnakes? Really? Rattlesnakes in Michigan? Up til now, I've been creeped out by moles and earth worms......
By #358797 06,Sep,13 18:34
Sure are. Brown Recluses to be more specific. I caught a couple Wolf spiders and an orb weaver and threw in there too. Probably have a good 30 or so of those brown recluses in there. And I believe it. We get rattlers around here too, my mom found one while camping, killed a 3 foot long copperhead a few months ago. Snakes creep me out hardcore.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Sep,13 19:51 other posts 
OH HELL NOOOOOO!!!! Spiders are my Achilles heel. I just Google'd the 3 spiders you mentioned and I would not be able to live in or share an apartment with them! I wasn't able to get a feel for the size of the orb weaver ( but it didnt look small ). The brown recluse was photographed atop a quarter, I would yield the right of way to him if we met in any room. But the wolf spider, na-ahh..... it's BIG and hairy too. I think I would piss all over myself if that bastard crept up on me......
By #358797 06,Sep,13 20:20
The one wolf spider is about the size of the palm of my hand. Caught it in an empty coffee cup. Fucker was chilling on the back porch waiting to chomp me. The orb weaver I caught is about the size of a grape... it's legs are huge and give me the heeby jeebies every time I see it. The recluses are nasty little things. I keep finding them everywhere. I blowtorched a nest of them with my body spray and a lighter. Lol.
By #164428 06,Sep,13 23:03
I live in PA, too, in the woods, and we get all manner of large hunting spiders, like the wolf spiders, here. Wolf, Funnel-web (otherwise known as Grass spiders), Parsons (we are infested with them), and Recluses. I got bitten by a Recluse in '08, and I almost lost my right foot. Ugh! I chase after them with the vacuum cleaner.
By #358797 06,Sep,13 23:36
I do that to ladybugs. Every fall I get tons of them. And they pee all over my curtains and piss me off. This is gonna sound mean as hell, but I have a bagless vacuum that does a little dirt tornado thing in the canister. I like sucking up pebbles from the porch and watching all the ladybugs get bashed around by them. Lol.
By #164428 07,Sep,13 01:32
We get a lot of ladybugs, too! The stupid Asian ones. They don't die after one season, like the American ones. And they stink when you vacuum them or squish them, too! Blech!

What county are you in, if you don't mind my asking? You can PM me the answer if you like. I'm in Pike.
By #358797 07,Sep,13 01:45
I pmed you. Don't need no creepers knowing where I live. Lol.
By #316255 07,Sep,13 01:18
My daughter has a far better way to dispose of them Can of hairspray. She styles them to death
By #358797 07,Sep,13 01:47
Sounds fun. I bet it makes their legs stick together and immobilizes them. I'll have to try it. I usually just use my hairspray to blowtorch. Never thought about using it by itself. Lol.

By #396572 06,Sep,13 16:16
There was a young man from Nantucket
Whose cock was so big, he could suck it
He said with a grin
As he wiped off his chin
If my ear was a *** i would fuck it
By #358797 06,Sep,13 16:43
There once was a woman named Jill,
who swallowed an exploding pill.
They found her vagina in South Carolina,
her tits in a tree in Brazil.

By bella! [Ignore] 06,Sep,13 10:25 other posts 
So Decent007's post about being the new King, get over it, wss deleted. Hmmmm..............?!#@$!?&;!?
By #415959 06,Sep,13 10:38
His photo header is still up.

DECENT007: ALL HAIL THE NEW KING! OR DIE! ):-[ place your
message here
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Sep,13 11:15 other posts 
By #415959 06,Sep,13 11:23
Click on any picture and look at the top of the page.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Sep,13 11:56 other posts 
Any picture? I clicked on your picture ( that was "any" ) and it took me to your page.

By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,13 18:09 other posts 
Although I appreciate many genres of music, Country is my least favorite. Today, I heard a song performed by Florida Georgia Line featuring Nelly and I think I could maybe change my mind about Country.
By #415959 02,Sep,13 20:31


By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,13 20:52 other posts 
You like Country?
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Sep,13 13:21 other posts 
@ 2nice_ and fairy, I concede and stand corrected, I DO NOT LIKE COUNTRY. I searched for the song on YouTube and listened to it again did sound like some hillbilly, half dead cats fighting.
By #409634 03,Sep,13 22:57
Arron Lewis (not country) does a great cover of a Rascal Flatts song, the Band Perry has a good one, and old George Straight and Faith Hill, Shania Twain, and Tim McGraw arent too bad. I also sorta like Lady Antebellums I need you now...Kinda (it's a sec/ret. Oh can't forget Dolly Parton, I love that song Jolene. I'm named after a country singer from the 80's with ankle length hair and her ****/ter.
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Sep,13 06:29 other posts 
Reba? That name is soooo country!
By bigguy [Ignore] 06,Sep,13 09:39 other posts 
I now know your name. I love country and also old time rock-in
roll, and one of my favorite groups is Air Supply. Kylie Minoque I like too. You want to talk country music I can school you!
I'll try to be polite and say if you don't like me because of the music listen to, sorry! you can kiss my BUTT! If you do decide to kiss it i'll warn you ahead of time I will like it!!

PS I'm sure you don't want me to reveal your name so be nice! Hi!! Fairy
By #303133 03,Sep,13 15:45
I was raised on Country music and I enjoy it very much. Granted, the LYRICS are not always very good, but the MUSIC is quite awesome. (One of the few cases when I can disregard the WORDS and just be drawn to the SOUND.) Much better than Hippity-Hoppity and the odious noise that passes for "music" these days. (No need to condemn me to Eternal Damnation. That ship has already sailed...)
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Sep,13 15:52 other posts 
Are you familiar with Florida Georgia Line? After I heard the song on YouTube I had to retract my statement.
By #164428 06,Sep,13 01:41
At the risk of raising ire from my friends here, I like a lot of country music! I like some of the old stuff, and a lot of the newer stuff. It's often the only place to hear a good guitar solo on the radio these days, save for my trusted classic rock stations. I like a lot of the words, too. Not the "tears in my ears for lying on my back, crying in bed over you" ilk, but a country song tells a story, and these stories can be very relatable and inspire, comfort, and otherwise entertain. No, I don't work for Nashville!
By #303133 06,Sep,13 08:32
Once again, Steffi, you prove that you are as intelligent as you are charming! I totally agree with you about the guitars, and would like to add that banjo and fiddle music can really get my feet to tapping. Bluegrass is awesome!
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Sep,13 10:22 other posts 
I enjoy Bluegrass music but that's quite different from Country music.

By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 06,Sep,13 10:05 other posts 
BAGN! That's bang out of order.

By #301038 05,Sep,13 13:18
I feel like it smells much better here... did someone leave, or something?
By #196416 05,Sep,13 13:42
also seems a bit brighter don't you think? Also at the same time a smiley face appeared on my page.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Sep,13 13:47 other posts 
Oh for cryin' out loud! Are the birds chirping and the flowers blooming?
By #301038 05,Sep,13 14:04
I think I can even see the rainbow
By #196416 05,Sep,13 14:57
Oh what a beautiful morning,
Oh what a beautiful day,
I've got a wonderful feeling,
Everything's going my way.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Sep,13 17:18 other posts 
daffu, are YOU singing? There was a word that referred to a silly song and I cannot remember what it was. The word was something that I never heard of, snickety licket?........

By #396572 03,Sep,13 16:47
Pas sur votre Nelly
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Sep,13 21:56 other posts 
By #201583 03,Sep,13 22:36
"Not on your Nelly." It's in French, but WTF.
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Sep,13 22:42 other posts 
Thanks sweetie!

By #427539 03,Sep,13 17:48
I like bjs and kisses
By #415959 03,Sep,13 18:01
Yes, and you also like sucking cocks, fucking your wife's friends and porking your Mother-In-Law in the ass.

Cripes! How do you find the time??
By #303133 03,Sep,13 18:46
Dude, there is ALWAYS time for a good ass-porking.
It's all about PRIORITIES....
By #201583 03,Sep,13 22:38
I'm dying.

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