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Started by bella! [Ignore] 02,Apr,13 18:51  other posts
I encourage and welcome you to say what you want to say about whatever you want to, right here. Anything/Everything goed, say something.......

WARNING: You, your views and/or opinions may be attacked.

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By bella! [Ignore] 03,Sep,13 16:19 other posts 
Have you ever had one of those days where if someone looked at you crosseyed, you just wanted to punch them in the nose? I can't figure out how somebody snuck in and pissed in my Wheaties!

By bella! [Ignore] 03,Sep,13 15:44 other posts 

By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,13 21:16 other posts 
This may sound dumb but I am going to ask; in the States, although we allegedly speak the same language, there are very distinct regional accents. In the south, there is the Southern drawl and I'm not sure how you would define the accents from the East Coast ( New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts ). What about other countries? Do you speak the same language however have distinct accents based on the area in which you live?
By #316255 02,Sep,13 21:50
Very much so. I went to visit friends in Liverpool, while there were there at Uni, and the local accents were a little hard to take in. The word usage is different also. And, then, in London you can get a whole lot of Cockney which, though born in London, I don't happen to understand
By #426684 03,Sep,13 08:37
Now here's a thing talking about Liverpool accent and all. Words from a song on Liverpool go. "In my Liverpool home,
in my Liverpool Home,
We speak with an accent exceedingly rare;
meet under a statue exceedingly bare.
If you want a cathedral,
we've got one to spare, in my Liverpool home." That statue is The famous Dickie Lewis .[deleted image].
By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 03,Sep,13 10:07 other posts 
Of course, and sometimes different accents within that region too.

By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 02,Sep,13 15:14 other posts 
Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that sometimes after posting a comment, some words are either missing or have been added to what you originally typed?
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,13 16:38 other posts 
Your post or to the respondents post?
By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 03,Sep,13 10:05 other posts 
It happens sometimes when I post, and I have to edit it so it says what I typed originally. I'm asking if others have had the same problem with any of their posts.

By #354961 02,Sep,13 14:34
Then they sent him off to .... on his senior trip
And they forced him to become a man while he was still a boy
And in each wave of tragedy he waited for the joy
Now this world may change around him
But he just can't change no more .........
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,13 15:32 other posts 
You're singing in the wrong thread!

By bella! [Ignore] 01,Sep,13 20:16 other posts 
HEY EVERYONE.........vote for gaydude65 ( and his spouse ) for pic of the month. It's a hot "twofer one" and gaydude65 is just so darn NICE!
By #354961 01,Sep,13 20:24
Agree! Who haven't yet ... just be nice and do it!
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Sep,13 21:55 other posts 
I will make it easy for everyone to vote;

By #201583 01,Sep,13 23:15
I already voted via the main page. It truly is a hot pic.

By #354961 01,Sep,13 16:06
American football? It's "corporate driven" rugby. Plain and simple.
Real sports? What about the skydiving... rocky-mountain climbing? Skiing? A? This is not the sport?

By #415959 01,Sep,13 17:10
Perhaps we should all re-visit the Roman Colosseum, and indulge ourselves in a sport where each episode ensued in a violent bloody death?

I am being facetious, of course...but all this I am better than "your" sport is ridiculous to me.
By #354961 01,Sep,13 17:34
Oh well ... so be it ... if you prefer that way.
Perhaps, Roman Colosseum have very little with the culture where I'm coming from.
Second part ... I agree with you.
... what about skydiving ... rocky-mountain climbing? There is no violen_c_e, no death. Same skiing. No b-l-o-o-d... just the snow, the skis and the speed.

Perhaps, Roman Colosseum have very little with the culture where I'm coming from.
By #201583 01,Sep,13 19:41
Try ice hockey. Very v-i-o-l-e-n-t and only one known death directly related to hockey in the US. If you want a v-i-o-l-e-n-t, adrenalin driven sport, try noodling in gator or crock infested waters.

By #57759 21,May,13 12:18
Real men like and played American football, not some sissy game like soccer, but hockey is cool
By gradurgaur [Ignore] 21,May,13 12:48 other posts 
Soccer is real man sport..nothing wrong with seeing 22 guys runing round kicking white ball round big field...and some-time we get to see some acident like popping willy or maybe some ass
By bella! [Ignore] 21,May,13 13:45 other posts 
I LOVE hockey! I know my friend gradurgaur is familiar with the sport because he pointed out that a native Icelander skated for the Detroit Red Wings. L_F, have you ever watched hockey? There's a little black puck, a hockey stick and you're on skates, it's definitely not a sport for those that do not have great hand/eye coordination, speed, stamina and strength. Damn! What sport ( boxing excluded ) are you able to fight? When the player(s) fall down on the ice then the referees step in and break it up. Hockey is an intense sport!
By #390248 01,Sep,13 15:46
Hockey is my secong favorite sport right behind the maligned American football. It is a brutal game when you consider how fast those guys are going sometimes when they "check" each other. Being a Flyers fan, I still remember watching Lindross' career get cut short after a few brutal checks in quick succession left his brain resembling scrambled eggs with ham chunks mixed in.
Yes, and real men wear helmets and lots of protective stuff so they don't get hurt, unlike proper football where shin pads are the only protective items worn. It's strange how in American football that the foot is rarely used.
Rugby, that's a man's game.

By bella! [Ignore] 19,May,13 08:10 other posts 
Ha! Isn't it funny, in one of his posts, mr7 says he goes to the pub to get pissed. Me, I get pissed if someone that cuts me off while driving.
By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 01,Sep,13 15:27 other posts 
Pissed means drunk in UK.

By #164428 19,May,13 01:50
Did you ever wonder why, when you walk, you swing the opposite arm from the leg that's going forward? Well, try this. Stand up and try walking swinging the same arm. It's pretty funny! You end up looking like an ape walking!
By bella! [Ignore] 19,May,13 07:52 other posts 
Yeah, I know, right! I've tried it and it doesn't make for a smooth gait and you end up looking like a prehistoric cave dweller.

By Odin_york_pa [Ignore] 31,May,13 14:57 other posts 
"One thousand" contains the letter A, but none of the words from one to nine hundred ninety-nine has an A. Now you know
By bella! [Ignore] 31,May,13 16:12 other posts 
Hmmm......... Now that's interesting!
By Odin_york_pa [Ignore] 01,Jun,13 10:16 other posts 
You're welcome
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Jun,13 23:59 other posts 
My bad, I didn't say thank you. Thank you, Odin_york_pa!
By #201583 31,May,13 17:35
Out of 190 of most spoken languages in the world, only two does not have an "a" in the spelling of their numbers 1 though 10, and that's English and Toda.
One hundred And one, one hundred And two.......

By bella! [Ignore] 30,Aug,13 10:20 other posts 
Seriously? Do MEN refer to their underwear as "undies", not boxers or briefs?
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 30,Aug,13 11:42 other posts 
If I wore them I would refer to them by the type (briefs,boxers,thong ect) But being that I am a Comando type I will be quiet! lol
By bella! [Ignore] 30,Aug,13 11:49 other posts 
Ray, that's what I admire about YOU, ya callz it as ya seez it! Just for a point of reference, what do you call the skimpy yellow number that you sport on your page?
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 30,Aug,13 11:52 other posts 
That is a thong
By #301038 30,Aug,13 13:19
It would depend on a guy. If he's got 4x6 packs from Walmart of the same type, then it's just an underwear. But if his underwear collection includes all sorts of different types, then he most likely will refer to them by type. Yes, I dates a guy with an underwear fetish. Deep inside he must have wanted to be a underwear model, that's how much he liked showing off his collection.
By bella! [Ignore] 31,Aug,13 03:50 other posts 
But the term"undies", it sounds so juvenile.......
By #354961 01,Sep,13 13:47
No, do not. Real man do not need additional fabric to be the man.

I've got big balls
I've got big balls
And they're such big balls
fancy big balls
And he's got big balls,
And she's got big balls,
But we've got the biggest balls of them all!
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Sep,13 14:00 other posts 
AC/DC! BTW, your balls are perfect!

By bella! [Ignore] 29,May,13 14:51 other posts 
Is it me or has anyone else noticed, bathing seems to be more prominent in European countries? I enjoy a bath every so often however a shower is quick and so refreshing. Would anyone agree with me that in the States, we seem to prefer the shower?
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 29,May,13 14:56 other posts 
I agree with you completly!
I would much rather shower than take a bath!
I dont feel clean when taking a bath, sitting in all that dirty water !! lol
By #316255 31,May,13 21:31
I'm a bather. I can't remember the last time I had a shower. If was probably when I still lived with my mum and dad in England. I have a lovely big triangular jetted tub. What's not to love
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Jun,13 10:35 other posts 
Baths are wonderful when you allow yourself the luxury of time. It's great to soak and exfoliate or if you live in a newer build, turn on the jets and relax......
By sweetslit [Ignore] 31,May,13 22:51 other posts 
I prefer showing to bathing… on the rare occasion that I take a bath (and it is usually just so I can drink a few glasses of wine in peace) I always shower right after.
By #360973 03,Jun,13 00:38
Were you making "a stinking Poms" joke, b! lol? I thought that was the responsibility of us Australians lol. Damned, stinking Poms (jokes - maybe )
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Jun,13 00:50 other posts 
Sorry, I have no idea what "poms" means.
By #360973 03,Jun,13 00:57
It's what we Australians call English people

Am eagerly awaiting Emm and good-guy's response
By #328554 04,Jun,13 07:30
Whoa, did I just see the words pom and stinking...?!? Now Bella let me explain, in oztralia the only baths they have are for the sheep and when LF says shower he actually means standing under the hole in the tin roof when it rains. Oh and do remember that in oz, culture is something that grows on old cheese
By #360973 04,Jun,13 08:26
Culture in the UK - the rest was pretty funny
By #328554 04,Jun,13 09:41
I'm only laughing because I think that's another one of the millions of things we Brits have shared with the World. But enough of this jovial stereotyping next we'll be suggesting that all Americans are geographically challenged, carry handguns and couldn't tell a merlot from a rioja and that the french are all garlic eating surrender monkeys...where does it end...!?
By #360973 04,Jun,13 10:50
Define culture, good...if it did exist there I think it may have died at about the same time Britain's music scene bit the dust (post punk / new wave - early/mid 80s - 30yrs ago)
By #328554 04,Jun,13 11:44
Culture, no lets not go there. Although I fear your CD collection is sadly lacking any new material... erm how about Blur, The Libertines, Franz Ferdinand, Joss Stone, Chemical Brothers, Florence & the Machine, Plan B, Artic Monkeys, Adele, Stone Roses, Radiohead, Goldfrapp, Mumford & Sons, Amy Winehouse, Oasis, all post 80's! The only two countries to still produce worldwide artists are the US and UK and let me think Oz has produced INXS, how long ago were they now...? and shall we say Men at Work...?
By Sickboy [Ignore] 04,Jun,13 15:09 other posts 
Couldn't find better words!...no honestly I can't!......bruv
By #360973 04,Jun,13 20:22
A load of over-produced pop/electronic crap! When Oasis get named in a music brag list.... Absolutely not one of my styles of music, but i'll give you Chemical Brothers (key in the death of decent music made my instruments and not a computer, but they were influential). Winehouse, yeah, decent voice, but not a musician. The rest: whiney British crap that couldn't wipe the ass of your blues/punk-rockers of yesteryear. Leatherface was your last decent band! Oasis...
--------------------------------------- added after 14 minutes

Damn it's fun having as big a smartass as me to f' around with in the forum
By #328554 05,Jun,13 01:57
The funniest thing is you'll notice Oasis were last on my list and that's because I couldn't remember their name Now I'm not saying they're my all my kind of music, I have a soft spot for Duran Duran So you picked my weak spot with music (I'll leave sickboy to pick up that gauntlet as he's much more musically literate with current bands than I), shall we move on to another cultural strand say art?

Not sure I've ever been described as a smartarse (well at least not in the last decade) but I'll take it as a compliment and agree that our verbal sparring and BS is all good fun and always taken in good spirit.
By Sickboy [Ignore] 05,Jun,13 08:00 other posts 
Well in the 80s for me it was, Ska music..The specials,Bad manners,maddness,Ub40 and the beat. Which is where my love of reggae comes from... i do like David Bowie, happy mondays, the prodigy. On dance/rave music, LTJ Bukem,Dj Rap,Dj Hype,Goldie. There are loads more.
Todays music... plan B, dizzy rascal, pro green, tinie tempah, Adele, emeli sandé and the missis says Ed sheeran
--------------------------------------- added after 7 hours

Black sabbeth!
By #360973 05,Jun,13 09:15
UB40 & The Prodigy. You've both mentioned the only 2 electronica groups i've ever liked (Chem Bros + Prodge), but that's my point - you guys became obsessed with electronica and it's preliminary stages a lot earlier than the rest of the world, and as soon as you did, your rock (all manifestations thereof) scene died in the arse (especially when compared to what it once was)
--------------------------------------- added after 17 hours

Do like the Specials too, but they were not all that "solid" (only had a few good songs). Yeah, Sabbath were seminal, but they were around in the 70s
By #328554 05,Jun,13 11:02
Ed Sheeran, oh sick Hang on so all this hinges on your love of rock LF? OMFG rock died 30 years ago with White Snake, Iron Maiden, no one, NO ONE listens to rock music anymore (other than the Germans and mid-America), ugh.

Okay now start slow with a little Coldplay and then move on to Suede or Radiohead, we'll soon wean you off that nasty rock music.

I'm a sucker for a lyric and so my current playlist consists of Lily Allen, Suede, Prince, Sigur Ros and Bowie, although next week it'll be completely different as it's sunny maybe disco inspired, oh I'm feeling a bit of Donna Summer coming on....
By Sickboy [Ignore] 05,Jun,13 15:12 other posts 
The missis made me!!
By #385990 05,Jun,13 02:32
did you say that we,in the UK,have no culture?
By #328554 05,Jun,13 11:06
Oh I know willy, almost impossible to take in isn't it!?!? He's a cheeky monkey that LF
By #360973 05,Jun,13 12:54
I was a little worried that you poms had lost all patriotic respect when none of you took my initial bait for more than 30hrs, obviously there are still some remnants still there though
By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 01,Sep,13 13:07 other posts 
We don't need to argue our case, history speaks for itself.
I'm English and I always shower, as do most people I know. The only people I know who don't are my nephews and niece, about they're just kids.
I can't speak for the rest of Europe though.

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