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Discussion Forum on Show It Off   [Drama Queens Fighting section]

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Started by bella! [Ignore] 02,Apr,13 18:51  other posts
I encourage and welcome you to say what you want to say about whatever you want to, right here. Anything/Everything goed, say something.......

WARNING: You, your views and/or opinions may be attacked.

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By #303133 17,Jul,13 11:37
So, in the end, the fucktards, douche-nozzles and thingamadudes get exactly what they wanted:
They sew discord and animosity, get everyone used to sniping and ranting, and by one...we turn on each other.
It is very sad to see people...who once enjoyed bantering and laughing with each each other's throats every day.
Way to go, guys. This is just how we always wanted the forum to look...
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Jul,13 18:10 other posts 
Will, I have been the brunt of LF's name calling and wild tirades for quite some time. In the forum, he has called me "mad", a raging lunatic, a lonely spinster and today I was referred to as a skidmark. I sent him a pm on July 8th and challenged him to find anything, anywhere, where I called him any name. To date, I have not received a response. Obviously, he prefers to communicate with me in the open rather than privately. He's never wrong so an apology is not even a consideration and he always has the last word. He once told me, it was not about having the last word, it was about bringing the matter to a rightful end. I have been patient but with the outburst today, I felt it was necessary to withdraw my verification of LF. After much thought, I thought it was best that my name be removed from his profile so it will not sully his reputation in any way.
By #360973 17,Jul,13 19:53
For fuck's sake, bella! - do you think everyone's stupid and incapable of reading. Everyone saw the fact that you started this...inviting the fucktards to rejoin it in your wake. Plausible deniability and playing innocent only goes so far!
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Jul,13 19:58 other posts 
I don't need any more reasons to ban you.
By #360973 17,Jul,13 20:22
Do whatever you want, bella! - but how is that a response to my previous message. Is it you now admitting that this is your pre-planned shitstorm; or, was it not planned and you're just so accustomed to being able to start fights with people here (friends and ex-friends included) without retaliation?
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Jul,13 20:59 other posts 
You had and have an opportunity to discuss this with me privately but you choose to be abrasive and name call publicly.

By Onetwo [Ignore] 17,Jul,13 15:22 other posts 
I need to get something off my mind!! I wish all the punk fuckers up here who are so quick to talk shit about people would just tring talking that crap to someone in real life . They would find out really quick what happens , probably be pic their teeth up on the ground . I vey humble dude and haven't figured out why people who don't know me what to say shit . It's best for them just to keep talking shit from behind a screen . Around my way I would be getting teeth pulled out of my hand
By #409634 17,Jul,13 15:50
Dont let it get to you sweetie. Brush the dirt off your shoulder, that's all they are really.
By Sickboy [Ignore] 17,Jul,13 16:28 other posts 
" dust my shoulder off!...don't take things to heart!.peeps are well gel!..

By #360973 15,Jul,13 22:21
I find it absolutely ridiculous that valued members like 2nice can be chased off the site, by pissant, abusive little plebs like BarelyManillow and Everready who add absolutely nothing to the site, but their moronic little jabs at people they feel threatened by. Something really needs to be done...!
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Jul,13 23:13 other posts 
Talk about people taking moronic jabs!
By #360973 16,Jul,13 00:40
Pfft, you don't stand for anything, do you bella?! - no credibility whatsoever. You ignore the shite by the fakes abusing your friend 2nice, but you take issue to this - must be eye-opening for those who still hold you in high regard
By #170523 16,Jul,13 19:14
Wow, so much for that being nice to women thing,...sheesh
By #358797 16,Jul,13 22:52
Lover is one of the nicest, sweetest guys on here. He has his reasons, trust me, he never bickers without good reason.
By bella! [Ignore] 16,Jul,13 23:12 other posts 
He has his reasons to bicker? Hmmm..... if you're as in the know as you think you are, then you're intelligent enough to know, you only know one side. Trust me.
By #358797 17,Jul,13 02:03
I'm well aware I only know parts of what's going on, and really it's none of my concern as it doesn't involve me, all I know is he wouldn't bicker if he didn't have his own reason.
By #360973 17,Jul,13 06:29
You are no better than these skidmark shell accounts, bella! - take your inferiority complex, find a partner and abuse them to death with your insatiable and irrational rage...rather than trying to do the same thing in internet forums. You might think your indirect comments make you look cute and witty, but they're just indirect comments for the purpose of plausible deniability and posteuring (because you think you have a positive reputation to protect). Spell it with me: p-a-t-h-e-t-i-c
--------------------------------------- added after 43 minutes

All arexa knows is what she's seen in the forum, bella! - irrational and unwarranted attacks from a crazed person and some pathetic shit-stains entertaining themself as they drink a case of bottom shelf draught beer. The childish drama on this site ISN'T what most people come here for; but keep spinning and venting rage from your crazy valve for the world to see, if you so wish - after all, it is clearly your strongest suit
By #358797 17,Jul,13 09:08
Precisely. Couldn't have said it better myself. It's rather irritating, honestly.
By #358797 17,Jul,13 09:26
Upon reading this comment again it has become apparent that I've overlooked the obvious smartass undertones. This comment was obviously on par with one from a moronic dickfart yesterday referring to spilled secrets. Rather redundant in my opinion.
By #412464 17,Jul,13 00:41
arexa, how many points, bribes, and gifts does it take to get your to switch sides?? Bought and paid for
By #358797 17,Jul,13 02:07
Bought and paid for? Hardly.
By #358797 17,Jul,13 06:33
And points, gifts and bribes? Ever considered that maybe I have a low tolerance for childish bullshit?
By #409634 17,Jul,13 10:47
Then why add your 2 cents? LF is a big boy he certainly knows how to dish it up. He doesn't need a wing man.
By #358797 17,Jul,13 11:04
Certainly not attempting to be a wing man. And I'm fully aware he is capable of taking care of this issue on his own. I just find it rather pathetic that little whiny bitches such as the turd above find it necessary to spew shit. And last I checked, I can throw my two cents in if I see fit. Not trying to be rude, just throwing that out there.
By #409634 17,Jul,13 11:17
That spilled secrets thing was a jab at me, since I made it known that LF cant keep his mouth shut to save his life.
By #358797 17,Jul,13 11:28
I wasn't aware that post was a jab at you. The post I'm referring to was from an obviously fake profile. So unless you were Ellipsis, my post was not directed at you.
By #358797 15,Jul,13 23:15
Agreed, Lover. Quite saddening.
By #409634 15,Jul,13 23:16
That was not why he left. He had other reasons. I wont disrespect his friendship and say why but it had nothing to do with this chat/forum keyboard gangster wars.
By #358797 15,Jul,13 23:21
That's understandable. Still upsetting to see a number where his name was, though. Glad to hear it wasn't the pathetic ignoramuses that caused his departure.

By bella! [Ignore] 16,Jul,13 20:02 other posts 
Nowadays everybody wanna talk like they got somethin' to say
But nothin' comes out when they move their lips
Just a bunch of gibberish.........

By #409634 13,Jul,13 23:36
Its funny that some little cowardly weasel had to come on my page and call me names and say I have no friends or life, yet by them commenting on my page and leaving shit messages; isn't that basically the same thing they accuse me of? Fuck you don't like me, I couldn't give a flying fladoodle, but at least have the nuts to do as yourself, and not be anonymous.
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Jul,13 23:52 other posts 
Amazing, isn't it? Those spineless, weasel-like, cowardly and anonymous members....... Makes 'em feel more powerful and masculine to insult a woman when they are able to do it anonymously. Way to go, no nuts!
By #360973 15,Jul,13 22:25
By bigguy [Ignore] 16,Jul,13 17:56 other posts 
It's not just you girls that get it some a_ _hole posted on my page under anonymous saying rude things about my chicken.
By Sickboy [Ignore] 16,Jul,13 18:14 other posts 
They are what we call ...Muggy Cunts, here! know that you are loved Fairygirl
--------------------------------------- added after 73 seconds

Sorry for the bad language!
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Fuck me I'm getting polite

By #409634 16,Jul,13 00:24
Real funny to whoever is the nutless wonder that took 2nice's name. : How dare you.
By #360973 16,Jul,13 00:43
Seconded! Pathetic!
By #68656 16,Jul,13 06:37
While I will not enter into debate, politics or speculation as to his choice to close his account I will say his departure is a loss to this website and I wish him well in his future endeavours.
This is the account mentioned above bearing his name, it is a new account and highly likely fake.
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 16,Jul,13 07:05 other posts 
WHAT A LOOSER Some people need to get a life!!

By #358797 10,Jul,13 23:04
I hope this doesn't only happen to me! Has anyone else been out shopping, went to take a tinkle and had the toilet flush surprisingly, literally scaring the remainder of piss out of you? Happened earlier today at Walmart. It's bad enough that public potties already scare me. After I pretty much transform the seat into a bird nest with toilet paper and finally work up the courage to go, that almost always happens. So irritating.
By #164428 10,Jul,13 23:53
That happened to me, too! Yikes! :O And I loved when you said "take a tinkle". I hadn't heard that in awhile. I love that phrase!
By #358797 11,Jul,13 13:23
Thank goodness it's not only me. Glad I used that phrase, then. I usually have the mouth of a sailor. Lol.
By #261704 11,Jul,13 01:45
Stupid walmart
By #201583 11,Jul,13 10:48
DAMN AUTO-FLUSHERS. Where I work they would leave floaters every day, and in multiple toilets. We installed AUTO-FLUSHERS thinking that are problems were solved. The very next day guess what we had found? FLOATERS. They wrap the sensor with toilet tissue, do their business, and simply walk away. DAMN PIGS! They have gone as far as stringing up a piece of paper across the stall, clog the toilet, and then open the window. With every breeze the paper would trip the sensor and the toilet would overflow. DAMN AUTO-FLUSHERS.
By #358797 11,Jul,13 13:32
That's a pretty elaborate plan, there. Damn hoodlums.
By #201583 14,Jul,13 18:04
That's nothing. One time I got a call on the walkie to check the restroom. Some yahoo locked the stall door and crawled out, leaving the door locked. However, leaving smeared fecal matter all of the way around the base of the stall. These instances are just a few examples of what goes on in a K-3 restroom. It's amazing what a k-I-d that can't read can accomplish.
By #358797 11,Jul,13 13:29
I know, right. The ones at Target are worse though (around here, anyways). Damn things flush so forcefully you'd think it was trying to suck off your asshole. No joke. I can only imagine what it'd be like to be a man trying to use one of those. Scary thought.
By #409634 11,Jul,13 13:34
I got a mental picture of some yahoo at Target sticking his twiddle stick in the toilet and letting it flush.
By #358797 11,Jul,13 13:56
Lmao. Stretching it all out and damn near yanking it off. That'd be one hell of a surprise while trying to drop logs.
By #409634 12,Jul,13 10:09
By #360973 15,Jul,13 22:24
Damn, you two would make the most classic, all-female comedy duo of all time
By #358797 15,Jul,13 23:16
By #360973 13,Jul,13 08:17
Yeah, not a fan of public toilets in general, no germaphobe, but I don't want another man's piss on my ass cheeks lol. Also don't understand how you Americans can handle having the water so high in your toilet bowls (splashage, inadvertently sticking your hand in the toilet water (when your wasted, hungover,...or just a tourist from Australia who is just used to the water in a toilet only covering the narrow part leading to the drainpipes right at the bottom of a toilet bowl) the water escapes down the toilet in the wrong direction in the Northern Hemisphere
By #358797 13,Jul,13 21:54
Yeah, I never understood the water level. I have some guy friends that constantly bitch about their dicks dipping in the water. If I had a dick and that happened, I'd bleach it and scrub it raw. Ew. I always hated it when my ex would leave the seat up in the middle of the night and I'd wake up and try to go piss only to sit and get my ass covered in water and almost fall on my face. Thank god I don't gotta deal with that shit anymore. And I've heard the water went the other way in other parts of the world. I never knew if it was true or not though.
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Jul,13 22:26 other posts 
The local morning news reported that the water found in toilets is often cleaner ( less bacteria ) than the ice found in our beverages when we order a drink/soft drink. Why? Because the automatic ice making machines are not regularly cleaned. Think about that!
By #408904 15,Jul,13 15:08
Omg so funny! I **** that.
By #358797 15,Jul,13 16:35
Lol. Most annoying shit in the world. I swear it.

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